Hierarchical + Analytical query for organizational unit parameters

Hello gurus,
I try for a couples of hour ago to make a query work as I would like.
Our application need to store some parameters for our organization units. These organization units are typically organized in in an hierarchy manner: one top unit with many level of child units. The parameters are stored into another table with 1:1 relationship.
For sake of visualisation, here is the data for the organization unit and parameter table in a more visual format:
SQL> select * from organization_unit;
00000      Top level
10         L2 unit #10          00000
10-01      L3 unit #10-01       10
10-02      L3 unit #10-02       10
20         L2 unit #20          00000
20-01      L3 unit #20-01       20
20-02      L3 unit #20-02       20
SQL>  select * from org_unit_parameters;
UNIT_CODE  PARAM1               PARAM2               PARAM3               PARAM4
00000      Default value        Default value        Default value        {null}
10         {null}               Value from 10        Value from 10        {null}
10-01      {null}               {null}               Value from 10-01     {null}
10-02      {null}               {null}               {null}               Value from 10-02
20         Value from 20        Value from 20        Value from 20        {null}
20-01      {null}               Value from 20-01     {null}               {null}
20-02      {null}               Value from 20-02     {null}               {null}The application will query the parameter table to get a parameter value for a given unit.
The parameter resolution algorithm is rather simple: when querying a unit, the applicable parameter is the one defined at the requested level. If the parameter is not defined (null) at the requested level, the parameter value that must be returned is the next defined one in the parent hierarchy. In some rare cases, it can be null if a parameter is not defined anywhere from the requested level to top.
I've made a query that seems to work when querying for one unit at a time. It use hierarchical operators (start with + connect by) with a bit of analytical functions. Here is a test & raw output example:
SQL> WITH hierarchy
  2  AS
  3  (
  4    SELECT ou.unit_code,
  5         LEVEL            AS lvl
  6    FROM   organization_unit ou
  8      ou.unit_code = '20-01'
10      ou.unit_code = PRIOR ou.parent_unit_code
11  )
12  SELECT h.*,
13       p.param1                                                        AS param1_raw,
14       LAST_VALUE (p.param1 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param1_with_last,
15       FIRST_VALUE(p.param1 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl ASC)    AS param1_with_first,
16       p.param2                                                        AS param2_raw,
17       LAST_VALUE (p.param2 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param2_with_last,
18       FIRST_VALUE(p.param2 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl ASC)    AS param2_with_first,
19       p.param3                                                        AS param3_raw,
20       LAST_VALUE (p.param3 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param3_with_last,
21       FIRST_VALUE(p.param3 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl ASC)    AS param3_with_first,
22       p.param4                                                        AS param4_raw,
23       LAST_VALUE (p.param4 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param4_with_last,
24       FIRST_VALUE(p.param4 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl ASC)    AS param4_with_first
25  FROM   hierarchy                                h
26         LEFT JOIN org_unit_parameters         p
27         ON h.unit_code = p.unit_code
28  ORDER BY h.lvl DESC;
00000         3 Default value        Default value        Value from 20        Default value        Default value        Value from 20-01     Default value        Default value        Value from 20        {null}               {null}               {null}
20            2 Value from 20        Value from 20        Value from 20        Value from 20        Value from 20        Value from 20-01     Value from 20        Value from 20        Value from 20        {null}               {null}               {null}
20-01         1 {null}               Value from 20        {null}               Value from 20-01     Value from 20-01     Value from 20-01     {null}               Value from 20        {null}               {null}               {null}               {null}Seems pretty good, the upper parameters are well «propagated» down with LAST_VALUE function. But, I don't understand why the use of FIRST_VALUE and oppposite ordering doesn't give the same result. A little more playing with the last query for getting the final result for a given unit code:
  2  FROM
  3  (
  4     WITH hierarchy
  5     AS
  6     (
  7        SELECT ou.unit_code,
  8               LEVEL            AS lvl
  9        FROM   organization_unit ou
10        START WITH
11           ou.unit_code = '20-01'
12        CONNECT BY
13           ou.unit_code = PRIOR ou.parent_unit_code
14     )
15     SELECT h.*,
16            LAST_VALUE (p.param1 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param1,
17            LAST_VALUE (p.param2 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param2,
18            LAST_VALUE (p.param3 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param3,
19            LAST_VALUE (p.param4 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param4
20     FROM   hierarchy                                h
21               LEFT JOIN org_unit_parameters         p
22               ON h.unit_code = p.unit_code
23     ORDER BY h.lvl
24  )
UNIT_CODE   LVL PARAM1               PARAM2               PARAM3               PARAM4
20-01         1 Value from 20        Value from 20-01     Value from 20        {null}Works well!
But, my ultimate goal is to create a view that resolve correctly all these parameters for each level of the organization with proper propagation rather then querying for each unit at a time. I played a bit, but without success. :( My current raw query is this one:
SQL> WITH hierarchy
  2  AS
  3  (
  4     SELECT ou.unit_code,
  5            LPAD(' ',2*(LEVEL-1)) || ou.unit_code    AS tree,
  6            LEVEL                                    AS lvl
  7     FROM   organization_unit ou
  8     START WITH
  9        parent_unit_code IS NULL
11        PRIOR unit_code =  parent_unit_code
12  )
13  SELECT h.*,
14         p.param1                                                        AS param1_raw,
15         LAST_VALUE (p.param1 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param1_with_last,
16         FIRST_VALUE(p.param1 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl ASC)    AS param1_with_first,
17         p.param2                                                        AS param2_raw,
18         LAST_VALUE (p.param2 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param2_with_last,
19         FIRST_VALUE(p.param2 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl ASC)    AS param2_with_first,
20         p.param3                                                        AS param3_raw,
21         LAST_VALUE (p.param3 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param3_with_last,
22         FIRST_VALUE(p.param3 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl ASC)    AS param3_with_first,
23         p.param4                                                        AS param4_raw,
24         LAST_VALUE (p.param4 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl DESC)   AS param4_with_last,
25         FIRST_VALUE(p.param4 IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY h.lvl ASC)    AS param4_with_first
26  FROM   hierarchy                          h
27            LEFT JOIN org_unit_parameters   p
28            ON h.unit_code = p.unit_code
29  ORDER BY h.unit_code;
UNIT_CODE  TREE        LVL PARAM1_RAW                PARAM1_WITH_LAST          PARAM1_WITH_FIRST      PARAM2_RAW                   PARAM2_WITH_LAST          PARAM2_WITH_FIRST         PARAM3_RAW                PARAM3_WITH_LAST          PARAM3_WITH_FIRST         PARAM4_RAW                PARAM4_WITH_LAST       PARAM4_WITH_FIRST
00000      00000         1 Default value             Default value             Default value          Default value                Default value             Default value             Default value             Default value             Default value             {null}                    Value from 10-02       {null}
10           10          2 {null}                    Value from 20             Default value          Value from 10                Value from 10             Default value             Value from 10             Value from 10             Default value             {null}                    Value from 10-02       {null}
10-01          10-01     3 {null}                    {null}                    Default value          {null}                       Value from 20-02          Default value             Value from 10-01          Value from 10-01          Default value             {null}                    Value from 10-02       Value from 10-02
10-02          10-02     3 {null}                    {null}                    Default value          {null}                       Value from 20-02          Default value             {null}                    Value from 10-01          Default value             Value from 10-02          Value from 10-02       Value from 10-02
20           20          2 Value from 20             Value from 20             Default value          Value from 20                Value from 10             Default value             Value from 20             Value from 10             Default value             {null}                    Value from 10-02       {null}
20-01          20-01     3 {null}                    {null}                    Default value          Value from 20-01             Value from 20-02          Default value             {null}                    Value from 10-01          Default value             {null}                    Value from 10-02       Value from 10-02
20-02          20-02     3 {null}                    {null}                    Default value          Value from 20-02             Value from 20-02          Default value             {null}                    Value from 10-01          Default value             {null}                    Value from 10-02       Value from 10-02As you can see, it's not as I expected. I know there's something to do with a PARTITION BY clause, but don't know how.
Is anyone knows how to solve my problem?
For reproductibility purposes, here is the code to create sturcture and data:
Here is the format of my tables and some samble data:
CREATE TABLE organization_unit (
   unit_code         VARCHAR2(5 CHAR)   NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   unit_name         VARCHAR2(100 CHAR) NOT NULL,
   parent_unit_code  VARCHAR2(5 CHAR)  
CREATE TABLE org_unit_parameters (
   unit_code         VARCHAR2(5 CHAR)   NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   param1            VARCHAR2(100 CHAR),
   param2            VARCHAR2(100 CHAR),
   param3            VARCHAR2(100 CHAR),
   param4            VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)
-- Inserting data
INSERT INTO organization_unit (unit_code, unit_name, parent_unit_code)
VALUES ('00000', 'Top level', NULL);
INSERT INTO organization_unit (unit_code, unit_name, parent_unit_code)
VALUES ('10', 'L2 unit #10', '00000');
INSERT INTO organization_unit (unit_code, unit_name, parent_unit_code)
VALUES ('10-01', 'L3 unit #10-01', '10');
INSERT INTO organization_unit (unit_code, unit_name, parent_unit_code)
VALUES ('10-02', 'L3 unit #10-02', '10');
INSERT INTO organization_unit (unit_code, unit_name, parent_unit_code)
VALUES ('20', 'L2 unit #20', '00000');
INSERT INTO organization_unit (unit_code, unit_name, parent_unit_code)
VALUES ('20-01', 'L3 unit #20-01', '20');
INSERT INTO organization_unit (unit_code, unit_name, parent_unit_code)
VALUES ('20-02', 'L3 unit #20-02', '20');
INSERT INTO ORG_UNIT_PARAMETERS (unit_code, param1, param2, param3)
VALUES ('00000', 'Default value', 'Default value', 'Default value');
INSERT INTO ORG_UNIT_PARAMETERS (unit_code, param2, param3)
VALUES ('10', 'Value from 10', 'Value from 10');
VALUES ('10-01', 'Value from 10-01');
VALUES ('10-02', 'Value from 10-02');
INSERT INTO ORG_UNIT_PARAMETERS (unit_code, param1, param2, param3)
VALUES ('20', 'Value from 20', 'Value from 20', 'Value from 20');
VALUES ('20-01', 'Value from 20-01');
VALUES ('20-02', 'Value from 20-02');

Now, I hoppe I got your reqs:
WITH hierarchy AS (
                   SELECT  ou.unit_code,
                           LPAD(' ',2*(LEVEL-1)) || ou.unit_code    AS tree,
                           LEVEL                                    AS lvl,
                           param1                                   AS param1_raw,
                           param2                                   AS param2_raw,
                           param3                                   AS param3_raw,
                           param4                                   AS param4_raw,
                           SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(p.param1,'#') || '#' AS param1_path,
                           SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(p.param2,'#') || '#' AS param2_path,
                           SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(p.param3,'#') || '#' AS param3_path,
                           SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(p.param4,'#') || '#' AS param4_path
                     FROM  organization_unit ou LEFT JOIN org_unit_parameters p
                             ON ou.unit_code = p.unit_code
                     START WITH parent_unit_code IS NULL
                     CONNECT BY PRIOR ou.unit_code =  parent_unit_code
SELECT  unit_code,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(param1_path,'[^#]+',1,GREATEST(1,REGEXP_COUNT(param1_path,'[^#]+'))) AS param1_with_last,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(param1_path,'[^#]+')                                                 AS param1_with_first,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(param2_path,'[^#]+',1,GREATEST(1,REGEXP_COUNT(param2_path,'[^#]+'))) AS param2_with_last,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(param2_path,'[^#]+')                                                 AS param2_with_first,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(param3_path,'[^#]+',1,GREATEST(1,REGEXP_COUNT(param3_path,'[^#]+'))) AS param3_with_last,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(param3_path,'[^#]+')                                                 AS param3_with_first,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(param4_path,'[^#]+',1,GREATEST(1,REGEXP_COUNT(param4_path,'[^#]+'))) AS param4_with_last,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(param4_path,'[^#]+')                                                 AS param4_with_first
  FROM  hierarchy
  ORDER BY unit_code
00000 00000               1 Default value    Default value    Default value    Default value    Default value    Default value    Default value    Default value    Default value
10      10                2                  Default value    Default value    Value from 10    Value from 10    Default value    Value from 10    Value from 10    Default value
10-01     10-01           3                  Default value    Default value                     Value from 10    Default value    Value from 10-01 Value from 10-01 Default value
10-02     10-02           3                  Default value    Default value                     Value from 10    Default value                     Value from 10    Default value    Value from 10-02 Value from 10-02 Value from 10-02
20      20                2 Value from 20    Value from 20    Default value    Value from 20    Value from 20    Default value    Value from 20    Value from 20    Default value
20-01     20-01           3                  Value from 20    Default value    Value from 20-01 Value from 20-01 Default value                     Value from 20    Default value
20-02     20-02           3                  Value from 20    Default value    Value from 20-02 Value from 20-02 Default value                     Value from 20    Default value
7 rows selected.
Edited by: Solomon Yakobson on Nov 12, 2010 10:09 AM

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    You can maintain multiple language version of the bp name & address using International address version.
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    Dear Rajas P,
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    Hi Swapnil,
    You can use HR Master Data Customer-Specific object to include any fields from infotype 0001 to authorisation checks. Please check the |help.sap.com (http://help.sap.com/erp2005_ehp_02/helpdata/en/4e/74ba3bd14a6a6ae10000000a114084/frameset.htm) regarding use of this object. On the bottom of that page is a link for creating the object and activating the check against it.

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    Hi Bhushan
    What does the business want? With expatriate population, these issues are bound to come. Also if you add the exchange rate the company uses when it created the budget and when it's allocating the awards......
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    Message was edited by: Colin Bickell

    Hi Colin
    Unfortunately, your thread does not seem to be a question thread. You may have set this property while posting your first question.
    I do not know whether you can set this property at this point.
    Oh you can set it as question by editing your first post. But I do not know whether you can give points then. I marked one of my previous posts as question but it seems still I can't reward points.
    Message was edited by: Serdar Simsekler

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    For organizational objects maintain number ranges via OONR.
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    Hi Ketan,
        I'm not sure that there is any Function Module available for finding the Personnel Numbers. I have listed some Tables in HR Module try whether this will help you in finding Personnel Numbers for Organizational Unit.
    DD01L Domains 
    DD02L SAP tables 
    DD03L Table Fields 
    DD03T DD: Texts for fields (language dependent) 
    DD04L Data elements 
    DD04T R/3 DD: Data element texts 
    DD05S Foreign key fields 
    DD06L Pool/cluster structures 
    DD20L Matchcode Ids 
    DD24S Fields of a matchcode ID 
    T000    Clients 
    T001    Company Codes 
    T001E  Company code-dependent address data 
    T001P  Personnel Areas/Subareas 
    T012    House banks 
    T012K House bank accounts 
    T012T House bank account names 
    T500L Personnel Country Grouping 
    T500P Personnel Areas 
    T500T Personnel Country Groupings 
    T501    Employee Group 
    T501T Employee Group Names 
    T502T Marital Status Designators 
    T503    Employee Groups / Subgroups 
    T503K Employee subgroup 
    T503T Employee Subgroup Names 
    T504A Benefits - Default Values (NA) 
    T504B Benefit Option Texts (North America) 
    T504C Benefit Type (NA) 
    T504D Benefit Credit Group Amount 
    T504E Benefit Amount 
    T504F Benefit Costs 
    T508A Work Schedule Rules 
    T508T Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules 
    T510   Pay Scale Groups 
    T510A Pay Scale Types 
    T510F Assign Pay Scale > Time Unit, Currency 
    T510G Pay Scale Areas 
    T510H Payroll Constants with Regard to Time Unit 
    T510I Standard Working Hours 
    T510J Constant Valuations 
    T510L Levels 
    T510M Valuation of pay scale groups acc. to hiring date 
    T510N Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA) 
    T510S Time Wage Type Selection Rule 
    T510U Pay Scale Groups 
    T510Y Special Rules for Wage Type Generation 
    T511    Wage Types 
    T512R Cumulation Wage Types in Forms 
    T512S Texts for Cumulation Wage Types in Forms 
    T512T Wage Type Texts 
    T512W Wage Type Valuation 
    T512Z   Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype 
    T513    Jobs 
    T514S Table Name Texts 
    T514T Field Name Texts 
    T51D2 Wage Type Classes 
    T51D3 Reduction Rules 
    T51D4 Cumulation Rules 
    T527X Organizational Units 
    T528B Positions - Work Centers 
    T528C Wage Type Catalog 
    T528T Position Texts 
    T529A Personnel Event 
    T529F Fast Data Entry for Events 
    T529T Personnel Event Texts 
    T52BT Texts For HR Objects 
    T52C0 Payroll Schemas 
    T52C1 Payroll Schemas 
    T52C2 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas 
    T52C3 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas 
    T52C5 Personnel Calculation Rules 
    T52CC Schema Directory 
    T52CD Schema Directory 
    T52CE Directory of Personnel Calculation Rules 
    T52CT Text Elements 
    T52CX Cross References via Generated Schemas 
    T52D1 Valid Processing Classes 
    T52D2 Valid Values for Processing Classes 
    T52D3 Valid Evaluation Classes 
    T52D4 Permitted Values for Evaluation Classes 
    T52D5 Wage Type Groups 
    T52D6 Wage Type Group Texts 
    T52D7 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups 
    T52D8 Valid Processing Classes - Texts 
    T52D9 Valid Values for Processing Classes - Texts 
    T530 Reasons for Events 
    T530E Reasons for Changes 
    T530F Reasons for Changes 
    T530L Wage Types for Special Payments 
    T530T Event Reason Texts 
    T531 Deadline Types 
    T531S Deadline Type Texts 
    T533 Leave Types 
    T533T Leave Type Texts 
    T539A Default Wage Types for Basic Pay 
    T539J Base Wage Type Valuation 
    T539R Events for Standard Wage Maintenance 
    T539S Wage Types for Standard Wage Maintenance 
    T548 Date Types 
    T548S Date Conversion 
    T548T Date Types 
    T548Y Date Types 
    T549A Payroll Areas 
    T549B Company Features 
    T549C Decision Trees for Features (Customers) 
    T549D Feature Directory 
    T549L Date modifiers 
    T549M Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period 
    T549N Period Modifiers 
    T549O Text for date modifier 
    T549P Valid Time Units for Payroll Accounting 
    T549Q Payroll Periods 
    T549R Period Parameters 
    T549S Payroll date types 
    T549T Payroll Areas 
    T549M Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period 
    T549N Period Modifiers 
    T549O Text for date modifier 
    T549P Valid Time Units for Payroll Accounting 
    T549Q Payroll Periods 
    T549R Period Parameters 
    T549S Payroll date types 
    T549T Payroll Areas 
    T554S Absence and Attendance Types 
    T554T Absence and Attendance Texts 
    T554V Defaults for Absence Types 
    T554Y Time Constraints in HR TIME 
    T555A Time Types 
    T555B Time Type Designations 
    T559A Working Weeks 
    T559B Name of Working Week 
    T572F Event Texts 
    T572G Allowed Values for Events 
    T572H Event Value Texts 
    T582A Infotypes 
    T582B Infotypes Which Are Created Automatically 
    T582S Infotype Texts 
    T582V Assignment of Infotypes to Views 
    T582W Assigns Infotype View to Primary Infotype 
    T582Z Control Table for PA Time Management 
    T584A Checking Procedures - Infotype Assignment 
    T588A Transaction Codes 
    T588B Infotype Menus 
    T588C Infotype Menus/Info Groups 
    T588D Infogroups for Events 
    T588J Screen Header Definition 
    T588M Infotype Screen Control 
    T588N Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block 
    T588O Screen Modification for Assignment Data 
    T588Q Screen types for fast entry 
    T588R Selection Reports for Fast Data Entry 
    T588S Screen Types for Fast Entry 
    T588T Menu and Infogroup Designations 
    T588V Business object type 
    T588W Event types for infotype operations 
    T588X Cust. composite definition of event types for IT operations 
    T588Z Dynamic Events 
    T591A Subtype Characteristics 
    T591B Time Constraints for Wage Types 
    T591S Subtype Texts 
    T596F HR Subroutines 
    T596G Cumulation wage types 
    T596H _Cumulation wage type texts 
    T596I Calculation rule for cumulation wage types 
    T596U Conversion Table 
    T599B Report Classes 
    T599C Report Classes 
    T599D Report Categories 
    T599F Report Classes - Select Options 
    T777A Building Addresses 
    T777T Infotypes 
    T777Z Infotype Time Constraints 
    T778T Infotypes 
    T778U Subtypes 
    Error Messages tables 
    T100 Messages 
    T100A Message IDs for T100 
    T100C Control of messages by the user 
    T100O Assignment of message to object 
    T100S Configurable system messages 
    T100T Table T100A text 
    T100V Assignment of messages to tables/views 
    T100W Assign Messages to Workflow 
    T100X Error Messages: Supplements

  • Controlling area already used for org. unit problem

    Hi people,
    can you please help me with one problem, my customer is upgrading SAP HR from 4.6 to 6.0 and now we are testing QAS system.
    When I create new or. unit in PPOME, I have Cost-centre inherited from the org.unit above, but when I want to put another Cost-centre it gives me the next error "Controlling area HR01 already used for organizational unit XXXXXXXX".
    The same procedure worksin PRD system which is on version 4. 6. Could you please help me what is wrong because i am not able to change cost centre in the QAS system.
    Thank you.
    Edited by: Romano Cinotti on Oct 13, 2009 11:25 AM

    To which object u are going to change the cost center i.e, position, job, org.unit.
    If you are changing the cost center to position, If it is not allowing to change the cost center then u have to check the parameters:
    May be u already assigned cost center
    May be u already assigned cost center to ur org, unit, which u assigned to ur position. If u already assigned diffrent cost center to ur org.unit, you may not change the cost center to ur position or job.

  • Business partner of organizational unit is not consistent

    Client is on SRM 4.0. When we are trying to search a user in the org structure, and when clicking on "Check" for this user, it was showing fine. But when we are searching any BP in the org strucutre, then immediately the BP name is vanishing against the BP of the user and when doing the "Check" it is showing the below two messages:
    Business Partner of organizational unit XXXXXXX is not consistent
    User cannot be repaired becasue the organizational unit contains errors
    When checking in BBP_CHECK_USRES, the user is not showing as defective. It is green.
    Similarly, the the organizational unit check is also showing as green.
    System is advising to run BBP_BP_OM_INTEGRATE. When we run this for the org units, these are coming as green.
    Users are able to create the shopping carts and also are able to create confirmations. But the problem is happening for some of the users where the system is not allowing to create shopping basket / confirmation.
    Strange thing is that, when we are searching the user by user id in the org structure, then the check is showing no messages. But if we search the same user using the BP number, then in the check, the messages are coming. And once the messages appear, it is appearing for all the users in the org strucutre even at the root node level.
    Any help is highly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Aswini,
    There are some possibilities to raise these kind of errors messages:                                                                               
    1) User with inconsistent data.                                           
    Please, check the instructions described in the following notes:          
    597475 - Repair users with inconsistent address data                      
    -> use the report B_REPAIR_EBP_USER_2 to make the user consistent.        
    419423 - Repairing incorrect EBP users                                    
    350129 - Creating business partner for organizational unit                                                                               
    When you create the Org Units have you fully completed the address        
    data, e.g post coe, telephone/fax number etc..                            
    If not, please enter a full address, save the data and see if this        
    generates the Business Partner.                                           
    Remember, that you can delete this user and create a new user.                                                                               
    2) Error in the positions after HR replication                                                                               
    Please, implement the following notes and retest the scenario:            
    1056873 -  Incorrect SRM users after HR distribution                      
    1016450 - Replication of persons deletes positions in SRM                                                                               
    After implementing these notes you should send the employee               
    corresponsing to the user in error with his position (using               
    transaction PFAL or report RHALEINI in UPDATE mode for all periods.                                                                               
    3) the user was deleted and a new was created and during these two        
    actions the user opened documents. So, in this case, the new user         
    becomes inconsistent                                                                               
    If the user is deleted from SU01 still the BP and S which is related to   
    that user will be retained (we can see this in PPOMA_BBP) transaction.    
    In this case we can create the user again using SU01 and can be attached  
    with the old 'S' and 'BP'.                                                                               
    2. If the user is completed deleted ie., all relations BP and S.          
    The new user has created.   
    In this case if the new user is corrupted we can delete this                  
    user (since the new user doesn't create any documents so far). But the        
    old documents should refer to the new BP related to the new user.   
    Also, another option would be to follow the below instructions
    After applying the notes 1056873 & 1016450, send the employees        
    corresponding to the users in errors with their positions (using              
    transaction PFAL or report RHALEINI in UPDATE mode for all periods,           
    using evaluation path A008) ? If not, please do this and it must repair       
    the SRM users. Please test and give me the feedback.     
    Hope this helps,
    Kind Regards,

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