How to reboot a guest domain when hung and ldm stop-domain doesn't work

Hi, the configuration is as follows.
SF T1000 (32 threads/16gb) memory
Latest Firmware and the LDOM patch (-02) applied.
This is how the LDOMs are setup.
Instance CPUs Memory
Service domain 4 2g
ldom1 4 2g
ldom2 4 2g
ldom3 4 2g
ldom4 4 2g
ldom5 4 2g
ldom6 4 2g
ldom7 4 1.9g
All guest domains are running on disk-images on mirrored BE on service domain. Size around 7 gb and SUNWCXall installed.
However, I have had a few hangs, especially when working over the virtual switch on the domains.
At the moment ldom1 is totally hung. See below for info:
bash-3.00# ldm list-domain
Name State Flags Cons VCPU Memory Util Uptime
primary active -t-cv SP 4 2G 0.5% 1d 1h 17m
ldom1 active -t--- 5000 4 2G 25% 2h 14m
ldom2 active -t--- 5001 4 2G 0.2% 2h 35m
ldom3 active ----- 5002 4 2G 0.2% 47m
ldom4 active ----- 5003 4 2G 0.2% 1d 1h 10m
ldom5 active -t--- 5004 4 2G 0.3% 1d 1h 10m
ldom6 active -t--- 5005 4 2G 0.2% 1d 1h 10m
ldom7 active -t--- 5006 4 1900M 0.2% 7h 29m
bash-3.00# ldm stop-domain ldom1
LDom ldom1 stop notification failed
bash-3.00# telnet localhost 5000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connecting to console "ldom1" in group "ldom1" ....
Press ~? for control options ..
<COMMENT: ~w sent!>
Warning: another user currently has write permission
to this console and forcibly removing him/her will terminate
any current write action and all work will be lost.
Would you like to continue?[y/n] y
< COMMENT: I don't get any response when hitting enter and ~# (break) doesn't seem to work....>
I cannot ssh to ldom1 since it appears to be dead!
Anyone know if I can send some sort of reset to this hung domain? How can I troubleshoot it?

When I attached to ldom3 through the console services, this domain also had
Below is some LDOM information.
bash-3.00# ldm list-services
Vldc: primary-vldc0
Vldc: primary-vldc3
Vds: primary-vds0
vdsdev: vol1 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_1.img
vdsdev: vol5 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_5.img
vdsdev: vol6 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_6.img
vdsdev: vol7 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_7.img
vdsdev: vol2 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_2.img
vdsdev: vol3 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_3.img
vdsdev: vol4 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_4.img
Vcc: primary-vcc0
Vsw: primary-vsw0
Vsw: primary-vsw1
bash-3.00# ldm list-devices
Free MA-Units:
cpuset (0, 1, 2, 3)
cpuset (4, 5, 6, 7)
cpuset (8, 9, 10, 11)
cpuset (12, 13, 14, 15)
cpuset (16, 17, 18, 19)
cpuset (20, 21, 22, 23)
cpuset (24, 25, 26, 27)
cpuset (28, 29, 30, 31)
Available mblocks:
0x3fec00000 20M (0x1400000)
I/O Devices:
Free Devices:
bash-3.00# ldm list-domains
Unknown command list-domains; use --help option for list of available commands
bash-3.00# ldm list-domain
Name State Flags Cons VCPU Memory Util Uptime
primary active -t-cv SP 4 2G 0.7% 1d 4h 8m
ldom1 active -t--- 5000 4 2G 0.3% 1h 24m
ldom2 active -t--- 5001 4 2G 0.6% 5h 26m
ldom3 active ----- 5002 4 2G 25% 3h 38m
ldom4 active ----- 5003 4 2G 0.1% 1d 4h 1m
ldom5 active -t--- 5004 4 2G 0.1% 1d 4h 1m
ldom6 active -t--- 5005 4 2G 0.7% 1d 4h 1m
ldom7 active -t--- 5006 4 1900M 0.1% 10h 20m
bash-3.00# ldm list-bindings
Name: primary
State: active
Flags: transition,control,vio service
Util: 0.5%
Uptime: 1d 4h 11m
Vcpu: 4
vid pid util strand
0 0 0.9% 100%
1 1 0.8% 100%
2 2 0.2% 100%
3 3 0.3% 100%
Memory: 2G
real-addr phys-addr size
0x8000000 0x8000000 2G
Vars: reboot-command=boot
IO: pci@780 (bus_a)
pci@7c0 (bus_b)
Vldc: primary-vldc0
[LDC: 0x0]
[(HV Control channel)]
[LDC: 0x1]
[LDom primary   (Domain Services channel)]
[LDC: 0x3]
[LDom primary   (FMA Services channel)]
[LDC: 0xb]
[LDom ldom1     (Domain Services channel)]
[LDC: 0x22]
[LDom ldom5     (Domain Services channel)]
[LDC: 0x27]
[LDom ldom6     (Domain Services channel)]
[LDC: 0x2d]
[LDom ldom7     (Domain Services channel)]
[LDC: 0x10]
[LDom ldom2     (Domain Services channel)]
[LDC: 0x18]
[LDom ldom3     (Domain Services channel)]
[LDC: 0x1d]
[LDom ldom4     (Domain Services channel)]
Vldc: primary-vldc3
[LDC: 0x14]
[spds (SP channel)]
[LDC: 0xd]
[system-management (SP channel)]
[LDC: 0x6]
[sunvts (SP channel)]
[LDC: 0x7]
[sunmc (SP channel)]
[LDC: 0x8]
[explorer (SP channel)]
[LDC: 0x9]
[led (SP channel)]
[LDC: 0xa]
[flashupdate (SP channel)]
Vds: primary-vds0
vdsdev: vol1 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_1.img
vdsdev: vol5 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_5.img
vdsdev: vol6 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_6.img
vdsdev: vol7 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_7.img
vdsdev: vol2 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_2.img
vdsdev: vol3 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_3.img
vdsdev: vol4 device=/ldoms/be/ldom_4.img
[LDom  ldom1, dev-name: vol1]
[LDC: 0xe]
[LDom  ldom5, dev-name: vol5]
[LDC: 0x25]
[LDom  ldom6, dev-name: vol6]
[LDC: 0x2a]
[LDom  ldom7, dev-name: vol7]
[LDC: 0x30]
[LDom  ldom2, dev-name: vol2]
[LDC: 0x13]
[LDom  ldom3, dev-name: vol3]
[LDC: 0x1b]
[LDom  ldom4, dev-name: vol4]
[LDC: 0x20]
Vcc: primary-vcc0
[LDC: 0xf]
[LDom ldom1, group: ldom1, port: 5000]
[LDC: 0x26]
[LDom ldom5, group: ldom5, port: 5004]
[LDC: 0x2c]
[LDom ldom6, group: ldom6, port: 5005]
[LDC: 0x31]
[LDom ldom7, group: ldom7, port: 5006]
[LDC: 0x15]
[LDom ldom2, group: ldom2, port: 5001]
[LDC: 0x1c]
[LDom ldom3, group: ldom3, port: 5002]
[LDC: 0x21]
[LDom ldom4, group: ldom4, port: 5003]
Vsw: primary-vsw0
[LDC: 0xc]
[LDom ldom1, name: vnet1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:1e:4d]
[LDC: 0x23]
[LDom ldom5, name: vnet0, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:ae:a1]
[LDC: 0x28]
[LDom ldom6, name: vnet0, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:27:b8]
[LDC: 0x2e]
[LDom ldom7, name: vnet0, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:1f:5d]
[LDC: 0x11]
[LDom ldom2, name: vnet0, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:c9:7c]
[LDC: 0x19]
[LDom ldom3, name: vnet0, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:d9:6d]
[LDC: 0x1e]
[LDom ldom4, name: vnet0, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:df:2c]
Vsw: primary-vsw1
[LDC: 0x2b]
[LDom ldom1, name: vnet2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:b1:f0]
[LDC: 0x24]
[LDom ldom5, name: vnet1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:b2:b0]
[LDC: 0x29]
[LDom ldom6, name: vnet1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:f5:c3]
[LDC: 0x2f]
[LDom ldom7, name: vnet1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:3a:3e]
[LDC: 0x12]
[LDom ldom2, name: vnet1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:88:a0]
[LDC: 0x1a]
[LDom ldom3, name: vnet1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:aa:57]
[LDC: 0x1f]
[LDom ldom4, name: vnet1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:33:59]
Vldcc: vldcc1 [FMA Services]
service: ldmfma
service: primary-vldc0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x4]
Vldcc: vldcc2 [SP channel]
service: spfma
[LDC: 0x5]
Vldcc: vldcc0 [Domain Services]
service: primary-vldc0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x2]
Vldcc: hvctl [Hypervisor Control]
service: primary-vldc0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x0]
Vcons: SP
Name: ldom1
State: active
Flags: transition
Util: 0.3%
Uptime: 1h 27m
Vcpu: 4
vid pid util strand
0 4 0.5% 100%
1 5 0.6% 100%
2 6 0.1% 100%
3 7 0.0% 100%
Memory: 2G
real-addr phys-addr size
0x8000000 0x88000000 2G
Vars: auto-boot?=false
boot-device=/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0:a vdisk
nvramrc=devalias vnet /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/network@0
Vnet: vnet1 [LDC: 0xb]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:ae:a1] [LDC: 0xd]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:27:b8] [LDC: 0xf]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:1f:5d] [LDC: 0x4]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:c9:7c] [LDC: 0x6]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:d9:6d] [LDC: 0x8]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:df:2c]
service: primary-vsw0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x1]
Vnet: vnet2 [LDC: 0xc]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:b2:b0] [LDC: 0xe]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:f5:c3] [LDC: 0x10]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:3a:3e] [LDC: 0x5]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:88:a0] [LDC: 0x7]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:aa:57] [LDC: 0x9]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:33:59]
service: primary-vsw1 @ primary
[LDC: 0xa]
Vdisk: vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0
service: primary-vds0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x2]
Vcons: [via LDC:3]
ldom1@primary-vcc0 [port:5000]
Vldcc: vldcc0 [Domain Services]
service: primary-vldc0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x0]
Name: ldom2
State: active
Flags: transition
Util: 0.1%
Uptime: 5h 29m
Vcpu: 4
vid pid util strand
0 8 0.6% 100%
1 9 0.1% 100%
2 10 0.0% 100%
3 11 0.2% 100%
Memory: 2G
real-addr phys-addr size
0x8000000 0x108000000 2G
Vars: boot-device=vdisk
Vnet: vnet0 [LDC: 0x2]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:1e:4d] [LDC: 0x3]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:ae:a1] [LDC: 0x4]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:27:b8] [LDC: 0x5]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:1f:5d] [LDC: 0xd]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:d9:6d] [LDC: 0xf]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:df:2c]
service: primary-vsw0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x1]
Vnet: vnet1 [LDC: 0x7]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:b1:f0] [LDC: 0x8]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:b2:b0] [LDC: 0x9]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:f5:c3] [LDC: 0xa]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:3a:3e] [LDC: 0xe]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:aa:57] [LDC: 0x10]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:33:59]
service: primary-vsw1 @ primary
[LDC: 0x6]
Vdisk: vdisk2 vol2@primary-vds0
service: primary-vds0 @ primary
[LDC: 0xb]
Vcons: [via LDC:12]
ldom2@primary-vcc0 [port:5001]
Vldcc: vldcc0 [Domain Services]
service: primary-vldc0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x0]
Name: ldom3
State: active
Util: 24%
Uptime: 3h 42m
Vcpu: 4
vid pid util strand
0 12 100% 100%
1 13 1.4% 100%
2 14 1.4% 100%
3 15 1.4% 100%
Memory: 2G
real-addr phys-addr size
0x8000000 0x188000000 2G
Vars: boot-device=vdisk
Vnet: vnet0 [LDC: 0x2]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:1e:4d] [LDC: 0x3]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:ae:a1] [LDC: 0x4]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:27:b8] [LDC: 0x5]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:1f:5d] [LDC: 0x6]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:c9:7c] [LDC: 0xf]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:df:2c]
service: primary-vsw0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x1]
Vnet: vnet1 [LDC: 0x8]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:b1:f0] [LDC: 0x9]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:b2:b0] [LDC: 0xa]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:f5:c3] [LDC: 0xb]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:3a:3e] [LDC: 0xc]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:88:a0] [LDC: 0x10]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:33:59]
service: primary-vsw1 @ primary
[LDC: 0x7]
Vdisk: vdisk3 vol3@primary-vds0
service: primary-vds0 @ primary
[LDC: 0xd]
Vcons: [via LDC:14]
ldom3@primary-vcc0 [port:5002]
Vldcc: vldcc0 [Domain Services]
service: primary-vldc0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x0]
Name: ldom4
State: active
Util: 0.2%
Uptime: 1d 4h 4m
Vcpu: 4
vid pid util strand
0 16 0.4% 100%
1 17 0.3% 100%
2 18 0.1% 100%
3 19 0.0% 100%
Memory: 2G
real-addr phys-addr size
0x8000000 0x208000000 2G
Vars: boot-device=vdisk
Vnet: vnet0 [LDC: 0x2]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:1e:4d] [LDC: 0x3]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:ae:a1] [LDC: 0x4]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:27:b8] [LDC: 0x5]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:1f:5d] [LDC: 0x6]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:c9:7c] [LDC: 0x7]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:d9:6d]
service: primary-vsw0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x1]
Vnet: vnet1 [LDC: 0x9]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:b1:f0] [LDC: 0xa]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:b2:b0] [LDC: 0xb]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:f5:c3] [LDC: 0xc]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:3a:3e] [LDC: 0xd]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:88:a0] [LDC: 0xe]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:aa:57]
service: primary-vsw1 @ primary
[LDC: 0x8]
Vdisk: vdisk4 vol4@primary-vds0
service: primary-vds0 @ primary
[LDC: 0xf]
Vcons: [via LDC:16]
ldom4@primary-vcc0 [port:5003]
Vldcc: vldcc0 [Domain Services]
service: primary-vldc0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x0]
Name: ldom5
State: active
Flags: transition
Util: 0.2%
Uptime: 1d 4h 4m
Vcpu: 4
vid pid util strand
0 20 0.6% 100%
1 21 0.0% 100%
2 22 0.3% 100%
3 23 0.0% 100%
Memory: 2G
real-addr phys-addr size
0x8000000 0x288000000 2G
Vars: boot-device=vdisk
Vnet: vnet0 [LDC: 0x2]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:1e:4d] [LDC: 0xd]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:27:b8] [LDC: 0xf]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:1f:5d] [LDC: 0x3]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:c9:7c] [LDC: 0x5]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:d9:6d] [LDC: 0x9]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:df:2c]
service: primary-vsw0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x1]
Vnet: vnet1 [LDC: 0x7]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:b1:f0] [LDC: 0xe]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:f5:c3] [LDC: 0x10]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:3a:3e] [LDC: 0x4]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:88:a0] [LDC: 0x8]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:aa:57] [LDC: 0xa]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:33:59]
service: primary-vsw1 @ primary
[LDC: 0x6]
Vdisk: vdisk5 vol5@primary-vds0
service: primary-vds0 @ primary
[LDC: 0xb]
Vcons: [via LDC:12]
ldom5@primary-vcc0 [port:5004]
Vldcc: vldcc0 [Domain Services]
service: primary-vldc0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x0]
Name: ldom6
State: active
Flags: transition
Util: 0.3%
Uptime: 1d 4h 4m
Vcpu: 4
vid pid util strand
0 24 0.5% 100%
1 25 0.3% 100%
2 26 0.5% 100%
3 27 0.0% 100%
Memory: 2G
real-addr phys-addr size
0x8000000 0x308000000 2G
Vars: boot-device=vdisk
Vnet: vnet0 [LDC: 0x2]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:1e:4d] [LDC: 0x6]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:ae:a1] [LDC: 0xf]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:1f:5d] [LDC: 0x3]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:c9:7c] [LDC: 0x5]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:d9:6d] [LDC: 0xa]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:df:2c]
service: primary-vsw0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x1]
Vnet: vnet1 [LDC: 0x8]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:b1:f0] [LDC: 0xc]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:b2:b0] [LDC: 0x10]
[Peer LDom: ldom7, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:3a:3e] [LDC: 0x4]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:88:a0] [LDC: 0x9]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:aa:57] [LDC: 0xb]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:33:59]
service: primary-vsw1 @ primary
[LDC: 0x7]
Vdisk: vdisk6 vol6@primary-vds0
service: primary-vds0 @ primary
[LDC: 0xd]
Vcons: [via LDC:14]
ldom6@primary-vcc0 [port:5005]
Vldcc: vldcc0 [Domain Services]
service: primary-vldc0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x0]
Name: ldom7
State: active
Flags: transition
Util: 0.4%
Uptime: 10h 23m
Vcpu: 4
vid pid util strand
0 28 0.6% 100%
1 29 0.1% 100%
2 30 0.3% 100%
3 31 0.2% 100%
Memory: 1900M
real-addr phys-addr size
0x8000000 0x388000000 1900M
Vars: boot-device=vdisk
Vnet: vnet0 [LDC: 0x2]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:1e:4d] [LDC: 0x6]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:ae:a1] [LDC: 0x7]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:27:b8] [LDC: 0x3]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f8:c9:7c] [LDC: 0x5]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:d9:6d] [LDC: 0xb]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:df:2c]
service: primary-vsw0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x1]
Vnet: vnet1 [LDC: 0x9]
[Peer LDom: ldom1, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:b1:f0] [LDC: 0xd]
[Peer LDom: ldom5, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:b2:b0] [LDC: 0xe]
[Peer LDom: ldom6, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fb:f5:c3] [LDC: 0x4]
[Peer LDom: ldom2, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:88:a0] [LDC: 0xa]
[Peer LDom: ldom3, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:fa:aa:57] [LDC: 0xc]
[Peer LDom: ldom4, mac-addr: 0:14:4f:f9:33:59]
service: primary-vsw1 @ primary
[LDC: 0x8]
Vdisk: vdisk7 vol7@primary-vds0
service: primary-vds0 @ primary
[LDC: 0xf]
Vcons: [via LDC:16]
ldom7@primary-vcc0 [port:5006]
Vldcc: vldcc0 [Domain Services]
service: primary-vldc0 @ primary
[LDC: 0x0]

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We're all users here.
    Does your Print dialog offer photo 'borderless printing' settings for various paper sizes?
    Every photo printer I've ever encountered leaves some unprintable margin, unless 'borderless' and/or 'photo' media are specifically selected.
    On many of the Canon inkjet color printers I've used, borderless printing is only available when one of the photo papers is selected, even when a custom size specified that is smaller than the actual paper, trying to make it 'borderless'
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    Hope this helps!
    Message was edited by: kostby

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    It should now be possible to sync via Wi-Fi to the new computer.

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    Hi bob12345S,
    If your iPod nano does not appear in iTunes when connected to your computer, you may want to troubleshoot using the steps on this page -
    Apple - Support - iPod nano - iTunes Troubleshooting Assistant
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L

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    Hi Auracles1,
    Here's a pretty discussion regarding wireless printing with this device and a Mac. 709n-wireless-issue/m-p/258853
    I have a similar OfficeJet and it was a multi-step process. (1) Install printer drivers on the machine, (2) Add the printer queue in print & fax, (3) Run the "setup wizard" from the disc for wireless printing.

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    Close all apps in the Multitasking Drawer; Double Tap Home Button to open drawer, Swipe up on each app to close it. Repeat until all apps are closed, touch home screen.
    Restart phone, hold both Home and Power/Sleep buttons down at the same time, continue to hold them down until the Apple Logo appears, Release both buttons and wait for phone to restart.
    Check email app to see if bottom bar and new email icon have come back.
    If not, delete the email account in settings and then add it back in again.
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    Are you using a Windows system, and do you have File Explore set to show extensions?  I am wondering if the file name might look like:
    'Starbirds Picture.jpg.tiff'  ?
    The fact that you say the image looks different after reducing its bit depth makes me think you are right about it being 32 bit, but as Chris said, it can't be a JPG.
    Your computer monitor is not capable of displaying the full tonal range of a 32bit image produced by an HDR program like Photomatix or Photoshop, so it has to make compromises.  You have to chose what process to use to reduce its bit depth to give it the look you are after.  I prefer Photomatix for HDR.  If you install a trial version and open your 32 bit image in it, you can then chose one of the options to convert it to 16 or 8 bit.  These might be Tone Mapping, Exposure Fusion, or Tone Compression.   Tone Mapping is the option that produces the typical HDR look.
    But you are using Photoshop.  I haven't noticed what version you are using, but Google Photoshop (your version) HDR processing, and you'll see how to control the end look of the image.

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    Apple - Support - iPod - Repair pricing -

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