How to cast an array object to array of string

* Can someone please tell me why SECTION 3 causes a cast
* exception?
* What I am really trying to do is put Strings into a vector and
* return them as an array of String with a line like:
*     return (String[])myVector.toArray();
* How to do this?
* Thank You!
public class CastArrayTest
     public static void main(String args[]){
          //SECTION 1: This works
          String[] fruits = {"apple", "banana"};
          Object[] objs = (Object[])fruits;
          String[] foods = (String[])objs;
          for (int i = 0 ; i < foods.length ; i++){
          //SECTION 2: this works too
          Object anObj = new Object();
          String aString = "ok";
          anObj = aString;
          String anotherString = (String)anObj;
          System.out.println("word for single obj is " + anotherString);
          //SECTION 3: this causes cast exception at line
          // String[] strings = (String[])stuff
          Object[] stuff = new Object[2];
          String a = "try";
          String b = "this";
          stuff[0] = a;
          stuff[1] = b;
          String[] strings = (String[])stuff;
          for (int x = 0 ; x < strings.length ; x++){
               String s = strings[x];
               System.out.println("the string is " + strings[x]);

I understand all replies so far, but from my
understanding, objects are passed by reference No, they're not. Rather, object references are passed by value.
Object obj = new Object();
String a = "pass me by reference";
Object anotherObj = (Object)a; // this explicit cast is not necessary
String anotherString = (String)anotherObj; // this cast works because the object in question is a String
There's no passing in that code, so I'm not sure where that even came from. However, that works because it's all legal casting.
works as I think it should, and does, and futhermore
String[] cast to Obj[] cast to String[] works also...Because the object you're casting actually is a String[].
so why not if Obj[] to String[] Because String[] is not a subclass of Object[]. That's just how the language is specified.
futhermore if they are
all string...Again, this has no bearing on the type of the array object.
I saw hot to cast array to String[] and wondered if
this is real cast or calls the toString method...It's a real cast.
but most importantly, does this mean if I have a
vector of Strings and want to get them as an array of
strings, I have to loop through the Obj[] (or vector)
and cast each to (String)...just to get them as an
array of String[]....No, zparticle's code can do that.

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    [string]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
    If ( $_ -ne $null ) { Test-Path $_ }
    Function Get-Computer
    $Win32_PingStatus = $null
    $Win32_PingStatus_Result = $null
    $Win32_OperatingSystem = $null
    $Win32_Processor = $null
    $Win32_PhysicalMemory = $null
    $Win32_ComputerSystem = $null
    $Win32_BIOS = $null
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    $Win32_PingStatus = "select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = '$ComputerName'"
    $Win32_PingStatus_Result = Get-WmiObject -query $Win32_PingStatus
    If ( $Win32_PingStatus_Result.protocoladdress )
    "$ComputerName ping succeeded."
    $Win32_OperatingSystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computer $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    If ( $Win32_OperatingSystem -eq $null)
    "$ComputerName WMI failed."
    } Else {
    "$ComputerName WMI succeeded."
    $Win32_Processor = [object[]]$(Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor -computer $ComputerName)
    $Win32_PhysicalMemory = [object[]]$(Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory -computer $ComputerName)
    $Win32_ComputerSystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -computer $ComputerName
    $Win32_BIOS = Get-WmiObject Win32_BIOS -computer $ComputerName
    $Computer = New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
    Name = $Win32_OperatingSystem.CSName
    Win32_BIOS_SerialNumber = [string]$Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber
    Win32_ComputerSystem_Manufacturer = [string]$Win32_ComputerSystem.Manufacturer
    Win32_ComputerSystem_Model = [string]$Win32_ComputerSystem.Model
    #Win32_ComputerSystem_NumberOfLogicalProcessors = [int32]$Win32_ComputerSystem.NumberOfLogicalProcessors
    #Win32_ComputerSystem_NumberOfProcessors = [int32]$Win32_ComputerSystem.NumberOfProcessors
    Win32_ComputerSystem_TotalPhysicalMemory = [long]$Win32_ComputerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory
    Win32_ComputerSystem_TotalPhysicalMemory_GB = [float]($Win32_ComputerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory / (1024*1024*1024))
    Win32_OperatingSystem_Caption = [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.Caption
    Win32_OperatingSystem_CSName = [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.CSName
    #Win32_OperatingSystem_OSArchitecture = [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.OSArchitecture
    #Win32_OperatingSystem_SerialNumber = [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.SerialNumber
    Win32_OperatingSystem_ServicePackVersion = [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.ServicePackMajorVersion + "." + [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.ServicePackMinorVersion
    Win32_PhysicalMemory_Capacity = ($Win32_PhysicalMemory | ForEach-Object { $_.Capacity } | Measure-Object -Sum).sum
    Win32_PhysicalMemory_Capacity_GB = (($Win32_PhysicalMemory | ForEach-Object { $_.Capacity } | Measure-Object -Sum).sum / (1024*1024*1024))
    Win32_Processor_Count = [int]$Win32_Processor.Count
    Win32_Processor_NumberOfCores = [string]$Win32_Processor[0].NumberOfCores
    Win32_Processor_NumberOfLogicalProcessors = [string]$Win32_Processor[0].NumberOfLogicalProcessors
    #Win32_Processor_Description = [string]$Win32_Processor[0].Description
    Win32_Processor_Manufacturer = [string]$Win32_Processor[0].Manufacturer
    Win32_Processor_Name = [string]$Win32_Processor[0].Name
    } ## end new-object
    } Else {
    "$ComputerName ping failed."
    $ComputerNameMgmt = $ComputerName + "-mgmt"
    $Win32_PingStatus = "select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = '$ComputerNameMgmt'"
    $Win32_PingStatus_Result = Get-WmiObject -query $Win32_PingStatus
    If ( $Win32_PingStatus_Result.protocoladdress )
    "$ComputerNameMgmt ping succeded."
    } Else {
    "$ComputerNameMgmt ping failed."
    "$(Get-Date -Format o) Starting script $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
    If ( $ComputerListFile -eq $null -or $ComputerListFile.Length -eq 0 )
    "Processing computer $ComputerName"
    Get-Computer( $ComputerName )
    } Else {
    "Processing computer list $ComputerList"
    $ComputerList = Get-Content $ComputerListFile
    $Computers = @{}
    $Results = @()
    ForEach( $ComputerListMember in $ComputerList )
    "$(Get-Date -Format o) $ComputerListMember"
    # Get-Computer( $ComputerListMember ) | Add-Member -InputObject $Computers -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_
    # $Compuers += New-Object PSObject -Property $Props
    # $Computers += New-Object PSObject -Property Get-Computer( $ComputerListMember )
    Get-Computer( $ComputerListMember )
    "$(Get-Date -Format o) Ending script $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
    If I try something like this:
    Get-Computer( $ComputerListMember ) | Add-Member -InputObject $Computers -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_
    I get the following, even though $_.Name is not null.
    Add-Member : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Name' because it is null.
    At <path to my script>Get-Hardware_Memory_OSVersion_CPU_Cores_ver04_sanitized.ps1:111 char:107
    + Get-Computer( $ComputerListMember ) | Add-Member -InputObject $Computers -MemberType NoteProperty -Name <<<< $_
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Add-Member], ParameterBindingValidationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddMemberCommand
    Or if I try this:
    $Computers += New-Object PSObject -Property Get-Computer( $ComputerListMember )
    I get this:
    New-Object : Cannot bind parameter 'Property'. Cannot convert the "Get-Computer" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Collections.Hashtable".
    At <path to my script>Get-Hardware_Memory_OSVersion_CPU_Cores_ver04_sanitized.ps1:114 char:47
    + $Computers += New-Object PSObject -Property <<<< Get-Computer( $ComputerListMember )
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [New-Object], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewObjectCommand

    Hi Aenagy,
    If you want to combine all the computers' information to a single array, and add the property computername in the output, please also try the script below, which I make a little modification of the function Get-Computer, pleaese make sure the account running
    the script has the admin permission of the remote computers, or you need to privide cridentials in get-wmiobject, also note I haven't tested:
    $output = @()#to output information of the all the computers
    ForEach( $ComputerName in $ComputerList ){#loop all the computers
    $Win32_PingStatus = "select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = '$ComputerName'"
    $Win32_PingStatus_Result = Get-WmiObject -query $Win32_PingStatus
    If ( $Win32_PingStatus_Result.protocoladdress )
    "$ComputerName ping succeeded."
    $Win32_OperatingSystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computer $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    If ( $Win32_OperatingSystem -eq $null)
    "$ComputerName WMI failed."
    Else {
    "$ComputerName WMI succeeded."
    $Win32_Processor = [object[]]$(Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor -computer $ComputerName)
    $Win32_PhysicalMemory = [object[]]$(Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory -computer $ComputerName)
    $Win32_ComputerSystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -computer $ComputerName
    $Win32_BIOS = Get-WmiObject Win32_BIOS -computer $ComputerName
    $Computer = New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
    Computername = $ComputerName #add the property computername
    Name = $Win32_OperatingSystem.CSName
    Win32_BIOS_SerialNumber = [string]$Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber
    Win32_ComputerSystem_Manufacturer = [string]$Win32_ComputerSystem.Manufacturer
    Win32_ComputerSystem_Model = [string]$Win32_ComputerSystem.Model
    #Win32_ComputerSystem_NumberOfLogicalProcessors = [int32]$Win32_ComputerSystem.NumberOfLogicalProcessors
    #Win32_ComputerSystem_NumberOfProcessors = [int32]$Win32_ComputerSystem.NumberOfProcessors
    Win32_ComputerSystem_TotalPhysicalMemory = [long]$Win32_ComputerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory
    Win32_ComputerSystem_TotalPhysicalMemory_GB = [float]($Win32_ComputerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory / (1024*1024*1024))
    Win32_OperatingSystem_Caption = [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.Caption
    Win32_OperatingSystem_CSName = [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.CSName
    #Win32_OperatingSystem_OSArchitecture = [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.OSArchitecture
    #Win32_OperatingSystem_SerialNumber = [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.SerialNumber
    Win32_OperatingSystem_ServicePackVersion = [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.ServicePackMajorVersion + "." + [string]$Win32_OperatingSystem.ServicePackMinorVersion
    Win32_PhysicalMemory_Capacity = ($Win32_PhysicalMemory | ForEach-Object { $_.Capacity } | Measure-Object -Sum).sum
    Win32_PhysicalMemory_Capacity_GB = (($Win32_PhysicalMemory | ForEach-Object { $_.Capacity } | Measure-Object -Sum).sum / (1024*1024*1024))
    Win32_Processor_Count = [int]$Win32_Processor.Count
    Win32_Processor_NumberOfCores = [string]$Win32_Processor[0].NumberOfCores
    Win32_Processor_NumberOfLogicalProcessors = [string]$Win32_Processor[0].NumberOfLogicalProcessors
    #Win32_Processor_Description = [string]$Win32_Processor[0].Description
    Win32_Processor_Manufacturer = [string]$Win32_Processor[0].Manufacturer
    Win32_Processor_Name = [string]$Win32_Processor[0].Name
    } ## end new-object
    $output+=$Computer #combine all the "$computer" to "$output"
    Else {
    "$ComputerName ping failed."
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support

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    It looks like the original PDF file is damaged in some ways.  Have you tried creating a new file from the existing file to see if it works? The quickest way to create a new file is to print the existing file to a PDF file.  OK you lose some quality but this is just a test to see if there is anything else wrong with the Acrobat setup or with the document itself.

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    how to bind bar chart(columns) to array list  object in c#win form

    Hi Ramesh,
    Did you want to bind list object to bar chart? I made a simple code to achieve binding list to bar chart.
    public partial class Form0210 : Form
    public Form0210()
    private void Form0210_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    public void BindData()
    List<int> yValues = new List<int>(new int[] { 20, 30, 10, 90, 50 });
    List<string> xValues = new List<string>(new string[] { "1:00", "2:00", "3:00", "4:00", "5:00" });
    chart1.Series[0].Points.DataBindXY(xValues, yValues);
    The links below might be useful to you:
    # Data Binding Microsoft Chart Control
    # Series and Data Points (Chart Controls)
    In addition, if I misunderstood you, please share us more information about your issue.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    Click HERE to participate the survey.

  • How do I insert an object in an array?

    How can I insert an object in an array of variable size?
    I input two numbers from keyboard
    2that form the following object (Pair)
    how can I add such objects to an array
    private Pair s[];
    public PairList(int x){
    top = -1;
    s = new Pair[x];
    public void getPairs()throws FullException{
    BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    catch(IOException e){System.out.println("Can't read input");}//catch
    int x=0;
    int y=0;
    catch(NumberFormatException e){}
    catch(NumberFormatException e){}
    Pair k=new Pair(x,y);
    s[++top]=k; --here is my problem

    I tried making as few changes to your code as possible, but your idea should basically work. Potential problems:
    1. Doesn't allow for more input than 1 pair.
    2. By storing pair in an array, you must know the exact size of the array you will need beforehand. You might be better off storing the Pair(s) in a Vector and then converting that to an array.
    3.Your exception handlers need some work. Basically, your exception handlers put out a message or do nothing and then you continue processing. Not good.
    4. No cleanup of file resources after you have completed
    public class PairList{
         private Pair s[];
         private int top;
         public PairList(int x){
              top = -1;
              s = new Pair[x];
         public void getPairs()throws Exception{
              BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
              String a = null, b = null;
              catch(IOException e){
                   System.out.println("Can't read input");
              int x=0;
              int y=0;
              catch(NumberFormatException e){
              catch(NumberFormatException e){
              Pair k=new Pair(x,y);
              s[++top]=k; //here is my problem
    class Pair {
         private int xx;
         private int yy;
         public Pair(int x, int y) {
              xx = x;
              yy = y;
         public String toString() {
              return("X = " + xx + "  Y = " + yy);

  • How to cast object type to integer type?

    Object [] temp;
    Int [] value;
    How can I assign temp to value? (value = temp?)
    In other words how to cast array of type object to array of type integer?
    Thanks a lot.

    Object [] temp;
    Int [] value;
    How can I assign temp to value? (value = temp?)
    In other words how to cast array of type object to
    array of type integer?
    Thanks a lot.That my friend, is (sometimes) illegal. other times use
    value = (Integer[]) temp;
    Pray that temp is holding an Integer array so that you dont throw a runtime exception.
    I am assuming you know the diff between "int" and "Integer".

  • Converting Array Objects into ArrayCollections

    I am facing problem with converting Array Objects into ArrayCollections. How can i convert Array Objects into ArrayCollections. If any one knows how can we do that Pl reply.
    Thanks in advance to all

    Hi Bhasker,
    thanks for u r reply. Here i attached screen shot of my server "data.result".
    My proxy varaible contains
    My object varaible "obj" contains
    After parsing the result my arraycollection contains, (i mean after converting Object to Array to ArrayCollection) the below information. For information Pl find the attached arraycollection.png image. In the attached image my arraycollection name is "users".
    Here i pasted the code that i used  to convert  "ObjectProxy" to "ArrayCollection"
    var proxy:ObjectProxy = ObjectProxy(data.result);
                var obj:Object = proxy.object_proxy::object;
                var arrycoll:Array = ArrayUtil.toArray(obj); 
                model.users = new ArrayCollection(arrycoll);

  • How can I create a variable size array?

    How can I create a variable size array?

    ok then how can i create a new vector object?If you don't know that, you need to go back to your text book and study some more. Or read the tutorial on the basics of Java:
    After reading that you can move on to:
    Anyway, the answer to your question is, of course:
    Vector v = new Vector();(But you should probably use ArrayList instead of Vector.)

  • Objects within arrays

    I have a problem.
    I created a class called Fuzzy and within that class there is a method called setName.
    I want to store objects of Fuzzy in an array so I used the following code (in a new class)
    Fuzzy[] names = new Fuzzy();
    int num = 0;
    String n = "Hello";
    When I do this, it compiles correctly but at runtime I get a nullpointer exception. If I just do e.g. names.setName(n) then it works without a problem.
    Can someone help? Many thanks.

    What you have posted here could not possibly have compiled.
    First of all, you declared a reference to array of Fuzzies, and then you assigned the reference a Fuzzy. This is illegal. You have to use the right syntax, as well as tell it how many Fuzzies you want in the array.
    If you want to create an array that can hold 2 Fuzzies, you could do:
    Fuzzy [] arrayOfFuzzies = new Fuzzy[2];Now, even at this point, you have an array that could hold 2 Fuzzies, but right now it holds 2 null references. In other words:
       arrayOfFuzzies[0] == null
       arrayOfFuzzies[1] == null
    */If you want to use a Fuzzy that's in the array, you have to put the Fuzzy in the array in the first place:
    arrayOfFuzzies[0] = new Fuzzy();
    arrayOfFuzzies[1] = new Fuzzy();Now you can work with the Fuzzies in the array (as long as you stay within the bounds of the array):
    arrayOfFuzzies[0].setName( "Wuzzy" );
    arrayOfFuzzies[1].setName( "Bear" );If you want to create the 2 Fuzzies and the array at the same time, you can do the following:
    Fuzzy [] arrayOfFuzzies = { new Fuzzy(), new Fuzzy() };

  • How to register IN parameter of Types.Array

    I am trying to call a stored procedure in oracle database using a java application. The stored procedure has a IN parameter of Types.Array type. While trying to register the IN parameter using
    (sqlParameter.value is of Object type)
    I get a ClassCastException
    Can anyone tell me how to pass the Array to the stored procedure?

    sqlParameter.value is of Object typeYou have to create the array using the class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor; like this:
    Connection dbConnection = dbConnectionAccess.getConnection ();
    ArrayDescriptor arrayDescriptor = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor ("HYPOLINE.NTESTARRAY", dbConnection);
    String [] newArrayValue = new String [] {"A1","A2","A3"};
    Array newArray = new ARRAY (arrayDescriptor, dbConnection, newArrayValue);
    See also the Oracle JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference!
    Hope this helps Thomas

  • How to store (non-persistent) multiple float[] arrays.

    In a situation where an object needs to store multiple float arrays, how can I use a 2 dimensional array to store them? I can't use a collection since an array is a primitive.
    I would use a 2 dimensional array, but my keys to get/set these arrays are ints. So I cant do a "int i[][]", nor a "float f[][]".
    Any ideas?

    You could make a Map (such as HashMap) with an
    Integer (java.lang.Integer) key and a "int []" or "float []" as a value (an array is an Object, so can be put as a value).You kid me not! I need to review my basics.
    I simply didn't know that an array of primitives can be stored as a value in a map.
    Thank you!

  • Trying to pass Oracle array/object type to Java

    I have a Java class with two inner classes that are loaded into Oracle:
    public class PDFJ
        public static class TextObject
            public String font_name;
            public int font_size;
            public String font_style;
            public String text_string;
        public static class ColumnObject
            public int left_pos;
            public int right_pos;
            public int top_pos;
            public int bottom_pos;
            public int leading;
            public TextObject[] column_texts;
    }I have object types in Oracle as such that bind to the Java classes:
    USING SQLData(
      "FONT_NAME" VARCHAR2(25) EXTERNAL NAME 'font_name',
      "FONT_STYLE" VARCHAR2(1) EXTERNAL NAME 'font_style',
      "TEXT_STRING" VARCHAR2(4000) EXTERNAL NAME 'text_string'
    EXTERNAL NAME 'PDFJ$ColumnObject'
    USING SQLData(
    /I successfully (as far as I know) build a PDFJ_COLUMN_ARRAY object in a PL/SQL procedure. The PDFJ_COLUMN_ARRAY contains PDFJ_COLUMN objects; each of those objects contains a PDFJ_TEXT_ARRAY of PDFJ_TEXT objects (Example: pdf_column_array(i).pdf_text_array(i).text_string := 'something';). In this procedure, I pass this PDFJ_COLUMN_ARRAY as a parameter to a Java function. I assume the Java function parameter is supposed to be a oracle.sql.ARRAY object.
    I cannot figure out how to decompose this generic ARRAY object into a ColumnObject[] array. I also tried Googling and searching the forums, but I can't figure out matching search criteria. I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about passing user-defined Oracle type objects to a Java function and retrieving the user-defined Java class equivalents that they are supposedly mapped to--especially a user-defined array type of user-defined object types containing another user-defined array type of user-defined object types.

    Ok. I will try asking on the JDBC forum. So, don't
    flame me for cross-posting. :PWe won't, if over there you just post basically a
    link to this one.
    sigh Guess what, he did it the flame-deserving way. It's crossposted at:
    <flame level="mild">Never ceases to amaze me how people don't think that posting a duplicate rather than a simple link isn't wasteful, as people could end up answering in both of them, not seeing each other's answers</flame>

  • Causes for the "Expected an array object" error

    I'm using Acrobat Pro X and am getting the "Expected an array object" error recently when inserting a PDF that was created by inserting a smaller collection of other PDF documents, if that makes sense.
    Oddly, or maybe not, I can build the second level PDF by inserting all of the individual PDFs one at a time. The error only occurs when I try to "build up" the larger document.
    My searches come up empty as far as revealing what causes this error.
    Anyone know what causes it?
    Thank you.

    How are you creating the pdf. Your comment about putting a publication together gives us nothing to go on.

  • How can i retrieve missing element in array

    how can i retrieve missing element in arrays if array length is exceeded

    Not sure about what the question means, but could it be that OP is not aware that the first element in an array is at index 0 (not 1) ?
    <a href="" style="background:url( no-repeat; width:400; height:145;"></a>

Maybe you are looking for