How to send attachments in workflow

hi friends,
        i want to create a workflow which sends the purchase order as email
to the vendor, i dont know how to attach the purchase order while making workflow, is there any way to import the purchase order into the workflow
and then attach it to the vendor mail, plz send me a solution.
thanks in advance,
plz help me.

Why don't you use the standard processing for PO output, there is a standard way to send po by mail as attachment.
Anyway if you need to link it with a workflow, you cannot use the "send mail" task from workflow builder. This kind of operation just can send notification withount attachment.
To send the po as attachment, you need to create your own task and method in a BOR object. I suggest you to start from the standard prosessing (CL_PD_PO_PROCESSING_BBP, method PROCESS_BBP_PO_MAI).

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    Following links may help U
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    to get in detail about the attachments chk out this link
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    If you do not get any error message I would raise a call.
    According to [Note 569392 - SAP Support Desk: Sending attachments to SAP|] files with .doc extension are permitted.
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    Hello Arpita Churi  ,
                You have to call this function module in the method of your business object and it has to integrated with task.It will do any number of attachments of any Mircosoft office products.

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    Last time I checked, SMS was a service between carriers and doing SMS yourself was really tricky. Some services existed to let you do it but as I recall they wanted non-trivial money.
    However, most phone carriers provide an email-to-SMS bridge of some kind.
    So the easiest thing is just to send an email.
    That's sending from a non-phone to a phone. There's a J2ME library to send/receive SMS from/to a phone.
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    On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 17:06:02 +0000, TAYLORRD wrote:
    > Since upgrading from WebAccess 6.5.6 to 7.0.3 we are experiencing
    > problems sending attachments. Most small attachments (less than 100KB)
    > will send successfully, but larger attachments will not. The compose
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    > again repeats this process.
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    If this was NetWare I would say that it sounds like a Winsock issue...
    There was something about this with the March 08 release of GW7.0.3 but
    it was fixed in the 7.0.3 HP1 - which of these two are you using?

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    Hi raman,
      Please check
    Attachments in Workflow.

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    Why don't you use the standard processing for PO output, there is a standard way to send po by mail as attachment.
    Anyway if you need to link it with a workflow, you cannot use the "send mail" task from workflow builder. This kind of operation just can send notification withount attachment.
    To send the po as attachment, you need to create your own task and method in a BOR object. I suggest you to start from the standard prosessing (CL_PD_PO_PROCESSING_BBP, method PROCESS_BBP_PO_MAI).

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    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    Since the attachment is not being saved and is only attached to the email, I don't think you can transfer via Bluetooth.
    I believe the easiest is to email them to your laptop.
    Someone on the forum will have a better idea about this I'm sure!
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

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    first create a po thru thru me21n.
    then go to me22n and choose the same po.
    here just above document overview on u will find services for po.
    select the dropdown list u will find create.
    on selecting create u have to select create attachment.
    on selecting it u have now to select the document u want to attach from where u have save it.
    select the file/document and select open.
    then save.

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    Kind Regards,
    Anshu Kumar

    Hi Anshu,
    I had the same scenario in my project where I had to send an IDOC to SAP MDM thorugh workflow.please follow the following steps:-
    1.After the configurations of IDOC are done Create a RFC or BAPI which contains the code for Populating the segments of the IDOC. After populating the IDOC you need use the function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE to send the IDOC to the destination.
    2.after creating the BAPI you need to create Z business object where you need to include the above BAPI for IDOC.
    3.After the Z business object is created then in your workflow create an activity, in the activity create task which will contain the method of z business object as was done in step 2.
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    We have purchase requisition (PR) workflow in use and integration between SAP and Outlook; workflows are approved via Outlook or Blackberry.
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    I know that data about documents are stored in tables DR* and original path of a document is stored in table DRAW- FILEP.
    Any suggestion would be appreciated
    Kind regards

    HI Melih,
    Check table DRAW-FILEP  is there any like between PR and attachement .
    if you get the link between PR and attachemt by using below function module you can  send the mail with PR detarls and as well attachement aslo .
    you have to  develop one custom function module in this function module you have  to write all this logic
    create one custom function module input paremeteri is PR
    create a custom method then  call this  custom Function module in that method
    create one back ground activiy task with this  method .
    here is the sample code for custom fm
    ""Local Interface:
    *"  TABLES
    *"      NO_DATA
      DATA: wa_docdata TYPE sodocchgi1.   " Document data
      DATA: t_objpack  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sopcklsti1. " Packing list
      DATA: wa_objpack TYPE sopcklsti1.   " Packing list
      DATA: w_tab_lines TYPE i.
      DATA: t_objtxt     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1.   " Message body
      DATA: t_objhead    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1.   " Header
      DATA: i_receivers  TYPE TABLE OF somlreci1 WITH HEADER LINE.  " Receipient list
      DATA : it_mailtext         LIKE soli  OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      CLEAR wa_docdata.
      wa_docdata-obj_name = 'MAIL'.
      wa_docdata-obj_descr = subject.
      wa_docdata-obj_langu = sy-langu.
    MOVE sy-datum  TO i_receivers-rcdat .
    MOVE sy-uzeit  TO i_receivers-rctim.
    MOVE '1'       TO i_receivers-sndpri.
    MOVE 'X'       TO i_receivers-sndex.
    MOVE 'U-'      TO i_receivers-recnam.
    MOVE 'U'       TO i_receivers-recesc.
    MOVE 'INT'     TO i_receivers-sndart.
    *Build Receivers list
      CLEAR i_receivers.
      i_receivers-rec_type  = 'U'.
    Send Mail To
      LOOP AT to_list.
        CLEAR i_receivers-receiver.
        i_receivers-receiver = to_list-mail_id.
        APPEND i_receivers.
    Build CC List
      LOOP AT cc_list.
        i_receivers-receiver = cc_list-mail_id.
        i_receivers-copy = 'X'.
        APPEND i_receivers.
      LOOP AT body.
        IF body-line IS INITIAL.
        it_mailtext-line = body-line.
        APPEND it_mailtext.
        CLEAR body.
      t_objtxt[] = it_mailtext[].
      t_objhead[] = it_mailtext[].
    Document data
      DESCRIBE TABLE t_objtxt      LINES w_tab_lines.
    Packing data
      CLEAR wa_objpack-transf_bin.
      wa_objpack-head_start = 1.
      wa_objpack-head_num   = 0.
      wa_objpack-body_start = 1.
      wa_objpack-body_num   = w_tab_lines.
      wa_objpack-doc_type   = 'HTML' . "'RAW'.    " .
      APPEND wa_objpack TO t_objpack.
      CLEAR wa_objpack.
          document_data              = wa_docdata
          commit_work                = 'X'
          packing_list               = t_objpack
          object_header              = t_objhead
          contents_txt               = t_objtxt
          receivers                  = i_receivers
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          document_type_not_exist    = 3
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          parameter_error            = 5
          x_error                    = 6
          enqueue_error              = 7
          OTHERS                     = 8.
    Edited by: RameshG on Nov 5, 2010 1:18 AM

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    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Not sure I understand your question, do you mean like how images and PDFs display in the message window? Well, you could right click on the file in the Finder and Create Archive, that will create a .zip file, which is also smaller for e-mailing, then attach the .zip file. You can combine a few files together into a folder first and archive that also.

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