Hit Counters and publishing issues

Hi there, New to this iweb lark but enjoying it. I have created a basic site www,brigsy.com and have placed a hit counter on the home page and the first of the photo pages. They do not appear when I view with Safari but do on Firefox. I have emptied my cache etc......
Any ideas?

I don't know why they would show up on one browser versus another because they shouldn't be showing up on any browser since you are using the "Masking" feature with your "Domain Forwarding". Refresh or empty your cache in Safari and reload your pages and I bet the counter disappears.
The Apple hit counter disappears or is not displayed when the .Mac URL is masked with domain forwarding. Fact of life. Turn off the masking part and your hit counters will show up again. It has to do with how the masking is accomplished with frames. Want proof? Try this...type in your domain name...www.brigsy.com. No hit counter, right? Now right-click or Control-click on the page and select "Open Frame in New Window". Boom! Hit counter is back.
If having a counter whether visible or invisible is important to you, have a look at StatCounter and learn to integrate that into your website pages. Many more features, much more configurable, and integrating it into HTML pages is a learning experience.
If you find any of this information to be useful, could you do me a favor and provide me with feedback using the "solved" or "helpful" buttons in the title bar of my reply? Thanks.

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    Thank you in advance!

    Dear Quan,
    Yes, this is the problem.
    Would you tell me, how should I configure my DNS for working properly if I publish my services to all my IPs/Internet connections? Do I have to double all my A and MX records?
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    Thank you

  • No performance counters and other issues

    The title is my main issue, but beating my head against a wall here. Anyone with enough patience to read through my issues below is a saint.
    Following every guide out there, myself and our Linux admin have gone over in detail everything that needs to be done to monitor our RHEL 6 servers in SCOM, but alas, we are having issues.
    First, we tried it on three different servers, all running RHEL 6.6. The servers appear as green and healthy in SCOM, and we get "some" alerts from them such as unauthorized login attempts. However, when we try to open a performance view,
    there are no counters displayed on two of them. One of them displays all the counters you would expect, but none of them have any data collected, except for one lone three hour period from two weeks ago. Before and after that: nothing. That's my biggest confusion,
    because for some odd reason, it managed to work for that time period, so what changed?
    Next, I should mention that I have also had to flat out disable the unix/linux heartbeat monitor because when it's enabled, after about 10 minutes all 3 linux servers will go grey, and no alerts come in for them.
    Digging through all of the posts here, I've come across multiple things to try that have worked for other people, but all with no luck. For starters, theres the whole port 1270 thing. There is no firewall on either the management server or the linux
    servers, and checking for listeners shows the scom agent listening on port 1270 on the linux server. Should there be something listening on port 1270 on the Management server? Because if so, there isn't, and I cant find any posts that say how to make that
    happen. I've attempted to run simple winrm commands from the management server to attempt to gather data from the linux servers, however, when running the command below:
    winrm e "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/SCX_Agent?__cimnamespace=root/scx" -r:"http://<server>:1270" -auth:basic -username:<user> -password:<pass> -encoding:utf-8
    It fails with the following error:
        Message = The WinRM client cannot process the request. The authentication mechanism requested by the client is not supported by the server or unencrypted traffic is disabled in the service configu
    ration. Verify the unencrypted traffic setting in the service configuration or specify one of the authentication mechanisms supported by the server.  To use Kerberos, specify the computer name as the
    remote destination. Also verify that the client computer and the destination computer are joined to a domain. To use Basic, specify the computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentic
    ation and provide user name and password. Possible authentication mechanisms reported by server:
    Anyone have any ideas why there are no performance counters, or why winrm requests fail? Is there some missing hidden step or configuration need on the linux end to make the winrm queries work?
    Please help!

    I've never seen any alerts from SCOM in an event viewer log. If you're talking about errors about communication, there arent any coming in. By all accounts, it appears as if SCOM "thinks" it's working fine. As for the agent going "grey",
    they only go grey if I have the heartbeat monitor enabled. Even when they're grey, I can still run tasks in the scom console against them to get top processes etc.
    I've tried changing some of the winrm configs already to attempt successful connections, but with no luck. Here's the current output of winrm get winrm/config:
        MaxEnvelopeSizekb = 50
        MaxTimeoutms = 60000
        MaxBatchItems = 32000
        MaxProviderRequests = 4294967295
            NetworkDelayms = 5000
            URLPrefix = wsman
            AllowUnencrypted = true
                Basic = true
                Digest = true
                Kerberos = true
                Negotiate = true
                Certificate = true
                CredSSP = false
                HTTP = 5985
                HTTPS = 5986
            TrustedHosts = *
            RootSDDL = O:NSG:BAD:P(A;;GA;;;BA)(A;;GR;;;IU)S:P(AU;FA;GA;;;WD)(AU;SA;GXGW;;;WD)
            MaxConcurrentOperations = 4294967295
            MaxConcurrentOperationsPerUser = 1500
            EnumerationTimeoutms = 240000
            MaxConnections = 300
            MaxPacketRetrievalTimeSeconds = 120
            AllowUnencrypted = true
                Basic = true
                Kerberos = true
                Negotiate = true
                Certificate = false
                CredSSP = false
                CbtHardeningLevel = Relaxed
                HTTP = 5985
                HTTPS = 5986
            IPv4Filter = *
            IPv6Filter = *
            EnableCompatibilityHttpListener = false
            EnableCompatibilityHttpsListener = false
            AllowRemoteAccess = true
            AllowRemoteShellAccess = true
            IdleTimeout = 7200000
            MaxConcurrentUsers = 10
            MaxShellRunTime = 2147483647
            MaxProcessesPerShell = 25
            MaxMemoryPerShellMB = 1024
            MaxShellsPerUser = 30
    We started the trace on the linux server, and it does appear to be hitting it, but I can't really tell from the logs what exactly it's trying to do. Every 5 minutes it appears to be hitting the /var/log/secure file but im not sure what it's looking for.
    Below is the log activity for the first 20 minutes or so after we began the log. From what I understand, the management server should be attempting to grab performance data every 5 minuts, but I don't think that's happening.
    * Microsoft System Center Cross Platform Extensions (SCX)
    * Build number: 1.5.1-150 Labeled_Build
    * Process id: 30046
    * Process started: 2015-03-24T16:15:33,574Z
    * Log format: <date> <severity>    
    [<code module>:<line number>:<process id>:<thread id>] <message>
    2015-03-24T16:15:33,575Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:356:30046:139918764054464] IsNewFile - not new file
    2015-03-24T16:15:33,575Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:277:30046:139918764054464] LogFileProvider OpenLogFile /var/log/secure- Seek to: 109390
    2015-03-24T16:15:33,575Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:311:30046:139918764054464] LogFileProvider PersistState() - pos = 109545
    * Microsoft System Center Cross Platform Extensions (SCX)
    * Build number: 1.5.1-150 Labeled_Build
    * Process id: 30054
    * Process started: 2015-03-24T16:20:33,572Z
    * Log format: <date> <severity>    
    [<code module>:<line number>:<process id>:<thread id>] <message>
    2015-03-24T16:20:33,573Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:356:30054:140547729790912] IsNewFile - not new file
    2015-03-24T16:20:33,573Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:277:30054:140547729790912] LogFileProvider OpenLogFile /var/log/secure- Seek to: 109545
    2015-03-24T16:20:33,573Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:311:30054:140547729790912] LogFileProvider PersistState() - pos = 109700
    2015-03-24T16:20:46,072Z Trace      [scx.core.common.pal.system.systeminfo:98:28125:140643556374464] SystemInfo constructor
    2015-03-24T16:20:46,072Z Trace      [scx.core.common.pal.system.systeminfo:118:28125:140643556374464] SystemInfo Update()
    2015-03-24T16:20:46,072Z Trace      [scx.core.common.pal.system.systeminfo:108:28125:140643556374464] SystemInfo destructor
    2015-03-24T16:20:46,072Z Trace      [scx.core.common.pal.system.systeminfo:98:28125:140643556374464] SystemInfo constructor
    2015-03-24T16:20:46,072Z Trace      [scx.core.common.pal.system.systeminfo:118:28125:140643556374464] SystemInfo Update()
    2015-03-24T16:20:46,073Z Trace      [scx.core.common.pal.system.systeminfo:108:28125:140643556374464] SystemInfo destructor
    * Microsoft System Center Cross Platform Extensions (SCX)
    * Build number: 1.5.1-150 Labeled_Build
    * Process id: 30058
    * Process started: 2015-03-24T16:25:33,571Z
    * Log format: <date> <severity>    
    [<code module>:<line number>:<process id>:<thread id>] <message>
    2015-03-24T16:25:33,571Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:356:30058:140363780855744] IsNewFile - not new file
    2015-03-24T16:25:33,571Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:277:30058:140363780855744] LogFileProvider OpenLogFile /var/log/secure- Seek to: 109700
    2015-03-24T16:25:33,572Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:311:30058:140363780855744] LogFileProvider PersistState() - pos = 109855
    * Microsoft System Center Cross Platform Extensions (SCX)
    * Build number: 1.5.1-150 Labeled_Build
    * Process id: 30066
    * Process started: 2015-03-24T16:30:33,570Z
    * Log format: <date> <severity>    
    [<code module>:<line number>:<process id>:<thread id>] <message>
    2015-03-24T16:30:33,570Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:356:30066:139978787211200] IsNewFile - not new file
    2015-03-24T16:30:33,571Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:277:30066:139978787211200] LogFileProvider OpenLogFile /var/log/secure- Seek to: 109855
    2015-03-24T16:30:33,571Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:311:30066:139978787211200] LogFileProvider PersistState() - pos = 110010
    * Microsoft System Center Cross Platform Extensions (SCX)
    * Build number: 1.5.1-150 Labeled_Build
    * Process id: 30072
    * Process started: 2015-03-24T16:35:33,570Z
    * Log format: <date> <severity>    
    [<code module>:<line number>:<process id>:<thread id>] <message>
    2015-03-24T16:35:33,571Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:356:30072:140082908952512] IsNewFile - not new file
    2015-03-24T16:35:33,571Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:277:30072:140082908952512] LogFileProvider OpenLogFile /var/log/secure- Seek to: 110010
    2015-03-24T16:35:33,571Z Trace      [scx.core.providers.logfileprovider.logfilestreampositioner:311:30072:140082908952512] LogFileProvider PersistState() - pos = 110165
    Again, I appreciate the help,

  • Captivate 4 previewing and publishing issues

    I downloaded and installed Captivate 4 on my computer. I'm a
    current user of Captivate 3. I imported one of my projects into
    Captivate 4, but when I try to Preview or Publish the project
    nothing happens.
    When I published the project to HTML, it only created the
    "standard.js", "ProjectName.htm" and "ProjectName.swf". I'm
    wondering if anyone else has ran into this issue with Captivate 4
    and how I can fix it.
    BTW, I just checked, and this only happens with the project
    that was created using Captivate 3.
    Thanks in advance,

    _toll wrote:
     Had the same problem on coverting from cp3 to 4, getting the "Exception EConvertError in module converter.dll at 0000BBF3".
    I had 8 files to convert. 4 worked fine and 4 did not, ie got the error msg above. 1 of those that didnt work did convert after retrying the process several times. As for the others this is what i did:
    1. launch the cp3 file in cp4
    2. when asked to save as new version do so, as a new name obv
    3. cp4 will then ATTEMPT to convert the file and you will soon see the Application Error
    4. close cp4 and launch the file you created in step 2
    5. now cp4 will launch and coninue the process it ATTEMPTED in step 3, you will again be asked to convert the file. do so again. this time however it should FINISH the process for you.
    6. cuss under your breath that cp4 should have done this for you in first place and you have lost hours of work.
    7. then cuss again that cp4 doesnt have the drag and drop question type that includes option for images.
    8. but then praise cp4 that it does however have the right-click functionality.
    hope it works for you :-)
    @_toll you are a genius. I've lost 5 hours worth of work trying to resolve the same issue. One more note to add to your instructions is that I found that (step 2) the message asking you to "Save As" pops up behind the Cp4 screen. So if you are stuck in "Reading Project" mode check to see if there is a pop-up message behind.
    Uuuuuggggghhhh, Adobe why are you so hard to get along with?!?!

  • Preview and Publishing Issues

    I have the trial 2008 Xcelsius version and have created a dashboard with 43 objects.  Everything was going great until I added 5-row, 2-column price array.  Now, when I preview or publish, I get a blank screen with an "Initializing . . ." box and it is frozen.  I can click preview again and it instantly goes back to edit mode.
    If I delete the price array out, it still will not preview.  However, if I create a new, simplier dashboard, it previews fine.
    After searching the forum, I have upgraded my Flash Player to 10.0 and upgraded my laptop memory to 2GB - which I needed to do anyway.
    Is there a fix for this?
    After reading some ov the other postings, I do not think that my dashboard is too complicated.  Please confirm.
    I would be happy to send my dashboard to you for review if it would help.

    Hi TFulton
    Looks like your using a relatively old version.  Can you patch your install to the latest version SP1, FP3 and try again?

  • Website hit count and rating stars

    Please assist I have 3 questions:
    1.       How to add the hit count on a website so that I can able to see how many people visited my site.
    2.       How to add the rating stars for music/video so that people can able to rate/vote for the best song/video of the month.
    Thank you for your help.

    I'm in complete agreement with JoeyD.  Hit counters add nothing special to a typical site.  Since they don't tell you where your hits are coming from or whether or not these are unique hits, I see no point in them.
    @ Shocker.  Your argument doesn't hold water. A regular web site is NOT the same as a web forum or blog where user participation is part of the whole experience. It's like comparing oranges to ducks - totally different.
    If you look closely at Adobe's main web site or any other commercial site like Apple or Dell you're not likely to see hit counters on them.  Why?  Because they're irrelevant.  The only people who care about site traffic are site owners and developers.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Publishing issues arggg

    Hi, long time fan of iweb and recently moved up to iweb09..had some issues getting my sites to properly pop up in iweb09..fixed it and now updated one site. when i try to publish my site after making a blog entry I get this mobile me pop up and click no thanks..site doesn't publish..did I miss something? Everytime I go to file to publish or hit the active publish button it the pop up returns but I don't have mobile me and publish to my own host..any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I've been having the SAME problem. I am making this website and trying to publish it, but every time it asks me to sign in, so I do so, or I'm already SIGNED IN. I don't know what the deal is, but I did NOT pay $99 to NOT have it work, you know? They need to FIX THIS.

  • Hit Counters not visible (non .mac domains)

    I have my web page forwarded to a .com website and the hit counters are not visible. I can only see them when I view the links to individual pages from the .mac home page (that lists all my web pages and mail).
    Is there anything I can do?
    Here is my website: http://jpmensgroup.com
    I have a counter on the main page, one on calendar page and on the blogs.
    Thank you!

    Hi Bob!
    Here is the real answer to your question...
    I think what you meant to say is that your domain (http://jpmensgroup.com) is forwarded to your iWeb site which is, indeed, published to .Mac. So you are utilizing what is called "domain forwarding" from your domain registrar to your iWeb URL. Additionally, you are using the masking feature to hide the target iWeb URL.
    The counters that you placed on your page are certainly there...and I believe they are counting correctly. However because you are using "Domain Forwarding" the counter will not be displayed and the only place you can check on your hits is on the .Mac Homepage. You might try turning off the "masking" feature and see if that allows your counters to be visible, but in my experience this has not helped.
    To test out what I am talking about....load up your homepage using your domain http://jpmensgroup.com. No counter, right? Now Control-Click on your page and select "Open frame in new window"....Counter reappears!
    Bob, if this answer has been useful to you, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind marking my reply as either "solved" or "helpful" using the little buttons available in the title bar of this reply. Good luck to you! Great looking site!

  • Failed Hardware Scan and other issues E440

    Hi all,
    This is probably more rant than anything, but I wanted to give a heads up to others too.
    I have a ThinkPad E440 that is a year old. From the very first time I turned it on, there have been issues. The first hardware scan (via Lenovo Solution Center - LSC) showed a warning for the Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 Local Connection Test. There were also tons of System Events that always show up in the "Configuration History" part of the LSC. You can look at the calendar and tell exactly which days I used the computer because there will be System Events generated each day. Things like app crashes and failed drivers.
    In July 2014, I got the first warning for the 16 GB SSD - the SMART Short Self-Test. By February this year it showed as failed for each hardware scan (these were initially set up to run monthly).
    Also the whole time I've had it the touch screen would just stop working at some point and I would have to reboot to get it working again.
    I finally called Lenovo on March 30th, before my warranty expired. When I called that time, I didn't realize the hard drive failure was the SSD. So they sent me a new 500 GB drive. I also added the other things into the case when I talked to them. For the wireless issue they suggested making sure the driver was up to date. I did this and let them know when I called back that it was up to date and still having the warning. So I called them to tell them to tell them about the wireless and also that I realized it was the SSD having the failure, not the main drive. The first case had already been closed even though none of the other items were addressed.
    So they opened another case (this is #2). They said to mail them the laptop since the wireless issue would probably be on the board and it wasn't something I could fix myself. They sent a box with a prepaid overnight shipping label. I was very sick for a few days so I sent it back to them on April 10th (a Friday). Via UPS I saw it was delivered on Saturday. Work was performed on it Monday, April 13th and sent back to me that very day. I received it on April 14th. This part of the service has been excellent - very fast response.
    Being in IT, I included a letter with the laptop that outlined the issues that should have been in the case. I also printed the hardware scans and what the system events looked like.
    When I got the laptop back, the sheet inside said they had replaced the Speaker because of Distorted Sound. This was not even on the list even though I had noticed it. I didn't even power up the laptop before calling them again - yes, I was furious! Plus our power was out...
    So this was noon on the 14th. They opened case #3 and sent me ANOTHER BOX so I could send it back.
    After our power came back on the 15th, I powered up my laptop. I opened the browser (I have it set to restore the previous session) and there was a sexually explicit video on YouTube. I opened the other browser and there was a different video on YouTube. So this person was watching YouTube instead of fixing my laptop. I looked through both browser histories and there was quite a bit of activity while my laptop was at the repair center... I ran the hardware scan - still failed and a warning for the wireless. They really hadn't done anything.
    I also found two pictures of the repair person in the recycle bin...
    So I called back. I was LIVID! They opened another case (this is #4). And sent me ANOTHER BOX. I finally learned the other day that once a case is opened, it cannot be edited or added to at all. Instead, they close the other case and open a new one. I guess their turnaround time for closing cases is excellent! I've never seen a system like that - and I've used a lot of them.
    I got a really nice, patient fellow on the line. He took all my info (again). I emailed him the pictures, screen captures of the YouTube videos, the letter I had sent - everything. He entered as much into the new case as he could - he talked to one of the supervisors to make sure he did it right. Somehow he flagged it so that the laptop would get more attention (time) at the repair facility. He also opened a separate case (an escalation ticket?) for a supervisor to call me regarding the person's conduct at the repair facility. He said they would call me that day. (It's now the 25th and I've never heard from anyone)
    So, he sent me ANOTHER BOX. I've built up quite a stack of them.
    Our power was out AGAIN from the 17th through the 19th (don't get me started).
    I noticed a hardware scan had now gotten a failure on the main hard drive. So I called them on the 21st to add this to the case before sending the laptop back. The girl said they can't add anything to an existing case or edit it at all once it's opened. She would have to open a new case and SEND ME ANOTHER BOX. I told her to forget it because I was ready to send it in and didn't want to wait for another box. I also asked for a status on that "escalation case" where the supervisor was supposed to call me. In order to do this she, yes, wait for it, had to open ANOTHER CASE!! So they would know I wanted a status. I'm completely dumbfounded.
    So I sent it back on the 21st. This time I practically wiped it. I had already removed all my files the last time, but I had left my bookmarks and browser history intact.  I set up a guest logon with admin privileges. I updated my letter and printed off more stuff to include with the box. On one sheet I had only the case number, the serial number and machine type. On another sheet I had "DO NOT SEPARATE THIS PAPERWORK FROM THE LAPTOP" and the case number. I put this sheet on top (The guy on the 15th said my letter and stuff may have gotten separated from the laptop once it was delivered to the repair facility). I used a ton of staples so it would all stay together. I included in my letter the failure on the main hard drive and asked if they could look at it. I wrote about having to open a new case if I wanted to include it.
    They received it on the 22nd. A nice gentleman from the repair facility called me that day asking about the password. that. was. written. on the sheet they have you fill out. I told him what happened last time and also mentioned the hard drive failure and asked if he could look into it. He said they would.
    I received my laptop back yesterday morning.The sheet that came with it said they had "replaced the following parts to complete the repair of your laptop."
    Part Description                                           Symptom
    IMAGE                                                             Replaced due to engineering change
    System board                                                 Network card error
    Hard disk drive                                                Network card error
    ECA-WIRELESS                                            <no symptom listed>
    There was also a sheet saying they had installed a factory preload of software and I needed to install Lenovo and Windows updates.
    When I booted it up, the first thing I noticed, in the lower right corner was:
    Windows 8.1
    SecureBoot isn’t configured correctly
    Build 9600
    I ran a hardware scan. Well, I tried. It stopped part way through and said it finished successfully but most of the tasks showed up as cancelled. I tried to run it again - issues - rebooting ensued. It said the LSC wasn’t available and that I should try again or reboot.
    Tried several times. Then got what I guess is the new BSOD - kinder, gentler:
    Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just
    collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you. (xx% complete)
    If you'd like to know more, you can search online later for this error: DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL
    Even though the LSC said my Lenovo files were all up to date, I ran the Update. And first I had to download a new version of Update. Then I downloaded all of the Lenovo updates and installed them (there were quite a few). The BIOS update failed. While I was doing the Lenovo downloads, I got a light blue screen but no text (I was out of the room so I'm not sure what happened). Did CTRL-ALT-DEL and it shows only IE and Task Manager as applications that are running. Could not “Switch to” IE. Hitting window key to go to start didn't do anything. So I had to restart.
    By 3pm yesterday there were 34 system events in the configuration history.
    I ran the hardware scan again after I updated the Lenovo files, and you guessed it! Failure on the SSD (SMART Short Self-Test) and warning on the wireless. Nothing had changed. Except hardware scan is acting different than it did before I sent in the laptop for repairs. When it finishes, it instantly closes and just shows 100% complete. When I click on "see last results" it shows a screen called
    Log Information,
    Canceled 04/24/2015 n:nn pm 
    You have not done a hardware test on your computer
    And the calendar in LSC only shows the very first hardware scan I did on Friday. Even the hardware scan screen shows the date and time of the last scan. It also shows the error code. In order to see exactly what is failing, I have to sit there and watch it very closely and snap a picture of the screen as soon as the error (or warning) shows up.
    When I would try to run Windows update, it would hang up PC Settings. I couldn't even kill it using task manager because it didn't show up as a task. During this, I got a flag saying the firewall wasn't turned on. I tried to turn it on, but clicking on Turn on Windows Firewall didn't do anything. I tried to setup my Microsoft account but that just hung too.
    I ended up running Windows Update FOUR TIMES to get all the updates installed. Every time I ran it, it said "Done!" and I would run it again and more would show up. The last time was this morning.
    At some point, the error about SecureBoot went away.
    Then, I created a bootable BIOS update disk. Following the ReadMe instructions, I went through ThinkPad Setup and verified several values. Of note:
    Secure Boot was DISABLED. According to the ReadMe file, this should be ENABLED in Windows 8.1. I enabled it.
    Under Startup/Boot, according to the ReadMe that came with the BIOS update, UEFI/Legacy Boot is supposed to be set at UEFI Only for Windows 8.1. Mine was set to "Both". I changed it.
    In Startup, OS Optimized Defaults was DISABLED, even though it says right there (and in the BIOS update ReadMe) it should be ENABLED to meet Microsoft Windows 8 Certification Requirement.
    After these updates, I flashed the new BIOS.
    Then, I ran hardware scan again...
    Now I have TWO failures on the SSD: Random Seek Test and SMART Short Self-Test. Great.
    In the Event Viewer (that I recently discovered), it says my disk has a bad block. It just says The device, \Device\Harddisk\DR1, has a bad block. I assume this is the SSD...
    There are 867 events in the event viewer - Critical, Error, and Warning...
    Fifty-two of these are from October 7, 2013 - before my little laptop was a glimmer.
    The rest are from when Lenovo had it and yesterday and today.
    64 of them are the disk error.
    341 are from DeviceSetupManager. 65 of those are from failed driver installs. 69 are for not being able to establish a connection to the windows update service. 64 are from not being able to establish a connection to the Windows Metadata and Internet Services (WMIS).
    3 times it's rebooted without cleanly shutting down
    60 of them are from Service Control Manager and say The TDKLIB service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.
    One of them says {Registry Hive Recovered} Registry hive (file): '\??\C:\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT' was corrupted and it has been recovered. Some data might have been lost.
    16 are warnings that various processors in Group 0 are being limited by system firmware.
    12 say the certificate for local system with thumbprint <bunch of hex numbers> is about to expire or already expired.
    108 are warnings for failure to load the driver \Driver\WUDFRd for various devices
    16 are application errors
    One is for the computer rebooting from a "bug check"
    15 are for name resolutions timing out after none of the configured DNS servers responded.
    10 are for SecureBoot being disabled.
    14 for services terminating unexpectedly
    15 are for WLAN Extensibility Module has stopped
    61 are for applications not being able to be restarted because the application SID does not match Conductor SID
    12 are for activation of CLSID timing out waiting for the service wuauserv to stop
    So, I'll call them on Monday and open. a. new. case (#5?) - but really 7. And get A NEW BOX.
    I'll keep you updated!

    Hi amycdero and welcome to the HP Forum,
    I understand that you are having scanning and printing issues after upgrading to Mavericks OS X v10.9.1. I will try my best to help you resolve this issue.
    In this document for Mac OS X: Scanning Software Does Not Open or Stops Responding are steps the may help you with your scanning issue.
    This document for Fixing Ink Streaks, Faded Prints, and Other Common Print Quality Problems should help with the streaking printing issue.
    I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know.
    Thank you,
    I worked on behalf of HP.

  • Error while executing WAD template and publishing it to Portal

    I get an error message when i try to execute WAD template and publish in portal
    //start of error message
    Error while loading query metadata
    check the query and portal settings
    RSBOL   018    Java system error:Exception in method process Function.
    //end of error messagge
    But when i click "ok" then the template gets executed and published in portal
    I want to know why is this error message getting displayed.
    BW is at SP14 level (template is created in BI 7.0)
    EP is at SP13 level.
    Is there any compatibility issue between BW and EP.If so, please let me know.
    Please solve this issue.
    Thnaks and Regards,

    take a look:
    Note 916090 - RFC-error messages in Web Application Designer 2004s
    Hope this helps...

  • "This form cannot be opened in a web browser. to open this form use microsoft infopath" while adding a new Approval - Sharepoint 2010 and Publishing Approval workflow.

    I am trying to add a new workflow to a document library with the below mentioned settings and getting error saying "This form cannot be opened in a web browser. to open this form use microsoft infopath" while adding a new Approval - Sharepoint
    2010 and  Publishing Approval workflow" . For your information the I have checked the server default option to open in browser.
    Versioning Settings.
    This is quiet urgent issue . Any help would be really helpful.. Thanks.. 

    Hi Marlene,
    Thank you very much for your suggestions.
    But I am not creating a custom workflow in designer as Laura has mentioned. I am instead trying to create a new Out of the box Approval Workflow and I get the error mentioned above.
    As it works in other environment, I tried figuring out the possible differences which can lead to this error.
    Today I found one difference which is there are no form Templates within Infopath Configurations in Central Admin. Now I am trying to figure out what makes this form templates to be added to the template gallery.

  • Extreme charging and syncing issues

    Okay, so for the past few weeks I've been developing charging and syncing issues. The first third party usb cable worked for a while and after some point it begin to physically wear and tear, and wires were disconnecting. Needed a new charger, so naturally I went and got another one. However, it didn't work, and as a measure to see if it was faulty, I plugged in the old one and smelt smoke/a burn smell.
    So, I plugged the new charger into an old ipod touch 2G and it charges and syncs just dandy. The 3GS is a particularly weird case here; as it will not charge while on. After letting it die, I plugged it in and got an empty battery indicator with a charging (lightning) symbol, and after a couple of minutes it powered back on, but still wasn't charging once ios actually booted up. Weird, right? If I could connect to windows I could restore it to remove the jailbreak, as using Erase All Content and Settings keeps the phone in an endless loop until I hard reset.
    The kicker here is that it seems to only charge when it's off, as if its plugged in and you slide to power off, and turn it back on later, it will sometimes have a higher percentage. And, at the place I work, we have many iPads so I plugged it up to the iPad chargers and it worked with some of them, albeit slower then expected.
    Is my phone not getting enough voltage or something of the nature? I have 3 wall adaptors, one apple, and two of them standard LG adaptors, and a third party usb cable that notably works for the iPod just fine. I've connected it to 3 different computers with itunes and the result was the same as if it was dead and plugged into the wall; enough power to boot to home screen then die afterwards.
    The thing that get's me is when I hit Erase All Content and Settings and it's plugged, it makes a charging noise indication but only when I hit that reset button. If it wasn't for that, I would beleive it was a hardware issue. That, or I'm just trying to deny the phone's inevitable fate. I needed a reason to switch to the 4s, so maybe this is it. I don't like giving on on something without fixing it though so it's gonna bother me until I do.
    Thanks for any suggestions or help!


  • C309g (CD055A) no black and other issues..

    Hey all..  Not sure which thing to post about first, so in random order, here goes....
    I bought a used printer listed above in the subject..  It needed a new power supply, and ink, but seemed to be great.  I purchased the regular size cartridges except the black which they had in XL size.  I printed a total of 3 test pages (set up on three computers), I printed one 8x11 photo via bluetooth from my phone, and my wife printed 2 8x11 photo's from her PC.  All 3 8x11's were on regular paper.  Oh, and we printed one of the dots built-in pages..  So if you're counting (and I KNOW I am), that is a total of 7 pages.  Additionally there may have been one demo page (possibly a total of 8 pages, then!), can't remember if I did that demo page on the previous owners ink or if I did one on the new ink I bought (previous ink was old/empty).  Oh, and technically there was an alignment page, so final total 9 pages.  After those nine pages, my magenta and yellow ink were both down to around 65-75 percent.  It sat a week without use (literally, 7 days).  Today I went to print some regular text (black only) and it shot out at me blank pages.  I tried a few more times, and nothing but blank pages.  Tired of running back and forth, I printed a built-in "school paper" page or wide ruled paper (heh, how cool in a pinch is THAT feature!).  It printed perfectly - Course it's blue and magenta, no black..
    So it's been awhile since I used inkjet, but I quickly rememberd the handy utility to clear/clean printheads.  Ran that.  It failed, assumedly for missing black (it had the gray'ish photo black, but not 'black' anywhere on the sheet.  After the cleaning failed, I removed the black, and all the colors.  Seems to be black in there (as should be!) I dabbed the bottom with a paper towel gently, it turned black...  So I put it in, and it whirred away doing it's thing to re-align, and then it told me the shocking news that my printer was low on ink, and showed all levels to be well, I suppose about 10-15 percent remaining (think SMALL skinny lines).  Now I know this is an estimate, but I'm concerned from the get-go that after only 9 pages it was down to 65%!! 
    Before I found the forums, I found a site that recommended removing the ink cartridges, and removing the print head itself and soaking the bottom portion (up to the wire meshes, slightly covering them, but not the entire thing) for awhile in IPA (isopropal alcohol) and then dipping them in fresh a fresh batch to 'rinse' then gently hitting them with compressed air via air compressor (or canned air, I suppose, have an air compressor) to remove any debris and get the remaining alcohol off/out.  I then let it sit several hours to 'dry', which - it was probably ready immediately given the properties of IPA, but didn't want to chance it.. Re-inserted it and the ink, and.....  SAME THING. 
    All the ink is official HP ink (since I'm sure that q is coming), was purchased from a big box retailer who ya all know and love or hate (no need to name drop)..  I'm wondering if...
    1.  My ink, though coming out onto the paper towels could be bad/defective.  Given the really fast drop in the levels of ink, and the issue with black not seeming to print, seems possible? 
    2.  Should I try the boiling the print head - err not boiling it, but sticking it in recentyl boiled water, and give that a try?  The guide that was posted here somewhere showed doing that, with IPA added to the water as an option.  Is it possible the IPA didn't break up whatever gunk might be blocking the black, that boiled water might break up?  Does that make sense, or would the IPA have broken it down? 
    How do these print heads work exactly, or is that the big company secret?  I mean, is there a tube that goes for the inlet of black to the gold area underneath, cuz it's not directly under the gold like old fashioned cartridges used to be..  Is there any way to open up or access that area like, under the metal screens to get in there with a pipecleaner or something maybe, or something?
    And, for bonus points (lol) Why does HP assign two names to their printers??  IE C309g (CD055A),  If my printer is the C309g, why is it ALSO the CD055A??  SO confusing and un-necessary..
    Thanks for your time and patience

    I've had a similar problem with black not printing, though my printer is a B8550. I bought new and have used it fairly lightly I'd say, but after only a couple of years it suddenly stopped printing the photo black (it has separate cartridges for black for photos and black for text, etc.).
       It prints on regular printer paper just fine using the other black--but not a drop prints of the Photo Black (yes, it's full). Since I've cleaned the print head, and even bought a new one, and a diagnostic print shows absolutely no trace of the photo black, I'm fairly sure the printer itself is at fault. It's sold as a 'Photosmart' printer, meaning it's intended to use to print photos--large format too--so without photo black it is a huge brick as far as I'm concerned.
        I've begun to notice from these forum posts that there is an issue with HP and black ink, or at least whatever controls black for photo papers in their inkjet printers. If I'm not mistaken both yours and mine use the 564 cartridges, so maybe that suggests a common factor in such printers that is the culprit. I suspect HP knows there is a problem, either with the hardware or firmware, and I wish they would do right by us.

  • How do I remove old web site when publishing new site with same URL in iweb? Hit replace when publishing new iweb site (so we could have control over changes) but new site name is attached to old via a / after our www address we want to keep.

    I hit the replace when publishing the new iweb site (so we could have control over changes - last one was not an apple based site) but new site name is attached to old via a forward slash and underscore after our www address. Makes it very messy with a very long web address.  Original address now followed by iweb site name followed by name of first page? Went for iweb as not that computer literate - all going so well?! Cheers for help in anticipation. Have to get off to work now but be great end to week if we could be sorted tonight. Rupes

    Well yes of course, if you try and publish through iWeb there won't be an option to publish without your site folder which is exactly why I told you to download Cyberduck and use Cyberduck to upload your site to your server having published your site from iWeb to a local folder.  That is what you need to do if you don't want your site name to be included in yoru url.
    It would have been easier also if you had used Cyberduck initially to connect to your server and delete your old site yourself - at least that way you would have deleted the correct files rather than relying on your hosting service to do it and doing it incorrectly.
    Download Cyberduck and then select the publish to a local folder option from iWeb and then use Cyberduck to upload your site to your server, but rather than uploading the whole site folder and separate index file, upload ONLY the contents of your site folder and then your url will be http://www.domain.com/page_name.html.
    It really isn't rocket science!

  • Ovi Download and Login Issue

    "Ovi Download and Login Issue" i have nokia 5530xm, I am unable to login through ovi app it says sign in failed check your username and password. And when i browse the web it logs in but when itry to download it take back to main page. Please light on this issue. Thanks for help.
    If you like my post or think it was useful then please hit the star button. Thanks :-)

    now whenever i plug in my ipod to sync i get an offer to download and install or just download a something for itunes that i am not quite sure what it is.
    hmmm. can you post a screenshot of the box containing the offer?
    there's instructions on how to do that in the following user tip:
    hudgie: Taking screenshots to help with problems

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