Home share 2 different mac ids with apple tv2

looking to be able 2 show 2 different computers on Apple TV2.

Generally, families or single households share one Apple ID for purchases and use individual unique Apple IDs for services that require individual identities like iCloud services.

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    It depends on the size and number of photos you are sharing around.
    Nothing wrong with putting a copy of the photos on the TC if that works for you. Each person can access the photo just fine like that.
    I am not saying don't.. just beware of the risks so do it prudently..
    But if the library is too large, you will steal space on the TC that should be used for backups.. if all the computers in the network are backing up to it, don't use too much of the spare space.
    Better to buy a firewire drive (or USB but firewire 800 are much faster) and connect it to a computer that is regularly turned on. Share that drive to the network. It will then also be backed up correctly to the TC although again be careful of the amount of files, and still keep a straight copy backup somewhere else.
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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Have you updated to the latest version of the Remote App.

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    Just open up iTunes on the mac with the photos you'd like to see on ATV2. Click on the "Advanced" menu, then on "Choose Photos to Share...". From there you will be taken to a menu where you can select which albums you'd like to appear on ATV2.

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    C Jones
    dual 2.0 G5's, 4.5 GB memory, ATI x800 Graphics card Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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    Today (after a nightmarish struggle to get the computer repaired--different issue) I finally got my computer back with a new HD and logic board.
    So, I rushed home to start reinstalling OS and software. First installed original OS X Panther disks which incl Garageband, no problems (also set up internet to try to register all software), checked for firmware update (none), ran software updates, rebooted). Then I installed OSX Tiger (ran software update...10.4.8, etc, ), started Garageband new song one track piano (using an M-audio keyboard controller i had hooked up but had not yet installed the software drivers) and it worked! Very cool. everything was time-consuming but seemed to be working fine (and why wouldn't it on a brand new HD with all software installed via CD and all updates recommended by Apple?)
    Then, I decided I would next install the GarageBand JamPack CD (before attempting to tackle external HD setup, Pro Tools, synths, etc). So, I saved the "testsong" when closing and received error "Gband unexpectedly quit" and it stopped responding (spinning color wheel). After a few minutes I was able to force quit the application (really didn't think anything of it). Then I rebooted (since it did crash, I did go back and look for a possible software update but said I was up to date).
    I tried to install Gband Jam Pack (1) failed about 95% of the way through while I was trying to complete product registration online. Then I rebooted, tried again failed (during which my internet also stopped responding). I had to then reset the wireless router and cable modem, looked for help online and rebooted.
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    removed folder: application support/gband/loops/Gband Jampack/ folder into trash then tried to install jampack again, failed, and rebooted.
    removed folder again, ran repair disk utility (did not look like it made any updates or report any errors), rebooted. Tried to install again and failed and rebooted, emptied trash and rebooted again.
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    But, now I am seeing all these SCARY stories about the 10.4.8 update I just installed?!.
    Are these problems related? Can someone please help me? Surely it cannot be this difficult. Thank you!
    Imac G5 1.8 1.25 GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Performance issues home sharing with Apple TV2 from Mountain Lion Server

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    I have noticed that the performance of Streaming a film using Home Sharing to an Apple TV2 has degraded compared to the Snow Leopard setup. In fact the film halts a number of times during play back which is not ideal.
    I have tested the network between the 2 devices and cannot find a fault.
    Has anyone come across this problem before.
    Are there any diagnostic tools I can use to measure the home sharing streaming service to the AppleTV2 device.
    Any help much appreciated

    Well, I tried a few other things and one worked but again just the first time I tried connecting to the desktop PC with iTunes. I flashed my router with the latest update and the ATV2 could see the iTunes library and I was able to play media. Later in the day I was going to show off to my daughter that I had fixed it and, to my dismay, no go. I tried opening the suggested ports but no luck.
    I then tried loading iTunes on a Win7 laptop and it works perfectly with the ATV2. Both the laptop and the ATV2 are connected to the router wirelessly while the Desktop is connected to the router by Ethernet. Not sure if this is part of the issue as it sounds like this didn't work for others. The only other difference between the laptop and desktop is that the desktop has Win7 SP1 loaded while the laptop does not; now I'm scarred to load it though I don't think that's the issue. All in all, a very vexing situation. Hopefully Apple comes up with a solution soon.

  • 2010 Mac Pro with Apple RAID card - "Drive carrier 00:03 removed"

    I've got a 2010 Mac Pro with the Apple RAID card and 4 internal identical Seagate ST32000641AS 2TB drives inside.
    I've never had a problem with the RAID card (either battery or in operation) except for one thing:
    Almost every time I shut the machine down (which I try to do as rarely as possible), it keeps losing Drive 3, the spare.
    (See RAID Utility event log snippet below.)
    [I wish I could understand why this Apple RAID card keeps losing the spare across power-cycles/reboots, but I digress.]
    So I just adopted it as the spare and it spawns the rebuild and many hours later, everything's fine again.
    ... until the last time I rebooted (Jan. 2nd).
    After the usual "I lost the spare" message upon login, it began the rebuild.
    But this time, about 11 1/2 hours later the rebuild stopped and RAID Utility reported "Drive carrier 00:03 removed".
    Bay 3 is now missing in the Controller view.
    I powered off the system last night, and left it off overnight.  Today I took all the drives out, blew the dust off and reseated them.
    Same thing.  Drive 3 is still missing, and now the rebuild task aborted.
    The drive bay location shouldn't matter, right?  Can I swap the Bay 3 drive with the Bay 4 drive?
    I figure one of two things would happen:
    (1) It will report Bay 3 as being there but Bay 4 as being missing, same situation as is now.  Meaning the problem is in the Bay 3 spare drive.
    (2) It will report Bay 3 as being missing (despite a 'good' drive being present) and Bay 4 will be the (unattached) spare, and the RAID set will be unviable.  Meaning the problem is with the drive bay itself, not whatever drive is plugged into it.
    If "Drive carrier removed" is trying to tell me the disk is bad, why do I not see any log messages about it?  I suppose a spare that never gets used could go bad from lack of use, but ... no messages at all?
    Hesitant to plunk down $160 on a new spare disk if the present one isn't actually dead ...
    % sudo raidutil list raidsetinfo
                                         Total     Avail
    Raidsets      Type       Drives       Size      Size  Comments
    RS1           RAID 5     1,2,4      5.23TB    0.00MB  Rebuild: 0% complete            
    % sudo raidutil list driveinfo
    Drives  Raidset       Size      Flags
    Bay #1  RS1             2.00TB   IsMemberOfRAIDSet:RS1 IsReliable
    Bay #2  RS1             2.00TB   IsMemberOfRAIDSet:RS1 IsReliable
    Bay #4  RS1             2.00TB   IsMemberOfRAIDSet:RS1 IsReliable
    Event log snippet:
    Saturday, January 11, 2014 8:15:19 AM PT
    Background task aborted: Task=Rebuild,Scope=DRVGRP,Group=RS1
    Friday, January 3, 2014 3:50:28 AM PT
    Drive carrier 00:03 removed
    Thursday, January 2, 2014 4:29:37 PM PT
    Marked drive in bay 3 as a global spare
    Thursday, January 2, 2014 4:29:28 PM PT
    Adopted drive in bay 3
    Thursday, January 2, 2014 4:28:34 PM PT
    Degraded RAID set RS1 - No spare available for rebuild
    Saturday, December 7, 2013 5:35:17 PM PT
    Marked drive in bay 3 as a global spare
    Saturday, December 7, 2013 5:35:08 PM PT
    Adopted drive in bay 3
    Saturday, December 7, 2013 5:34:11 PM PT
    The "RedundancyScrub" command could not be executed. (Invalid request or invalid parameter in the request.)
    Saturday, December 7, 2013 5:34:03 PM PT
    Degraded RAID set RS1 - No spare available for rebuild
    Friday, December 6, 2013 4:56:47 AM PT
    Battery finished conditioning
    Thursday, December 5, 2013 9:53:44 PM PT
    Battery started scheduled conditioning cycle (write cache disabled)
    Friday, September 6, 2013 10:53:11 PM PT
    Battery finished conditioning
    Friday, September 6, 2013 3:41:33 PM PT
    Battery started scheduled conditioning cycle (write cache disabled)
    Saturday, June 8, 2013 3:41:35 PM PT
    Battery finished conditioning
    Saturday, June 8, 2013 8:37:49 AM PT
    Battery started scheduled conditioning cycle (write cache disabled)
    Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:09:51 PM PT
    Marked drive in bay 3 as a global spare
    Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:09:42 PM PT
    Adopted drive in bay 3
    Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:08:59 PM PT
    Degraded RAID set RS1 - No spare available for rebuild
    Thursday, May 30, 2013 3:32:29 PM PT
    Degraded RAID set RS1

    Power Pig wrote:
    "Hesitant to plunk down $160 on a new spare disk if the present one isn't actually dead ...
    % sudo raidutil list raidsetinfo
                                         Total     Avail
    Raidsets      Type       Drives       Size      Size  Comments
    RS1           RAID 5     1,2,4      5.23TB    0.00MB  Rebuild: 0% complete     
    I was talking about this.
    This looks like a RAID 5 setup without the parity to me. I would said it basically a RAID 0.
    Also you metioned "I guess that previous spare must really have gone 'bad', despite having never been used! "
    I wiped everything out, I selected the 3 disks and clicked on "Create RAID Set" with RAID5 selected and the "Use unassigned drives as spares" option checked.  The 3rd disk has always been marked as the spare ever since then.  You do not have a choice to create a "RAID5 setup without the parity".  If I wanted a RAID0 I would have chosen a RAID0!  raidutil now says
    % sudo raidutil list raidsetinfo
                                         Total     Avail
    Raidsets      Type       Drives       Size      Size  Comments
    RS1           RAID 5     1,2,3,4    5.23TB    0.00MB  No tasks running
    Every time the system would 'lose' Drive 3 on boot, I would just keep rebooting until it was 'found', and then manually re-assign the now-'floating' drive as the spare - and the RAID would rebuild.
    There was never a problem until the day that prompted this post - when it would not find Drive 3 no matter what I did.  I turned the Mac Pro off for several hours until the drives had all cooled down and it still did not find the drive.  I left the machine on but unmounted the degraded volume until I got the new replacement drive.
    I really don't understand what you are getting at. It's like you are trying to tell me I set it up as a 4-drive RAID5 with no parity(!) and that I was in grave danger because one of the disks was gone.  The actual RAID contents (spread across Drives 1, 2 and 4) were never in danger, unless a 2nd disk had failed while the spare was not seen by the Apple RAID card.  I wasn't too worried about that happening.

  • Can you home share from a Mac to pc? I can only see the music list on the pc; it won't drag or copy to pc.

    Can you home share from a MacBook to a pc? I am only able to see the music list. I can play the music but it won't copy or drag to the pc. Thanks!

    http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3819 Are both computers activated on your account?

  • Home Sharing with Apple TV2 Broken After 4.2 Update

    It looks like I have some company with at least similar issues. This is very frustrating and support was no help.
    ATV 2 worked just great with Windows 7 64-bit and iTunes library until the 4.2 update was loaded. Now ATV 2 keeps telling me to turn on home sharing on a computer but it's already on and iTunes is running, I'm using iTunes and Apple TV2 with latest update 4.2 (2060) and connection over WIFI. Home Sharing is enabled on my computer and ATV2 using the same Apple ID and password. I can get to YouTube and the iTunes store from my ATV 2 without issue.
    I've attempted many solutions from what I could find online but no luck:
    1. Turned off/on home sharing on both the Apple TV 2 and in iTunes (multiple times)
    2. Re-entered my Apple ID and password on both ATV 2 / iTunes
    3. Restarted iTunes and ATV 2
    4. Restarted the DSL modem/router (ZyXEL PK5000z)
    5. Turned the firewall completely off (Norton Internet Security - firewall is off in router)
    6. Restored ATV 2 over WIFI
    7. Reinstalled iTunes
    8. Changed my Apple ID and password then reset in iTunes and ATV 2
    9. Renamed my itunes library
    10. Disabled QoS upstream/downstream protocol in my DSL modem/router
    11. Restored ATV 2 through USB connection in iTunes. This worked for a few minutes but after I turned off ATV 2 and later tried again it was back to it not working...
    Any other ideas?

    Well, I tried a few other things and one worked but again just the first time I tried connecting to the desktop PC with iTunes. I flashed my router with the latest update and the ATV2 could see the iTunes library and I was able to play media. Later in the day I was going to show off to my daughter that I had fixed it and, to my dismay, no go. I tried opening the suggested ports but no luck.
    I then tried loading iTunes on a Win7 laptop and it works perfectly with the ATV2. Both the laptop and the ATV2 are connected to the router wirelessly while the Desktop is connected to the router by Ethernet. Not sure if this is part of the issue as it sounds like this didn't work for others. The only other difference between the laptop and desktop is that the desktop has Win7 SP1 loaded while the laptop does not; now I'm scarred to load it though I don't think that's the issue. All in all, a very vexing situation. Hopefully Apple comes up with a solution soon.

  • Mac Pro with Apple Raid Card - 1 drive OSX (JBOD) + 1 drive Vista?

    Can anyone walk me through what I'd need to do to set up an early 2008 model Mac Pro with the Apple Raid Card pre-installed and 2 500 gig drives, so that I can have OSX on the first drive and Vista on the second?
    I know it defeats the purpose of the raid card, but...
    What I've done so far is:
    1. Removed drive #2
    2. Install and using Raid Utility, add the first drive as a JBOD set/volume
    3. After install, shut down the machine
    4. Re-add drive #2
    5. Restart
    6. Use disk utility to add drive #2
    I tried to use bootcamp, but it only wants to put windows on the first drive - which won't work because it is RAID.

    Run Vista off an ATA interface in the 2nd optical drive. There is an SATA 2 ATA adapter.
    I think you can boot Vista off some RAID controllers, check out Highpoint RocketRAIDs. Should be able to configure the RR.
    Boot Vista off USB is a stretch.

  • Itunes jams with Apple TV2

    Hello, ever since I updated itunes to newest version it keeps jamming.
    I would start my apple tv2 and click movie library, music, or whatever to join home sharing and apple tv2 would just sit there loading, I would have to come back to the computer and click on itunes and have to force quit it and restart itunes, this would go on for a few attempts and finally will work, but very frustrating.
    Is anyone else having this problem?
    Is there a way to fix this?
    Or just wait for apple to come out with a fix?
    I left windows because of problems like these, things just not working, hope apple isn't going in this direction.
    Everything worked fine till I upgrade itunes about a month ago or so.
    I put this in Apple Tv2 forum as well because not sure if it is itunes or Apple Tv2

    It should remember the credentials.
    Have you unpowered and restarted the device?
    May also be worth resetting the AppleTV settings and configuring from scratch.

Maybe you are looking for