Holiday Challenge Time :)

I have a daily puzzle calendar on my desk and I found a puzzle that I thought may be fun to solve using SQL.
Sample Data
WITH    matrix AS
        SELECT  'A' AS ID, 1 AS A,1 AS B,1 AS C,0 AS D,0 AS E,0 AS F,1 AS G,0 AS H,1 AS I,0 AS J FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'B' AS ID, 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'C' AS ID, 0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'D' AS ID, 1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'E' AS ID, 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'F' AS ID, 0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'G' AS ID, 0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'H' AS ID, 1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'I' AS ID, 0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'J' AS ID, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'K' AS ID, 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'L' AS ID, 0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'M' AS ID, 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'N' AS ID, 1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'O' AS ID, 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0 FROM DUAL
Problem Statement
Suppose we have a matrix of one's and zero's like the following:
ID  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J
A   1  1  1  0  0  0  1  0  1  0
B   0  0  0  0  1  1  1  0  1  0
C   0  1  1  1  1  0  0  0  0  1
D   1  0  0  0  1  0  1  0  0  0
E   1  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1
F   0  1  1  0  1  1  0  0  0  0
G   0  1  0  1  1  1  0  1  0  1
H   1  1  0  1  0  0  0  1  0  0
I   0  1  1  1  0  1  1  1  0  1
J   1  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  1
K   1  0  0  1  1  1  0  1  1  0
L   0  0  1  0  1  1  0  0  1  0
M   0  0  1  0  0  0  0  1  1  1
N   1  0  1  0  0  0  1  1  1  0
O   1  0  0  1  1  0  1  0  0  0Positions in this matrix are defined using (ROW,COLUMN) throughout the problem statement.
Our goal is from a start position identified as (A,E), First Row, Fifth column, traverse DOWN the matrix to reach a valid point on row "O."
1. You can only move UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT (not diagonally) by one unit.
2. The path must be a repeating pattern of 0 1 0 1 0 1 ... etc For example a move from (A,E) to (B,E) is valid while a move from (A,E) to (A,F) is not.
Correct Solution
The correct solution has the following requirements:
1. Identifies the path from start to finish using an identifiable way to determine the ROW,COLUMN for each entry point in the path while abiding by the restrictions above.
2. PL/SQL and SQL are acceptable.
3. Solution must be perform well and be elegant as judged (loosely, since we don't have any voting functionality) by your peers. This solution will be marked as "Correct." Helpful points will be given to runner ups as determined by your peers.
Enjoy :D

Building on Frank's solution, the following generates maps showing the valid paths. If I had 11g handy I could use pivot and unpivot to great advantage, but someone else will have to make that attempt.
Interesting to note that if you generate a random matrix it most often produces no solutions at all, but when it does it usually produces a large number of valid paths.
Random matrix:
create global temporary table  matrix on commit preserve rows AS
select chr(64+level) as ID
from dual
connect by level <= 15Map generator:
select pnum, chr(64+rw) as id, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j from (
select * from (
WITH   matrix AS
        SELECT  'A' AS ID, 1 AS A,1 AS B,1 AS C,0 AS D,0 AS E,0 AS F,1 AS G,0 AS H,1 AS I,0 AS J FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'B' AS ID, 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'C' AS ID, 0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'D' AS ID, 1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'E' AS ID, 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'F' AS ID, 0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'G' AS ID, 0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'H' AS ID, 1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'I' AS ID, 0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'J' AS ID, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'K' AS ID, 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'L' AS ID, 0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'M' AS ID, 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'N' AS ID, 1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT  'O' AS ID, 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0 FROM DUAL
, unpivoted     AS
     SELECT ||     AS coordinates
     ,          AS row_l
     ,          AS col_l
     ,     ASCII (     AS row_n
     ,     ASCII (     AS col_n
     ,     CASE
               WHEN  'A'     THEN  r.a
               WHEN  'B'     THEN  r.b
               WHEN  'C'     THEN  r.c
               WHEN  'D'     THEN  r.d
               WHEN  'E'     THEN  r.e
               WHEN  'F'     THEN  r.f
               WHEN  'G'     THEN  r.g
               WHEN  'H'     THEN  r.h
               WHEN  'I'     THEN  r.i
               WHEN  'J'     THEN  r.j
          END     AS val
     FROM          matrix     r
     CROSS JOIN     matrix     c
     WHERE     <= 'J'
SELECT     rownum as pnum , SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (coordinates, '>')     AS path
       , translate(sys_connect_by_path(case when prior row_n is null then coordinates
                                  when row_n=15 then 'v'||coordinates
                                  when row_n>prior row_n then 'v'
                                  when row_n<prior row_n then '^'
                                  when col_n<prior col_n then '<'
                                  else                  '>'
                                  end,';'),'~;','~') as route
FROM     unpivoted
WHERE     coordinates     LIKE 'O_'
START WITH     coordinates     = 'AE'
CONNECT BY NOCYCLE  (     (     row_n                    = PRIOR     row_n
               AND     ABS (col_n - PRIOR col_n)     = 1
              OR  (     ABS (row_n - PRIOR row_n)     = 1
               AND     col_n                    = PRIOR col_n
     AND         val     != PRIOR val
  and prior row_l != 'O'
partition by (pnum, path)
dimension by (1 rw) measures (0 Z,'  ' X,'  ' Y,' ' L, ' ' A, ' ' B, ' ' C, ' ' D, ' ' E, ' ' F, ' ' G, ' ' H, ' ' I, ' ' J)
rules upsert all sequential order
  Z[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=instr(cv(path),chr(64+cv(rw))||'A')
, X[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()],2) else '  ' end
, Y[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)<15 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()]+3,2) else '  ' end
, L[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)=15 then '*'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)< substr(X[cv()],1,1) then '^'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)> substr(X[cv()],1,1) then 'v'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],2,1)> substr(X[cv()],2,1) then '>'
                                          else  '<' end
, A[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then L[cv()] else ' ' end
, Z[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=instr(cv(path),chr(64+cv(rw))||'B')
, X[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()],2) else '  ' end
, Y[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)<15 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()]+3,2) else '  ' end
, L[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)=15 then L[cv()]
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)< substr(X[cv()],1,1) then '^'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)> substr(X[cv()],1,1) then 'v'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],2,1)> substr(X[cv()],2,1) then '>'
                                          else  '<' end
, B[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then L[cv()] else ' ' end
, Z[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=instr(cv(path),chr(64+cv(rw))||'C')
, X[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()],2) else '  ' end
, Y[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)<15 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()]+3,2) else '  ' end
, L[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)=15 then L[cv()]
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)< substr(X[cv()],1,1) then '^'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)> substr(X[cv()],1,1) then 'v'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],2,1)> substr(X[cv()],2,1) then '>'
                                          else  '<' end
, C[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then L[cv()] else ' ' end
, Z[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=instr(cv(path),chr(64+cv(rw))||'D')
, X[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()],2) else '  ' end
, Y[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)<15 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()]+3,2) else '  ' end
, L[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)=15 then '*'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)< substr(X[cv()],1,1) then '^'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)> substr(X[cv()],1,1) then 'v'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],2,1)> substr(X[cv()],2,1) then '>'
                                          else  '<' end
, D[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then L[cv()] else ' ' end
, Z[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=instr(cv(path),chr(64+cv(rw))||'E')
, X[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()],2) else '  ' end
, Y[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)<15 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()]+3,2) else '  ' end
, L[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)=15 then '*'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)< substr(X[cv()],1,1) then '^'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)> substr(X[cv()],1,1) then 'v'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],2,1)> substr(X[cv()],2,1) then '>'
                                          else  '<' end
, E[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then L[cv()] else ' ' end
, Z[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=instr(cv(path),chr(64+cv(rw))||'F')
, X[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()],2) else '  ' end
, Y[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)<15 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()]+3,2) else '  ' end
, L[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)=15 then '*'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)< substr(X[cv()],1,1) then '^'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)> substr(X[cv()],1,1) then 'v'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],2,1)> substr(X[cv()],2,1) then '>'
                                          else  '<' end
, F[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then L[cv()] else ' ' end
, Z[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=instr(cv(path),chr(64+cv(rw))||'G')
, X[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()],2) else '  ' end
, Y[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)<15 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()]+3,2) else '  ' end
, L[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)=15 then '*'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)< substr(X[cv()],1,1) then '^'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)> substr(X[cv()],1,1) then 'v'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],2,1)> substr(X[cv()],2,1) then '>'
                                          else  '<' end
, G[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then L[cv()] else ' ' end
, Z[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=instr(cv(path),chr(64+cv(rw))||'H')
, X[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()],2) else '  ' end
, Y[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)<15 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()]+3,2) else '  ' end
, L[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)=15 then '*'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)< substr(X[cv()],1,1) then '^'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)> substr(X[cv()],1,1) then 'v'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],2,1)> substr(X[cv()],2,1) then '>'
                                          else  '<' end
, H[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then L[cv()] else ' ' end
, Z[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=instr(cv(path),chr(64+cv(rw))||'I')
, X[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()],2) else '  ' end
, Y[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)<15 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()]+3,2) else '  ' end
, L[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)=15 then '*'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)< substr(X[cv()],1,1) then '^'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)> substr(X[cv()],1,1) then 'v'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],2,1)> substr(X[cv()],2,1) then '>'
                                          else  '<' end
, I[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then L[cv()] else ' ' end
, Z[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=instr(cv(path),chr(64+cv(rw))||'J')
, X[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()],2) else '  ' end
, Y[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)<15 then substr(cv(path),Z[cv()]+3,2) else '  ' end
, L[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when cv(rw)=15 then '*'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)< substr(X[cv()],1,1) then '^'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],1,1)> substr(X[cv()],1,1) then 'v'
                                          when substr(Y[cv()],2,1)> substr(X[cv()],2,1) then '>'
                                          else  '<' end
, J[for rw from 1 to 15 increment 1]=case when Z[cv()]>0 then L[cv()] else ' ' end
order by 1,2

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    For the Fiscal year variant go to OB29 transaction in R/3 (actually should be done by FI consultant) where the fical year period is maintained like 12 months or 16 months. This can be transferred to APO.
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    Forgive me!!!!
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    3-Select the "Look for shared photos" checkbox.
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    Most sincerely,
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    It's because you're doing your markers backwards. The text inside your Glossary marker should be the term. The paragraph your marker is inside is the definition.
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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Run Disk Utility and repair disk permissions on your hard drive, reboot and try again.

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    -Bachelor’s degree or higher in engineering or applied science
    -Strong knowledge of test and measurement technology and application
    -Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (i.e. team player and good client skills)
    -An inherent desire to learn new technology and an innovative/adaptable mindset
    -Strong LabVIEW software development experience – preference will be given to Certified LabVIEW Architects or Developers
    -Hardware design experience
    -Minimum 2 years experience specifying and integrating data 
    acquisition and control hardware
    -Strong electrical engineering skills and “hands-on” ability
    During the interview process, technical and interpersonal skills will be tested and a background check will be performed. Successful applicants will be asked to show proof that they can legally work in the United States. In general, work will be performed in the DFW area. However, occasional travel may be required.
    Salary is commensurate with experience level. Benefits include medical insurance, 401k, profit-based bonus, paid vacation/holidays/sick time, flexible work schedule, excellent work environment, and strong growth potential.
    If you feel your skills and experience match the profile above, please send your resume to [email protected]. Please do not respond if you represent a staffing agency.
    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

    Jeff·Þ·Bohrer wrote:
    for(imstuck) wrote:
    It might be a good time to discuss opening your Minneapolis branch
    Why would they do that?  There's nothing good up there?  And those TX guys will just say that its cold.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines


    Hi frnds,
    I need help in Define Counting Rule on the below attributes..
    2. HOLIDAY CLASS (what does the Holiday class 0 to 9 means here, and not a public holiday means)
    3. DAY TYPE (what does Day type 1 to 9 are... and what does it mean work acc. to work schedue)
    4. COUNTING CLASS 0 TO 9...what does it denotes....
    5. DAILY WORK SCHEDULE CLASS 0 TO 9... which one to use.. and means...
    please give an example for each...

    1. CONDITIONS FOR CURRENT DAY - represent the work days, if our work schdule is
    work work work work work work off
    Eg:1 for absences-  on which days do you want take the leaves
          2.for attendance(OT) - on which day do you want work for the company
    1. then i want to take leaves on monday to saturday only, so here we need select the monday to saturday for absence coutning
    2. then i want work for all days, so here we need to select the all days.
    2. HOLIDAY CLASS (what does the Holiday class 0 to 9 means here, and not a public holiday means)
    - holiday class represent the type of class. here
    0- means not a public holiday means it is working day
    1- Public holiday ex: Mayday, August 15, Ja 26.
    2- half day holiday ex: christmas eve, January eve
    3-9- customer range(special holidays)
    3. DAY TYPE (what does Day type 1 to 9 are... and what does it mean work acc. to work schedue
    day types mean on day we are paying to employee or not. here
    0 - work paid - if an employee work for the company as per work schedule i can pay, otherwise i cound not pay
    1- time off paid - mean week off, public holidays
    2- time off unpaid - on sunday i could not pay some of employee like for contractors
    3-9 - customer range - customer range either he can pay, not pay
    4. COUNTING CLASS 0 TO 9...what does it denotes....
    the best example as per standard
    Employees assigned to a work schedule with 4 working days per week and 10 working hours a day are credited with 1.25 leave days for each workday. In other words, they receive the same amount of leave entitlement as employees who work a 5-day week for 8 hours a day. 1.00 leave days per workday are deducted for these employees. Since the work schedule is based on the period work schedule, you can use the valuation class of the period work schedule as a feature to distinguish between employees who work 4-day weeks and those who work 5 days.
    5. DAILY WORK SCHEDULE CLASS 0 TO 9... which one to use.. and means
    daily work schedule class of the employee's current daily work schedule.You want to specify a working time model in which Saturday is a day off but your employees can work if they choose to do so. You define a daily work schedule with the desired planned hours and classify it with the daily work schedule class 0, which is stored as a day off.
    here 0- week off
    1- 9- working
    Here you enter the conditions of the planned hours that exist for the attendance/absence day in the employee's work schedule either we required equal to zero or greater than zero hours
    best example with as per standards
    An employee group works five days a week for eight hours each day. You use 100 (%) as the quota multiplier to calculate the payroll days and hours.
    1. An employee group works four days a week for 10 hours each day. Their leave is calculated in days.
    If you want to valuate these employees' leave days fairly, their leave days should be 1.25 days long and should have the quota multiplier 125 (%). This means that they are not at a disadvantage in relation to colleagues who only work eight hours per day.
    When it comes to calculating the payroll hours, the planned hours of the work schedule depict the situation correctly. You therefore enter a quota multiplier of 100 (%).

  • BT Activation Nightmare...

    First time poster to one of these forums as I have just about exhausted all other possibilties of getting my broadband turned on and have no hope that the issue is going to be solved.
    So I signed up for BT broadband on the 2nd December and was set an activation date of the 10th and that this could be any time up until midnight on that day. My wireless hub arrived first thing that morning and I set it up and set about waiting. About 2.30pm the internet came on whilst I was upstairs on my computer and I proceeded to surf the web and test the speed. About 20-30 minutes later the internet suddenly cut off and I assumed that this was the 'speed testing' I had read about and BT were just testing the line to see what was the maximum it could take. Little did I know that I would still have no internet access almost three weeks later. 
    I waited until the next morning to phone BT and was put through to a call centre (in India) where I was informed that there was a problem at the local exchange and I would be without internet until the 17th (my new activation date) when the problem would be solved. I tried to explain that I did have internet for a short period of time but the lady wasn't interested in this and seemed very confident that I would have to wait until the 17th for the issue to be rectified. I was obviously annoyed at this but since I was going on holiday for the rest of that week I wasn't too bothered and expected to come back home to an internet connection. 
    When I arrived back on Wednesday 19th I was shocked to find that the internet was still not working despite this new activation date having passed. I called BT and was told that my internet would '100% be on the next day' and a poor 'you can't possibly understand what we're doing' type answer when I asked what the problem was. What really dissapointed me about this conversation was that there was no reference to the fact it was meant to be turned on on Monday and no mention of them giving me a call to give me a status update. This is when I started to get suspicious and what do you know Thursday comes and goes with no internet and no phone call/email from BT to tell me what went wrong.
    I phoned again and was given a new date of the 23rd. Again no success. Phoned again and this time it's the 28th. I even drove past the exchange which is just down the road from us and saw a BT van parked up there and the gates open so I knew someone was working there- come the 28th, no internet. During this time I've been through the complaints department, evaluation name it, and probably up to four hours on the phone. Still no resolution and no real explanation as to what is going on, what's the problem, if and when it can actually be fixed. I've had the phone put down on me several times whilst asking for employees names/reference number for conversations. The customer service here has been absolutely awful and I just do not know what to do anymore. I feel every time I get set a new date I'll just wait the whole day again only to find that there is still no internet. I've spoken to people who have told me they'd call me back/in the morning to let me know what's happening- evey time so far I've been let down. I've been given hotspot access but I'm not in a hotspot, I've been sent dongles that need me to pay to top them up! It's absolutely unbelievable and a complete and utter disgrace. The current update is that it's being looked at again on the 31st (New Years Eve)! I tried explaining to the guy on the phone that not much gets done in the UK on this date but there were having none of it. 
    The worst thing is that it's costing me time in phoning them up and really having the drag the information out of them each time I do so. At this rate I'm going to be sitting here in February with no internet whilst still listening to the same excuses from them on the phone. What's more alarming is that the day before we moved in to this new house the previous owners still had an active BT broadband connection. Everyone else in our street is also with BT, it's just our house they can't seem to get working!

    I am sorry to see you are having problems
    I suggest you contact the forum mods they should be able to get this problem sorted for you this is a link to them
    They normally reply by email or phone directly to you within 3 working days due to the holiday period times may be extended  they will take personal ownership of your problem until resolved and will keep you informed of progress
    They are a UK based BT specialist team who have a good record at getting problems solved
    This is a customer to customer self help forum the only BT presence here are the forum moderators
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • Customer specific language for SRM screens

    Hello All,
    I want to know how SRM will support non-standard language.
    Our client wants all buttons and links in THAI for bidding templates.
    got one link from Masa's post :
    But can anyone put more light in detail how to fulfill this requirement?

    In principle, any Unicode language can be supported with SAP applications.
    I think the challenge & time taking task could be 'Translation' itself.
    One more link that can throw somemore light..
    Few months back, had started thinking about this for enabling 'Hindi'. THought we did not do anything, one thing that helped me was -- readings on Unicode support in SAP.
    Best regards

  • Why is my multi folio app now not available?

    We are a small company intending to publish 4 times a year through our multi folio app (Challenger Times). utm_medium=Organic&utm_campaign=CT+2013+Q4+Apple
    As we need to publish on more than just apple devices, and we wanted to create a multi folio app we, on Adobe's advice, purchased Professional edition on a monthly basis.  It was advised to us that once our app was in store and we were not publishing new versions we could go back to using the creative cloud version and the app would stay live, upgrading to professional whenever we wanted to create and publish a new folio, and paying for additional download bundles where neccesary.
    HOWEVER - now our professional edition has lapsed we have been informed that new folio downloads are not available to new users. Which means we are unable to do any further promotion of it.
    For a small business paying for full access for the whole year is not financially viable, especially when this is a free app which we only expect download numbers of around 500 per folio.
    Now that we have created, and promoted, the app that is in store we are essentially now bound to paying the professional fee every month, which is a total nightmare for us.
    Is there any way that we can make the multi folio app and current folio available for new users with a different subscription?

    Hi Bob
    Thanks for replying, and the clarification, I'm not the developer so get my terms mixed up.  I understand that our app is still available, but without the folio content to download within it it is essentially just an empty shell, and so totally useless to any new subscribers.
    Essentially my issue is still the same, someone at Adobe advised us incorrectly when we were deciding on subscriber levels and now i'm either stuck with a $500 a month charge forever or have no publication to promote.  It just seems like a really bad deal for small publishers that we are now locked into a huge monthly charge just because we wanted to make our publication available on other devices. 
    Is there no way we could pay a reduced level subscription for just hosting the folio content? 
    If anyone can point me towards someone who can help at Adobe I'd really appreciate it, we put a lot of work into our latest folio, with plans to produce another in early 2014, and we're feeling pretty despondant about this latest development.  We're going to have to completely shelve this project if there is no workaround.
    Any advice would be gratefully received.

  • Upgrade to CS5 from CS4 Performance issues

    This was originally posted in the Creative Suites section.  Bob Levine suggested I try a specific program forum to get better attention.  It has been a present performance problem for me with Premier Pro and Photoshop so I shall try here.
    I have been using CS4 for several months on a new i7 quad 64bit PC with 4 x 1TB HDs and 12GB RAM.  When I use Photoshop or P.Pro, the performance is fast for several operations but slows down as I progress to a snail pace.  At times, I have rebooted the PC to get up to speed again.  I do not know if this is a problem with the CS4 32 bit program working on a 64 bit machine, even with Photoshop.  Perhaps I am clicking too fast.  If I install the source file on a separate drive to the C drive and send the output file to a third drive, performance improves as expected.  Perhaps timing within/between drives and the 32 bit program may be a problem on a 64 bit PC.  I have ordered an upgrade to CS5 hoping that a 64 bit program will provide better performance on the 64 bit PC.  Naturally the PC performance is expected to be faster, but will the performance that slows down to a snail pace improve?

    Thank you all for your information.
    I am beginning to imagine that because of the increased speed in dealing with data, an i7 quad 64 bit PC has a challenging time to switch and route the stream of data to the various processing and temporary/permanent storage locations.  It could be that dealing with 32 bit data for the demands of video editing compounds the problem.  I may have one or several slower components in the new PC.  In anycase, I am hoping that dealing directly with 64 bits will improve the performance.  If this does not and without further suggestions from the forum, I will have the performance of the PC components thoroughly tested for compliance to the required speed specifications.

  • CATS doubt

    Hi experts,
    I have a scenario in CATS your inputs/advice would be highly appreciated ! The scenario is as follows
    The Holiday hours should default in the CAT2 screen, for example lets say an employee on 10/4 schedule ( i.e 10 hrs a day, 4 days a week = total 40 hours a week) and he enters time in CAT2 and the system should default holidays on CAT2.  For example Sept 7th, 2009 is Labor day Holiday in US and it is a paid holiday, now the system should default 10 hours on that day for employees who are on that schedule and similarly it should display 8 hours holiday for the employees who are on 8/5 schedule ( 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week = 40 hours a week) and similarly for other work schedules the system should default holidays in CAT2. How to we proceed in this scenario.
    Termination case/Retirees :
    If an employee is terminated/Retired before a Holiday, the time administrator should be able to remove the Holiday manually so that the employee is not overpaid ( Holiday pay)

    Hello Krish,
    As far as standard functionality I never saw this requirements has been built, however there may be Z update program could do both the requirement very easily.
    I would have suggested a Template,  if you could do that , template idea is also not bad.
    Lets wait for more reply from experts.

  • How To Enjoy Radio Economically?

    I have searched and read various threads on here about using radio on BB.
    I would like to listen to UK radio stations on my 8520. Most of the time I'm in my home office or car and tend to listen to the radio 15 hours per day but not, as yet, on the BB.
    I have a 500Mb data allowance which, due to my use of wifi for the most part, I will not be using. During normal times ie not on holiday, the time I may want to use the BB to listen to the radio would be 3 hours per week. My question therefore has 3 parts.
    1) Which is the best free app for the 8520 for UK radio enjoyment?
    2) What data usage is likely to be incurred? Per hour or whatever you know your experience to be.
    3) If taking your recommendation for an app, hou long would my data plan last before incurring additional cost?
    I currently pay Orange UK £30/month plus VAT which includes free landline calls at all times and I do not want to increase this cost as I believe Orange are somewhat richer than I am
    Blackberry Best Advice - Back-up weekly
    If I have helped you please check the "Kudos" star on the right >>>>

    The one I use is called Tune In Radio. Its great and gives you basically all UK radio stations. You just click on the city name and all the stations in that city are listed. As for cost? Well I remember seeing somewhere when I was installing it that is uses up to 100 mb per hour. I could be wrong about this. But I use this app quite a lot and it only has been using 30 mb per hour on average. I have a Curve 3G 9300 but my wife has the 8520 and has it installed on hers too and she finds the same. Hope this helps

Maybe you are looking for


    I am  Santosh Kumar from Anand, Gujarat,,INDIA  writing for a problem raised in my BLACKBERRY Z10.  Details:- 1. IMEI NO. [personal information removed] 2. PIN:-        [personal information removed] Their service centres at gujarat and toll free no.

  • Macbook Pro Grey Screen

    Hello, My Macbook Pro has suddenly started to show the grey screen upon startup. It only seems to happen when both my USB ports have connections made. When I disconnect the USB connections startup goes smoothly, Do I need to just boot up my Macbook P

  • " Rpm ' package install in solaris 10

    hi all, I want to install rpm package in solaris 10. I already installed rpm-4.1 for solaris. here is the output bash-3.00# bash-3.00# /opt/sfw/bin/rpm RPM version 4.1 Copyright (C) 1998-2002 - Red Hat, Inc. This program may be freely redistributed u

  • Error in app with TabNavigator loaded with SWFLoader - WebKit browsers

    Hiya, I use a flex app (A) to load another flex app (B) using SWFLoader (both built using Flex Builder 3 sometime ago). Everything works fine as expected across all (IE, FF, Chrome, Safari) desktop browsers. However, if I use a TabNavigator within th

  • Keeping Ipod Icon in iTunes source list when Ipod is disconnected

    My shuffle icon used to stay in the iTunes source list even when it was disconnected, which was really nice to make changes and then connect the ipod to update all at once, but it has disappeared. I have done some searching and can't find the answer.