How do you get 3gs to load.  Stuck on apple screen

New to iPhones.  After shutting down overnight, I tried to start up by pressing start button at top and all that came up was the apple screen and it didn't load.  Help please.

Hold the HOME and SLEEP buttons at the same time until an Apple logo appears (10-20 seconds), then wait up to a minute for the phone to reboot. If it doesn't see:

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    Hi Gary,
    Now we have got the cell data from the table, say var data as I have mentioned above. Now to pass the parameters we can use the following code.
    Say we want to pass the parameters to Main-View
    and it has a input parameter defined ( A )
    If there are two parameters to be passed (say A and B), you can use this code.
    Hope this helps you.Reward points if you find the information to be helpful.
    Thanks and regards,

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    Your email provider must offer IMAP accounts. Then in your email client select the type of account as IMAP rather than POP. Then in your email client enter your email provider's configuration for their outgoing IMAP server and their incomming IMAP server. Just like you did for their POP server.

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    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Command is the Apple logo key.
    Here's the complete screen capture guide:

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