Help setting up permissions

I don't know where else to put this, so here goes.
Here's the situation... we have a lab of Macs that are going to be used with iMovie '09. Students will be logging in using network accounts but obviously the video can't be captured to their network home directories. Instead it will go to a local partition called "Storage."
I had to create the /Volumes/Storage/iMovie Events.localized and give the student's group write access to it, otherwise iMovie would return a permissions error when you try to capture video (it didn't have permission to create a new event folder.)
The problem now is that each student can see and use the other student's work. This can be fixed by adjusting the permissions on the student's event folder so the only the student (and the teacher group) have read access, but this has to be done after the fact.
I would like to know how to automate this? The standard UNIX method would be to adjust the umask to 027 (which I would like to do anyway) but I understand from Apple's KB articles that messing with umask is generally a no-no in OS X.
How would we do this with ACLs? Please keep in mind that we're talking about assigning ACLs on a local disc (even though we're a network environment with OS X Server etc.)
All of this jumping through hoops would not be needed if Apple would let us specify where we wanted to save files like in pre-'08 versions.... grumble

The third line of the script locks out all but the owner of the folder. Unless you login as the 'root' user or apply an ACL to the top level of the folder your teacher group won't have access to it. You might want to modify it:
mkdir /Volumes/Storage/iMovie\ Events.localized/$1
chown -R $1:teacher /Volumes/Storage/iMovie\ Events.localized/$1
chmod 770 /Volumes/Storage/iMovie\ Events.localized/$1
Also, have you seen this thread:
regarding the problem with folder redirection of iMovie '09 when using network home directories not working?

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    If you're interested in more suggestions, here's mine. The disk image idea will work, but it makes backup more complicated. Create a new folder in some existing public folder such as /Users/Shared to hold the projects. Decide whether you want to allow read/write access to all users, or just to some. If only some, create a new group in the Accounts preference pane and add the users to it.
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    If you are protecting any of the system state/BMR protection. Can you stop protection by deleting the older recovery points and then recreate the protection group.
    This thread mentions this to be a hardware issue, albeit with less information on what exact hardware issue:
    Regards, Trinadh [MSFT] This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. If you found the reply helpful, please MARK IT AS ANSWER. Looking for source of information for DPM?

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    In Portal there are Pre-Configured Roles available for Administrator and End Users:
    Check this for more detailed information:
    [Pre-configured Roles|]
    (Administration Roles & Every User Roles)
    Karthick Eswaran
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    Hi everybody!
    I hope you are still following this post in hope to find a solution. Today you will be rewarded. Solution was plain simple as all things Apple. It was on the surface and I was searching in the deep and obviusly failed.
    So lets get to work. You know that SLS comes with SquirrelMail which is piece of crap. Every time you click on mail link in Wiki Server it will take you to SquirrelMail login screen. This screen is login.php file.
    So in order to redirect Wiki Mail to any URL of your choice you just need to edit or substitute login.php file which is located in /usr/share/squirrelmail/ like this
    /* Redirect browser */
    header("Location: http://your_preffered_url/");

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    Creating temporary config files in Program Files is not very good practice. I would do it in the public user folder.
    How are you setting the parameters?
    Did you use the following?
    Excerpt from the link above:
    You can use permissions to change only write permissions for users (bit 7); the operating system ignores all other changes to the bits.
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    ForEach($f in (Get-MailboxFolderStatistics
    [email protected] | Where { $_.FolderPath.Contains("/") -eq $True } ) )
    $fname = "[email protected]:" + $f.FolderPath.Replace("/","\"); Add-MailboxFolderPermission $fname -User
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    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000
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    First of all, why don't you just give permissions on the mailbox level instead?
    If Office 365, the
    Get-MailboxFolder cmdlet only works for you own mailbox. So you have to use the  Get-MailboxFolderStatistics as shown in the example. You will need to adjust this to give permissions to the Root folder and its best to actually exclude some of the
    The example below should work, note that there is practically no error handling there, so test it first. Also, if the access entry already exists, you will get error messages.
    $mailbox = "[email protected]"
    $folders = Get-MailboxFolderStatistics $mailbox | ? {$_.FolderType -ne “Root” -and $_.FolderType -ne “Recoverableitemsroot” -and $_.FolderType -ne “Audits” -and $_.FolderType -ne “CalendarLogging” -and $_.FolderType -ne “RecoverableItemsDeletions” -and $_.FolderType -ne “RecoverableItemspurges” -and $_.FolderType -ne “RecoverableItemsversions”}
    Add-MailboxFolderPermission $mailbox -User [email protected] -AccessRights Reviewer #root permissions
    foreach ($folder in $folders) {
    $FolderPath = $folder.FolderPath.Replace("/","\").Replace([char]63743,"/") #with PowerShell v3 'fix'
    $MailboxFolder = "$mailbox`:$FolderPath"
    Add-MailboxFolderPermission "$MailboxFolder" -User [email protected] -AccessRights Reviewer

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    Any devices connected to the same icloud account can sync all the data on that account.  For this reason an icloud account is really for a single user.
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    As Templeton Peck says, the proper way is to use the repartitioning facility, but this will result in loss of data.
    However, SubRosaSoft do make a utility, Volume Works ($10), that will do this resizing on the fly. A complete back up would be prudent in either case.

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    Free Find My iPhone
    Free Find My iPad
    Free Find My iPod touch
    Set up Find My iPhone for free so you can locate your device if you lose it, remotely lock the screen, or wipe its data. You can also find your iPad or iPod touch.Set up Find My iPad for free so you can locate your device if you lose it, remotely lock the screen, or wipe its data. You can also find your iPhone or iPod touch.Set up Find My iPod touch for free so you can locate your device if you lose it, remotely lock the screen, or wipe its data. You can also find your iPhone or iPad. _Learn More_
    _Set up Find My iPhone_
    _Not Now_ _Set up Find My iPad_
    _Set up Find My iPod touch_
    Find My iPhone (or iPad or iPod touch) enables you to locate your iPad with Wi-Fi or iPod touch only when it is on and connected to a registered Wi-Fi network. Find My iPhone is not available in all countries. "
    The first three lines and the first paragraph are indented as if there should be some type of graphic there, but it is missing. The underlined words indicate that they are supposed to be links, but they don't go anywhere, they are broken!
    Now wheenever I connect my iPod Touch and select it the above window comes up and nomatter what I try it will not move or change.
    Please help!

    Try setting up the device in a new user account. or visit and verify your device is registered

  • Need Help Setting Up a new Network ..

    Newbie question, I am attempting to setup a small home network, where I want three WLANS
    I want to set up different policies for these three networks. 
    I want the Kids to be able to access the Media server and other network devices, but limit the internet access. I want guest network to not be able to see the other two networks. 
    I have an ISA550 Firewall a 2504 Wireless Controller and a SG300-28P Switch. 
    I did manage to setup the Vlans on the ISA550 - Default as 192.168.75.x , Guest as 192.168.25.x and Kids as 192.168.35.x 
    From here on - I would need some help setting it up the right way, Please help. 

    rmunoz274 wrote:
    I had to call Verizon and spend an hour on the phone, my Versalink is about 3 years old and I never updated it. There is a software update which makes it a little more mac friendly. Cables still run through it on the Ethernet port. I was able to turn the wireless feature off on the Versalink (to stop my neighbors and kids from bypassing the APE and just factory reset the APE and set it up with a shared IP adrs instead of bridging it. Also made sure I turned off the guest network on the APE. Once it was set up I clicked on Airport in the Airport Utility then wireless Clinets, jotted down the client I wanted to restrict access to (Kid's Laptop) then go back to Airport screen, last option on right Access then MAC Adrs Access Control change to "Timed Access", then click the + on the bottom of the window, type the MAC adrs you want to restrict and set time limits, when complete click done..... Only took me a week and a half to figure it out...... Good luck, if that doesn't help let me know, but I'm no expert...
    i think i have the most recent 327w update, because it now shows my modem screen in a red color and it is broken into 3 sections across the screen.
    as far as the AEBS is concerned, you did not use it in bridge mode at all?
    i thought you had to connect 1 cable from it to the 327w? I have about 5 items i will be connecting, so i will probably run any wired from the AESB, but not sure yet?
    thanks, and yaeh last time my network took me a bit of time as well!!
    what kind of encryption are you running?

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    blondeinneed wrote:
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    I think the best way for someone to volunteer to help you would be for them to send you a Private Message (PM) here on the forums. You should see a small envelope in the upper right corner of the screen, when it changes color you will know you have a PM to view.
    I would be happy to help, but since I am in North Texas I don't think that is a viable option Sorry....
    FiOS TV, Internet, and phone user
    QIP7232, QIP7100-P2, IMG 1.9A
    Keller, TX 76248

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    It's a lofty but unrealistic goal.  Rsync does not run automatically.  There is no realistic method of instantaneously synching two computers over the internet or even on a LAN.
    I would suggest you might try using Synk Pro which, in theory, can keep two devices in sync when they are both on the same network (and both have shared and mounted drives.)
    If you must do this with rsync then I suggest a Google search for rsync tutorials.

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