How is the logic in this game handled?

I know how to do most of this game, but how does the engine recognise if the shape is right?
here is the game:

At first I was considering it was calculus.. but because your're not able to move the pieces other than rotation, leaves me to believe its just tallying up appropriate rotations.  So each object posesses a certiain number of shapes, and each shape posesses a rotation that it must get to.
much like an email field and a confirm email field.
if those 2 match... then viola. otherwise.. incorrect.  that would alleviate the many conditions that would need to be checked for.
Ben Smith
ActionScript Technologist
@fezec | Member of Adobe's Community Professionals

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    I'm not sure whether this will solve your problem, but check OSS note 652219. It describes an adjustment to the SDBILLDL program so that you can schedule it directly in background instead of it being "spawned" by the RV60SBAT program. That way, it can be a "fixed" scheduled job.
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    HI Srinivas
    i have a solution for this question.
    Use At control break statement for this.
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    How was your wife using the Find My iPhone app from a Samsung phone? But, that question aside, your wife should educate herself on how GPS works, especially on a cell phone. GPS signals can be interfered with by trees, buildings, clouds. Off by several miles would be unusual, though.
    If your wife is tracking your cell phone and not believing what you tell her, you may want to consider counseling as there are some very serious issues that go way beyond the technology.
    Best of luck.

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    PromoHeader :
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    - Description
    - StartDate
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    - PType (ALL / CustomerGroup / CustomerType / Customer)
    - PCode (ALL / 'xxxx' )
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    - PCode (ALL / 'xxxx' )
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    - PCode (ALL / 'xxxx' )
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    - OrderNumber
    - PromoNumber
    - PType
    - PCode
    - Discount (%)
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    How was your wife using the Find My iPhone app from a Samsung phone? But, that question aside, your wife should educate herself on how GPS works, especially on a cell phone. GPS signals can be interfered with by trees, buildings, clouds. Off by several miles would be unusual, though.
    If your wife is tracking your cell phone and not believing what you tell her, you may want to consider counseling as there are some very serious issues that go way beyond the technology.
    Best of luck.

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    HI Matthew,
    We are facing a similar issue. Could you please let us know the activities done to get the issue resolved?
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    BR// 420

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    See where it says Backup ? Turn it on, that's all it takes.

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    Greg Soileau

    How was your wife using the Find My iPhone app from a Samsung phone? But, that question aside, your wife should educate herself on how GPS works, especially on a cell phone. GPS signals can be interfered with by trees, buildings, clouds. Off by several miles would be unusual, though.
    If your wife is tracking your cell phone and not believing what you tell her, you may want to consider counseling as there are some very serious issues that go way beyond the technology.
    Best of luck.

  • OT: how does the site do this

    At these sites: and they
    are able to
    drag and drop sections of the screen around from one area to
    another. Does
    anyone know how they do this and have any pointers to
    tutorials or 3rd party
    Rate your experiences with your UK and Ireland builders at

    RateTheBuilder wrote:
    > Hi
    > At these sites: and
    they are able to
    > drag and drop sections of the screen around from one
    area to another. Does
    > anyone know how they do this and have any pointers to
    tutorials or 3rd party
    > components?
    > Thanks
    > Brendan
    > ______________________________________________
    > Rate your experiences with your UK and Ireland builders
    > =========================================
    Google also does it. It's 'ajax', which just basically means
    complex javascript, integrated with
    some server-side programming.
    There is not one specific tutorial about how to do this
    particular effect, it's more something that
    you can start to grasp if you're a javascript expert and
    server-side language expert.
    You can Google 'ajax' and you'll get an idea of how this
    works in theory, as for practical ideas,
    you'll have to learn javascript.
    In Dreamweaver you can use some behavior that can sort point
    you to similar effects: using Layers
    you can use the 'Drag Layer' behavior, and set the layer to
    snap to a given position.
    That's a little bit of what is done with these sites, but
    they push it way beyond, with custom
    javascript functions of course.
    seb ( [email protected]) | high-end web
    Downloads: Slide Show, Directory Browser, Mailing List

  • Can anyone please help me with the logic for this..

    hi all,
    os  has the value Windows 2000
    IF os CP 'WINDOWS' OR os CP 'SUN'.
         OS1 = 'X'.
    (if i test this,
    os1 doesnot have any value, (should be x)).
    This doesnot work for me.
    Any suggestions.

    Dear Sukumar,
    just use the F1 help on CP in ABAP code, there is a description.
    I think you need to use the asterix '*' than it will work.
    Just check the example:
    Report z_example.
    data: os1, os type string.
    os = 'WINDOWS 2000'.
    IF os CP 'WINDOWS' OR os CP 'SUN' or os = space.
    OS1 = 'X'.
    write: / os1.

Maybe you are looking for