HR assigment in Work center

         I have a problem. I want to assign a person which have been jus created in PA40 into work center on plant level (ir02/cr02). I have a question. Is in SAP any BAPI, or FM to do this automaticaly?
Best regards

Its grouping the person in Organisational units w.r.t HRMS. Both will appera during work force planning under different groupings.

Similar Messages

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    The requirement here is for me to find out if I can create a new Work Center that will contain up to 6 assignment blocks and each block having either links to websites and BW reports, or triggers to R/3 applications via the transaction launcher.
    Can I do this purely through customising or do I need to create a new view using BSPs? If I can do it through customising please could I have a few pointers to what component I would need to use/copy?

    Hi Robert,
    Thanks again for taking the time to reply.
    Just so I understand, if I want to show a work center I need to link it to a component / view? I think this was the original query - do I need a developer to create the view that contains the 6 blocks with their links to reports, transactions and websites? I think when I talk about blocks I mean 1 viewset containing 6 views. There is no SAP standard view that would suit my requirements is there? Even if the work center had 8 views, I can always hide the two views in configuration.
    After the developer has created the view, I then reference that component in the target Id in the define logical links section of my work center.
    If my understanding is right, then it follows that it is not possible to create a user specific work center without some development.
    Is this correct?

  • Changing operations work center during creation of  PM order

    Hi all,
    I am looking for BADI or EXIT in order to change operationS work center which created from maintenance calls.
    Does anyone know such possibility?

    Have a look at BADI IWO1_TL_INTEGRATION2.
    Also see [OSS Note 925072|]
    Which system are you running?

  • All default routing value has to be changed, while changed the work center in production order

    Dear friends,
    our client they want to change the work center in production order.according to production version work center also they are while change the WC,all the default value has be changed as per routing what we maintained in routing.At present we have to enter the manually change the W.C as well as set up time and operation time enter manually.Any other option to do the automatically capture value from routing while change in Work center in production help me on this.
    Sabhapathy R

    Hi Rahul,
    Thanks for reply. I am maintained in diff value  maintained routing , Ex :First routing i have  work center 'X' value maintained as a setup time in 15 Min's and operation time 10 Min's
    second work center 'Y' I have maintained as set up time 10 Min's and operation time 30 Min's,
    Now I want to change the work center in production order as a 'Y' so whatever value maintained in routing , it has to be changed automatically (10 min's and 30 Min's), but system will not change only old value only picked (15Min's AND 10 Min's).
    Now I think you get to know what the client requirement, kindly do the need full.
    Sabhapathy R

  • Work center wise production order infomation report

    Hi all,
    i have a requirement that workcenter wise (with date) production order information with quantity details (plan and actual).
    Eg: My production order quantity - 40 nos. (it takes 4 days to finish).
          i have three operation in production order.
          my order scheduled start date - todays date.
    In standard, when enter my first operation work center, system showing production order and its quantity (40 nos) . but i need to split that order quantity in report.. means on todays date for particular production order - order quantity = 10 nos.
    Clent want like that (with quantity break) report..
    Any standard report ???
    If customization.... How it can be mapped in SAP.??
    Thanks in advance

            iv_prod_order_sel       = lv_prod_order_sel
            iv_proc_order_sel       = lv_proc_order_sel
            iv_planned_order_sel    = lv_planned_order_sel
            iv_rem_objects_only_sel = lv_rem_objects_only_sel
            is_objects_to_read      = ls_objects_to_read
            it_parameter            = lt_parameter  "General Structure for PARAMETERS and SELECT-OPTIONS
            it_status_hdr           = lt_status_hdr
            it_status_opr           = lt_status_opr
            it_status_cmp           = lt_status_cmp
            ct_ioheader             = lt_ioheader
            ct_ioitem               = lt_ioitem
            ct_iodocl               = lt_iodocl
            ct_ioopdocl             = lt_ioopdocl
            ct_iomamo               = lt_iomamo
            ct_ioconf               = lt_ioconf
            ct_ioopconf             = lt_ioopconf
            ct_iosoconf             = lt_iosoconf
            ct_iogomo               = lt_iogomo
            ct_ioopgomo             = lt_ioopgomo
            ct_iosogomo             = lt_iosogomo
            ct_iogmer               = lt_iogmer
            ct_ioopgmer             = lt_ioopgmer
            ct_iosogmer             = lt_iosogmer
            ct_iosequen             = lt_iosequen
            ct_iooper               = lt_iooper
            ct_iosoper              = lt_iosoper
            ct_ioopcomp             = lt_ioopcomp
            ct_iooppreq             = lt_iooppreq
            ct_iosopreq             = lt_iosopreq
            ct_iooppord             = lt_iooppord
            ct_iosopord             = lt_iosopord
            ct_ioopmst              = lt_ioopmst
            ct_ioopprt              = lt_ioopprt
            ct_ioopcap              = lt_ioopcap
            ct_ioopscap             = lt_ioopscap
            ct_iosocap              = lt_iosocap
            ct_iososcap             = lt_iososcap
            ct_ioopsccf             = lt_ioopsccf
            ct_iososccf             = lt_iososccf
            ct_ioprodlist           = lt_ioprodlist
            ct_iomatver             = lt_iomatver.
    This FM get data from the report used by transaction COOIS. If you needed the header data then you can use lt_ioheader table and seperate the data with the date. If you need at operation basis the you can use lt_iosoper table. You can use this FM to create custom report even with the checks like material availability, PRT availability, capacity requirement etc.
    Thanks and regards,
    Edited by: Pradip Ray on Aug 26, 2009 8:26 AM
    Edited by: Pradip Ray on Aug 26, 2009 8:26 AM
    Edited by: Pradip Ray on Aug 26, 2009 8:26 AM
    Edited by: Pradip Ray on Aug 26, 2009 8:27 AM

  • In the report level user wants two persons against each work center.

    Hi Experts,
    Please let me know the solution, I have provided scenario below.
    check the query which the user is referring to report:
    Work center     Person
    KNE33102     44003850
    According to the user, the names for the Work centers should be as follows:
    Work center          Person
    KNE33102         44003850,
    KNE33102        44003603
    I have check the data in T-code-CR03, each work center getting two persons, as can be shown below.
    Work center        Person
    KNE33102           44003850,
    KNE33102           44003603
    In RSA3 it can be seen that both the records are being extracted
    Work center     Start date     End date     Person
    KNE33102     09.02.2009     31.12.2009     44003850
    KNE33102     09.02.2009     31.12.2009     44003603
    In BI , when checking in PSA, it can be seen that the data is also being loaded to BI (Two persons loaded against Work center-KNE33102)
    Work center     Start date     End date     Person
    KNE33102     09.02.2009     31.12.2009     44003850
    KNE33102     09.02.2009     31.12.2009     44003603
    But when loading to the Info Object, one person has deleted. Because of this, in the report level displaying one person.
    Note:-Please let me know what is the procedure, in the report level user wants two persons against each work center.

    As you said in your post the data has mentioned up to 2009. can you try execute the query till to date .

  • How to reuse standard Activity subcomponents - Appointments, Tasks, Phone Calls and Emails within a custom work center?

    Requirement : We have a requirement to reuse the standard Activity subcomponents Appointments, Tasks, Phone Calls and Emails within a custom work centre. The requirement is to leverage and copy all sub functionalities Appointments, Tasks, Phone Calls and Emails available within the standard activity work center. This feature is available within Accounts, Opportunities, Leads etc. (Refer screenshot: Std_Act_Screen.jpg)
    We are unable to consume/embed the standard Activity (Work center) sub components Appointments, Tasks, Phone Calls and Emails within the custom work center. This is because of backend consistency check violation UI designer error message displayed. (Refer screenshot:Error while consuming standard activities.jpg)
    Ø  Open Question:
    a.      Is there a limitation to consume/embed the standard Activity (Work center) subcomponents Appointments, Tasks, Phone Calls and Emails within a custom work center?  We have noticed that this standard Activity Work center subcomponents Appointments, Tasks, Phone Calls and Emails has been repeatedly reused within the application in Account, Opportunity, Sales lead, Lead, Sales Quote Objects.
    b.      Is there an alternative way in which we can call [Through API etc..] the standard Activity Work center subcomponents Appointments, Tasks, Phone Calls and Emails?
    We need your guidance to overcome the error to enable the reuse of the standard Activity Work center sub-components Appointments, Tasks, Phone Calls and Emails within our custom work center or suggest a suitable workaround on how this can be achieved.
    Regards .. Dheeraj Saini

    Whenever you find out let me know. I wanted to assign a text tone to someone and now in iOS 7 i can't. Or I haven't figured this out yet.

  • How can I create a new work center

    I try to create a new work center.I found a transaction 'OP42' . But I can't set a personal number and name.where should I write them, or should I use any other transaction??

    Pl go to <b>CR02 -Capacity-Goto menubar select Goto -Individual capacity -Enter personal name here</b>.
    Hope this helps.

  • Error when launching Work Center

    Good Day;
    I am getting the following error when I try to launch  Work Center (Solman_workcenter).
    We are running solution Manager on a 4.6C system.
    Any ideas??
    The URL was not called due to an error.
    The following error text was processed in the system SM1 : Exception condition "FAILED" raised.
    The error occurred on the application server SD07X797_SM1_01 and in the work process 1 .
    The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    The ABAP call stack was:
    Method: GET_BPM_SOLUTIONS of program CL_AGS_BP_INTERF_MON==========CP
    Method: INIT_CONTROLLER of program CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CP
    Method: INIT_CONTROLLER of program CL_WDR_COMPONENT==============CP
    Method: INIT of program CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CP
    Method: INIT of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_COMPONENT=======CP
    Thanks All.

    > I am getting the following error when I try to launch  Work Center (Solman_workcenter).
    > We are running solution Manager on a 4.6C system.
    I'm pretty sure you don't run SolMan on 4.6c.. maybe on the same server but certainly not in the same instance
    What support package level is your SolMan?

  • System monitoring work center and CEN system

    Hi everybody.
    I'm setting up the central monitoring, using SSM as monitoring system. I'm also having a look at the work center for system monitoring; but I don't find how to link the central monitoring capabilities with this dashboard.
    I mean, it looks the central monitoring does not provide any advantage to work with this work center, am I right? Anyone has experienced this?
    Thanks for your answers!!

    I've done finished this issue!
    Please follow steps below:
    1. Create activity type in T-Code: KL01
    2. Go to KP26 to create the realtionship between Cost Center and Activity.
    Now you can see new activity in Costing tab.

  • Error during creating a work center

    Hello everyone,
    I am creating a work center and i get the error , activity type not set up in cost center ( error message cr061) . I tried doing all the possible settings , tried in kp26/kp27 . but didnt work . Can anyone give me the solution .
    thanks & regards ,

    Go to costing tab in the work centre and assign activity type and cost center to work center.

  • How to get a list of production orders for a work center?

    Hello SDN Community, 
    I have an requirement to display in a pop-up window a list of production orders for a work center.
    Does anyone know which screens/transactions would show this relationship?
    Or better yet, does anyone know how to demonstrate this from the tables themselves?
    Thank you,
    Dean Atteberry.

    Hello Mangalraj.S
    >>Goto COOIS-->For the field List select PPIOO000 - operations and layout -->standard layout
    >>and execute,by this you will be able to see the operations for each order and to which
    >>work center they are assigned.
    The system I am working on is ECC 6.0.
    For this system the values in the dropdown for the "List" field are "Capacities, Items, Order Headers, Sequences, Trigger Points, etc".  But nothing that says PPIOO000 - operations and layout.
    >>Or else in the in input screen of COOIS,enter the work center for which you want to see which
    >>are the production order's assigned and execute.
    For system I am working in, I do get a grid display when entering a work center.  It has columns like "Order, Material, Icon, Order Type, MRP cntrlr, etc."   But no column with Work Center.
    Any further insight into how to use this transaction to display a list of production orders for a work center would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,
    Dean Atteberry.

  • Some error in creation of Work Center

    Dear Experts,
    After completely creating the project, I tried to check the chart for scheduling, but to my surprise no dates were appearing and the scheduling chart was also not proper. After lots of permutation and combinations I realised that the work center(RENOV) that I created had some effect(or difference) that the dates and duration was not getting picked up from the internal activity tab on project builder(CJ20N) screen.
    Hence I created a new Work Center (Ren1), which was just a copy of another working Work Center. When I used this work center along with my existing activity (ABCD) I could see the duration appearing in the dates tab and my project could also show proper schedule lines.
    I did side by side comparison of the RENOV and REN1, apparently they are alike in appearance. I am curious to know what could be the reason for this anomaly.

    Did you check the  on the Costing tab, whether Validity period of the  Cost Center is correctly showing.

  • Creation of person responsible in CR01 (work center creation)

    During the creation of work center (CR01). The following details are entered before i get the error message
    1) Work  center and its description
    2)Work center category
    5)Standard value key
    But  i am unable to enter the PERSON RESPONSIBLE field (Message is NO VALUES SELECTED MAINTAIN ENTRIES).... if I am selecting yes with this message  it is routing me to Choose Customizing project.
    Please help me creating person responsible field
    Thanks in advance

    Dear Rupesh,
    press F4, then for maintain entries press yes
    then enter on continue w/o specifying project
    then it's take u to location
    here double on any or PP work center
    then new entries
    and specify one name here
    then back, back & back
    now u can get the name here
    maintain directly in T-code OP10
    here go for new entries
    give ur plant & person name
    this should solve ur query
    Edited by: kumar kumar on Sep 5, 2009 9:37 AM

  • Creation of work center CR01 (error message in last page)

    During creation of work center .After all the configuration being done ,in the last page the error message displayed is (ACTIVITY SET CAN NOT BE ALLOCATED TO 2009).
    Some of the major setting done in the last page is
    This is Costing Lab
    1) work Center
    2)Activity description (Like set up, Machine and Labouring)
    3)Selection of activity type
    4)Preferred Unit
    After this when i save the error message is displayed mentioned above  (Message number is KL008)
    Please help ....!!!!!
    Thanks in advance
    Rupesh Jha

    Dear Rupesh,
    1. Please enter the CCtr categories value as "*" in the basic data tab.
    1)in KL02 for this particular activity type give as *
    2. Enter ATyp category field value ar "1" in the basic data tab.
    2) in the field A type mainatin -1
    3. Actl Acty Type Cat field value as "As in planning".
    in this field also mainatin as 1
    first creat a cost element in  KA01 (pramairy) & in KA06 (secondry)
    then asiign in KL02 for the required activity types

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