How to add lib. in my project - I'd like to use libcurl.

I was told that libcurl was good for getting http data.
So I spend 2 days finding out how to build with libcurl source in Mac OSX.
Oh my gosh!
I found out that libcurl was included already.
Therefore, The only thing I have to do at this time is to include this library into my project and use it.
But I am not good at codewarrior and Mac OS while I am good at MSVC.
Could you tell me some advice if you may not feel hard to describe it?

The dylib is a dynamic library. If there is a libcurl.lib file, that's the one you are looking for.
I wanted to use a static library (so the plug-in would not be dependent on any external files), so I created a CodeWarrior project and complied libcurl into a static library. I don't have a lot of experience with libraries, but what I created seemed to work for me.
If you want, I can send you the CodeWarrior project and source that I used. It is an older version of libCURL (a year or two), but you can probably just substitute the newer source files for the existing ones if you want the latest version. If you are interested, please send me an email and I'll package it up and send it to you. You can find my email address by clicking my name at the top of this message.
-- Jim

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    Please refer the link below to know the paper size supported by this printer.
    May I know the size of paper you are trying to print.
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    Hi and thanks for the suggestions!
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    From an IIS perspective I have the following components installed;
    [X] Web Server (IIS)                                    Web-Server
        [X] Web Server                                      Web-WebServer
            [ ] Common HTTP Features                        Web-Common-Http
                [ ] Static Content                          Web-Static-Content
                [ ] Default Document                        Web-Default-Doc
                [ ] Directory Browsing                      Web-Dir-Browsing
                [ ] HTTP Errors                             Web-Http-Errors
                [ ] HTTP Redirection                        Web-Http-Redirect
                [ ] WebDAV Publishing                       Web-DAV-Publishing
            [X] Application Development                     Web-App-Dev
                [ ] ASP.NET                                
                [X] .NET Extensibility                      Web-Net-Ext
                [ ] ASP                                    
                [ ] CGI                                    
                [ ] ISAPI Extensions                        Web-ISAPI-Ext
                [ ] ISAPI Filters                           Web-ISAPI-Filter
                [ ] Server Side Includes                    Web-Includes
            [ ] Health and Diagnostics                      Web-Health
                [ ] HTTP Logging                            Web-Http-Logging
                [ ] Logging Tools                           Web-Log-Libraries
                [ ] Request Monitor                         Web-Request-Monitor
                [ ] Tracing                                
                [ ] Custom Logging                          Web-Custom-Logging
                [ ] ODBC Logging                            Web-ODBC-Logging
            [X] Security                                   
                [ ] Basic Authentication                    Web-Basic-Auth
                [ ] Windows Authentication                  Web-Windows-Auth
                [ ] Digest Authentication                   Web-Digest-Auth
                [ ] Client Certificate Mapping Authentic... Web-Client-Auth
                [ ] IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authe... Web-Cert-Auth
                [ ] URL Authorization                       Web-Url-Auth
                [X] Request Filtering                       Web-Filtering
                [ ] IP and Domain Restrictions              Web-IP-Security
            [ ] Performance                                 Web-Performance
                [ ] Static Content Compression              Web-Stat-Compression
                [ ] Dynamic Content Compression             Web-Dyn-Compression
        [X] Management Tools                                Web-Mgmt-Tools
            [X] IIS Management Console                      Web-Mgmt-Console
            [X] IIS Management Scripts and Tools            Web-Scripting-Tools
            [ ] Management Service                          Web-Mgmt-Service
            [ ] IIS 6 Management Compatibility              Web-Mgmt-Compat
                [ ] IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility            Web-Metabase
                [ ] IIS 6 WMI Compatibility                 Web-WMI
                [ ] IIS 6 Scripting Tools                   Web-Lgcy-Scripting
                [ ] IIS 6 Management Console                Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console
        [X] FTP Server                                      Web-Ftp-Server
            [X] FTP Service                                 Web-Ftp-Service
            [X] FTP Extensibility                           Web-Ftp-Ext
        [ ] IIS Hostable Web Core                           Web-WHC
    More or less the one thing that I am trying to get up and running is an automated FTPS solution - I just use the IIS console to be able to troubleshoot / compare how things scripted from POSH interacts in the MMC representation. The error I am getting
    might be that I am lacking some IIS components to be in place to be able to automate some parts of the IIS - as suggested by the IIS.CertObj object listed in the example..... I will get back if I can track down which component needs to be added to be
    able to reference the IIS.CertObj object.
    Br4tt3 signing out...

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    here is the script of my  gallery..and the timeline has just one frame...
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import  mx.transitions.easing.*;
    var  imagesNumber:Number = 18;
    var scrolling:Boolean = true;
    for (i=1;  i<=imagesNumber; i++) {
    myThumb_mc  = container["thumb"+i+"_mc"];
    if (i==1)
        myThumb_mc._x =  (0.0)*myThumb_mc._width;
        myThumb_mc._x =  ((1.2*i)-1.2)*myThumb_mc._width;
    myThumb_mc._y =  (Stage.height-myThumb_mc._height)/2;
    myThumb_mc._alpha = 100;
    myThumb_mc.largerImage  = i;
    myThumb_mc.onRollOver = function() {
    this._alpha = 60;
    myThumb_mc.onRollOut  = function() {
    this._alpha = 100;
    myThumb_mc.onRelease =  function() {
    for (i=1; i<=imagesNumber; i++) {
    var  myClip = container["thumb"+i+"_mc"];
    myClip.enabled = false;
    scrolling  = false;
    large_mc._x  = (Stage.width-large_mc._width)/2;
    large_mc._y =  (Stage.height-large_mc._height)/2;
    new Tween(large_mc, "_alpha",  Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, 0.5, true);
    new  Tween(container,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,100,50,0.5,true);
    large_mc.onRelease  = function() {
    scrolling = true;
    var myFadeOut = new  Tween(large_mc, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 100, 0, 0.5, true);
    new  Tween(container,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,50,100,0.5,true);
    myFadeOut.onMotionFinished  = function() {
    for (i=1; i<=imagesNumber; i++) {
    var myClip =  container["thumb"+i+"_mc"];
    myClip.enabled = true;
    container.onEnterFrame  = function() {
    if (scrolling){
    this._x +=  Math.cos((-_root._xmouse/Stage.width)*Math.PI)*20;
    if (this._x>0) {
    this._x  = 0;
    if (-this._x>(this._width-Stage.width)) {
    this._x =  -(this._width-Stage.width);
    anyone knows how to add a loadre to this...?

    Check these links for tutorials on loading images

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    if anyone know that procedure of creating dll file of an existing VB6 project please reply
    please if anyone know then let me know

    Ahh, kind of a duplicate thread:
    @OP. You could have clarified your original post and the relationship of your question to java. You did not need a new thread.
    � {�                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    Sérgio S Bastos

    What version of Jdev are you using? You must have some special issue
    because the +/X buttons at the top of the navigator work for most folks when
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    From my experience web tier files get put into the war by simply being in the file system (scm) in the public_html tree.
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    I'm going to guess that you're use of "in the jar" means something different than my context of
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    Good luck, curt

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    I just finish converting the project into HTML5 and now I want to place it in the web with the capability of playing in flash and also HTML5.
    Is anyone know how to do this, or maybe had the code for it?
    Thanks for the help.

    Hello Christian,
    I have not tried this but i found some threads which might be helpful for you :
    Thanks and Regards
    Himanshu Satija

  • How to add files to xcode project with the help of applescript

    i am tried but got some of the error which is enable to solve by myself becuase i am new in applescripting
    tell application "Xcode"
    open "Macintosh HD:Users:Nitesh:Desktop:sumeet:RND:iPhone:iPhone_V2_Ref_2.5.01:iPhone_V2.xcodep roj"
              tell project "iPhone_V2"
                        set resourcepath to "/Users/Nitesh/Desktop/sumeet/RND/images" (*full path of my folder that i want to add*)
    set filelist to {}
                        tell application "Finder"
                                  set filelist to (name of items of (POSIX file resourcepath as alias))
                        end tell
                        tell group "images" of root group
                                  repeat with i in filelist
                                            set filepath to resourcepath & (contents of i)
                                            set myfile to make new file reference with properties {namecontents of i), full path:filepath}
                                            add myfile to first target of front project
                                  end repeat
                        end tell
              end tell
    end tell
    the issues is:
    error "Xcode got an error: Can’t get group \"images\" of root group of project \"iPhone_V2\"." number -1728 from group "images" of root group of project "iPhone_V2"

    Applescript for this issue is more simple . Try to use my script that is here

  • How to add task & subtask in project module?

    Hi experts,
    I am using R12.
    The project is already created without any task and subtask. Now i need to create task & subtask alone .
    Is there any API is available to complete?
    Please suggest me in this area.
    Thanks in advance

    Which structure do you use,Finicial or Workplan?
    Oracle has API to import the project and tasks.The API is pa_project_pub.create_project.You can find more information in the UserGuide 120pjapi.
    If any problems when you use API,you can ask me.

  • How to add text vertically into a Word margin with C# (using namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word)

    I need to add text vertically in a word document outside the margins.  How can I do this with Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word and C#?
    Leonard Swarczinski Software Developer Postal Center International

    Hi Leonard,
    According to your description, do you want to add text vertically into Page Header/Footer? I wrote a sample  for you.
    using Microsoft.Office.Core;
    using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace AddTextToWord
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    private static void CreateNewDocument()
    Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application oWord;
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document oDoc;
    oWord = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
    oWord.Visible = true;
    oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);
    String HeaderText = "Hello everyone!";
    WdParagraphAlignment wdAlign = WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphCenter;
    AddHeader1(oWord, HeaderText, wdAlign);
    private static void AddHeader1(Application WordApp, string HeaderText, WdParagraphAlignment wdAlign)
    Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    WordApp.ActiveWindow.View.Type = WdViewType.wdOutlineView;
    WordApp.ActiveWindow.View.SeekView = WdSeekView.wdSeekPrimaryHeader;
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Shape textBox = WordApp.ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddTextbox(MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationVertical, 150, 10, 40, 40);
    textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = HeaderText;
    WordApp.ActiveWindow.View.SeekView = WdSeekView.wdSeekMainDocument;
    If I misunderstood or anything wrong, please let me know and you can get more information from below articles.
    Office development in Visual Studio
    Abhout: AddTextbox Method
    How to: Programmatically Insert Text into Word Documents

  • How do you burn an iMovie project to a DVD without using iDVD themes?

    I created a presentation (slide show with music) in iMovie and need to burn it to a DVD.  When I pull it into iDVD, it forces me to pick a theme which puts more music in.  I just want it the way I have it in iMovie!  How do I do that?

    (From fellow poster Mishmumken: )
    How to create a DVD in iDVD without menu (there are several options):
    1. Easy: Drop your iMovie in the autoplay box in iDVD's Map View, then set your autoplay item (your movie) to loop continously. Disadvantage: The DVD plays until you hit stop on the remote
    2. Still easy: If you don't want your (autoplay) movie to loop, you can create a black theme by replacing the background of a static theme with a black background and no content in the dropzone (text needs to be black as well). Disadvantage: The menu is still there and will play after the movie. You don't see it, but your disc keeps spinning in the player.
    3. Still quite easy but takes more time: Export the iMovie to DV tape, and then re-import using One-Step DVD.
    Disadvantage: One-Step DVD creation has been known to be not 100% reliable.
    4. (My preferred method) Easy enough but needs 3rd party software: Roxio Toast lets you burn your iMovie to DVD without menu - just drag the iMovie project to the Toast Window and click burn. Disadvantage: you'll need to spend some extra $$ for the software. In Toast, you just drop the iMovie project on the Window and click Burn.
    5. The "hard way": Postproduction with myDVDedit (freeware)
    Tools necessary: myDVDedit ( )
    • create a disc image of your iDVD project, then double-click to mount it.
    • Extract the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders to a location of your choice. select the VIDEO_TS folder and hit Cmd + I to open the Inspector window
    • Set permissions to "read & write" and include all enclosed items; Ignore the warning.
    • Open the VIDEO_TS folder with myDVDedit. You'll find all items enclosed in your DVD in the left hand panel.
    • Select the menu (usually named VTS Menu) and delete it
    • Choose from the menu File > Test with DVD Player to see if your DVD behaves as planned.If it works save and close myDVDedit.
    • Before burning the folders to Video DVD, set permissions back to "read only", then create a disc image burnable with Disc Utility from a VIDEO_TS folder using Laine D. Lee's DVD Imager:
    Our resident expert, Old Toad, also recommends this: there is a 3rd export/share option that give better results.  That's to use the Share ➙ Media Browser menu option.  Then in iDVD go to the Media Browser and drag the movie into iDVD where you want it.
    Hope this helps!

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