Username length restriction (uid attribute)?

Does anyone here know if there's an explicit restriction for the length of the "uid" attribute?
I have some engineers here with crazy long names (12+ chars) and I'd like to avoid truncating if at all possible. How's everyone handle this?

I've actually created usernames that are huge (think every key on the keyboard), and people can seem to log in properly, but I am more thinking of whether there are other restrictions, maybe OS-specific that might cause problems.
I know there have historically been problems with Samba and Windows, but I'm not using those right now and don't plan to (for the near term, anyway), but if there are any restrictions that I'm not aware of with Solaris 8, 9 or 10, I'd love to hear about them so I can plan.

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    Restriction can be done only for navigational attribute.U cannot do restriction for display attirbute.
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    As  you said if there is no Data for this Attribute,you can change the length and transport it to production..However check in Quality system if everything is fine then release it to Production.
    whenver you make changes to existing InfoObejcts/adding InfoObjects check the status of InfoCube ,Update rules,InfoSource,Transfer rules...etc...make sure all are active.if not,Then activate all( here its better to write changes to A TR without collecting them manually)  and test with some test data and Transport.

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    Hi @TheKarlBear  ,
    To get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since this is a commercial product. You can do this at Commercial Forums.
    Here is a link to your product to start your search.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Welcome to the forum.
    As John T. points out, PrE was written when YouTube had restrictions of 10 min., and then they added Extended Subscriptions, and then lifted Duration limits.
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    Good luck,

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    Hi Sai,
    As we all know maximum length of info object is 60.The only way to get the data more than 60 is create another info object and add this as attributes to the base info object and make this attributes as display attributes.
    check the below blog, you have clear explanation

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    Let me sum up:
    you have an object ZPLNMAT for the planning material
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    Hi BI Experts,
    I had a Requirement to restrict on navigational attribute.......
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    its very urgent ...........please give any suggestions how to restrict on navigational attr

    Dear Ram,
    Dont expand the InfoObject and see the Attributes ( They r Dis Attrs )
    Just expand the Dimension --- Nav Attrs are available  ?
    Dont put them in Filter pane..( if available )
    Drop them under Rows.
    But restrict them under Default values ( By clicking on Filter pane ).

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    Beginner question here, sorry if it has been covered already.
    In the Logical model in Data Modeler, how do I change an attribute name which is used as a "Relation UID"?
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    Hi GuyM,
    you need to check setting in preferences - "Data Modeler>Model>logical" - FK attribute name synchronization - clear the check box if you want to set the name manually.

  • How to check length of string attribute(from viewobject) on jspx ?

    JDEV :
    I am using carousel component inside that i am using Descrip attribute to show the content on carousel item,
    Now i want to display a more link , whenever the length of Descrip is greater than 150 characters.
    Currently from backing bean i am setting the chklength property based on length to true or false but the problem is i need to set a partial target
    and because of that my carousel component i getting refreshed every time.. is there any way to check the length in jspx page itself inside the vissible property
    this is my code
    <af:outputText value="#{item.bindings.Descrip.inputValue}"
                                               <af:commandImageLink text="more.." id="moreid" shortDesc="click to see more.."
                                                <af:showPopupBehavior popupId="::p1"/>
                                                </af:commandImageLink>              thanks

    i have added taglib like this,
    but its showing error on below expression
    visible="${fn:length(item.bindings.Descrip.inputValue) > 150}"
    error : BooleanSimnpleTypeConvertor:"${fn:length(item.bindings.Descrip.inputValue) > 150}" cannot be converted to this type

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