How to stop a movieclip in Flex?

I embedded a swf file into Flex, but the MC plays it over and
over. How do write a script for it to stop at certain frame? Please

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'confirm', 'Of course you want to go to the Adobe forums!');
          navigateToURL(new URLRequest(''), '_self');
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    I agree with Mr. Hall that using mx.controls.Alert in Flex may be a better route.
    Show the Alert like this:
    // show an alert with a question and yes and no choices "Would you like to go to the Adobe Forums?", "Question",
         Alert.YES | Alert.NO, this, closeHandler, null, Alert.YES );
    Then handle the response in the closeHandler() function:
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    if( event.detail == Alert.YES )
         navigateToURL( new URLRequest(''), '_self' );
    else if( event.detail == Alert.NO )
         // they chose no
    The following documentation on Alerts may be helpful:
    Let me know if that helps...
    Ben Edwards

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    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    var WatertropArray: Array = new Array();
    var WaterArea01: MovieClip = new WaterArea();
    var WaterBorder01: MovieClip = new WaterBorder();
    var timer: Timer = new Timer(5000, 1);
    var stopp: Boolean;
    var i: uint;
    Shower.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, waterFlowStart);
    function waterFlowStart(event: MouseEvent): void
                    WaterArea01.x = WaterArea00.x;
                    WaterArea01.y = WaterArea00.y;
                    WaterArea01.alpha = 0;
                    WaterBorder01.x = WaterBorder00.x;
                    WaterBorder01.y = WaterBorder00.y;
                    WaterBorder01.alpha = 0;
                    stopp = false;
                    timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, waterFlowEnd);
                    Shower.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, waterFlowStart);
    function addWaterdrops(): void
                    for(var i: uint = 0; i < 100; i++)
                                   var waterDrop: MovieClip = new Waterdrop();
                                   waterDrop.x = Math.round(Math.random() * stage.stageWidth / 1.5);
                                   waterDrop.y = Math.round(Math.random() * stage.stageHeight / 3);
                                   waterDrop.alpha = 0;
                                   waterDrop.rotation = -12;
                                   trace("waterdrops added");
    function moveWaterdrops(): void
                    waterDrop00.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, waterFlow);
    function waterFlow(event: Event): void
                    for(var i: uint = 0; i < WatertropArray.length; i++)
                                   WatertropArray[i].y += 8;
                                   WatertropArray[i].x += 5;
                                                   WatertropArray[i].alpha = Math.random();
                                                   WatertropArray[i].scaleX = Math.random();
                                                   WatertropArray[i].scaleY = WatertropArray[i].scaleX;
                                   if(WatertropArray[i].hitTestObject(WaterBorder01) || WatertropArray[i].x > stage.stageWidth || WatertropArray[i].y > stage.stageHeight / 2)
                                                   WatertropArray[i].x = Math.round(Math.random() * stage.stageWidth / 1.5);
                                                   WatertropArray[i].y = Math.round(Math.random() * stage.stageHeight / 3);
                                                   WatertropArray[i].alpha = 0;
                                   if(stopp = true)
    function waterFlowEnd(event: TimerEvent): void
                    trace("TIME OVER");
                    stopp = true;
    function stoppTrue(): void
                    for(var i: uint = WatertropArray.length; i > WatertropArray.length; i--)
    function remove(idx: int)
                    WatertropArray.splice(idx, 1);

    thanks again, kglad.
    changed the for-loop and it is reaching now the last functions as well.
    but there is still a but  ... an error message.
    function waterFlowEnd(event: TimerEvent): void
    trace("TIME OVER");
    stopp = true;
    stoppTrue();                                                       // line 106
    function stoppTrue(): void
    for(var i: uint = WatertropArray.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
    remove(i);                                                         // line 115                                                    
    function remove(idx: int)
    removeChild(WatertropArray[idx]);                   // line 123
    WatertropArray.splice(idx, 1);
    and the output panel gives the following (tested with 5 water drops, 5 items in array):
    TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at TitavannisinglisekeelneAS3_fla::MainTimeline/remove()[TitavannisinglisekeelneAS3_fla.Main Timeline::frame1:123]
    at TitavannisinglisekeelneAS3_fla::MainTimeline/stoppTrue()[TitavannisinglisekeelneAS3_fla.M ainTimeline::frame1:115]
    at TitavannisinglisekeelneAS3_fla::MainTimeline/waterFlowEnd()[TitavannisinglisekeelneAS3_fl a.MainTimeline::frame1:106]
    at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
    at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
    What is that error message trying to tell me?   

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    I agree with Mr. Hall that using mx.controls.Alert in Flex may be a better route.
    Show the Alert like this:
    // show an alert with a question and yes and no choices "Would you like to go to the Adobe Forums?", "Question",
         Alert.YES | Alert.NO, this, closeHandler, null, Alert.YES );
    Then handle the response in the closeHandler() function:
    protected function closeHandler( closeEvent:CloseEvent ):void
    if( event.detail == Alert.YES )
         navigateToURL( new URLRequest(''), '_self' );
    else if( event.detail == Alert.NO )
         // they chose no
    The following documentation on Alerts may be helpful:
    Let me know if that helps...
    Ben Edwards

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    Use it: <mx:Canvas id="home" ... showEffect="wl">
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    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    var myTM:TransitionManager = new TransitionManager(my_mc);
    myTM.startTransition({type:Wipe, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:3, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:1});
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    If calendar events are synced over the air, this means you are accessing an Exchange account or a MobileMe account.
    If you don't want to sync calendar events over the air with the account, you need to turn Calendars off for over the air syncing for the account preferences on your iPhone. This will erase all calendars and calendar events from your iPhone and you will need to sync direct with a supported application on your computer via the iTunes sync process. If an Exchange account with Outlook on a Winblows PeeCee, this will not be possible.

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    how to stop syncing the photos only on facebook

    corg2333 wrote:
    yeaa but it is not only on facebook i think..
    Disable the automatic spell checking service in your browser.
    --> Edit --> spelling and grammar --> uncheck "check while typing"

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    how to stop voice control?

    Hi Joannewpark,
    Press your Home Button to get to the Home Screen.
    Press Settings, then press again 2x fast - you will go to the Settings screen
    Press on General, then press again 2x fast - you will go to the General screen
    Use 2 fingers to indicate scroll up - Voice Over will begin to read the items on the screen, and will eventually get to the Accessibility option. When it says "Accessibility" press on it, then press on it 2x fast
    It will go to the Accessibility screen, tap on the Voice Over option one, and then again 2x fast, now tap on the Voice Over option again, and then double tap to turn it off.

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    If I don't click save and move around the pages, it does not revert to a hyperlink.  It only reverts to a hyperlink when the file is saved.  Why is it doing this and how to stop this from happening--how to permanently return the text box to a non-hyperlink?
    The website page is:  If you click anywhere randomly in the main text, you'll get a prompt to download a PDF file.  This should not be, but I can't get this hyperlink to go away for good.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Please pardon the reply delay--a big project deadline had to be met.  Now back to this work:
    Yes, the text in the oval object had a drop shadow (the oval object itself did not).  I removed the drop shadow from the text, but the image file icon stayed in the right corner of the oval object.  I deleted the text and then the image file icon disappeared.  But as soon as I typed text again inside the oval object (not even pasting the previous text) the image file icon appeared again.  I deleted the oval object entirely and simply typed the text inside the main text box itself.  The image file icon that was attached to that oval object is gone (along with the oval object).
    Still the image file icon is attached to the main text box, though.  I again tried to uncheck the Enable as hyperlink (same process as described in first posting) with that oval object gone, but when I "save" again it reverts to a hyperlink. 
    Next I tried this: I copied the text from the problem text box and pasted it into another text box (outside of the problem one).  Still in the new text box with the pasted text, the image file icon shows in the upper right corner. 
    I also removed all the drop shadow features from this main text box (there was one more, on some words typed in the main text box), but it is still showing as an image.
    I don't know how it became an image file, and I'm still stumped as to how to fix it (short of forgetting about trying to figure out how it became an image and just retyping all text into a new text box).
    The link you provided for "Web Safe Fonts" is returning this: "The server at is taking too long to respond."  I'm using Arial and Georgia (Georgia only on the menu and header text) in the site, and I had verified before designing the site that these are web safe, so I had thought they were.
    If you or anyone have any further suggestions or suspicions on this matter, I'd be glad to hear them.
    Thank you.

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    You may have a Bad fan. Make an appointment and take it to the genius bar for an evaluation. It's free, in warranty or out.

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    System Preferences has a setting for this.
    In the Users & Groups section you will fine a "Login Items" header.  This is a list of all the programs that will open automatically when you log in.  You can select any program and click the [--] button below that window to stop the program from opening automatically.

  • How to stop iTunes creating a new library on my hard drive when it can't find the one I have created and told it to use on an external drive?

    I have quite alot of music etc so to save hard drive space I have created my iTunes library on an external hard drive. If I ever accidentaly open iTunes when that external hard drive isn't attached iTunes makes a whole new library from scratch on my computers hard drive. I find this highly frustrating as I often open Itunes to find no music as it have changed librarys and I have to re-load my actual library: very frustraiting and time consuming.
    I would like to know if it is possible to lock iTunes some how to stop it from changing folders when it can'f find the library, or atleast give me a warning that it can't find the library before creating a whole new one????

    Tunes works through a database file which has a list of your tracks.  When you click on a track it looks up in the database which file it needs to play, then plays the file.  If something breaks this link then you get !  The two main ways to get ! are to move a file from where iTunes expects it to be, or to delete it altogether.  I don't know which has happened in your case.  You can try using Spotlight to find a file for the one referred to in a broken link.  If the files have been moved then they need to be moved back.  If they were deleted completely you will have to restore them from a backup or download them again from the iTunes Store and rebuild your library.

  • How to stop multiple auto-switching to address bar every time I open a new tab and try to type something anywhere outside of address bar?

    How to stop multiple auto-switching to address bar every time I open a new tab and try to type something anywhere outside of address bar? Like something just wants me to use that embedded search when u type something not-web-address in address bar and hit enter. And the most ridiculous thing is that it happens repeatedly on like every second, like I just move down from address bar and start typing again, but then again it switches me to address bar, and 3, 4 times like that. And the result is also that I can't see the address of that page.
    I think its has something to do with my AVG antivirus, because this started the same time some AVG Nation started to appear in every new tab i open (and thats also irritating me, I read about it here on and it seems that the only solution is to completely reinstall Firefox, but I dont want to lose all my settings) but when i type something in address bar and hit enter it opens the search results in Google.
    Please try to help me, I like Firefox but I must switch to Chrome until I fix this problem.
    Thanks in advance

    First, please update to Firefox 32. 22 is no longer support nor is it secure. Then let us know if you still have this problem. [[Update Firefox to the latest version]]

  • Reg: How to Stop Polling of JDBC Adapter without Scheduling the adapter

    Dear Gurus,
    Here I am having one requirement. My clients wants to send data from JDBC adapter (ORcale System table) to R3 system via RFC.
    His Requirement::
    1. He is not telling the time of data flow from Oracle server so that based on that we can schedule the adapter in the Communication Channel monitoring (Availablitiy Time Planning) or Else we can Schedule by deciding the setting of the polling interval time.
    2. He is telling that When ever he waants to send the data he will place one dummy file in the File Adapter FTP location so that it will became an Indication for u to poll the jdbc adapter and to transfer the data to R3.
    3. Untill he keeps the file or gives indication he doesn;t want to communicate with Oracle server due to some security and it s a most important data base he doesn't want to disturb that Oracle Server as so many business are running  on that.....
    We Proposed::
    1. Atleast you need to tell the scheduling time or poll interval time so that we can schedule our adapter.
    but he s not accepting for this
    2. Atleast U need to give access for Data base to enter one more extra field like STATUS CODE so that we will add one number and we keep on Update in the Update table and based on that Update table statement it will poll.
    but he s not even accepting for this
    3. Finally we prposed that to create another table in the Oracle SYstem as Dulplicate Table which is similar to Standard Orginal table when ever he wants to pick the data please keep that data in this Duplicate TABle so that JDBC adapter will pick the data from thsi TABLE instead of picking the data from that standard table so that it will not effect any standard table data in the table.
    but he s not even accepting for this
    We have done some R & D:::
    1. WE approached even through BPM and via switch conditions is one scenario
    2. Using correlation in anotehr scenario means correlating File adapter and JDBC and based on one dynamica value it will goes to SEND STEP ( RECE IVE --> RECEIVE --> SEND STEPS )
    Even though we know this...concept that...we jsut tried::
    In BPM we can control the flow in XI 3.0 but we cannot Stop the Polling of JDBC adapter at backend because one the data comes from FILE adapter it will keep on HOLD untill it receives the JDBC from Oracle then based on the condition or Correlation it will goes futher SEND step means after that file adapter is picking file or not ...what ever it may be JDBC will polls at backend and brings that data to BPM"
    Hence sugest me How to Stop Polling of JDBC Adapter without Scheduling the adapter or else using STATUS CODE Update statements in JDBC Tables 
    Amar Srinivas Eli

    Hi! All,
    Finally I decided to do the scenario in two steps:
    2: FILE RECV --> RFC
    But I am getting issue while doing first scenario
    Desgn :
    I have created 2 Synchronous interfaces :
    1) FILE 2 JDBC REQ
    In this a) out put message is FILE  Req
              b) Input msage:; FILE RES
            a) Output mesage;; JDBC REQ
            b) Input Msge :: JDBC Response
    1) File REQ-->JDBC REQ
    Interface mappings:
    1: One Seder File CC
    2: Two reciever CC's one is for JDBC RECEIVER and other s FILE RECEIVER
    3; One Sender Agreement
    4: 2 Recver agreements
    5: One Interface Determination and
    6: One RECCV Determination
    My Question;;
    1. First let confirm whether my development steps are right or not ?
    2: Another thing s I am not sure reg Configuration Steps means
    whetehr one interface determination and one Receiver Determinations are required or not as these are synchronous Interfaces
    3: main Issue is::::
    If my scenario s FILE2RFC2FILE then I will get RFC response automatically but here issue is this is JDBC
    My reqquirement is By sending one Field from fILE to JDBC REQ it needs to send entire TAbLE records as a Response to file as XML
    without having Sender JDBC how can I send the JDBC Res to FILE and If that is the case then again JDBC adapter is polling which is contradict to the client requuirement which i explained above.
    pleas suggest me the Detailed steps mainly Colloboration agreements and logical routings and
    also explain in detail if i can  go for BPM
    Also give cleear blogs but before giving make sure that it contains detailed screen shots because aIready gone thorugh
    Scenario File-JDBC-RFC
    File<-->JDBC Sync coomunication.
    Amar Srinivas Eli

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