Hi, I uninstalled my acrobat and now can't re-install

I was going to re-install but the option isn't there, it says it's still installed. How can I get it back??Please help

Hi Mary,
It seems you are trying to install it from the Creative Cloud App.
Please try the solution 2 and 3 mentioned in the KB : CC desktop lists applications as "Up to Date" when not installed

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    OC A+D

    OC A+D please begin by using the uninstaller located in the Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers folder.  Once that is done you can then use the CS Cleaner tool to verify complete removal.  Please see CS Cleaner Tool for installation problems | CCM, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3 - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs5-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html for additional details.
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    Do two things:
    On Mac OS X make sure you ran the Adobe Acrobat XI Pro uninstaller from Application > Utilities > Adobe Installers. On Windows uninstall using the Control Panel.
    Download and run the Adobe Cleaner Tool to remove any traces of Acrobat http://www.adobe.com/support/contact/cscleanertool.html.
    You should now be able to install from the Adobe Application Manager (AAM).
    For Acrobat, the blank EULA screen is a known issue:
    Fix described here: http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/known-issues-acrobat-xi-reader.html (see Blank EULA screen)
    "Blank EULA screen. Problem: Mac OS only. On launch, a blank EULA screen appears, which cannot be accepted, and Acrobat does not run. This problem can appear if you have any products installed from CCM or from Creative Suite, and you tried installing Acrobat XI from a different source.
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    Hello chrisd52733482,
    Could you please let me know what version of OS are you using.
    Also, tell me what exact error do you face when you try running Acrobat.
    Please ensure that you are logged in as administrator and anti-virus is disabled on your machine.
    Hope to hear from you.

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    Hello bajura007,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with installing the latest iTunes update.  I recommend following the steps below:
    Follow these steps to resolve the issue:
    Check for .dll files
    Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes and C:\Program Files\iTunes and look for .dll files.
    If you find QTMovie.DLL, or any other .dll files, move them to the desktop.
    Reboot your computer.
    Note: Depending on your operating system, you may only have one of the listed paths.
    Uninstall and reinstall iTunes
    Uninstall iTunes and all of its related components.
    Reboot your computer. If you can't uninstall a piece of Apple software, try using the Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Utility.
    Re-download and reinstall iTunes 11.1.4.
    When you get to the step to uninstall iTunes, it is important to uninstall iTunes and the related components in the order listed in the link for that step.
    You can find the full article here:
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    You need to UNinstall Photoshop again, look for, download and run the Adobe CS Cleaner Tool, Repair Permissions with Apple's Disk Utility, install Photoshop from scratch again, apply any and all available Photoshop updates, and ONCE AGAIN Repair Permissions with Apple's Disk Utility—in that precise order.

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    It sounds as if you are using  the Lightroom 5 version from the creative cloud, and you don't have a subscription. The Lightroom behavior you are describing is what happens when you don't have an active creative cloud subscription. Upgrading catalogs from Lightroom 4 to Lightroom 5 does not do anything to the original catalog if you can find and start Lightroom 4, you should be able to start right where you left off. But any new files that you imported into Lightroom 5 will not be there. They will be on your hard drive and you can import them again. But you are going back to a catalog that was used up until you installed Lightroom 5. Hopefully, you didn't uninstall Lightroom 4.

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