Horrenduos output from top.

We are running Oracle on prod. The db server (host) is being used by oracle processes like hell most of the times.
Assume that ORACLE_SID is "SID"
SGA is set to 5G, and PGA to 4G.
Server is running in DEDICATED_SERVER_MODE.
Here I post the two outputs of the top command, taken in a time period of 15 minutes.
*1. *
top - 11:16:57 up 8 days, 22:36,  2 users,  load average: 33.26, 28.43, 24.22
Tasks: 510 total,   3 running, 507 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu0  : 14.3% us,  1.0% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.2% id, 84.3% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.2% si
Cpu1  : 20.6% us,  1.6% sy,  0.0% ni,  5.1% id, 72.4% wa,  0.2% hi,  0.2% si
Cpu2  : 12.0% us,  1.2% sy,  0.0% ni,  2.6% id, 84.1% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.2% si
Cpu3  : 30.1% us,  2.0% sy,  0.0% ni,  4.3% id, 63.4% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.2% si
Cpu4  : 15.3% us,  2.9% sy,  0.0% ni,  1.8% id, 79.6% wa,  0.2% hi,  0.2% si
Cpu5  :  8.0% us,  1.6% sy,  0.0% ni,  3.3% id, 86.7% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.4% si
Cpu6  : 17.1% us,  2.0% sy,  0.0% ni,  5.9% id, 74.9% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.2% si
Cpu7  : 17.5% us,  1.4% sy,  0.0% ni,  4.7% id, 76.2% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.2% si
Cpu8  : 18.7% us,  1.4% sy,  0.0% ni,  3.7% id, 76.0% wa,  0.2% hi,  0.0% si
Cpu9  : 23.5% us,  2.9% sy,  0.0% ni,  8.4% id, 64.5% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.6% si
Cpu10 : 14.7% us,  1.6% sy,  0.0% ni,  5.1% id, 78.4% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.2% si
Cpu11 : 12.0% us,  2.0% sy,  0.0% ni,  1.8% id, 84.1% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.2% si
Mem:  24386076k total, 21804516k used,  2581560k free,    55448k buffers
Swap: 18874360k total,   291704k used, 18582656k free, 15216096k cached
17924 oracle    16   0   33   0:01.64  1.0 6143m 227m 221m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17762 oracle    16   0   27   0:01.85  1.7 6143m 394m 388m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17920 oracle    16   0   23   0:01.76  1.2 6142m 284m 278m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17942 oracle    15   0   22   0:02.25  1.5 6145m 365m 357m D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17764 oracle    16   0   12   0:03.10  1.6 6142m 382m 376m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17946 oracle    16   0   12   0:03.60  1.9 6142m 443m 437m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
14264 oracle    15   0   10   0:53.34  6.3 6163m 1.5g 1.4g R oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
18008 oracle    16   0    9   0:00.86  0.4 6151m  91m  78m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17926 oracle    16   0    9   0:02.50  1.6 6142m 390m 384m D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17850 oracle    16   0    8   0:01.21  1.1 6143m 251m 244m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
14254 oracle    15   0    7   0:32.82  6.7 6163m 1.6g 1.5g D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17922 oracle    15   0    7   0:01.53  1.1 6145m 251m 243m D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
18002 oracle    17   0    6   0:00.21  0.4 6142m  85m  80m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
13106 oracle    16   0    4   1:07.98  8.1 6163m 1.9g 1.9g D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
13994 oracle    15   0    4   1:02.04  7.1 6151m 1.7g 1.6g D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17938 oracle    16   0    4   0:00.23  0.3 6143m  79m  73m R oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17852 oracle    16   0    4   0:05.65  1.6 6151m 375m 364m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
12797 oracle    15   0    2   0:27.51  5.4 6251m 1.3g 1.2g D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
14268 oracle    15   0    2   0:54.30  7.3 6151m 1.7g 1.7g S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
10813 oracle    15   0    2   0:59.97  8.0 6235m 1.9g 1.8g D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
15488 oracle    15   0    2   0:20.58  4.2 6142m 994m 988m D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17846 oracle    16   0    2   0:01.47  1.3 6151m 320m 308m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17590 oracle    15   0    2   0:01.68  1.4 6142m 340m 334m D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
18006 oracle    18   0    2   0:00.30  0.6 6143m 139m 132m D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
15243 oracle    15   0    1   0:11.22  5.0 6142m 1.2g 1.1g D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
17469 oracle    16   0    1   0:09.07  3.5 6147m 827m 818m S oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)
10556 oracle    15   0    1   0:54.02  8.2 6187m 1.9g 1.9g D oracleSID (LOCAL=NO)*2. *
top - 11:46:49 up 8 days, 23:06,  3 users,  load average: 219.93, 165.37, 105.53
Tasks: 1772 total,  99 running, 1673 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 53.6% us, 35.3% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.7% id, 10.2% wa,  0.1% hi,  0.2% si
Mem:  24386076k total, 24343428k used,    42648k free,     2476k buffers
Swap: 18874360k total,  2439932k used, 16434428k free,  4579352k cached
   88 root      20   0   54  13:39.86  0.0     0    0    0 R kswapd2
21503 oracle    25   0   45   0:11.43  3.4 6141m 802m 796m R oracle
20507 oracle    16   0   28   0:05.56  3.2 6142m 758m 756m S oracle
22653 oracle    16   0   21   0:01.37  0.9 6145m 209m 201m D oracle
20641 oracle    16   0   13   0:07.70  3.5 6142m 834m 828m S oracle
20575 oracle    16   0   10   0:07.92  3.3 6144m 790m 787m S oracle
20661 oracle    15   0    8   0:07.55  3.7 6147m 886m 875m D oracle
20597 oracle    15   0    8   0:07.70  3.1 6145m 726m 722m D oracle
21108 oracle    15   0    7   0:07.42  3.6 6145m 855m 847m D oracle
12002 oracle    15   0    6   0:58.91  7.8 6163m 1.8g 1.8g D oracle
20184 oracle    15   0    6   0:08.33  2.5 6145m 588m 580m D oracle
23620 oracle    15   0    4  10:16.86  0.7 6142m 175m 170m S oracle
23965 oracle    15   0    4   0:03.42  1.4 6145m 321m 314m D oracle
20747 oracle    16   0    3   0:12.58  3.5 6142m 835m 830m S oracle
22748 oracle    15   0    3   0:09.85  1.6 6142m 385m 379m D oracle
23608 oracle    15   0    3   2:36.86  0.3 6141m  72m  68m S oracle
21144 oracle    16   0    3   0:05.70  3.3 6142m 775m 769m R oracle
20290 oracle    15   0    3   0:05.63  2.7 6143m 633m 627m D oracle
24838 oracle    17   0    3   0:06.06  0.0  3372 2100  828 R top
21152 oracle    16   0    2   0:05.76  3.2 6142m 758m 753m S oracle
23195 oracle    18   0    2   0:02.42  1.0 6145m 242m 233m D oracle
13128 oracle    15   0    2   0:44.61  6.7 6155m 1.6g 1.6g D oracle
21328 oracle    16   0    2   0:03.76  2.6 6142m 622m 616m D oracle
21452 oracle    15   0    2   0:05.09  3.2 6142m 759m 753m S oracle
22762 oracle    15   0    2   0:09.04  2.5 6147m 590m 580m D oracle
23426 oracle    18   0    2   0:10.34  0.3 6147m  77m  67m D oracle
17852 oracle    15   0    2   0:21.62  6.0 6147m 1.4g 1.4g S oracle
21236 oracle    15   0    2   0:04.04  2.5 6142m 606m 601m D oracle
21320 oracle    15   0    2   0:07.79  3.0 6141m 710m 705m S oracle
21556 oracle    15   0    2   0:07.08  3.3 6144m 791m 785m S oracle
21565 oracle    15   0    2   0:05.64  3.2 6145m 770m 761m D oracle
21785 oracle    15   0    2   0:06.85  3.5 6142m 827m 821m S oracle
22734 oracle    16   0    2   0:04.03  1.9 6142m 462m 456m S oracle
22917 oracle    16   0    2   0:05.54  2.1 6141m 491m 490m S oracle
23033 oracle    15   0    2   0:03.26  2.0 6141m 476m 471m S oracle
23065 oracle    16   0    2   0:05.70  2.2 6142m 535m 530m S oracle
23107 oracle    15   0    2   0:06.66  2.2 6142m 527m 523m S oracle
23145 oracle    15   0    2   0:04.69  2.2 6141m 533m 529m S oracle
Please find in the output above, this information about memory
Mem:  24386076k total, 21804516k used,  2581560k free,    55448k buffers
Mem:  24386076k total, 24343428k used,    42648k free,     2476k buffers
From this we can understand that whole of RAM (24G) is occupied.
Also, the swap memory is currently set to 18G, which is inadiquate, and recommended value being 2*RAM.
Nevertheless, we can note from the above output that not even 50% of swap is being used.
Swap: 18874360k total,   291704k used, 18582656k free, 15216096k cached
Swap: 18874360k total,  2439932k used, 16434428k free,  4579352k cached
_when I issue a sar -B to look at the page swap-in - swap-out statistics,_ below is the output...
oracle@ LIVE $ sar -B
Linux 2.6.9-67.EL (dbserver)    08/07/2009
12:00:01 AM  pgpgin/s pgpgout/s   fault/s  majflt/s
12:10:01 AM  34214.02    219.92      0.00      0.25
12:20:01 AM   1541.90    149.04      0.00      0.14
12:30:01 AM    239.14     84.37      0.00      0.06
12:40:01 AM    394.51    101.49      0.00      0.18
12:50:01 AM    240.18     85.75      0.00      0.06
01:00:01 AM   4488.40     78.24      0.00      0.05
01:10:01 AM  14981.73     75.12      0.00      0.01
01:20:01 AM  11968.05     72.61      0.00      0.01
01:30:01 AM  12024.09     77.68      0.00      0.09
01:40:01 AM  11604.29     90.95      0.00      0.04
01:50:01 AM   7893.51     70.89      0.00      0.07
02:00:01 AM  13023.44    511.56      0.00      0.26
02:10:01 AM  13653.04    622.65      0.00      2.21
02:20:01 AM   5193.70   1445.15      0.00      3.56
02:30:01 AM    290.89     70.36      0.00      0.51
02:40:01 AM   1809.92     69.11      0.00      2.27
02:50:01 AM   3528.53     65.65      0.00      4.27
03:00:01 AM    269.15     62.39      0.00      0.32
03:10:01 AM    333.97     69.48      0.00      0.50
03:20:01 AM    200.89     60.15      0.00      0.17
03:30:01 AM    242.82     62.09      0.00      0.25
03:40:01 AM    402.22     74.02      0.00      0.90
03:40:01 AM  pgpgin/s pgpgout/s   fault/s  majflt/s
03:50:01 AM    260.14     68.57      0.00      0.44
04:00:01 AM    213.76     63.69      0.00      0.49
04:10:01 AM    362.30     83.63      0.00      0.63
04:20:01 AM    210.44     61.14      0.00      0.14
04:30:01 AM    190.25     60.83      0.00      0.20
04:40:01 AM    365.54     66.88      0.00      0.03
04:50:01 AM    226.78     59.52      0.00      0.11
05:00:01 AM    226.93     60.40      0.00      0.05
05:10:01 AM    212.83     69.12      0.00      0.19
05:20:01 AM    215.33     60.71      0.00      0.49
05:30:01 AM    912.79     59.17      0.00      0.28
05:40:01 AM    370.07     66.11      0.00      0.48
05:50:01 AM   1833.67     63.88      0.00      0.53
06:00:01 AM    219.66     65.23      0.00      0.15
06:10:01 AM   4620.59     69.09      0.00      0.48
06:20:01 AM   2414.83     65.40      0.00      0.79
06:30:01 AM    757.35     71.67      0.00      0.91
06:40:01 AM   1887.52     78.31      0.00      1.18
06:50:01 AM   1252.43     71.35      0.00      1.22
07:00:01 AM   4480.48    156.01      0.00      3.01
07:10:01 AM   2142.40     92.94      0.00      1.97
07:20:01 AM    613.23     79.77      0.00      1.16
07:20:01 AM  pgpgin/s pgpgout/s   fault/s  majflt/s
07:30:01 AM    636.39     83.06      0.00      0.87
07:40:01 AM   1397.53     83.89      0.00      0.83
07:50:01 AM   1610.68     71.90      0.00      0.85
08:00:01 AM   1098.05     75.91      0.00      0.93
08:10:01 AM   1467.69     85.98      0.00      0.62
08:20:01 AM    243.62     77.07      0.00      0.66
08:30:01 AM   3715.55     78.32      0.00      0.77
08:40:01 AM   4349.47     92.54      0.00      0.53
08:50:01 AM   7316.11     93.53      0.00      0.67
09:00:01 AM   5744.32     90.40      0.00      0.61
09:10:01 AM   6985.40    120.99      0.00      0.84
09:20:01 AM   5637.85    112.27      0.00      0.64
09:30:01 AM   3055.56    160.45      0.00      0.78
09:40:01 AM   3999.53    145.28      0.00      0.71
09:50:01 AM   1362.71    496.15      0.00      0.72
10:00:01 AM   4084.31    156.43      0.00      0.92
10:10:01 AM   3285.42    201.31      0.00      0.65
10:20:01 AM  14973.06    137.45      0.00      0.65
10:30:01 AM  16025.03    147.66      0.00      0.49
10:40:01 AM  14166.79    162.84      0.00      0.49
10:50:02 AM  13530.12    978.20      0.00      0.66
11:00:02 AM  13750.83    622.40      0.00      0.43
11:00:02 AM  pgpgin/s pgpgout/s   fault/s  majflt/s
11:10:01 AM  14438.37    764.58      0.00      0.42
11:20:01 AM  14811.98    435.83      0.00      0.52
11:30:01 AM  14656.98    734.49      0.00      1.28
11:40:06 AM  11659.16   1771.47      0.00      8.09
11:50:22 AM   9384.74   4075.21      0.00     73.56
12:00:01 PM   4935.84    306.69      0.00    127.56
Average:      5014.06    253.98      0.00      3.55You can notice that the pgpgin/s is at *14 thousand per second*.
Is this not a dangerous situation??
Can someone help me decode all this stuff and understand what's wrong???

ice_cold_aswin wrote:
So how do I reduce this thrashing? I do not see trashing.. as despite the number of virtual pages being high, the system does not seem to show the swap daemons taking strain. This is a sizable server running lots of processes - thus there will be a corresponding increase in swapping activity.
There is no "+ideal swap count+" for a system (except perhaps zero, but that is unrealistic). So swapping 17,000 pages per second is neither good or bad - one has to look beyond that number alone.
But, using SHARED_SERVER mode is not possible in our system as of now, coz we run both OLTP and REALLY BIG OLAP queries on the same database. We are thinking of having a separate reporting server, and it might take more time to get implemented.It should not be that difficult IMO. You configure the TNS connection strings of the clients accordingly. An OLTP client requests a shared server. An OLAP client requests a dedicated server.
And this is the proper way to address scalability - consciously designing and deploying a system to scale. To attempt to address scalability as an after through by throwing more memory at it, more CPUs, bigger network pipes and so on.. that is essentially moving the performance wall some metres further away and then running even faster into it.
A lot of physical process images do translate into a largish memory footprint.but how can processes consume more memory than what they are supposed to? When the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set to 4G, all the (oracle Server Process) processes together should consume no more than 4G, correct?From the [Oracle® Database Reference|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/initparams157.htm] guide:
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET specifies the target aggregate PGA memory available to all server processes attached to the instance.
Setting PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET to a nonzero value has the effect of automatically setting the WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY parameter to AUTO. This means that SQL working areas used by memory-intensive SQL operators (such as sort, group-by, hash-join, bitmap merge, and bitmap create) will be automatically sized. A nonzero value for this parameter is the default since, unless you specify otherwise, Oracle sets it to 20% of the SGA or 10 MB, whichever is greater.
Setting PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET to 0 automatically sets the WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY parameter to MANUAL. This means that SQL workareas are sized using the AREASIZE parameters.
Oracle attempts to keep the amount of private memory below the target specified by this parameter by adapting the size of the work areas to private memory. When increasing the value of this parameter, you indirectly increase the memory allotted to work areas. Consequently, more memory-intensive operations are able to run fully in memory and less will work their way over to disk.
When setting this parameter, you should examine the total memory on your system that is available to the Oracle instance and subtract the SGA. You can assign the remaining memory to PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET.
Always refer to the manuals when in doubt. :-)
You can find from the top command above, each of oracleSID (Server Process) is occupying 6000m (6G) of VIRTual memory. Virtual memory is not an indication of the actual physical memory footprint of a process as that usually includes shared memory to. You want to see what the actual size of that process image is in the kernel... unfortunately the standard ps command on Unix/Linux is a bit ambiguous in this regard.

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    View Solution.

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    Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:28:26 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
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        Re: project output from Elements 9 cut in half?
        created by A.T. Romano in Premiere Elements - View the full discussion
    It is there at the top of the forum
    It should look like
    http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/kb/wmv-files-corrupted-import-or.h tml http://forums.adobe.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-5523906-365234/450-315/Announc ement.jpg
    The link in the screenshot will not be active since it is only a screenshot. If you cannot find the Announcement, the link the it gives is
    http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/kb/wmv-files-corrupted-import-or.h tml
    But it is there. So, please try again to find it.
    The following is a link  many, many recent threads on the problem.
    Please let us know if you find the information that you need and that you are OK with solution.
    Thank you.
         Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at http://forums.adobe.com/message/5523906#5523906
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/5523906#5523906
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at http://forums.adobe.com/message/5523906#5523906. In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Premiere Elements by email or at Adobe Community
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

  • My UR12 Steinberg interface is recognized by Yosemite but I can't get any output from the device, does anyone know how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance

    My UR12 Steinberg interface is recognized by Yosemite but I can't get any output from the device, does anyone know how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance

    Apparently it's related to the Firefox plug in.
    This isn't exactly a solution but more of a way to avoid opening PDFs with Firefox's plug in.
    1. Highlight "Tools" from the Menu Bar in the top left of the screen (or click "Options" if using the Firefox Compact Menu)
    2. Select to "Options
    3. Select "Applications"
    4. Look for "Adobe Acrobat Document" under Content Type and to the right under Action select "Use Adobe Reader (default)" instead of the using Adobe Acrobat in Firefox
    5. Open a test PDF. It should open in it's own window now.
    Again, not a complete solution but something that'll at least let you scroll with PDFs open.
    More info here: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2171033

  • XML output from oracle equivalent to sql server

    I need an equivalent sql server 2005 equivalent output from oracle.
    Tried with DBMS_XMLGEN.getxml, xforest etc. But I am not able to get desired output.
    Could anyone help me in giving a hint to do so.
    Here below i am pasting sql server 2005 query and output, oracle query and output.
    SELECT top 5
    P.process_id AS Ppid,
    P.name AS Pn,
    P.group_id AS Pg,
    P.locked AS Pl,
    P.build AS Pb,
    100 AS qcount,
    200 AS ocount,
    PI.question_id AS PIqid,
    PI.process_id AS PIpid,
    PI.posx AS PIpx,
    PI.posy AS PIpy,
    PI.innertext AS PItext,
    PI.itemtype AS PItype,
    PI.linkfrom AS PIfrom,
    PI.linkto AS PIto,
    PI.associated AS PIas,
    PI.content_id AS PIc,
    PI.exitpoint1_id AS PIe1,
    PI.exitpoint2_id AS PIe2,
    PI.exitpoint3_id AS PIe3,
    PI.resolveidentifier AS PIri,
    PI.libquestion_idfk AS PIlqid,
    PI.followoncall AS PIfoc,
    PI.userinput AS PIui,
    PI.isLocked AS PIstls,
    PI.PreviousAnswer as PIPAns,
    PI.VisibleToAgent as PIVAgent,
    PI.RetryAttempt as PIRetry,
    PI.Tags as PITag,
    PO.option_id AS POoid,
    PO.question_id AS POqid,
    PO.process_id AS popid,
    PO.posx AS POpx,
    PO.posy AS POpy,
    PO.opt_innertext AS POtext,
    PO.opt_linkfrom AS POfrom,
    PO.opt_linkto AS POto,
    PO.libquestion_idfk AS POlqid,
    PO.liboption_idfk AS POloid
    dbo.processes_ec AS P WITH (nolock) INNER JOIN
    dbo.vw_ProcessesQuestions_Simulator_v6 AS PI WITH (nolock)
    ON P.process_id = PI.process_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.vw_ProcessesOptions_Simulator_v6 AS PO WITH (nolock)
    ON PI.question_id = PO.question_id AND PI.process_id = PO.process_id
    ORDER BY Ppid, PIqid, POoid ASC
    <Pn>CBB1015 - Router Firewall Settinngs Process</Pn>
    <PItext>CBB1015 - Router Firewall Settinngs Process</PItext>
    <PO />
    <PItext>Is the customers PC Firewall turned off?</PItext>
    <PItext>Advise the customer to turn off the PC Firewall in order to continue. Has this been done?</PItext>
    Oracle query and output
    select DBMS_XMLGEN.getxml('select * from (SELECT
    P.process_id AS Ppid,
    P.name AS Pn,
    P.group_id AS Pg,
    P.locked AS Pl,
    P.build AS Pb,
    100 AS qcount,
    200 AS ocount,
    PI.question_id AS PIqid,
    PI.process_id AS PIpid,
    PI.posx AS PIpx,
    PI.posy AS PIpy,
    PI.innertext AS PItext,
    PI.itemtype AS PItype,
    PI.linkfrom AS PIfrom,
    PI.linkto AS PIto,
    PI.associated AS PIas,
    PI.content_id AS PIc,
    PI.exitpoint1_id AS PIe1,
    PI.exitpoint2_id AS PIe2,
    PI.exitpoint3_id AS PIe3,
    PI.resolveidentifier AS PIri,
    PI.libquestion_idfk AS PIlqid,
    PI.followoncall AS PIfoc,
    PI.userinput AS PIui,
    PI.isLocked AS PIstls,
    PI.PreviousAnswer as PIPAns,
    PI.VisibleToAgent as PIVAgent,
    PI.RetryAttempt as PIRetry,
    PI.Tags as PITag,
    PO.option_id AS POoid,
    PO.question_id AS POqid,
    PO.process_id AS popid,
    PO.posx AS POpx,
    PO.posy AS POpy,
    PO.opt_innertext AS POtext,
    PO.opt_linkfrom AS POfrom,
    PO.opt_linkto AS POto,
    PO.libquestion_idfk AS POlqid,
    PO.liboption_idfk AS POloid
    processes_ec P INNER JOIN
    vw_ProcessesQuestions_Sim_v6 PI
    ON P.process_id = PI.process_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
    vw_ProcessesOptions_Sim_v6 PO
    ON PI.question_id = PO.question_id AND PI.process_id = PO.process_id
    ORDER BY Ppid, PIqid, POoid ASC) where rownum<=5') from dual
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <PN>CBB1015 - Router Firewall Settinngs Process</PN>
    <PITEXT>CBB1015 - Router Firewall Settinngs Process</PITEXT>
    <PN>CBB1015 - Router Firewall Settinngs Process</PN>
    <PITEXT>Is the customers PC Firewall turned off?</PITEXT>
    <PN>CBB1015 - Router Firewall Settinngs Process</PN>
    <PITEXT>Is the customers PC Firewall turned off?</PITEXT>
    <PN>CBB1015 - Router Firewall Settinngs Process</PN>
    <PITEXT>Advise the customer to turn off the PC Firewall in order to continue. Has this been done?</PITEXT>
    <PN>CBB1015 - Router Firewall Settinngs Process</PN>
    <PITEXT>Advise the customer to turn off the PC Firewall in order to continue. Has this been done?</PITEXT>
    Any help really appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Here are the links ->
    Satyaki De

  • No output from line out 1 and 3, audig

    A while ago, I observed no sound coming from several speakers in our 5. sound system. 2 of the speakers provide sound. Also running windows xp and audigy 4.
    I followed the trouble shooting guide using headphones and have no sound card ouput from lines and 3. Line 2 provides output.
    We are using a 5. speaker system and individually plugged each of the 3 lines from the speaker system into line 2 out from the sound card and all the speakers sound good.
    uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers
    The troubleshooting guide mentions a "digital only output" toggle under the volume advanced tab. I searched the sound and audio device properties utility from top to bottom but can't find the toggle.
    I am not sure what to do regarding further troubleshooting. Please advise.

    Never mind: focus was on the wrong computer on the KVM.

  • Poor Output from AME (Premiere 4)

    I love Premiere, but I hate the Adobe Media Encoder.  I think part of the problem may be that I am producing custom video for desktop and the web as opposed to media for DVD, Blu Ray, etc.
    I am producing a series of short 16:9  Quicktime videos at a custom size from high-res progressive source files rendered in 3DS Max.
    I have found that the Media encoder settings seem to be very restrictive with regard to bitrate settings, and that the best available quality when encoding to H.264, for example, is just plain crappy, and nowhere near as good as I can produce if I use the Sorenson Squeeze trial.
    I think some codecs are just poorly implemented.  Both of the Sorenson codecs can not be configured, and bitrate options are limited.  The resulting video is horrible compared to the same result from the Sorenson encoder.
    The animation codec for desktop QuickTime is just plain broken.  even at the best quality settings, the output is full of noise and artifacts and is markedly inferior to the output from the video encoder in Max or even in the cheap little Camtasia screen recorder.
    In order to get clean video in QuickTime format, I have tried every combination of codecs I can think of. I can't set the bitrate high enough with H.264 or most lossy codecs, and animation and graphics codecs are clearly broken.  I seem to have to export huge files directly to component or raw output in order to get a high enough quality video.... and then, of course I have to find another tool to transcode that to something I can actually distribute.
    What am I missing? I really want to use H.264. Is there a way to get at the deeper encoding options so I ca set up the VBR options and set a higher bitrate than the little slider on the options panel seems to allow?
    What are other people doing?  Are most people using a third party compression or encoding utility like Squeeze?  If so, it sucks, because I didn't count on having to spend an additional 900 bucks on top of the cost of Adobe Master Collection.

    Thanks for the info.  I will try this out.  I'm getting very discussed with AME.  Yeah, there are lots of presets...but the output is terrible.  Kinda like you find with having to use Squeeze.  Am I missing something?  There are posts all over the place that AME doesn't get it done so to speak.  Where is Adobe addressing these issues?
    Does AfterEffects use a different encoder?  Why can I produce 'high quality' with AE and not with AME???  Yeah it takes longer to encode in AE but the final output is good.  Hmmm.
    My goal here is to render to 1280x720 and make it for presentation with my 'high power' computer.  Then upload it to youtube HD.  When I try to convert it to Youtube it looks like crap.
    Question:  What viewer do you use for .f4v files?  I'm using Adobe Media Player, and the .f4v files I have already made don't look good at all.
    I view with Quicktime and Windows Media Player.  Get two different levels of quality with both.  Same problem on the internet, IE8 doesn't view youtube videos as well as FireFox...  Yes the delima goes on, and on, and on.........
    I have got to get this to work..
    I'm going to watch this thread for awhile.  Hopefully others will share their successes.

  • I keep losing volume output from one of my tracks (Strings) in GarageBand. The volume has gone completely from the whole track when I send the song to iTunes-can you help?

    I keep losing volume output from one of the Tracks from my Song Project. The Strings volume, at first, was there but, when I sent the Song to my iTunes Library the strings volume was absent. Can any help? I've experience this before on another project, where for some unknown reason I've lost the Orchestral Choir volume. Sometimes, if the volume on a track disappears, I close everything down & then restart-this temporarily sorts it out but losing a track in the final mix is a different problem...please help!
    Many thanks!!

    soulkiss wrote:
    I need the vocals to be the same volume throughout.
    a good tool for that would be one of the compressors (a web search on "audio mixing compressor" will yield tons of information on using them)
    soulkiss wrote:
    It always exports at the audio level no matter what.
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

  • Discoverer report - Output from Discoverer plus is not the same as Discoverer desktop

    As a part of Upgrade project we are migrating the discoverer reports from 11i ( to R12 (12.1.3) .After migrating to R12, for a custom discoverer report the output given by discoverer desktop is correct (24 rows for a scenario). But the report output from Discoverer plus does not show the credit transactions (2 rows). The output from Discoverer plus shows only 22 rows (24 - 2), which is incorrect. The query is the same in Discoverer desktop and Discoverer plus.
    Please let me know why these transactions that are appearing when the report is run from discoverer desktop are not appearing in discoverer plus. Is there any setup in discoverer plus for this?

    Pretty hard to answer a question like this.  Best bet would be to copy the existing discoverer plus book and start removing conditions, fields, etc until those two rows from desktop show up and see if you can work it out. 

  • Unable to output from FCP to Canon XL1.

    I have an eMac with Final Cut Pro 4.5 HD. I also have a Canon XL1 3 CCD camcorder.
    I have no problem capturing footage from my camcorder to my eMac on FCP. I can also connect my Canon to my VCR and record off my camcorder to my TV, as well as play the tape on my camcorder to watch it on TV.
    However, I cannot output from FCP to my camcorder. The 4 to 6 FireWire is attached to both the camera and the eMac and I checked the Log and Capture feature and FCP does recognize a camera or deck is attached. I've been trying to output it using manual record in which I press record on my camcorder and play the playhead on FCP. As I record, there is no picture on my viewfinder, nor any audio being recorded and when I play it back, I just get this blank blue screen, but the timecode is recorded.
    Am I missing something here?

    ensure the following are set
    View>Video Playback>Firewire Apple 720x480 (NTSC or PAL - whatever is appropriate)
    View>Audio Playback>Audio follows video
    View>External Video>All Frames
    If this isn't what you are set to do, you won't be sending video out to your recorder.

  • My PC has blue screened twice in the past week so I force quit it it came back on a few times after that it is now grey screening with inch wide blue lines from top to bottom the apple logo is there and it is trying to boot up but nothing happening

    My Mac has blue screened a couple of times this week it started to work a couple of times after that but now it is grey screening with inch wide blue lines from top to bottom the apple logo is also there it is trying to boot up again but won't. Not sure don't know anything about how to fix things but I suspect the fan has stopped working as I can't hear one. The problem I have I now live in Turkey and I am 1000 km from the nearest apple shop which is in Istanbul I believe and I now live in Didim, Altinkum I don't trust the everyday Turkish shop to take it to as they will tell you they know how to fix it but will probably make it worse, typical in Turkey. Please can someone help as we use it for our business and obviously I need it up and running ASAP I am using IPad and iPhone at moment but can't access my files which are on PC.

    Thanks for that information!
    I'm sure I will be calling AppleCare, but the problem is, they charge for the phone calls don't they? Because I don't have money to be spending to be on the phone with a support service.
    In other things, it seemed like the only time my MacBook was working was when I had Snow Leopard without the 10.6.8 update download that was supposed to be done to prepare for OS X Lion.
    When I look at the information of my HD it says that I have 10.6.8 but that was the install that it claimed to have failed and caused me to restart resulting in all of the repeated problems.
    Also, because my computer is currently down, and I've lost all files how would that effect the use of my iPhone? Because if it doesn't get fixed by the time OS 5 is released, how would I be able to upgrade?!

  • Error message by periodic weekly: No output from the 1 file processed

    Hi there,
    since four weeks, I got a problem with the maintenance script periodic weekly. Up to December 22nd, the script did, what it should do: rebuilding the database of locate and whatis, rotating log-files. Since one week later, I got the error message: No output from the 1 file processed.
    Normally, I use Anacron to do the job. When I noticed the problem, I tried to start the script with Tinker Tool System getting the same result. Another try using the Terminal (sudo periodic weekly) also failed. The commands locate and whatis are working, locate.updatedb and makewhatis also. I'm running 10.4.8; in the past, I did not have such problems. Anyone with an idea or solution?
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Hi Gary,
    here is the output you were asking for:
    Last login: Thu Jan 25 20:03:55 on console
    Welcome to Darwin!
    DeepThought:~ dirk$ sudo /private/etc/periodic/weekly/500.weekly; echo $?
    Sorry, try again.
    Rebuilding locate database:
    Rebuilding whatis database:
    find: /usr/local/man: No such file or directory
    makewhatis: /usr/share/man/man1/fetchmailconf.1.gz: No such file or directory
    Rotating log files: ftp.log lpr.log mail.log netinfo.log ipfw.log ppp.log secure.log
    access_log error_log
    Running weekly.local:
    Rotating psync log files:/etc/weekly.local: line 17: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
    /etc/weekly.local: line 17: `if [ -f /var/run/syslog.pid ]; then kill -HUP 0 80 79 81 0cat /var/run/syslog.pid | head -1); fi'
    DeepThought:~ dirk$ ls -loe /private/etc/periodic/weekly/500.weekly
    -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel - 2532 Jan 13 2006 /private/etc/periodic/weekly/500.weekly
    DeepThought:~ dirk$
    It seems, Rogers idea, PsynX respectively the deficient uninstalling by me is responsible for my problems, is correct. Should I remove the whole file weekly.local or should I only remove the content? I prefer removing the whole file, because it was created while installing PsyncX. The date of creation is the same as the date of installing the app (December 25).
    By the way: it seems to me, the solution of my problem is in sight. So I want to thank you all for the amazing aid I got from you!

  • Open url from top navigation bar in work area

    I added in top navigation bar one link (component CRMCMP_HDR_STD, view MESSAGE). How i would like to show content of that url in workarea of web ui window.
    I know that I can call url with href, but the problem is that this url content is then shown in that top navigation bar which is very small. I also know how to show that content in new window.
    But as I said Iwant to show it in workarea window. Like for example if you click on Personalization link in navigation bar.
    I checked how this Personalization call works in standard but it is somewhove hardcoded.
    Any ideas? Help will be appreciated.

    I would have even bettter requirement. I developed Z component. And I want to call this Z component from navigation bar link (component CRMCMP_HDR_STD, view MESSAGE).
    But as I said, I don't want to open that Z compoennt instead of CRMCMP_HDR_STD component in top bar, but in workarea. The requirement is similar as when you would click on any option in left navigation bar, which then opens component in workarea. But I don't want to launch my Z component from left navigation bar (which I know how to use), but from top navigation bar.
    Help appreciated.

Maybe you are looking for