How to calculate the 99th% times

I have a set of results for which I need to calculate response times other than the 90th% -- particularly the 99th%, but probably also the 95th% and 99.9th%.
What options are available for this? The reporting tool seems to calculate only the 90th% -- but since that value is calculated on the fly based on the time filter, the raw data must be available, presumably in the database. Is that schema documented anywhere so that I can pull out the numbers and do the calculation myself? Or is there some other approach?

Yes, you need either to export data from the console to CSV or XLS or go to the database.
Don't have a documented schema but see this kind of requests:
-- Report Timers par Steps
SELECT s.sessionname,
  round(min(cr.counterval),3) "Min",
  round(max(cr.counterval),3) "Max",
  round(avg(cr.counterval),3) "Avg",
  sum(cr.iteration) "Pass",
  sum(cr.errflag*1) "Fail",
  round(stddev(cr.counterval),3) "Std Dev" 
FROM olt.sessionrun s,
  olt.counterhdr ch,
  olt.counterrun cr
WHERE s.sessionrunid=ch.sessionrunid
AND ch.counterhdrid =cr.counterhdrid
AND ch.countername  = 'Avg Server Time (sec)'
AND s.sessionname   = '&1'
AND ch.instname LIKE '[%'
group by s.sessionname, ch.countername, ch.objname, ch.instname
ORDER BY s.sessionname, ch.countername, ch.objname, lpad(substr(instname, 2,instr(instname,']')-2), 3,'0')

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      SELECT si.station_name,
                    ash.state_id ,
                    lag(ash.state_id) over (order by ash.STATE_EFF_DATE desc) previous_state,
                    TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(ash.state_eff_date, 'SSSSS')) "periods in sec",
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           group by si.station_name
           order by ash.state_eff_date asc ;
    STATION_NAME                   STATE_SHORT_NAME STATE_ID               PREVIOUS_STATE         periods in sec         Date                   
    IRDNCST02                      Open             1                    NULL                  85166                  01-mar-2010 23:39:26 pm
    IRDNCST02                      All Report       3                      1                      85159                  01-mar-2010 23:39:19 pm
    IRDNCMT01                      Closed           2                      3                      81376                  01-mar-2010 22:36:16 pm
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    Edited by: Indhu Ram on Mar 11, 2010 1:34 PM
    Edited by: Indhu Ram on Mar 11, 2010 2:20 PM

    If you look at the table which is output of the given query , there is column called "STATE_ID" It shows the current state ie open or closed or all report.
    The column 'PREVIOUS_STATE' shows the state before the current state. .In the table in 2nd row in previous_state column there is state_id = 1 (open)which is the state before 'all report state'

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    If you need additional information I'll try to supply what I know.

    Here are the CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for some sample data:
    create table sales(custno number, tran_dt date, amount number)Here are the INSERTs to load:
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (5, TO_DATE('23-MAR-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),3065);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (5, TO_DATE('29-FEB-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),8435);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (5, TO_DATE('29-FEB-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),9712);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (5, TO_DATE('20-MAR-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),1869);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (5, TO_DATE('03-AUG-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),647);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (5, TO_DATE('03-MAR-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),7434);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (5, TO_DATE('23-AUG-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),225);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (5, TO_DATE('01-SEP-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),28);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (5, TO_DATE('10-APR-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),9393);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('19-MAY-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),1010);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('29-FEB-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),2625);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('18-MAR-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),2511);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('15-AUG-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),1156);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('17-AUG-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),5106);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('19-AUG-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),714);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('07-APR-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),6105);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('25-MAY-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),1592);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('14-MAY-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),1880);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('29-JUL-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),8497);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('13-MAY-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),1658);
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    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('21-JUL-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),5272);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('23-AUG-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),313);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('24-MAY-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),4747);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('25-APR-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),272);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('02-MAY-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),4329);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('28-JUL-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),3149);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('18-MAR-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),1740);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('07-MAR-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),6868);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('02-JUN-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),5661);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('08-MAY-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),6136);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('23-AUG-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),512);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('16-AUG-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),8784);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('31-AUG-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),7300);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('12-MAY-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),9303);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('29-MAR-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),2626);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('14-JUL-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),6365);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('19-JUN-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),7880);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('20-JUN-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),6096);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('05-AUG-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),1980);
    INSERT INTO SALES(custno, tran_dt, amount) VALUES (26, TO_DATE('27-MAY-12','DD-MON-RRRR'),3004);I can now calculate the average sales over the past 6 months (180 day) and 1 month (30 day) periods. I don't need the 6 month average but I do need the individual sales to get the distribution and hence the standard deviations and hopefully the 99th percentile number. I know it's around 3 standard deviations but the spec I'm working with requires using the 99th percentile. Not my choice! :-)
    select custno,
             avg(case when tran_dt between sysdate -210 and sysdate -31 then amount else 0 end) sales6mo,
             avg(case when tran_dt >= sysdate -30 then amount else 0 end) sales1mo,
             stddev(amount) sd,
             stddev(amount)*3 sd3
    from sales
    group by custno;I want to see if there are any customers' (I know I only generated 2) 1 month sales that are more than the 99th percentile of the 6 month distribution.
    If it's easier to use a lower percentile I can use the examples to plug in the 99.
    Here is the result of the above query:
        CUSTNO   SALES6MO   SALES1MO         SD        SD3
             5 4506.11111 28.1111111 4142.61146 12427.8344
            26 3563.81579 1090.05263  2952.1488 8856.44641So, from this data I would expect my 99th percentile to be close to the SD3 column. Correct?
    Thanks very much for the assistance!!
    Edited by: garywicke on Sep 5, 2012 9:54 AM

  • How to calculate the Processing time for material based on its route ?

    Hello experts,
    I would like to calculate the Scheduled in-house production time based on route.
    Actually this is done in the prod. route in tcode CA02. (via menu Extras => scheduling => schedule).
    After getting the schedule table press the 'scheduling results' button I received the Processing time, Setup and teardown time,... Scheduled in-house production time.
    So I'm looking for a function or any tool to use it in report.

    from routing screen,extras>scheduling>schedule(give a variant name)>scheduling results>update material master.this writes the info in the temp file.use tcode CA96 to update material master.this updates lot size dependent in house production time in work scheduling view of material master and  deletes the lot size independent inhouse prod, time in MRP2 view.this tool gives more accurate results  for your  inhouse prod. time.
    > Hello experts,
    > I would like to calculate the Scheduled in-house
    > production time based on route.
    > Actually this is done in the prod. route in tcode
    > CA02. (via menu Extras => scheduling => schedule).
    > After getting the schedule table press the
    > 'scheduling results' button I received the Processing
    > time, Setup and teardown time,... Scheduled in-house
    > production time.
    > So I'm looking for a function or any tool to use it
    > in report.
    > thanks,
    > Eli

  • How to calculate the time between start trigger,first scan and first A/D in DAQ

    Environment: Labview 6.1, N6052E DAQ board(max scan rate=333KHz, max channel rate=333KHz, settling time=3.5usec+1LSB)
    I am using external scan clock 10K scan/s collecting data on 16 AI channels, and external channel clock 200KHz.
    Could show me how to calculate the time betweent he start trigger, the first scan and the first A/D conversion?

    I read the one you give to me. still cannot work out. I am using Labview 6.1 DAQ vi, including AI clock, AI, AI, working on colect data on 16 AI channels. So I belong to SCAN function and external scan and sampling timing, right?
    But it says the T1 and T2 are determined by external signals. How can I calculate that?
    T1=1/10KHz or T1=1/160Khz?
    Is the above correct?

  • How can I calculate the total time in java?

    I need to calculate the total time!
    For example I have start time:
              Format formatter1;
              Date date1 = new Date();
              formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss");
              String startTime = formatter1.format(date1);
              //startTime = "14:20:40";
    And I have finish time:
              Format formatter2;
              Date date2 = new Date();
              formatter2 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss");
              String finishTime = formatter2.format(date2);
              //finishTime = "08:30:55";
    So, after manually calculating, I get total time: "18:10:15"
    How can I calculate the total time in java? (Using formatter1 and formatter2 I suppose)
    What I need is to print "total 18:10:15"

    800512 wrote:
    I did the following but, I think something is wrong here:
    I defined before: Date date1 = new Date(); Date date2 = new Date();
    And it should be exactly 5 seconds between them.
    I found delta between date1 and date2:
    Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
              long timeInMilliFromStart = date1.getTime() - date2.getTime() ;
              Date date3 = new Date(timeInMilliFromStart);
              String timeInSecFromStart = formatter.format(date3);
    and I get always
    //timeInSecFromStart = 02:00:05
    But it should be exactly 00:00:05.
    What can be a problem?Because, like I said, a Date measure an instant in time, not a duration. So when you have 5000 ms, and you turn that into a Date, that means 5 sec. after the epoch, which works out to 1/1/1970 00:00:05.000 GMT.
    As I mentioned, if you're not currently in GMT, then you have to set the TZ of the DateFormat to GMT. Right now, it's showing you the time in your TZ. If you included the date in your SimpleDateFormat, you'd see either 1/1/1970 or 12/31/1969, depending on which TZ you're in.
    Bottom line: You're trying to use these classes in a way they're not meant for, and while you can get the results you want for a limited set of inputs if you understand what these classes do and how to work with that, it's a brittle approach and comes with all kinds of caveats.

  • How to calculate the Current APC (Acquisition and Production Cost)

    Please help me how to calculate the Current APC.
    The Current APC (Acquisition and Production Cost) is a calculated value based on Previous Year Acquisition balance plus any value changes up to the time of the report.
    The Asset History Report (RAGITT_ALV01) calculates the Current APC value &
    The Current APC can also be found in the Asset Explorer (transaction code AW01N) under Country Book 10/ Posted Values tab then the line “Acquisition Value” and column “Posted values”.
    I suppose that the calculation of Current APC (Acquisition and Production Cost) is getting done in the GET statements in the report RAGITT_ALV01, but unable to find the actual logic.
    Please help me.
    Thanks in advance,

    you'll find the logic in fm FI_AA_VALUES_CALCULATE

  • How to calculate the Current APC

    Please help me how to calculate the Current APC.
    The Current APC (Acquisition and Production Cost) is a calculated value based on Previous Year Acquisition balance plus any value changes up to the time of the report.
    The Asset History Report (RAGITT_ALV01) calculates the Current APC value &
    The Current APC can also be found in the Asset Explorer (transaction code AW01N) under Country Book 10/ Posted Values tab then the line “Acquisition Value” and column “Posted values”. 
    Thanks in advance,

    I suppose that the calculation of Current APC (Acquisition and Production Cost) is getting done in the GET statements in the report RAGITT_ALV01, but unable to find the actual logic where it is being done.
    Please help me.
    Thanks in advance,

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    Hi all,
    As we all know, when a new supplier is added in the quota arrangment, we take the help of quota base qunatity so that the new supplier does not get any unfair advantage over the existing suppliers. Would you please help me on how to calculate the quota base quantity or on what basis the quota base quantity is calculated?*

    Quota arrangement divides the total requirements generated over a period of time among the sources of supplied by assigning a quota.
    Quota u2013 quota is equal to a number and its represents the proportionate of requirements. Total quota of all the vendors is equal to 100% of requirements.
    This quota arrangement is also specific to material and plant level.
    Quota rating = quota allocate quantity + quota base quantity / quota.
    Quota based quantity used only when a new vendor introduced.
    In the as on date situation, the minimum quota ratings will considered as preferred vendor.
    The 2 vendors has 2 same quota rating, the vendor who is having the highest quota will considered first.
    In the running quota, a new source of supply is included. (In situation of short supply) including a new source not means to reduce the quota for existing.
    Syed Hussain.

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    I tried to override UndoManager.pushUndo method and increment "operationsCounter" there, but pushUndo is called each time I make a change in text.
    Another idea was to override EditManager.finalizeDo and use "operationsCounter" there, but finalizeDo is private...
    Do you have any idea?

    Hi Richard,
    Thanks for the reply. I suggested that existed the more simple way to implement this

  • How to find the Execution Time for Java Code?

    * Hi everyone , i want to calculate the execution time for my process in java
    * The following was the ouput for my coding,
    This run took 0 Hours ;1.31 Minutes ;78.36 Seconds
    *** In the above output , the output should come exactly what hours , minutes and seconds for my process,
    but in my code the minutes are converted into seconds(It should not)...
    * Here is my coding,
        static long start_time;
        public static void startTime()
            start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        public static void endTime()
            DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##.##");
            long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
            float t = end_time - start_time;
            float sec = t / 1000;
            float min = 0, hr = 0;
            if (sec > 60) {
                min = sec / 60;
            if (min > 60) {
                hr = min / 60;
            System.out.println("This run took " + df.format(hr) + " Hours ;"+ df.format(min) + " Minutes ;" + df.format(sec) + " Seconds");
        }* How to Calcualte exact timing for my process....
    * Thanks

    * Hi flounder, Is following code will wotk perfectly?
         public static void endTime()
              DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##.##");
              long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
              float t = end_time - start_time;
              float sec = t / 1000;
              float min = 0, hr = 0;
              while(sec >= 60){
         sec = sec -60;
         if (min >= 60){
         min = 0; //or min = min -60;
              System.out.println("This run took " + df.format(hr) + " Hours ;"+ df.format(min) + " Minutes ;" + df.format(sec) + " Seconds");

  • How to Calculate the Actuall work days ....

    Hi Friends,
    how to calculate the Actuall Working days Based on the Joining date for 5day work and 6 days work?
    is there any FM to calculate this?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Sudha,
    In your company , If they are maintaining Time Events then you can get the information of Employee's Presense or Absense from infotype 2011 (Time Events) and Absense from 2001 (Absense)..
    Also Consider Factory Calender for it.. and check out working days..
    Table TEVEN
    Try below FM as well..
    Hope it will solve your problem..
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7
    ilesh Nandaniya

  • How to calculate the previous year YTD balance in profit & loss statement

    Dear all,
    I would like to seek for advice on how to calculate the previous year YTD (Year to date) balance in profit & loss statement
    For example, if I enter May 2009, the YTD value should be a sum up of value from Jan to May.
    I have tried the current year YTD could be set in column selection dimension "financial period"
    FACT PER( Code = YearFirst(@Per):@Per )  Order By PER.Code Descending
    Then, I tried the previous year YTD in another column using
    FACT PER( Code = YearFirst(@Per-12):@Per-12 )  Order By PER.Code Descending
    But it failed -> Abnormally display three column, while the financial period I enter 200903 in parameter @Per
    Would anyone kindly help me on that?
    Simon Chiu

    Dear Jim,
    Thanks for your reply.
    However, the problems still cannot be solved.
    My expected output is 1 column listing the YTD value from previous year.
    I have tried two times using both the Code = YTD(@Per-12) and Code = YearFirst(@Per)-12:@Per respectively. However, the Excel display various column.
    I am using Financial Period 200903. In the last three column, it display the data in Financial Period 200901, 200902 and 200903 respectively.
    For the current year, the YTD is correct and show 1 column listing the sum of account in the Financial Period 200901, 200902 and 200903
    Would you kindly advice the code setting and how to set? Also, how I can access the syntax builder?
    Simon Chiu

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    (TETRIX & MATRIX toolkit running time)
    Software is LabVIEW 2012 for LEGO MINDSTORMS
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏20 KB ‏13 KB

    Hi 40123157,
    You are using the module in an appropriate way, and there is no easy way to improve the loop iteration time beyond what you have done. Here are my suggestions:
    1) i2c commands do take a long time. In your application, it may speed up if you only execute Move Motors only when the motor speed has changed.
    2) For this particular example, you are not using the output of Motor Status. If this VI doesn't need to execute it may be removed.
    3) If you must speed up execution beyond this, as an advanced user of LabVIEW, you can create a copy of the Move Motors VI and modify it as you choose. All you have to do for the 'DC Motors' input is use cluster to array on the cluster, as shown below. I think you can speed it up by executing all setup before the loop (set connection type and setup sensor), and removing calculate power value if you're only sending values between -100 and 100.  
    4) Drawing to the screen may be slowing you down here.

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    Calendar type:30/360
    Time-based Terms:
        Credit interest: arrears interest calc
    Reference Interest Rate Values:1.0
    I make some tests.
    overdue day: 1 day
    overdue_amount |interest|increased_interest
    1000           | 0.834  |            
    2000           | 0.917  | 0.083
    3000           | 1.001  | 0.084
    4000           | 1.084  | 0.083
    Could you help me to find how sap calculate the arrears interest?
    Many Thanks!
    Message was edited by:
            Chen Zhonghua

    First u have to define interest calculation types ( i.e. Item interest calculation typeP)
    u have define GL accounts Interest Recevied account
    then u have to define prepare interest areas calculations in that u have to define interest indiacator .
    u have to define refeence interest rates
    define time based terms
    enter interest values
    then u have to define AR calculation of interest on arrears  in that u have to define business transactions
    then u have to assign interest indicator to customer master
    then execute the Interest calculation F.24

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