How to save word attachment?

I want to save attachment on disk but I don't know how.
Please help me.
Agil Bull

A mail message with an attachment is represented in MIME as a multipart message.
After using getContent() to get the content of a mail message, the attachment will be in the form of a MimeMultipart object.
To save the data in a body part e.g. an attachment into a file, use the getInputStream method to access the attachment content and copy the data to a FileOutputStream.
Allen Lai
Developer Technical Support
SUN Microsystems

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    Use the class CL_CRM_DOCUMENTS and method DELETE to delete your current attachments.
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    However, did it not also go to your "home computer?"
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    Hi there Jeremy,
    to do this you are going to have to add in some Run AppleScript steps...
    These will rely on GUI Scripting. So first you need to activate GUI Scripting.
    Now we need to add in a Run AppleScript action to the end of your workflow...
    This will replace your current number 4 in the workflow (Open Selected...)
    click here to open this script in your editor<pre style="font-family: 'Monaco', 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; overflow:auto; color: #222; background: #DDD; padding: 0.2em; font-size: 10px; width:400px">on run {input, parameters}
    set allItems to every item of input
    repeat with currItem in allItems
    tell application "TextWrangler"
    open currItem
    end tell
    activate application "TextWrangler"
    tell application "System Events"
    tell process "TextWrangler"
    delay 2
    --when the Word document is opened I have told it to press okay !
    --I don't know what key you want it to press in the dialog box
    keystroke return
    delay 2
    --save the doc
    keystroke "s" using command down
    delay 5
    --close the doc
    keystroke "w" using command down
    end tell
    end tell
    end repeat
    return input
    end run</pre>
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    If you select Insert Picture, you can choose Chart. This is the same chart as when you select Microsoft Excel Chart.
    To insert this chart, you will use Word Insert This VI calls, that uses ADO object Graph.Chart and its properties and methods.
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    Hi Satish,
    First, your SAP system must be configure by the basis people in order for you to send an external mail. 
    Whether it can send pdf or other file format will depends on the Mail Server you are using.
    The basis people must also maintain the conversion parameters so that SAP knows how to convert the billing documents to be send as a pdf file or other desired format specified by your company.
    Finally, you have define the IMG in Maintain Output Determination for Billing Documents (Output type MAIL) 
      Reward points if this helps.

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    Hello, tedrbebe. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    Here are the steps on how to save image attachments from your email account to your camera roll. 
    Save a photo or video to your Camera Roll. Touch and hold the photo or video until a menu appears, then tap Save Image.
    Mail Attachments
    Jason H. 

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    The easiest way to do this in Mail is; next to the attachment field in Mail, you'll see Save & Slideshow. Use the Save pull down menu to "add to iPhoto" & the Slideshow is just what it says, it will do a slideshow of the photos in your email attachment.
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