Hotmail won't send email

Please can someone help. And please keep it simple. I have an iPhone and mac book pro. I can send email from the phone no problem, but all of a sudden from the mac book I get "trying to log into this SMTP account failed. Verify that the username and password are correct".
I haven't changed any of the settings and as the password on the phone just appears as ******* and the account is old I don't know what the password is any more.
I beg for a solution.

Go to the e-mail provider's web site and see if you can log in there. If so, go to your account and change your password to something you can remember. If necessary contact the e-mail provider's tech support for help.

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    Did Earthlink have you try using their authenticated SMTP server?
    If not, try changing Earthlink's SMTP server settings to the following:
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    Hello Chantelle103
    If everything checks out, then the only other option is to remove the email account and then add it back. Then test with sending out the email again.
    iOS: Troubleshooting Mail
    -Norm G.

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    Hi Mick209
    I am in the UK and eventually found the problem was due to my BT Home Hub Router.  Not sure where you live, but of you are in the UK, this might work for you.
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