How to create Java ICQ Client?

Can anyone recommend websites or codings on fully workable java icq client? Thanks!
hint: search for "java icq" and check "require all words"

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    Yes it is possible.
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    Have you made the application already?
    If so, simply click on to find out how to create batch files (or type 'ms dos batch files' into google and press 'I'm feeling lucky').
    Otherwise, expand upon your question - your title suggests you want to create a java .exe file, which is only possible through an IDE like Visual J++, while your question asks for how to create a batch file.
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    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
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    Thanks Sven, I forgot my old post about the same issue.
    The material is wrong. When software is installed then it is fine for client 000. In order to login and work in client 001 just login with user DDIC and password minisap in client 001 and create user BCUSER with SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW profiles. Once this user is created login into client 001 with this user. Once you try to do something then it will ask to create logical system. Follow this material in creating logical system from there.

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    jar cf myjar.jar classfiles...
    If you have a manifest file you want to add:
    jar cfm myjar.jar classfiles...
    Also check the documentation:
    You can find a link to jar there.

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    DocInfo docInfo = null;
    *try {*
    docInfo = new DocInfo(new URL("http://vmxp43:16200/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_SOAP_WSDL_FILE&wsdlName=DocInfo&idcToken=1344065729220:B443F7C3DED844B594F32E0B3914E576&IsSoap=1"));
    *} catch (MalformedURLException e) {*
    e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
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    DocInfoByIDResult docInfoByIDResult =  docInfoSoap.docInfoByID(new Integer(2), null);
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    Exception in thread "main" Failed to access the WSDL at: http://vmxp43:16200/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_SOAP_WSDL_FILE&wsdlName=DocInfo&idcToken=1344065729220:B443F7C3DED844B594F32E0B3914E576&IsSoap=1. It failed with:
    *     Invalid WSDL http://vmxp43:16200/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_SOAP_WSDL_FILE&wsdlName=DocInfo&idcToken=1344065729220:B443F7C3DED844B594F32E0B3914E576&IsSoap=1, expected {}definitions found html at (lineLine number = 3*
    Column number = 30
    System Id = http://vmxp43:16200/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_SOAP_WSDL_FILE&wsdlName=DocInfo&idcToken=1344065729220:B443F7C3DED844B594F32E0B3914E576&IsSoap=1
    Public Id = null
    Location Uri= http://vmxp43:16200/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_SOAP_WSDL_FILE&wsdlName=DocInfo&idcToken=1344065729220:B443F7C3DED844B594F32E0B3914E576&IsSoap=1
    CharacterOffset = 133
    *     at*
    *     at*
    *     at*
    *     at<init>(*
    *     at<init>(*
    *     at*
    *     at<init>(*
    *     at com.stellent.docinfo.DocInfo.<init>(*
    *     at*
    *Caused by: Invalid WSDL http://vmxp43:16200/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_SOAP_WSDL_FILE&wsdlName=DocInfo&idcToken=1344065729220:B443F7C3DED844B594F32E0B3914E576&IsSoap=1, expected {}definitions found html at (lineLine number = 3*
    Column number = 30
    System Id = http://vmxp43:16200/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_SOAP_WSDL_FILE&wsdlName=DocInfo&idcToken=1344065729220:B443F7C3DED844B594F32E0B3914E576&IsSoap=1
    Public Id = null
    Location Uri= http://vmxp43:16200/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_SOAP_WSDL_FILE&wsdlName=DocInfo&idcToken=1344065729220:B443F7C3DED844B594F32E0B3914E576&IsSoap=1
    CharacterOffset = 133
    *     at*
    *     ... 7 more*
    Please, any comment will be appreciated.

    Now I'm trying following code.
    DocInfo docInfo = new DocInfo();
    DocInfoSoap docInfoSoap = docInfo.getDocInfoSoap();
    DocInfoByIDResult docInfoByIDResult =  docInfoSoap.docInfoByID(new Integer(2), null);
    The error I obtain is:
    Exception in thread "main" The server sent HTTP status code 401: Unauthorized
         at $Proxy28.docInfoByID(Unknown Source)
    Is there a way to pass right username and password?
    How can I understand which the user actually used?

  • How to install JAVA API client files :: Using JAVA Proxy & NWDS

    I am going to integrate the SAP with one "AB" System which is providing Java API to integrate with their client ( which in turn will connect with AB System ). So AB System is providing JAR files & property files, in order to instantiate objects & call those APIs.
    Now I am going to write the JAVA code in NWDS which is installed on my Laptop so I am sure I need to give this jar files under ::
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    Choose Add External JARs</i>
    But where do I need to add property files.
    Also do I need to install the same files on XI Server too & do I need to install the "AB" System Client also on XI Server or it can be installed some place else too.
    - Lalit -

    ><i>But where do I need to add property files</i>
    How are you going to access the properties file? Are you going to use Java IO to read the file or are you dgoing to bundle the property file as a resource and use the getResource() . If you are going to use Java IO then you will have to hard code the property file path in your code and make sure that your Proxy can read the property file.
    If your property file is going to vary across environments, I woudl suggest this approach. Make sure that the property file path will be same in all environments and it will work fine and make sure that your proxy will have OS level IO access as well.
    Another option would be to have the property file bundled as a respurce, but, making changes to the file in this case will be an issue!
    ><i>Also do I need to install the same files on XI Server too & do I need to install the "AB" System Client also on XI Server or it can be installed some place else too.</i>
    When you create the EAR file for your Java Proxy, remove all XI .jar files and just make sure that the Client JAR is available in the EAR file. You need not install the Client JAR file anywhere as long as the jar file is a part of the EAR!

  • How to install JAVA API client files :: Using XI JAVA Proxy & NWDS

    I am going to integrate the SAP with one "AB" System which is providing Java API to integrate with their client ( which in turn will connect with AB System ) using SAP XI. So "AB" System is providing JAR files & property files, in order to instantiate objects & call those APIs.
    Now I am going to write the JAVA code in NWDS which is installed on my Laptop so I am sure I need to give this jar files under ::
    Project -> Properties and then Java Build Path -> Libraries.
    Choose Add External JARs
    But where do I need to add property files.
    Also do I need to install the same files on XI Server too & do I need to install the "AB" System Client also on XI Server or it can be installed some place else too.
    I am not much into JAVA so pls. try to give me detailed steps.
    - Lalit -

    ><i>But where do I need to add property files</i>
    How are you going to access the properties file? Are you going to use Java IO to read the file or are you dgoing to bundle the property file as a resource and use the getResource() . If you are going to use Java IO then you will have to hard code the property file path in your code and make sure that your Proxy can read the property file.
    If your property file is going to vary across environments, I woudl suggest this approach. Make sure that the property file path will be same in all environments and it will work fine and make sure that your proxy will have OS level IO access as well.
    Another option would be to have the property file bundled as a respurce, but, making changes to the file in this case will be an issue!
    ><i>Also do I need to install the same files on XI Server too & do I need to install the "AB" System Client also on XI Server or it can be installed some place else too.</i>
    When you create the EAR file for your Java Proxy, remove all XI .jar files and just make sure that the Client JAR is available in the EAR file. You need not install the Client JAR file anywhere as long as the jar file is a part of the EAR!

  • How to create java classes when multiple xsd files with same root element

    I got below error
    12/08/09 16:26:38 BST: [ERROR] Error while parsing schema(s).Location []. 'resultClass' is already defined
    12/08/09 16:26:38 BST: [ERROR] Error while parsing schema(s).Location []. (related to above error) the first definition appears here
    12/08/09 16:26:38 BST: Build errors for viafrance; org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal 'org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin:0.7.1:generate': Mojo execution failed.
    I tried genarate java classes from multiple xsd files, but getting above error, here in .xsd file i have the <xe: element="resultClass"> in all .xsd files.
    So I removed all .xsd files accept one, now genarated java classes correctly. but i want to genarte the java classes with diffrent names with out changing .xsd
    Can you please tell me any one how to resolve this one......

    If you want to upload several Java classes in one script the solution is .sql file, for example:
    set define ?
    create or replace and compile java source named "my.Sleep" as
    package my;
    import java.lang.Thread;
    public class Sleep {
    public static void main(String []args) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {
    if (args != null && args.length>0) {
    int s = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    } else
    create or replace and compile java source named "my.App" as
    package my;
    public class App {
    public static void main(String []args) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {
    Then the .sql file can be parsed using the SQLPlus, JDeveloper or SQLDeveloper tools.
    HTH, Marcelo.

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