How to calculate word frequency dashboard

I have a column called "Post". This column is filled by some big big paragraphs. Now I have some key words and I want to count these words in those paragraphs.
Example --
SAP SE (Systems, Applications & Products in
Data Processing) is a German multinational
software corporation that
makes enterprise software to manage business
operations and customer relations. SAP is headquartered in Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, with regional offices in 130
countries.The company has over 282,000 customers in 190 countries.
Please tell me hpw do i do this kind of analysis?

Hi Indrajit,
you can calculate the occurance of a word using the following formula.

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    I have a mathematically sound suggestion but I do not know how well it will work in application. Most period measurements measure the time between a full period or several periods to eliminate the error introduced by the measuring device. Essentially the device error is made insignificant.
    Mathematically you can do much more but there is a tradeoff between recording less information and knowing (or assuming) some values. For instance, if one knew the amplitude and could calculate the derivative of the signal, one could calculate the frequency. A sine wave can be represented by the function: A sin (BX)=C , where A is the amplitude, B is the frequency, C is the present measured value. If the equation is solved for X, we get: X=(sin^(-1)(C/A))/B. The d
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    National Instruments

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    HI Experts..
    How to calculate Opening balance for previous period using variables in Reports using debit and credit.
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    If Possible Stp by Step..
    [email protected]

    Hi Saloni,
    to get the debit and credit you would be using a variable 0I_FPER(Fiscal year / period), which is a user entry interval variable.
    now to get the opening balance you will have to create a customer exit valiable and the low value of 0I_FPER will have to popuplated by writied the code for the customer exit valiable. you will have to restrict the key figure DEB_CRE_LC for this customer exit variable with the operand as less than(< Fiscal Year /Period from 0I_FPER)).
    If the above was useful please assign reward points.
    Venkata Devaraj

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    I will try to better explain the paragraph on LabVIEW. The original paragraph reads ...
    "While in a loop for continuous pulse train generation, make two calls to Counter Set to set the values for "pulse spec 1" (constant 14) and "pulse spec 2" (constant 15). Following these calls you would make a call to Counter with the control code set to "switch cycle" (constant 7). The attached LabVIEW programs demonstrate this flow."
    You can make two calls to Counter Set Attribute or you can make a call to Set Pulse Specs which, if you open this VI, you will see that it is just making two calls to Counter Set Attribute. What you are doing with the Counter Set Attribute VIs is setting two registers called "pulse s
    pec 1" and "pulse spec 2". These two registers are used to configure the frequency and duty cycle of your output frequency.
    The example program which is attached to this Knowledge Base demonstrates how to change the frequency of a continuous generation on the fly. Why continuous? Because changing the frequency of a finite train would be easy. When the train completes it's finite generation you would just change the frequency and run a finite train again. You would not care about the time delay due to reconfiguration of the counter.
    If you would like to change the frequency of the pulse train using a knob, this functionality will have to be added in the while loop. The while loop will be continuously checking for the new value of the knob and using the knob value to set the pulse specs.
    LabVIEW is a language, and as with learning all new languages (spoken or programatic) there is a lot of learning to be accomplished. The great thing is that LabVIEW is much easier than mo
    st languages and the learning curve should be much smaller. Don't fret, you'll be an expert before you know it. Especially since you're tackling a challenging first project.
    Justin Britten

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    //then loop and read out all the hash table entries
    ===skip this stuff if you dont feel like reading too much
    then the interviewer proceeded to grill me on why i shouldn't use a tree or any other data structure for that matter... i was kidna stumped on that.
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    2. do #1, but run anotehr alogrithm that will figure out distinct # of words
    3. separate chaining
    anyhow what kind of answeres/algorithms would you guys have come up with? thanks in advance.

    i had this for an interview question and basically
    came up with the solution where you use a hash
    //create hash table
    //read file in,
    //for each word encountered, create an object thatWell, first you need to check to make sure the word is not already in the hashtable, right? And if it is there, you need to increment the count.
    has (String word, int count) and push into hash
    //then loop and read out all the hash table entries
    ===skip this stuff if you dont feel like reading too
    then the interviewer proceeded to grill me on why i
    shouldn't use a tree or any other data structure for
    that matter... i was kidna stumped on that.A hashtable has ammortized O(1) time for insert and search. A balanced binary search tree has O(log n) complexity for the same operations. So, a hashtable will be faster for large number of words. The other option is a so-called "trie" (google for more), which has O(log m) complexity, where m is the length of the longest word. So if your words aren't too long, a trie may be just as fast as a hashtable. The trie may also use less memory than the hashtable.
    also he asked me what happens if the number of words
    exceed the capacity of the hash table? i said you can
    increase the capacity of the hash table, but it
    doesn't sound too efficient and im not sure how much
    you know how to increase it by. i had some ok
    solutions:The hashmap implementation that comes with Java grows automatically, you don't need to worry about it. It may not "sound" efficient to have to copy the entire datastructure, the copy happens quickly, and occurs relatively infrequently compared with the number of words you'll be inserting.
    1. read the file thru once, and get the number of
    words in the file, set the hashtable capacity to that
    2. do #1, but run anotehr alogrithm that will figure
    out distinct # of words
    3. separate chaining
    anyhow what kind of answeres/algorithms would you
    guys have come up with? thanks in advance.I would do anything to avoid making two passes over the data. Assuming you're reading it from disk, most of the time will be spent reading from disk, not inserting to the hashtable. If you really want to size the hashtable a priori, you can make it so its big enough to hold all the words in the english language, which IIRC is about 20,000.
    And relax, you had the right answer. I used to work in this field and this is exactly how we implemented our frequency counter and it worked perfectly well. Don't let these interveiewers push you around, just tell them why you thought hashtable was the best choice; show off your analytical skills!

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    For example:
    2012/11/29, it has 1500 stores.
    2012/11/30, it has 1510 stores.
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    EVALUATE_AGGR('MAX( Operation.currentmember.Siblings,%1)', "Sales Cube"."Sales".""."Sales"."Is_Close" )

    Assuming that the report which you are trying to build is for BI/Dashboard purpose and if you take a case that you need the counts on Monthly basis then you can build your logic in following ways:
    Parameter - Month - Year (Apr 2013)
    Start Count = No of active employees present as of the last working day of the last Month (in this case as of 31st March 2013)
    No of New hires = No of employees who have DOJ between 01-APr-2013 and 30-APR-2013
    No of Left employees = No of employees who have Actual termination date between 01-APr-2013 and 30-APR-2013
    Transfer Out and In = Based on the business definition of transfer you can see the movements between 01-APr-2013 and 30-APR-2013 and build your logic
    Similarly you can build your logic for Quarter, Half yearly and yearly counts too.
    Hope it helps. Let me know if you need further details.

  • Where, if any, Word Count and Word Frequency tools on Apple Works or MS Wrd

    5/26/2008. Is there a "word count" and/or "word frequency" tool(s) on Apple Works word document and/or Microsoft Word for Mac word document, and how does one use or activate it, or find such for it on the web?? Many thanks. C. Yopst, Chicago

    Hi C,
    In an AppleWorks WP document, go Edit > Writing Tools > Word count. This will give you a count of characters, words, lines and paragraphs in the document or, if you have selected a portion of the document, in the selection.
    To my knowledge, there's no tool to give a word frequency figure, although that could be done with some fairly easy manipulation involving a spreadsheet.
    For MS Word questions, I'd suggest checking the Word section of Microsoft's Mactopia site. Try searching "count words".

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             pls help in this problem,
    how to calculate cumulative totals for the particular field in samrtforms

    Hi ,
    Either you can calculate the sum in driver program with
    Loop at where Condition .
    Sum the required field .
    endloop .
    Then pass it to smartforms
    Double Click on table node .
    In the conditions tab give the required condition .
    select calculation tab.
    In operation select Total , in field name give the name of the field you want to sum
    and in targer field name specify the name of the field that should contain the result .
    To convert the total in to words use the function module in program lines
    amt_in_num = w_total
    AMT_IN_WORDS = w_total_words
    OTHERS = 2

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    If you want to get an idea of the base-frequency of an periodic signal, you can measure the number of samples in between two maxima or in between two minima of the periodic signal.
    Multiply the number of samples by the sample-interval (1/Fsample in [sec]) gives you a rough estimate.
    FFT, I mentioned is one of the more advanced calculation-methods.
    The method calculates the spectrum from a waveform.
    Hope this helps,

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    does anyone know how to calculate the impedance using waveforms?

    studentproject wrote:
    the waveforms represent the voltage and current values across a capacitive load. I am trying to find out if there is a way to do automatic calculations using the inputs from the waveforms
    Hopefully a single sinusoid tone.  Otherwise things get really interesting.  Also know that impedance is based on the frequency.  I'll have to dig into this again.  I have not had to calculate an impedance in well over 10 years.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Creating of the word-frequency histogram from the Oracle Text

    I need make from the Oracle Text index of the "word-frequency histogram", this is list of the tokens in this index, where each token contains the list of documents that contain that token and frequency this token in the every document. Don´t anybody know how to get this data from Oracle Text index so that result will save to the table or to the text file?

    You can use ctx_report.token_info to decipher the token_info column, but I don't think the report format that it produces is what you want. You can use a query template and specify algorithm=count to obtain the number of times a token appears in the indexed column. You can do that for every token by using the dr$...$i table, as shown below. Formatting is preserved by prefacing the code with pre enclosed in square brackets on the line above all of the code and /pre in square brackets on the line below all of the code.
    SCOTT@10gXE> create table otntest
      2    (doc_id       number primary key,
      3       document  varchar2(100))
      4  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> insert all
      2  into otntest values (1, 'This is a test for generating a histogram')
      3  into otntest values (2, 'Histogram shows the list of documents that contain that token and frequency')
      4  into otntest values (3, 'frequency histogram frequency histogram frequency')
      5  select * from dual
      6  /
    3 rows created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> create index otntest_ctx_idx
      2  on otntest(document)
      3  indextype is ctxsys.context
      4  /
    Index created.
    SCOTT@10gXE> column token_text format a30
    SCOTT@10gXE> select t.doc_id, i.token_text, score (1) as token_count
      2  from   otntest t,
      3           (select distinct token_text
      4            from   dr$otntest_ctx_idx$i) i
      5            where  contains
      6                  (document,
      7                   '<query>
      8                   <textquery grammar="CONTEXT">'
      9                   || i.token_text ||
    10                   '</textquery>
    11                   <score datatype="INTEGER" algorithm="COUNT"/>
    12                   </query>',
    13                   1) > 0
    14  order  by doc_id, token_text
    15  /
        DOC_ID TOKEN_TEXT                     TOKEN_COUNT
             1 GENERATING                               1
             1 HISTOGRAM                                1
             1 TEST                                     1
             2 CONTAIN                                  1
             2 DOCUMENTS                                1
             2 FREQUENCY                                1
             2 HISTOGRAM                                1
             2 LIST                                     1
             2 SHOWS                                    1
             2 TOKEN                                    1
             3 FREQUENCY                                3
             3 HISTOGRAM                                2
    12 rows selected.

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    can anybody help me...
    i have implemented a prog to find word frequency of .txt files,
    now i want to use the same prog for .doc files,
    how can this be done???

    I'm sure a few seconds on Google and you would have found the answer. But, take a look at Apache POI. This will allow you to extract the text from the doc files.

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    Last question first; the cable impedance is at higher frequencies. So with you (almost) DC application don't worry about this cable impedance.
    I would choose resistors of 100k as the lowest value as bias resistors.
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    I don't know how you want to 'cascade' your sensors depends on your sensors. Normally you measure each sensor with a different input.
    Can you post (or link to) the datasheet of the sensor ?
    Message Edited by K C on 12-12-2007 10:44 AM

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