Hide Intelligence iServer main toolbar for BQY documents

I want to hide the main toolbar that appears for BQY docs when browsed in the Foundation using the Intelligence iServer tool. We just want to save screen space because our user does not need the features there. <BR><BR>This toolbar contains a section selection dropdown, and various other buttons for things like 'Export to PDF'.<BR><BR>Any way to disable/hide this?<BR><BR>Thanks, Bill.

Your template contains an IE Conditional Comment that is adding 30px of top padding to  #sidebar1.  This padding may required in older versions of IE but not IE9.
&lt;!--[if IE]>
&lt;style type="text/css">
/* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional comment */
.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
.twoColFixRtHdr #mainContent { zoom: 1; }
/* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout it needs to avoid several bugs */
To fix it, change [if IE]  to [if lt IE 9]
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

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    Try the Reader forum. I have no clue.

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    No no, if you read what I said, it would be that each individual display would be customizable to the user. The way you have it, it sounds like your second display will be dedicated to scrolling through fullscreen apps not allowing you to do it on the home screen. This is silly because with my concept, you could do that, by dragging apps to fullscreen in your second display, but if you want you could tell another display to scroll through fullscreen apps (independently) if you wanted. Each display will have it's own mission control with it's own set of desktops. I also can see how some people would still want them linked together, so this could just be a little check box made in mission control prefs to "link" or "unlink" desktops with link checked by default.
    With your solution you're limited to your setup. but what if the person has three or four displays? Well then your solution would limit them to one dedicated display that scrolls through fullscreen apps where mine lets a person customize their desktops depending on their preference and setup.
    further example: if you have safari, address book and mail in one display, you could still have ichat, PS and Illustrator in your second, and a text editor, FTP Client and iTunes in your third. Then you would mix and match these apps but it would promote the use of mulitple displays as well as benefit people with three or more, which thunderbolt, Cinema Display and Pro computers support.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Try the Reader forum. I have no clue.

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    Hi Laura,
    We can change the URLs displayed when clicking in "Help" button from the Main Toolbar.
    In System Properties please mention the URLs to which you want these links to point:
    Documentation - system.help.url.buyside
    E-Learning - system.link.community_url
    Community - system.link.elearning_url
    Guides - system.link.guides_url
    Also you can customize the display names of these by changing the Localized Resource values for below
    Hope this helps!!!

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    Says that right on the download page at AMO!
    '''NOTE: Users of Firefox 29 and above must install "The Addon Bar" extension to use this, as Firesizer uses the add-on bar that has been removed in Firefox 29.'''

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    I have some knowledge about this Intelligence iServer, which I would like to share with you.
    In Version 8(HPSu 8.5), Hyperion has 5 servers, which we need to install-
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    Hyperion Intelligence iserver
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    Hyperion Intelligence iserver supports the user to access the BQY in ihtml client. It helps user to perform some feature (like drill down-drill up) in html view.
    Later Hyperion Came with System 9 and integrated the entire server into a single bundle (internally I don't know what happened).
    This EPM 111.1.1 is Hyperion System 9.5 only.
    I would like to advice you to log this case to Oracle support (metalink3) and ask more information about this.
    It may be that, EPM 11 doesn't support Web Client in Macintosh environment
    Thanks & Regards,
    Mohit Jain

  • Different View for same document library on a Wiki Page

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    string viewString = @"<View Name='{0}' MobileView='TRUE' Type='HTML' Url='/SitePages/Home.aspx' Level='1' BaseViewID='1' ContentTypeID='0x' ImageUrl='/_layouts/15/images/dlicon.png?rev=23' >
    <Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='KeyDocument'/><Value Type='Boolean'>1</Value></Eq></Where></Query>
    <ViewFields><FieldRef Name='FileLeafRef'/><FieldRef Name='DocumentOwner'/><FieldRef Name='Modified'/>
    <FieldRef Name='_UIVersionString'/><FieldRef Name='Editor'/></ViewFields>
    <RowLimit Paged='TRUE'>30</RowLimit><JSLink>clienttemplates.js</JSLink><XslLink Default='TRUE'>main.xsl</XslLink>
    <Toolbar Type='Standard'/></View>";
    WebPartDefinition wpd = wpfound.FirstOrDefault();
    string formattedstring = String.Format(viewString, wpd.Id);
    wpd.WebPart.Properties["XmlDefinition"] = formattedstring;
    I created two views (viewString) as shown above.
    The above code did not throw error, but it did not update the web part.
    Please advise how to move forward.

    Hi Samir,
    When we click outside of the list view webpart on a webpart page (or allitems.aspx page) with containing multiple webparts, the list view webpart will lose the focus, and the selected items will be deselected, this is by design.
    You can look at the following article with using the approach/workaround of Javascript to prevent the specified list view webpart from losing focus.
    //Set focus on our list web part
    var webPart = document.getElementById('WebPartWPQ1');
    WpClick({target: webPart});
    //Prevent it from losing focus
    SP.Ribbon.WebPartComponent.$3_1.deselectWebPartAndZone = function() { };
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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    I used this and it worked:
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    function startF (e:MouseEvent):void{
    On the next layer I used this and it worked too:
    back_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClick);
    function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
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    Thanks for the response. It didn't work, but it did lead me to the ide.properties file in the same directory. I unzipped another copy of JDeveloper, took all the MainWindow.Toolbar.count and MainWindow.Toolbar.item* entries (there are 30 total entries) from that copy's ide.properties file, and pasted them into my copy of ide.properties. The icons reappeared and they seem to be working just fine. Will post back here if there are any problems. I do thank you for the post because, without it, I would have spent quite a while reinstalling and reconfiguring JDev.

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    Can we see the quick access tool bar when the ribbon is hidden? 

    By default, Auto-hide Ribbon causes the tabs, ribbons and quick access toolbar to completely disappear, giving you the maximum amount of space to edit documents.
    If you want to show the Quick Access Toolbar, we can just select Show Tabs which
    shows only tabs, along with the quick access toolbar, but without their associated ribbon commands.
    Best Regards,
    Steve Fan
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

  • Inaccessible Main Toolbar in JDev 903

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    Nothing I try seems to fix this problem. Dragging, resizing, new layouts etc. Not even a re-install.
    Anyone else getting this?

    [more info]
    I believe the two updates I installed to cause this problem were as follows :-
    Q329115: Security Update (Windows XP) Automatic update
    Q328970: November, 2002 Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer 6
    Time to talk to Oracle Support ...

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    I have not maintained any TTE settings in CRM. Are TTE settings required at all in this scenario? If so could you inform what needs to be done.?
    We are on CRM 5.0 and R/3 4.7.
    Thanks and regards

    Hi Bhaskaran,
    In CRM according to the taxes there r two ways of calculation,
    in ur scenario u r using the R3 billing so it according to downloading of condition types and cond records it will shows the taxes in the invoice
    if u r maining u need to call the TTE
    i hope u r with indian client if follow in backend
    check these settings in R3
    TAXINN (India):
    Following are the condition types:
    Define New Condition Type
    IMG > Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions > Pricing > Pricing Control > Define Condition Types > Maintain Condition Types (V/06)
    T.Code - Details of Condition Types
    V/06 – JIVP copy of JLST (A/R VAT Payable) & change condition category to ‘D’ & Access Sequence ‘MWST’
    V/06 – JIVC copy of JLST (A/R CST Payable VAT) & change condition category to ‘D’ & Access Sequence ‘MWST’
    OBQ1 - JIVP copy of JLST (A/R VAT Payable)
    OBQ1 - JIVC copy of JLST (A/R CST Payable VAT)
    Define Account Key JN6,JN7 & JN8 (T.Code: OBCN & also in SD)
    IMG> Financial Accounting> Taxes on Sales and Purchases> Basic Setting> Check & change setting for Tax Processing (OBCN)
    IMG> Sales & Distribution> Basic Function> Account Assignment / Costing> Revenue Account Determination> Define & assign Account Keys> Define Account Keys.
    and check the proper condition records r downloaded or not check middleware settings for that.
    If u r doing CRM billing i am not sure of indian client, as i know u need to do maintain the Pricing procedure in CRM also and u have to call the TTE

  • Mass Change for Parked documents in FBL1N

    Hi Friends,
    Please help me on the following client requirement...
    When the user wants to do the mass change (eg..payment block remove) for parked documents in FBL1N transaction, he is getting the error "Unable to change every document".
    System Response
    The items from the documents not changed are marked in red.
    You can display a change error log for each of these items (function in application toolbar). In the individual document change procedure you can check which fields are changeable and change the documents individually if necessary.
    Kindly respond.
    Best regards...

    The error message is self explanatory.
    You are trying to change fields which are not changeable. You view the change error log. Rectify the errors and try again.
    Else you can try FBV2 to view list of documents and change individually.

Maybe you are looking for

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