How to print to video a 24fps project?

hi everyone,
i'm trying to make an NTSC copy of my 24fps project that was generated from clips that were original NTSC but reverse telecined in cinema tools.
the camcorder seems to record the audio but it doesn't record the video.
really appreciate any advice ASAP. thanks!

you need a 24fps deck. Your camera is 30fps. the only deck you'll find will be the HDCAM that's $1000 per day to rent.

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    What seems to happen?
    What camera is it? Try switching to FW Basic (not sure that really helps, but sometimes magically it does).
    Have you done this before?
    Will it CRASH RECORD directly from the timeline?
    OH -- here's an important question:
    When you play the timeline with the camera connected... are you able to see it on the camera's display? (Make sure external video is set to ALL FRAMES (VIEW menu))
    Good luck,

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    G4 Power Mac Desktop   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   FCP4 HD

    I respectfully disagree. I call 'nesting' the merging of all clips in a selected group into one quasi-clip (Sequence->Nest Items). Sort of like like merging layers in Photoshop with the difference being that in FCP you can still access individual clips or layers in a nest by double-clicking to open the nest in it's own Sequence.
    You can apply a filter globally to a nest by dropping the filter on the nest - the filter will affect every clip within the nest. You can't do that with the copy & paste method.
    The copy & paste method doesn't merge anything; all clips and layers remain as they did in the Sequence from which they were copied.
    Calling that method 'nesting' would only serve to confuse people because they are two distinctly different actions and treated differently by FCP.

  • How are you outputting your 24fps projects to tape?

    Hi There,
    I am just looking for any input on how everyone is laying down there 24fps projects to tape? We have found a method that seems to be working - but is very tedious and not perfect...
    Here is the lowdown:
    1080p23.98 ProRes HQ sequence -----> outputting to Kona LHe Card -----> To Sony DVW-A500 D-Beta Deck.
    At this point, we are getting the Kona card to add the pulldown because of the dramatic increase in quality over FCP - BUT because we are going from a NDF timecode to a DF format there are the obvious sync and drift issues.
    So here is what we did:
    - created a sequence with the exact same settings as our normal FCP output sequence (1080p23.98) and dropped in an hour of bars with TC reader.
    - Output this sequence to tape.
    - The use the deck to go to the all the in and out point timecodes we will need - ON THE DECK ITSELF. Then check the broadcast monitor, to see what the timecode on the bars reads and insert a marker in the timeline for our inpoint and outpoint.
    This way, although our output sequence looks a little funny in FCP (say for example, one minute or bars will actually look 2 frames short) by the time it goes to tape with the pull down inserted, it ends up the right length.
    Now, the problem we are having is we can only seem to get as close as being a half frame from perfect. Our 1 frame two beep will either enter a half frame early or a half frame late, depending on where it is located in FCP - up until now we have always just accepted this, but it can be frustrating because it makes inserting any changes in an episode not possible. This is the same regardless of whether the tape was pre-striped and episodes inserted OR Assembled to tape.
    If anyone has any alternates that are working better for them, it would be greatly appreciated!
    NOTE: Outputting a 29.97 NDF tape is NOT a valid option - because aside from commercials, this would never be accepted by a broadcaster.
    Thanks again.

    No such thing as a "half frame" in video. Audio, yes, Full frames only.
    This is what I used to do:
    This is what I do now:
    Figure out what my NDF timing has to be to hit the proper DF timing when outputting. But if I had to meet Discovery/NatGeo specs of needing commercials to hit on 00 frames...then I wouldn't work in 23.98 NDF timelines...nor shooting formats.

  • Project won't print to video

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    When I do the same thing in iMovie, it DOES work! I can see what I'm recording in the camcorder and it DOES print to video and it DOES playback after I'm done.
    What am I doing wrong in FCE2?

    Please give full specs for your system, computer, drives, devices, how everything's connected, settings on the camera in record mode, settings in FCE. Trash your preferences, reboot, connect everything correctly, launch the application. Does it see the camera? If not, do not proceed to PTT.

  • Customize countdown in Print to Video--How to??

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    FCP 4.5HD.

    If you didn't use black after the couple of frames of the "2," what would you put between there and the starty of program?
    You CAN change the black if you want... but there's a reason for :02 of black:
    It's expected and necessary in live television.
    Black is necessary on the tape in order to be able to go from "black to black" as when going into a commercial break.
    ------- stop here if you don't want the background on why---
    The tape is cued to a specific number of seconds ahead of sound and then rolled when the director calls a "roll tape" or "Roll VTR _" cue. The countdown rolls by in the monitor, and the director and technical director can see when picture's up, then take the video.
    There's usually a fade to black out of program and then eithe a cut or fade to the next video/audio source.
    A similar process happens at the end of the commercial. At a specific number of seconds before the end of commercial #1, commercial #2 is rolled... then taken... and so forth if things are coming off of separate tape machines.
    Black at the head and tail of spots lets a simple routing switcher make the change from playback device to playback device.
    In the "olden days" before automated tape playback machines, commercials were either on film reels (edited together into clusters with a countdown at the beginning and black leader on the tail,) on a videotape that was edited together in a similar fashion... or... (sometimes dangerously so) rolled from four or five different tape machines "live" on the air.
    If things were rolled "live," one right after another, I'm sure that there were a lot of praying break operators in stations where equipment was old, maintainence was lax and Murphy was a regular visitor.
    The countdown and black on each commercial was a necessary timing tool in order to get through the break cleanly. I can tell you from experience that NOT having them made life verrry dicey when it came to getting in and out of program elements cleanly.
    The RCA TCR 100 Cart machine and the Ampex model that did the same thing) would play all the elements in a break and do the switching in between... simplifying the process... until there was a breakdown of the machine, and then you should have seen the scramble in Master Control and/or the tape room.
    Its a lot different these days if the station or network airing the commercials plays spots (commercials) off a file server... it's a different game entirely.
    Everything is automated and "trimmed" when it's transferred (or start and finish marked on the file).
    In that case. the countdown is not needed to get the commercial on the air... but is included to ensure that there's a reference for where the spot actually begins. The :02 of black is still included, since stations traditionally fade or cut to black between spots.
    The countdown itself was designed to allow theater projectionists make smooth changes from reel to reel as a movie was projected on the screen.
    The projectionist would thread the film on the incoming projector so that the first "10" was in the gate.
    As the outgoing reel ended... little cue dots in the upper right hand corner of the screen "cued" the projectionist when to roll the upcoming reel... and then a specific number of seconds later—ten in our example—a second set of cue dots (four frames worth) on the screen would cue him to hit the changeover button, opening a douser on the incoming projector and closing one on the outgoing projector... and swapping audio sources at the same time.
    The countdown performs a similar function in live television: The tape is cued to a specific number of seconds ahead of sound and then rolled when the director calls a "roll tape" or "Roll VTR _" cue. The countdown rolls by in the monitor, and the director and technical director can see when picture's up, then take the video.
    You'd think that woould be the case for movie packages and syndicated television shows, right?

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    I have copied videos onto an external hard drive. to free memory on my macbook. When I try to delete these I am woarned that I will not be able to use this video in existing projects
    How do I point iMovie to events in my external  hard drive so I can play projects which use them?
    MacBook, iMovie 9.0.4

    You can do this - by not doing it the way You describe as it will not work.
    a. the external hard disk - MUST BE - Mac OS extended (hfs) formatted -
    UNIX/DOS/FAT32/Mac OS Exchange - will work for most things - BUT NOT FOR VIDEO (iMovie, iDVD or FinalCut doesn't matter)
    b. Do not alter or move any folder named
    • iMovie Event's - or -
    • iMovie Project's
    on DeskTop/Finder - at all
    All moving's of Events and Projects must be done within the iMovie Application - then connections will not break.
    (move them back and see if iMovie remembers them - then do move as described above)
    Yours Bengt W

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    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Mar 26, 2009 5:31 PM

    deepak_c3 wrote:
    Thanks for the info.,
    where should the page number n-1-i be returned ?
    Which method implementation of Pageable interface should return the page number ?w.r.t. your first question: don't return that number but return page n-1-i when page i is requested; your document will be printed in reverse order. Your class should implement the entire interface and wrap the original Pageable. (for that number n your class can consult the wrapped interface; read the API for the Pageable interface).
    kind regards,

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    See requirements for AirPrint (
    If your printer supports AirPrint but does not work then:
    Your printer might need a firmware update
    Your printer must be on the same WiFi network
    Your router must support Bonjour (Zero-configuration networking).
    For troubleshooting:
    Turn Off iPad, WiFi router (remove from power), and Printer (remove from power).
    Turn on WiFi router
    Wait 30 seconds
    Turn on printer
    Wait 30 seconds
    Turn on iPad
    Try to print.

  • How can I keep the edited video which in project into Libray for re-edit ?

    How can I keep the edited video which in project into Libray for re-edit later ??
    As i used i movie 06 before....
    after i imported the videos in to the library, then i can drag the videos to the timeline(now is project)
    then edit it.
    After that i can just drag all the timeline clips which is edited to the library.So I can keep it for next time if i wanna re-edit.
    But Now if did all the editing at the library clips then drag to project, i can not drag the project clips back to library, so how can i keep it for my editing safty?
    I do not wanna to edit again the same clips from the library!!! as i need to edit many different short clips together then export to individual videos, and i may need to re-edit.
    or i can keep the edited video in project, then i can selected the clips which i willing to export, the rest video who in the project will not be export at the same video? I m wondering....
    please help!!! Urgent!!

    Just keep the project. Then you can just duplicate the project and make the next set of changes as needed. By duplicating the project, you are not duplicating the event, just the links to the event library.
    This way you are not eating up disk space.
    Does that help?

  • How can i move video and music and narration all at once in the project library

    how can i move video, narration and music all at once in the project library  it is only moving the video

    Select the directory with your pngs in it.
    Right-click>Browse with Adobe Bridge
    Select your pngs
    Tools>Photoshop>Load to photoshop layers (not sure how many layers this can handle--you may wind up having to do this in batches)
    Save your new psd
    In Flash, create a new symbol with a blank timeline
    Ctrl-R, navigate to the psd you made earlier
    Select all the Photoshop layers
    Check "create MovieClips for these layers."
    Convert layers to keyframes or flash layers (not important, since you probaby don't need to keep this symbol)
    You'll have Movie Clips, not Graphic Symbols, but maybe you can write or find a JSFL to convert them and then you can block select them, click the Properties button, and change the type from MovieClip to Graphc.

  • I want to break up my hour long video in iMovie 11 into smaller 15 minute segements to upload to youtube. How can i put EDITED VIDEO in new projects in iMovie?

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    In iMovie's Project Library view (where all your projects are listed), click on the name of your project (don't double-click to open it, just single click to highlight it).
    From the Menu select File > Duplicate Project. A copy of your project will be placed in the Project Library. It will have the same name as the original, but with a number appended. You can rename it if desired - click on its name twice (not double-click) so that it is highlighted as light blue, then over-type it.
    Delete from the duplicate all the clips and other media (for example, photos, music and so forth) that you don't want included in the first of your 15 minute segments. In other words, delete all but the first 15 minutes.
    Continue creating duplicates of the original (and rename if necessary). Delete from each duplicate all the unrequired parts for each segment. So, for example, for the 2nd duplicate delete the first quarter (15 minutes) and the 3rd and 4th quarters.
    You should end up with 4 duplicates with separate names, each containing the required segment. You will also have kept intact the original one hour movie, which you may wish to use independently of YouTube (maybe for burning a DVD or playback through a Media Player).
    Note that duplicating the original project will not take up much extra space on your drive. Projects reference (link to) the associated Event (or Events) in the Event Library - they don't actually contain video as such. The project file also keeps track of titles, transitions, effects, music and so forth that you've added to the project.
    Message was edited by: John Cogdell

  • How to fit video size into project (change dimensions)

    I'm trying to make a short film (~5 minutes length), which includes photos and videos. I understand that MPEG-2 is the best format to work with, so I converted my videos (4 of them) into MPEG-2. The project size in PrPro CS4 is 960x720, 25fps, 48000 hertz stereo. The videos were taken from iphone (mp4) and Windows Live Movie Maker (wmv), and converted into MPEG-2 with Xilisoft Video Converter. They are in different dimensions (for example, the wmv is 1080p, so it doesn't fit my project), and the mp4 is rotated 90 degrees, so it needs to be flipped and I guess resize to a height of 720p.
    Unfortunately my computer is 2.2ghz core2duo with 2GB RAM running on Windows 7 32-bit. I must create this video on this computer. If I will use the native files, how can I fit them into my project size (960x720)? how can I set different dimensions to the videos?
    Thank you in advance for your support

    What version of PrPro are you working with?
    Actually, MPEG-2 is not a good format/CODEC to use, as it is both heavily compressed, and is in GOP (Group of Pictures) structure. The version of PrPro, that you have, might well define the best format to use, and maybe even not need to convert.
    Unfortunately, the Live version of WMM will only Export to WMV, where the "non-Live," older version, can Export to DV-AVI, though only Type I, and not Type II.
    In general, for an SD Project, DV-AVI Type II is as good, as it gets.
    The Frame Size of your Project is a bit odd. What prompted you to chose that?
    Good luck, and let us know just a bit more.

  • How to import multiple videos to project at once?

    Bonjour, first off, I love the iMovie iOS app, however, I feel it's missing a key feature. Is there a way for me to add multiple videos into a project at once without having to select them individually, and have the screen close, then having to re open it, and search for the other, and so on and so forth.
    It would be so much easier if I could just select multiple videos from the import feature on my phone. The videos take a while as it is to load in the feature, my project is being created from oldest to newest,  so I have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the list, wait for all the videos to load so I can, and then an only select one so I must repeat the process.
    Any way around this yet?

    Import all your videos into iPhoto's library.
    Step 1: Plug your phone into your computer
    Step 2: open iPhoto (or if you have an iPhone it should open automatically)
    Step 3: click on you phone under "Devices"
    Step 4: hold down the "Command" key while selecting ALL the videos you want to import
    Step 5: Under "Event Name" give all your videos a general title (ie. Vacation)
    Step 5: Import
    Step 6: Open iMovie and look for the event name under Event Library
    Hope this helps!

  • How do I print to video on a Sony PD 150?

    I can't figure it out! The timeline displays on the LCD monitor of the Sony camera. I can hear the sound through the camera's headphones. But when I choose File > Print to Video... and then choose OK, it tells me "Ready for playback, click OK to start recording media onto deck".
    I click OK, but then I get "Unable to perform edit operation. The tape appears to be write protected or the deck may be in Local mode."
    Does anybody know what I need to do? The tape is not write protected, but the camera belongs to a friend and I don't know anything about Local mode.
    Please help. Thanks!

    On the PD 150, you close the outside door without first closing the tape carriage on the inside. By doing so, the inside metallic carriage that physically holds the tape doesn't quiiiiite click into place (although the outer door has clicked shut). But since you heard the click, you assumed you were fine. And then you pulled your hair out for half an hour.

Maybe you are looking for

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