HP Veer App Catalog wrong country

Dear All,
you just wrote a DM to Anachronisticto and hope that you can help
- just bought an HP Veer from Amazon.de - what i don't know, it was a backsend phone, which was activated with a A1 SIM-Card. Now i've the problem, that i only have access to the AT App Catalog, no purchases are possible. I use a o2 Germany SIM and live in Germany - any chance to fix that?
Any answer would be lovely,
Post relates to: HP Veer p160una (AT&T)

Hi raychay,
I don't know how to check the country, but I do know how to reset it. What you have to do is remove the TouchPad from your HP webOS Account and then add it back.
To do that, head over to http://www.hpwebos.com/account and login with your HP webOS Account. You'll see all your devices listed and next to each one a "Device Options" button. Click that button and select "Remove from my account".
After doing that, your device will reset. Make sure you choose to keep all data. Then, log back in to your HP webOS Account and you should be able to choose the Country again when you access the App Catalog for the first time.

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    [copied here from Precentral post/thread: http://forums.precentral.net/hp-pre-3/303421-activated-t-pre3-wifi-now-but-app-catalog-doesnt-work.h... ]
    Hey there,
    Just a couple of days ago, with a borrowed AT&T SIM, I activated a GSM Pre3, creating a new profile, then when it turned off to reboot, I removed the SIM card.
    My plan is to just keep it in airplane mode and use it via WiFi.
    Then I went home and tried to play with the App Catalog. I can browse it, but I can't download anything from it, free or not; the download fails after trying. The download progress bar doesn't make any progress. The phone's only using wifi.
    In the app menu in the App Catalog, my "Preferences & Accounts" option was grayed out.
    This morning, I remembered about the email verification email that I should have gotten from HP from creating a new profile. I found it and clicked the verification link therein. I just logged into my profile via the browser, and my webOS Account Status says "Email verified".
    I tried again to go into the App Catalog (less than 5 minutes after verifying my email), and the "Preferences & Accounts" menu option is still gray and unavailable. When I try to buy a paid app, it says "The action could not be completed. Try again later."
    The Wifi network is fine; I've just verified by loading a page in the browser.
    What could be wrong with my App Catalog access? How do I fix it?
    This isn't exactly my first webOS rodeo; I've had a Pre, an unlocked Pre2 (which I did pretty much the same thing for--borrowed SIM to activate, then use as wifi-only, App Catalog access is fine), and a TouchPad (shares the profile from the Pre).
    I've never come across this problem before...
    I've tried an old Cingular SIM (no active account on it), an old AT&T SIM (no account on it), and even a TalkMobile SIM (from the UK).
    None of those made any difference in the App Catalog. Downloads always fail, and the Preferences & Accounts menu option is always gray.
    I even went into the SIM Toolkit app several times, with each of the SIMs installed, and each time, the app advised that the "menu" could only be used after the phone had been on for 30 seconds. It gave me that message even after definitely waiting for longer than 30 seconds.
    Perhaps troubling on a different front is that, even with the UK SIM in there, the Pre 3 didn't ask for an unlock code, which I thought it was supposed to do (as soon as it detects a non-AT&T SIM in the slot).
    Anyone got any other ideas about what to try??
    Post relates to: Pre 3 Manta (AT&T)
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    Hey, so I don't have much in the way of definitive answers, but I've made some progress.
    Here's the story from where I last left off...
    I posted most of what I'd said by that point in this thread into a post in the Palm support forums (as of right now, no responses):
    I tried Impostah to just install from there using the app IDs for the apps in which I was interested, both free ones and paid ones. Those downloads also failed with no helpful error messages
    Then I had a looooong chat with Palm tech support, starting here: http://kb.hpwebos.com/wps/portal/kb2/na/deviceselector/page_en.html#NA Palm.com : Support[/url] Phones . I chose to start the process using the "HP Veer" option. Not much useful happened in that chat, but the agent did suggest that maybe a doctoring would help.
    I doctored it using the ATT Pre 3 webOS Doctor available here: [url=http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/WebOS_Doctor_Versions]WebOS Doctor Versions - WebOS Internals[/url]
    I followed steps 1-12 detailed in this PreCentral thread: Global Paid App Catalog Access for new unlocked GSM Pre 2/Pre 3/Veer (using Impostah) (http://forums.precentral.net/webos-internals/281075-global-paid-app-catalog-access-new-unlocked-gsm-... )  At step 8, I did not have to set an activation country and language as that seemed to have been remembered from before (probably from the borrowed AT&T SIM I first used). At step 9, I created a new Palm Profile to use during this round of exploration. At step 12, wherein I was supposed to be able to confirm that I had paid App catalog access, I could successfully download free apps (Facebook, Skype, Clock Sync, Maps update), but paid apps still failed without making any progress. Note that this was all with an empty SIM slot.
    I successfully unlocked the device. I put in an active T-Mobile SIM in there, booted it while in airplane mode, and the first screen after the HP blinking circle screen was dialpad screen asking me to enter an Unlock Code. I did, and it worked. I immediately placed a test call successfully with that SIM in into it, and the receiving phone showed that person's phone number, as it should.
    I took a break from working with it, and, hours later, I just monkeyed around in Impostah a bunch more, and this is where it gets fuzzy, 'cause it was late by then. I think I spent most of my time in the Activation, App Catalog, Palm Profile, Accounts, and Backups scenes, both just viewing things and trying various things that mostly seemed to not make much difference. I also turned off the webOS automatic Backups a couple of times in that mix. I also managed to delete the Dr. Skipped Firstuse webOS account/profile from the device so that it no longer shows up in the Accounts app. But free apps still seem to download and install successfully...and I seem to be logged into my test profile. Note that I have not yet gone to step 15 of the "Global Paid App Catalog Access for new unlocked GSM Pre2/Pre 3/Veer (using Impostah)" thread, wherein you're supposed to doctor it again and activate/sign into the phone normally with. Mostly I've held off on it, because I'm afraid of losing the progress I've made so far. That and I don't have an active, data-enabled AT&T sim. My Accounts app is empty, not showing any webOS profile (it should, shouldn't it?), even though Impostah shows me signed in to my test profile.
    Then, at some point, I went into the App Catalog, went into the details of a paid app (Homebrew Documentation), and tapped the "Download for $..." button. I then got a "Payment Setup" scene!!! So just now, I put in my credit card info, and I successfully downloaded the Preware Homebrew Application!
    And I don't know which of my monkeying around bits actually made the difference!
    So, now I've got a few main questions about how to proceed:
    Is my Pre3 in some crazy intermediate state without a webOS profile really attached to it? It doesn't show any accounts in the Account app (I haven't added any email/contact/calendar/Skype/etc. accounts), but I'm concerned that it doesn't show the webOS account. The email and calendar accounts don't show any defaul accounts (should be the webOS profile, at least, I suspect).
    If it is in some wacky state, do I need to doctor it to ensure that it goes into a normal state? In order, to ensure that, as step 15 in the Global Paid App Catalog thread says, "everything has been initialised correctly"? 'cause it doesn't seem like everything has been correctly initialized. But I don't like the possibility of losing the progress that I've made! Gr!
    And I just found a patch that brings back the First Use app and allows you to run it...Maybe that's all I need?

  • Activated Palm in wrong country

    I don't think that anybody can help me, but it's worth trying:
    I bought my Palm half a year ago in Germany. Eager to try it out, I activated it, using a friend's SIM-card from Switzerland. Since then, the wrong phone number is stuck in my Palm Profile which didn't bother me much until I noticed that I can't access a lot of apps that supposedly should be in the app catalog (such as the "spiegel" app or the free EA games).
    So i found out that the Pre is stuck in the country it was activated in, although I now have my own german SIM-card. The only way out that I found was to reset my phone, which I would do, if that wouldn't delete all my short messages and chatlogs.
    I already called Palm and they told me they couldn't do anything. Although the person at the other end of the line didn't seem to be very competent.
    Please, does anyone have an idea on how I can remedy that situation?
    Many thanks!

    The agent provided the correct solution. There is nothing that can be done except to erase your device and re-activate your profile in the correct country.
    If your text messages are important, I would copy them to memo's that way they are restored back to your profile.

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    Post relates to: Pre 2 p102una (Unlocked NA)
    Post relates to: Pre 2 p102una (Unlocked NA)

    Hi there, I have a similar problem. Bought my unlocked Pre2 in the US and activated it in Chile with a Chilean SIM. Now I can't see any apps in the App Catalog, guessing this is because the phone's IMEI was registered outside a "supported" country. Can this be modified? No easy to work / develop on phone without access to other apps. Many thanks!

  • Plans for adding countries to App Catalog (with paid apps)?

    Are there any plans that HP support paid apps in countries the currently only allow free apps in the App Cataloge?
    Even though there are many free apps, many great apps are not available
    As example for a country HP could add: Austria ;D
    Post relates to: HP TouchPad (WiFi)

    Hi SabbeRubbish,
    Thanks for the detail information for this issue.
    >>Hi, I don't know where you found the information that Access apps should not be packaged with apps for Office included.
    This would mean that:
    - Apps for Office need to be removed prior to deployment
    - Apps cannot be locked, as locking an app makes it impossible to add apps for Office to it.
    My app needs to be locked to be able to upgrade the database schema later on.<<
    There is no such document describing this secnario. Based on my understanding, if we delpoy an Acccess web app which refer to an content app which inserted from Office Store we can package the Access web app directly since after publish the Access 2013 web
    app we can still use the content app.
    If you want to lock the Access web app, and there is an content app refer to the SharePoint catelog we need to modify the path for the content app based on the depolyment enviroment.
    Regards & Fei
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • App catalog not working after 1.4 update

    Hi to all!!  
    Listen i have a big problem, i have Palm Pre from O2 germany, the problem is that after update to 1.4 App Catalog is not working any more, the only thing that i get when i open the app catalog is:
    -- The action could not be completed. Try again later. --
    Do yo have any ideas or solutino maybe? Is this a bug that will be fixed or is there something with my phone?
    Thank you very much for any help!!

    I would also appreciate someone addressing this issue as not only can I not access the App catalog receiving the infamous "This action cannot be completed....try again later" (and I have tried again endless laters) but also when trying to download apps via Preware icon 99.9% of the apps I receive that the app is not available in your country irrelevant of what country I am in UK, US, Germany etc. HELP !!!!!

  • Problem with App catalog this action could not be completed

    I have not been able to use App catalog since a few days.
    I am in UK on O2 network using US unlocked Pre2. It was possible to use App catalog and install free apps only. Now App catalog always load with error: " this action could not be completed, please try again later".
    Post relates to: Pre 2 p102una (Unlocked NA)

    @ rufat_j and @alfagtv100:
    Could please send me a private message containing the palm profile account, IMEI, serial #, carrier used, and country for those phones.  This information can be found in the device info app.
    Please also tell me if you do have any homebrew applications installed or not, apps installed from other sources than the app catalog.  This can greatly help.

  • Unable to purchase from app catalog

    I apologize if I am posting in the wrong section.
    I am attempting to add my debit card information in the hopes that I will be able to purchase something from the app catalog. Upon entering my information I receive the following error:
    Payment Failed
    We cannot process your payment.
    Contact your financial institution.
    I have done a partial erase, a full erase, and even used webOS Doctor. Today, I contacted my financial institute as suggested and I was told that "Palm Inc." had sent requests for $0, however, the request must be $1.00 before it can be processed. Apparently. I was also told to visit the Palm website and attempt to solve my problem that way.
    I have discussed this problem on Palm's Live Chat twice, used some Google-fu, searched several forums, and never received a definitive answer. So, I am posting this as a last resort. I do not enjoy bothering people with my problems, but this has me rather confused.
    Also, my debit card is connected to a savings account. Would a checking account solve this problem? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    Unfortunately, this is still going on.
    My card suddenly stopped working in the App Catalog within the last 3-4 weeks, and now the details I enter are no longer being accepted - even though the exact same card and details are working fine in iTunes, Paypal, and Amazon...
    Nothing has changed. Nothing at all. And yet my Palm Pre 2 is no longer accepting it, just like that.
    I've tried wiping everything, even using the Doctor to start from scratch. No joy at all.
    I went through a lot of trouble to get this phone working, its very disappointing to suddenly have it stop accepting my credit card with the same stupid PMT04001 error every time. =/

  • App catalog: unable to add payment account, error PMT03043

    I'm unable to add a payment/billing account for my touchpad. Trying "Preferences & Accounts" in the HP App Catalog menu gives error "Action could not be completed. Try again later" -> "Retry" but this error dialog never goes away on re-trying. So it's stuck at this point. Only way to exit is to card this screen and swipe it away. So how does one add a payment/billing account ? In the "Help" topic about setting up billing account, the Help manual says, "...try to buy an app -> click purchase -> add credit card" but when I try to purchase an app, an error dialog pops up "App catalog could not complete the last action you performed. Try again later. PMT03043". Later, found that PMT03043 error means "No data for Catalog country for device". My HP Touchpad is set to "US" as the country. Why this error when catalog country is already set to US? Could somebody please check their working TP (able to add payment accounts and buy from HP app catalog) and provide some suggestions ? Thanks. I'd like to buy some apps!
    Post relates to: HP TouchPad (WiFi)

    Also, found "com.palm.service.payment" empty folder, and "com.palm.payment.service" folder with code in it. So which of these is supposed to be the proper valid payment service ? Can any of the devs here help? I guess one of these services is not running so the error pops up? Help please. Aren't there some official HP support/devs on this forum ?

  • Why can't I access the app catalog?

    I have a Verizon palm Pre Plus and when I try to access the app catalog I get this:
    The action could not be completed. Try again later.
    When I go online and send the app to my phone and then use my phone to click the link it gives me this same message again.
    My phone is fully updated to the latest OS. I should add that before I updated to the latest OS I was at least able to install apps when sending them to my phone though I wasn't able to access the app store via the phone.
    So what can I do? I have a new palm pre plus that doesn't allow me to get apps....

    I have restarted the phone multiple times which did not help but I just tried the restore erase data feature and now I do have access to the app store but a new problem has arrived. I can't download anything. The progress bar states that it is downloading but nothing happens and the bar shows zero progress. I've tried this with multiple apps and avenn bought a cheap app and still this happens. The phone can sit for 10 minutes and nothing downloads.
    I should add that I have full signal bars and the 3g logo is lit up.
    My next step when I get home is to use webOS doctor and see if I can fix the OS.
    I'm starting to wish I just bought the Motorola droid...

  • How do you get a refund for an app that was purchased through the new App Catalog for a WebOS app!

    I just purchased a Dictionary app from Palm's App Catalog, the product is listed as: English Dictionary and Thesarus by Ultralingua, Inc. and it was not something that was advertised correctly and hence is not something that I want.
    It costs a whopping $9.99 and if it was as advertised, it would have been worth the money but it is not.
    I've had Dictionaries on my Palm Devices so when I saw the first directory for the WebOs for use on Pre, I immediately got it.
    However, unlike my old Palm dictionaries, this dictionary requires you to have a network connection.  Something that is not useful for me.  I sometimes like to look up word while on the subway to work (I live in NYC) where this is no network connection.
    There was nothing in the description that said it 'required' a network connection, and considering that all of the dictionaries I have gotten in the past did not require a network connection, I assumed (since it didn't state anything) that I could use it off-line.
    Heck, since you are required to use this dictionary online, I might as well use google to lookup a word and that is free!
    So I believe I was tricked into getting this app, and I want a refund!
    And there doesn't seem to be a way to get a refund for an app that did not disclose it's requirements before I made my purchase.
    Thanks for you help in finding out how to get a refund when its needed!
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    Palm does have the ability to remove apps remotely, that was added in the last update.
    I knew that would be Palm's response, but I earn you now, Palm better make sure they put a better description on these apps.  And in this case its Palm's fault for not disclosing that this app required network support in order to work.
    They should at least make that part of a feature description.
    This is the second app that I purchased that was not advertised correctly.  So I far I have spent good money on crap only because the descriptions did not contain the right info.
    I see the only solution is to make all apps have at least a one hour free trail, or whatever free trial you want.
    I and I'm sure I'm not alone can't keep purchasing stuff that either doesn't work as advertised or is misleading in the description.
    I mean really Palm, you approved a dictionary app that just does a google in the background and displays the definition.
    I can do that same thing by typing it on my Pre and hitting Google?
    I still feel cheated and ripped off.
    I signed up for Palm and WebOS because I wanted to give you a second chance but that love only goes so far.  I think Andriod will be in my life soon.  I can't stand by and let myself be taken advantage of.
    I just can't believe how angry and upset I AM over this.

  • App Catalog ERROR "The action could not be completed. Try again later" Yellow exclamation mark

    Hello, I have problem with access to App Catalog, when i try to access to App Catalog it's give error "The action could not be completed. Try again later" with yellow exclamation mark. I tried to make partial erase, I made full erase, I made Secure erase, but all these steps not helps.
    I renew my firmware with latest webOSDoctor, but still nothing. Then I changed my Palm Profile, I create new one, but still NOT WORKING!
    I checked all connections 3G and Wi-Fi, everything is ok, but App Catalog still not working.
    So, I contacted with Palm Support, I told about this issue and I send them Quick Log and Log 
    with Description to [email protected]
    Reference number for chat: Chat session ID number 89786521
    Do you have any solution?
    Best regards
    Rufat Jalilov
    Post relates to: Pre 2 p102una (Unlocked NA)

    Honestly saying, the problem I had already a week, I tried to solve it on their own, but all my attempts were unsuccessful, I am sure that this problem is not related to what some of my actions, cause I never made any manipulations with phone.
    I really appreciate the attention rendered by the support services, I just need that everything works fine.
    I am sure that this is some sort of a strange problems, I have long been searching for an answer in the Internet came on similar way problems have other users.
    I received today a update notice for App Catalog, I saw that HP Palm updated App Catalog, I updated my App Catalog, check again, but still nothing changed, same problem "The action could not be completed. Try again later" with yellow exclamation mark.
    So, I will wait for a few days, will see what's happening.
    Best regards
    Rufat Jalilov

  • Be sure to update the App Catalog ASAP!

    Many of us received this email from the webOS team:
    Mandatory webOS system update
    A certificate used on webOS devices expires on July 23, 2013. For the system to be able to use cloud services such as Backup/Restore and App Catalog the certificate needs to be updated.
    Beginning June 6th an automatic update to the Application Catalog has replaced the certificate. That means that if your device is running webOS “2.1” or greater you can have the certificate installed automatically by activating your device and accepting the update.
    If your device is running a webOS version older than “2.1”, or you want to manually install, go to the HP App Catalog on your device and select the app called “App Catalog Update”, download and install it on your system.
    To install the new certificate, download and install this application.
    After July 23rd, 2013, it will be necessary to take special steps to install this update. Details will be available on the HP support site (http://email.hpwebosnewsletters.com/cgi-bin13/DM/t​/hBkJC0bxLrj0PTn04Cpr0Ge)
    We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
    webOS Team
    I had no problems at all with the update, though others are reporting installation failures.  Here's what I did:
    1. Open the App Catalog, search for the word "update".
    2. "App Catalog Update" was the first hit in the list that appeard.  I clicked the "Free" button, and it downloaded.
    3. Once downloaded, the "Launch" button appeared.  I clicked it, and the app ran and opened a new window that announced, "The update installed successfully".
    If you run into problems, try restarting the TouchPad and try again.  I've installed this on two TouchPads, and a Pre3 without any problems!  
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
    You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
    If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
    If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

    I seem to remember that I had to do the procedure twice on one of my devices.  For easy reference, here it is.  Before starting the procedure, I would also restart your device.
    Installing the Updates after July 23rd
    For users of ALL webOS devices:
    Open the “Date & Time” app on your device.
    Set “Network Time” to Off.
    Set the date to July 1, 2013.
    Open the App Catalog
    Type “App Catalog Update” in the search filed, and select “Enter” on the keyboard.
    Tap the “App Catalog Update” app to display the details page.
    Tap “Download for Free” to download and install the app.
    Return to the “Date & Time” app.
    Set the date back to the current date.
    Set “Network Time” to On.
    Note: Once the appropriate update is installed, the certificate is renewed even if the user later decides to reset the device (partial or full erase), or deletes any of the updates discussed here.
    It is possible for users to install both an App Catalog update, and the “App Catalog Update” standalone app. Although not necessary and redundant, there is no harm in doing this.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • Palm App Catalog "I didn't pay for my copy of Avatar but would like to" help!

    OK, so I ended up with Avatar from the App catalog for free(sort of).
    The long story short I lost my wallet in the snow storm. So I had to canceled all my lost credit cards last week. When I downloaded Avatar last night I forgot that my palm profile was linked to one of the canceled cards. The game downloaded and plays great. However I received a email from palm (bellow) that the card did not go through, but that was it. I've searched all over palms site can't seem to get any help or contact info. I found a phone number on Palms support web page(but i think it was the palm store help desk number), that did not help.
    They told me to call PocketGear. Get this the guy from Palm told me to call Pocketgear. They don't have anything to do with the web os app catalog. 
    I want to pay for the game but have no idea what to do!
    Transaction Failure Notice
    Your previous transaction could not be processed. Please contact your financial institution should you have any questions. 
    You will still be able to purchase more applications in the Palm App Catalog in the future. To do so, update the payment information in your account before placing a new order. 
    We appreciate your patience and hope you continue to enjoy using the Palm App Catalog. 
    Best regards,
    Palm App Catalog Team 
    Please do not reply to this message. Replies to this message are routed to an unmonitored mailbox. If you have questions please go to Support.

    I apparently have the same problem.  I bought an app this morning, forgetting that the credit-card in the app-store had been lost & cancelled a few days ago.
    I tried changing the credit card to the replacement card # -- it won't let me until all pending purchases have been cleared. 
    I tried deleting the card but get the same message.
    I also removed the application from my Pre.  It lets me download it again for free.
    The most frustrating part is that the App Store has been sending me a message every freakin' 10 minutes since early this morning:
    Transaction Failure Notice
    Your previous transaction could not be processed. Please contact your financial institution should you have any questions.
    You will still be able to purchase more applications in the Palm App Catalog in the future. To do so, update the payment information in your account before placing a new order.
    We appreciate your patience and hope you continue to enjoy using the Palm App Catalog.
    Best regards,
    Palm App Catalog Team
    Please do not reply to this message. Replies to this message are routed to an unmonitored mailbox. If you have questions please go to Support.
    Despite the 60 or so emails in my inbox, I can't see how to fix it -- there is no place at that support link to fix an issue like this.  Any ideas? 
    ...and is there a way to send the e-mails less frequently?

  • App Catalog no longer works in Poland

    I am using Palm Pre 2 for little more than 2 weeks. Initially free apps were available in App Catalog (and only the free ones as I live in Poland). But starting last week they are no longer available - now the list of apps is totally empty. Anyone have idea why ?
    Post relates to: Pre 2 p102ueu (Unlocked EU)

    Hi lynettec,
    When you say Acrobat doesn't work in Firefox, do you mean that you can't view PDF files in the Firefox browser? If so, please see View PDF files in Firefox without downloading them | Firefox Help
    If you're referring to the Acrobat online services, they are supported in Firefox, so I'd would need a little more information about what's happening to get to the bottom of the problem.

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