Hostname length Restriction in 11gR2 ?

Hi all,
Is there any hostname length restriction in 11gR2? As there was
restriction of max 8 characters in earlier releases
Health Check Alert: The hostname should be 8 characters or less in
length (Doc ID 957443.1)

I'm planning to installa Grid Infrastructure + Database... do you have both GI and DB on this host?

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    {code     <xs:simpleType name="Id">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:maxLength value="40"/>
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    Thanks In Advance,
    Edited by: raudabat on Apr 23, 2009 6:38 AM

    Thanks for your reply. My code is very generic in its call to the procedure setting the mime type 'application/pdf' or 'application/ms-excel' and setting the attachment filename parameter. I wouldn't think the results SaveAs filename would have any restrictions in size dealing with directories since it is not allowed to specify the destination directory. My filename is pulled from the database. When I had a filename greater than 78 the wpg_docload function does not do anything or does not raise an error. This really restricts how a user can name there files. I dynamically create PDF and store them into the database using the document title as the filename for the download. However, if I have this limitation, I have to restrict how my user title there documents (or figure how to compress into meaningful titles).
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    Hi @TheKarlBear  ,
    To get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since this is a commercial product. You can do this at Commercial Forums.
    Here is a link to your product to start your search.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Can I remove the length restriction on YouTube videos?  YouTube no longer has this restriction.

    Can I remove the length restriction on YouTube videos?  YouTube no longer has this restriction.

    Welcome to the forum.
    As John T. points out, PrE was written when YouTube had restrictions of 10 min., and then they added Extended Subscriptions, and then lifted Duration limits.
    The instructions in that thread, to which John T. linked, will tell you how to Share/Publish from PrE, to then manually upload via your YouTube/Google account. I would guess that with PrE 12 (probably due in Oct. 2013?), the direct PrE to YouTube uploading will reflect the YouTube specifications - unless YouTube changes the game, after it is written.
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    A workaround

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    Here is a question for which I would love to get some feedback.
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    As always, points will be given etc etc.
    Espen Leknes
    Edited by: Espen Leknes on Feb 28, 2008 2:49 PM

    Hi Espen,
    from SAP point of view I can only tell you that this restriction is due to the field definition of table DRAW. I never came accross a system where this field was increased to more than 30 characters.
    As this is defined on database level I'm not sure if this really works as the document number is used to create the document key for several different other functionalities like object links.
    Best regards,

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    It is imposed by the database. It is not configurable. Database has a limit of 30 bytes. Internally, we need to use a few bytes ourselves (as suffix etc). So you are seeing 25.
    Zhe Wu

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    Hi Experts,
    I am uploading some customer witht the help of BAPI  BAPI_BUPA_FS_CREATE_FROM_DATA2.
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    Help will be appreciated.

    Hi Sourabh,
    Please refer OSS Note No. 777639
    Please find points useful for you from the note.
    Please reward points if helpful.
    The wrong field is used for the mapping: The Outbound Idoc CREMDM and DEBMDM contain both the name fields from the Address management ( 40 characters long) and from the Master data itself (35 characters long)Due to historical reasons the fields are saved in these 2 places redundantly.
    During XI XSLT mapping to the MDS the fields were taken from the Master data and not from the Address
    Change of the XSLT mapping: pick the name fields from the Address fields and not from the master data fields.

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    Hi Sai,
    As we all know maximum length of info object is 60.The only way to get the data more than 60 is create another info object and add this as attributes to the base info object and make this attributes as display attributes.
    check the below blog, you have clear explanation

  • ASA DHCP Request incorrect hostname length

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    Is there anyway to have the ASA have the  correct length for the hostname field in the DHCP packet, or a  workaround that will solve this problem?

    I am thinking it may not be option 12 in the DHCP packet, but option 81.  I have included a portion of the DHCP request from the ASA below:
       Option: (t=53,l=1) DHCP Message Type = DHCP Request
            Option: (53) DHCP Message Type
            Length: 1
            Value: 03
        Option: (t=57,l=2) Maximum DHCP Message Size = 1152
            Option: (57) Maximum DHCP Message Size
            Length: 2
            Value: 0480
        Option: (t=61,l=42) Client identifier
            Option: (61) Client identifier
            Length: 42
            Value: 00636973636F2D303032312E353537352E636131372D6D79...
        Option: (t=54,l=4) Server Identifier =
            Option: (54) Server Identifier
            Length: 4
            Value: C0A80803
        Option: (t=50,l=4) Requested IP Address =
            Option: (50) Requested IP Address
            Length: 4
            Value: C0A80869
        Option: (t=12,l=11) Host Name = "myhostname"
            Option: (12) Host Name
            Length: 11
            Value: 6D79686F73746E616D6500
        Option: (t=51,l=4) IP Address Lease Time = 8 days
            Option: (51) IP Address Lease Time
            Length: 4
            Value: 000A8C00
        Option: (t=55,l=6) Parameter Request List
            Option: (55) Parameter Request List
            Length: 6
            Value: 01060F2C0321
            1 = Subnet Mask
            6 = Domain Name Server
            15 = Domain Name
            44 = NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Server
            3 = Router
            33 = Static Route
        Option: (t=81,l=14) Client Fully Qualified Domain Name
            Option: (81) Client Fully Qualified Domain Name
            Length: 14
            Value: 0400000A6D79686F73746E616D65
            Flags: 0x04
            0000 .... = Reserved flags: 0x00
            .... 0... = Server DDNS: Some server updates
            .... .1.. = Encoding: Binary encoding
            .... ..0. = Server overrides: No override
            .... ...0 = Server: Client
            A-RR result: 0
            PTR-RR result: 0
            Client name: 0A6D79686F73746E616D65
        End Option
    Notice in option 81 the Client Name has a leading binary value of 0A (which is a new line):  0A6D79686F73746E616D65.
    Does CSCsz07757 relate to that?  Is there a way to have the ASA not include option 81 as part of the DHCP requests it makes?
    Thank you.

  • Field length restrictions

    I have a postal code field that is currently restricted to 7 characters including a space. The format is A0A0A0 and the program will automatically put the space in the middle when the user tabs over.  I want the user to enter only 6 characters but If i put that restriction in, it hides one of the letters as it it counts the space as one of the 6 characters.  If I change it to allow 7 characters, then the user can enter the whole 7 characters, but I only want them to enter 6 plus still allow for a space. Does this make sense?

    Thank you for your response radzmar. Below is what I have in the exit event currently. So I tried what you suggested by going to paterns but it is still not working for me.
    if (!(this.isNull)) {
      var str = this.rawValue;
      if (str.length != 6) {"Please enter a six character postal code in the format A9A9A9.");
      else {
        var regExp = /^([R]\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d)$/i;
        if (regExp.test(str)) {
          str = str.toUpperCase();
          this.rawValue = str.substring(0,3) + " " + str.substring(3,6);
        else {
"Please enter the postal code in the format A9A9A9, where the postal code must begin with R.");

  • Username length restriction (uid attribute)?

    Does anyone here know if there's an explicit restriction for the length of the "uid" attribute?
    I have some engineers here with crazy long names (12+ chars) and I'd like to avoid truncating if at all possible. How's everyone handle this?

    I've actually created usernames that are huge (think every key on the keyboard), and people can seem to log in properly, but I am more thinking of whether there are other restrictions, maybe OS-specific that might cause problems.
    I know there have historically been problems with Samba and Windows, but I'm not using those right now and don't plan to (for the near term, anyway), but if there are any restrictions that I'm not aware of with Solaris 8, 9 or 10, I'd love to hear about them so I can plan.

  • Removing Length Restrictions in iDVD (Burning disk larger then 5GB)

    Hi Ho all, i'm at my wits end here, i have been creating a dvd for my sisters friend her wedding, after finally completing everything but the dvd part i was really surprised when i went to save image it says "Your project exceeds the maximum content duration. To burn this project, remove some content."
    Let me first off by saying how disapointed of mac for putting this restriction on the software, i really need to get this lifted because the stuff is about 1.28GB thats the media but in iDVD it shows as 5.1GB. and it won't allow me to make any changes. Has someone made a hack for this or found a way around, because if i can save it as an image then i can use DVD2oneX and shrink it.
    Cheers for all your help, im off to bed it's 5:05AM now, lol
    [email protected] - if there is a solution please reply to this or email me, thanks

    DVD Studio Pro, with Compressor, gives you more compression options. Particulary the ability to endcode AC3 audio which frees up space. Mind you, it is now only packaged with Final Cut Studio ... and that runs around 1,300 Cdn right now.
    Also, there are some logical restrictions to how much video you can cram onto a single layer DVD. Even using Compressor to squeeze, say, 3 hours onto a single layer disk, you are knocking the numbers to the point where the quality is going to be affected.
    In iDVD, when you have a project that is just shy of the two hour mark, you can definitely have some quality issues. Studio Pro gives you more options but as stated, not a price for the faint hearted.
    And 80 bucks for Toast is a great deal. Although I use iDVD and DVD Studio Pro for my "movies" Toast is, in my humble opinion, a valuable DVD/CD creation tool

  • Regular Expressions with Unicode Strings - length restriction?

    I can't quite figure this one out. I am checking a String for the presence of a URL.. more specifically, a jpg or gif URL.
    Anyway, the following reg exp will work fine for me. However, when testing with unicode data (chinese text) the expression will only work up to a certain string length. Here's an example:
    boolean isURL = text.matches(".*http\\S*(jpg|gif).*");
    My thought is that since Unicode data takes up more space, there a limitation to dealing with Strings. Does anyone know what that number is? Or, is there another reason the reg exp fails??
    This works for any length String I throw at it using standard ASCII text.. But a unicode string of a certain length won't recognize the URL (I doubt I can simply paste my example here and have it turn out correctly..)
    DOESN'T WORK: (length is reported via text.length() as 344
    "FWD: test_tancy: FWD: tancy: FWD: supporter:
    WORKS: (length is reported via text.length() as 296
    "FWD: Joe: &#35201;&#35753;&#23621;&#25152;&#30475;&#36215;&#26469;&#28165;&#29245;&#20937;&#24555;&#65292;&#21487;&#37319;&#29992;&#20197;&#30333;&#33394;&#20026;&#20027;&#35843;&#30340;&#24067;&#32622;&#12290;&#30333;&#33394;&#19981;&#20294;&#33021;&#22686;&#21152;&#31354;&#38388;&#24863;&#65292;&#36824;&#33021;&#33829;&#36896;&#26126;&#24555;&#23425;&#38745;&#30340;&#27668;&#27675;&#65292;&#35753;&#20154;&#24773;&#32490;&#31283;&#23450;&#12290;&#21478;&#22806;&#65292;&#26377;&#24847;&#35782;&#22320;&#22686;&#28155;&#19968;&#28857;&#20919;&#33394;&#65292;&#20063;&#33021;&#20196;&#20154;&#22312;&#35270;&#35273;&#19978;&#35273;&#24471;&#30021;&#24555;&#12290;&#19981;&#36807;&#65292;&#19968;&#38388;&#25151;&#20869;&#33509;&#20840;&#37096;&#20351;&#29992;&#20919;&#33394;&#65292;&#25110;&#20840;&#37096;&#37319;&#29992;&#26262;&#33394;&#65292;&#20250;&#20351;&#20154;&#24863;&#21040;&#19981;&#23433;&#12290;&#26368;&#22909;&#26159;&#30830;&#23450;&#20027;&#33394;&#21518;&#65292;&#23567;&#38754;&#31215;&#20351;&#29992;&#20123;&#21576;&#40092;&#26126;&#23545;&#27604;&#30340;&#33394;&#24425;&#12290;&#20837;&#22799;&#36141;&#32622;&#19968;&#20123;&#33394;&#35843;&#28165;&#20937;&#30340;&#39280;&#29289;&#25670;&#35774;&#65292;&#26159;&#26368;&#30465;&#38065;&#26377;&#25928;&#30340;&#19968;&#25307;&#65292;&#22914;&#20026;&#21488;&#28783;&#25442;&#20010;&#30333;&#33394;&#28783;&#32617;&#12289;&#22312;&#27927;&#25163;&#38388;&#25918;&#19968;&#22871;&#20912;&#34013;&#33394;&#30340;&#27792;&#28020;&#29992;&#20855;&#31561;&#12290;(UU&#20026;&#24744;&#25552;&#20379;&#29983;&#27963;&#21672;&#35759;&#24182;&#31069;&#24744;&#29983;&#27963;&#24841;&#24555;&#65281;&#22914;&#19981;&#24076;&#26395;&#25171;&#25200;&#35831;&#22238;&#22797;?NO?)"

    Perhaps you should check the version of Java you are using. I am using 1.4.2_04
    public class A {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
            String text = "FWD: test_tancy: FWD: tancy: FWD: supporter:                   " +
                    new String(new char[]{(char) 35201, (char) 35753, (char) 23621, (char) 25152, (char) 30475, (char) 36215,
                                          (char) 26469, (char) 28165, (char) 29245, (char) 20937, (char) 24555, (char) 65292,
                                          (char) 21487, (char) 37319, (char) 29992, (char) 20197, (char) 30333, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 20026, (char) 20027, (char) 35843, (char) 30340, (char) 24067, (char) 32622,
                                          (char) 12290, (char) 30333, (char) 33394, (char) 19981, (char) 20294, (char) 33021,
                                          (char) 22686, (char) 21152, (char) 31354, (char) 38388, (char) 24863, (char) 65292,
                                          (char) 36824, (char) 33021, (char) 33829, (char) 36896, (char) 26126, (char) 24555,
                                          (char) 23425, (char) 38745, (char) 30340, (char) 27668, (char) 27675, (char) 65292,
                                          (char) 35753, (char) 20154, (char) 24773, (char) 32490, (char) 31283, (char) 23450,
                                          (char) 12290, (char) 21478, (char) 22806, (char) 65292, (char) 26377, (char) 24847,
                                          (char) 35782, (char) 22320, (char) 22686, (char) 28155, (char) 19968, (char) 28857,
                                          (char) 20919, (char) 33394, (char) 65292, (char) 20063, (char) 33021, (char) 20196,
                                          (char) 20154, (char) 22312, (char) 35270, (char) 35273, (char) 19978, (char) 35273,
                                          (char) 24471, (char) 30021, (char) 24555, (char) 12290, (char) 19981, (char) 36807,
                                          (char) 65292, (char) 19968, (char) 38388, (char) 25151, (char) 20869, (char) 33509,
                                          (char) 20840, (char) 37096, (char) 20351, (char) 29992, (char) 20919, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 65292, (char) 25110, (char) 20840, (char) 37096, (char) 37319, (char) 29992,
                                          (char) 26262, (char) 33394, (char) 65292, (char) 20250, (char) 20351, (char) 20154,
                                          (char) 24863, (char) 21040, (char) 19981, (char) 23433, (char) 12290, (char) 26368,
                                          (char) 22909, (char) 26159, (char) 30830, (char) 23450, (char) 20027, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 21518, (char) 65292, (char) 23567, (char) 38754, (char) 31215, (char) 20351,
                                          (char) 29992, (char) 20123, (char) 21576, (char) 40092, (char) 26126, (char) 23545,
                                          (char) 27604, (char) 30340, (char) 33394, (char) 24425, (char) 12290, (char) 20837,
                                          (char) 22799, (char) 36141, (char) 32622, (char) 19968, (char) 20123, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 35843, (char) 28165, (char) 20937, (char) 30340, (char) 39280, (char) 29289,
                                          (char) 25670, (char) 35774, (char) 65292, (char) 26159, (char) 26368, (char) 30465,
                                          (char) 38065, (char) 26377, (char) 25928, (char) 30340, (char) 19968, (char) 25307,
                                          (char) 65292, (char) 22914, (char) 20026, (char) 21488, (char) 28783, (char) 25442,
                                          (char) 20010, (char) 30333, (char) 33394, (char) 28783, (char) 32617, (char) 12289,
                                          (char) 22312, (char) 27927, (char) 25163, (char) 38388, (char) 25918, (char) 19968,
                                          (char) 22871, (char) 20912, (char) 34013, (char) 33394, (char) 30340, (char) 27792,
                                          (char) 28020, (char) 29992, (char) 20855, (char) 31561, (char) 12290, (char) 20026,
                                          (char) 24744, (char) 25552, (char) 20379, (char) 29983, (char) 27963, (char) 21672,
                                          (char) 35759, (char) 24182, (char) 31069, (char) 24744, (char) 29983, (char) 27963,
                                          (char) 24841, (char) 24555, (char) 65281, (char) 22914, (char) 19981, (char) 24076,
                                          (char) 26395, (char) 25171, (char) 25200, (char) 35831, (char) 22238, (char) 22797}) +
            boolean isURL = text.matches(".*http\\S*(jpg|gif).*");
            System.out.println("isURL="+isURL+", length="+text.length());
    isURL=true, length=344

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