How to decentralize the administration authorisation?

Dear Experts,
I am looking for a solution to decentralize the administration authorisation in a project.
I will create all the roles in the central administration. The local administrator can not create new roles. But I will let the local administrators to create their local users and assign the roles to the local users. And what's more, he can only assign those roles belong to their region. For example, Accounting for Region A.
What kind of authorisation can I give to the local administrators?

You need to name your roles to include the local designator.  That way, you can control the ability to assign roles based on role name via auth object S_USER_AGR
role titles - Z:<region>:<APCLERK>
you give your admin in the UK access to S_USER_AGR ACTVT=22 (needed to assign the role) ACT_GROUP = Z:UK:*
They can only assign roles that belong to naming convention Z:UK:* etc.
By restricting S_USER_GRP you can also ensure that the local administrators only maintain users who belong to the local user groups defined for them.

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    Run on the host itself.
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    Hi Terry,
    You can try following points, might helpful in your case. Go to 
    there you will see file called WinX 
    Right click this file and copy then go to
    then paste the file into the folder.
    NOTE: replace YOUR_USERNAME with your actual username. 
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Hi Paja,
    Please check any weblogic process are running by using.
    ps -ef | grep java
    use " *kill -9 < pid >* "
    Now under %Domain_Home%/ bin folder.
    you will find file.
    start this one using following way.
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    Check your last logging like this.
    *<Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default" is now listening on for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, s*
    in this case is my IP address or listen address and 7001 is my http port.
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    provide username and password
    Here we go to start your weblogic server.
    Now in %Domain_Home%/ bin folder you will find one more .sh file says
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    Well Abhijit,
    The eul workbooks have been created by oracle specifically to analyze your eul and make your work easier!. So, I prefer this way to view the information about my eul in a report format in the desktop. Try it! you may like it.
    If you want you can follow these steps:
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    Then import the eul5.eex file located at <discoverer_installation_path>\discoverer\ in the discoverer administrator.
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    in site out

    After finally localing private/etc/shells through Go>Go to folder and replacing the empty shells with the shells~orig I have permission again to open Terminal. Thanks. Another step.
    (Why though can't I access  /private/etc/...  through Finder's search?)
    Should work but the file or folder needs to exists to access it.  If you typed in /private/etc/shells and the file wasn't there there's no place to access.  Certainly /private/etc was there so that would have worked.
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    ls -Fvl /bin/bash
    ls -Fvl /etc/shells
    more /etc/shells
    into Terminal?
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    Click u201EOK‟.
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    Now, remove the u201ESuper Administrator‟ role from the user km_admin and login with this user.
    How rto resolve this????

    Hello Prasad,
    Most likely the user km_admin still has system principal roles assigned, even though you removed the Super Admin role, you should check that this user doesn't have any other admin roles, otherwise it will be considered a System Principal user and will therefore still have access to all content. For more information see
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    Attached is a pic of the folders.

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    Where in the “Flash Media Server” pdf would this be talked about?
    Would I edit the Application xml file?
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