HRBW - ECM related extractors

Hi, I have a couple of questions on the new sub-module, ECM (Enterprise Compensattion Management) related busienss content and extarctors.
We have several cubes/ODS as relaetd to the old compenation management and the new ECCS related Enterprise Compensation Managament. I would like to know which ones are relevant for the new ECM and which ones are outdated.
The listed objects are:
0PABN_C01, 0PACM_C02, 0PACM_C01, 0PACM_C03, 0PA_DS01
0ECM_C01, 0ECM_DS01 to 0ECM_DS09
I also notice that there is no equiv cube in ECM for 0PACM_C01 (Compensation Analysis). Does this mean we need to create a custo cube or 0pacm_C01 can be used for ECM as well.
Based on how people have implemented HRBW recently with ECM, I would like any input to zero in on the right BI objects.
Thanks for your input.

Any takers for the previous questions from ECM experts in SAP?

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    so the last ECM project I worked on, the portal resource installed the compensation specialist business package.
    But now I am having trouble confirming exactly what should be installed. 
    On sdn, there is a great excel sheet that is recently updated, that has all the expected business packages we need and helpful information on each package (mss, ess, tms, erecruiting, etc)
    Check it out:
    Predefined Portal Content Integration
    However, to my surprise nothing was in this list for Comp specialist. 
    Through various searching - i am really only finding this compensation specialist business package, which looks more like ECC 5.0, but I guess it must also work on 6.0, ep4??
    additionally, all i see in the service marketplace is:
    This looks like the install file:  
    BP for Compensation Specialist (mySAP ERP 2004) 60.2
    Last changed by sap service on:
    Is this really the active version that should still be used for ECC 6.0, EP4 or is it under some other name?

    Siddharth Rajora wrote:
    > Yes these are the only versions available, no changes have been done
    > so you can use it for ehp4
    >  'BP Compensation Specialist 60.2'
    > there was no plans to release a new version of Business
    > Package for Compensation Specialist for ERP 6.0 (ECC 600)
    > PA-EC is the successor product in ECC 600 and as you have
    > seen this BSP works from PA-EC menu (or as a standalone URL)
    > MSS ECM is the corresponding delivered
    > functionality from the Portal side but provides
    > specifically manager/employee ECM related actvities and as you have seen
    > may not include exactly the same functionality as BP Comp Specialist
    > - this is because product area PA-EC has
    > original ownership of this BSP, we at EP-PCT-MGR-HR support
    > provide support primarily for problems encountered using
    > Business Package (BP) for Manager Self Services (MSS) and the
    > ECM workset delivered with this BP
    > you can refer for more information here
    HIi Siddharth, thx for confirming, this was my guess.
    It also appears that much of the new ECM analytics integrated with BW in EP5 is being moved under the TMS 1.51 (Talent Management Specialist) Application. 
    If they are moving ECM reports there, I don't understand why you would not just incorporate all the BSP links / folder structures so that  'BP Compensation Specialist 60.2' could be officially retired.

  • BI Extractors

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    Does anyone have any links or documents that explain what extractors there are that can be used with SAP BI 7.0.
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    Please check this
    And also go to rsa5 to the source system and activate the appropriate data source.

  • Extract data from extractors ?

    Is there any way to read data from the BW extractor using an abap program ? Like we have extractors for SD module and rather than me extracting the data from individual tables in sap, I can read the data from the related extractors. This will save me time !!

    There must be a way... RSA3 is doing that. You'll have to debug RSA3 and find out what you need to do.
    Some LIS extractors expect setup tables to be filled up before RSA3 (or BW) can begin extracting data.
    I would first check if there are any BAPIs that can be used. Dealing with BAPIs is much easier than figuring all these out.

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    Nothing seems to be pulled through from the source system.
    Other related extractors seem to be working, confirmation 0SRCF_D2, and purchase order history, 0SR_PO_C1
    Any clues as to why that might be? Or where to look?

    Think I know now. The client uses a third party scanner/workflow tool. Dunno where the setting has been changed though, as the system still posts invoices in a similar way.

  • Structure of the queue MCEX11

    Hello Experts,
    May I know the structure of the queue MCEX11? The reason behind this question is..MCEX11 supplies data to all '11' related extractors, for ex: 2LIS_11_VAHDR and 2LIS_11_VAITM. Each of these extractors have their own structures (MC11VA0HDR and MC11VA0ITM resp.). Because of the fact that MCEX11 supplies data to all these extractors, I would assume the structure of it is a combination of all the structures of the extractors that it supplies data to. Am I right in assuming so?
    Thanks in advance.

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  • Meaning and coherence between DEBESTA_BWPROT[/E/H] Tables

    Hey together,
    DataSource 0UC_SALES_STATS_01 and related Extractor are working with the help of three tables. I still have some problems to understand them completly. My view and open question on them are as follows:
    DBESTA_BWPROT is an index table which holds relevant reconciliation keys for extraction. If a key is closed the next export to
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    Is this right? When is the table filled with data?
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    The next delta load will catch the data?
    The table contains informations about historical data. If data could have been exported, it can be found in this table.
    I don't think that my assumption for that is correct, particulary with regard to the field BWSS_STATU in BWPROTH. But which data is stored in this table?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    As for as i see
    DBESTA_BWPROTH  This table holds the below information (data)
    Road request date
    Duration of the extraction
    Number of successfully loaded billing and invoicing documents
    Number of canceled extractions of invoicing documents
    Below table is the Index table (which not holds the Actual data ) it behaves differently based on the extraction type .
    Full Upload:
    All documents with a closed a reconciliation key are extracted in accordance with the selection. Use the full upload to extract all existing documents after connection of the DataSource.
    Documents with an open reconciliation key are saved in index table DBESTA_BWPROT for later processing.
    Initial Upload:
    All closed reconciliation keys in index table DBESTA_BWPROT are processed according to the initial selection and the associated documents are extracted. You should perform the initialization after the full upload, using the same selection. The initial run only extracts data if in the mean time associated reconciliation keys were closed between the full and initial upload, or if there are new documents.
    Delta Upload:
    All closed reconciliation keys are processed in accordance with the initial selections and the corresponding documents are extracted. This normally concerns new documents in productive operation.
    Also check the below tables wich holds actuall data about the datasource
    For more Information check the below link.

  • Is SAP 2LIS_11_VAHDR filled in real time

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    We have a problem with our extractors :
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    Couln't find any clue either on SDN or documentation I have.
    Thank you all for your help.

    Thanks for your answer
    I don't want to initialize a delta queue.
    What I want is to understand why, while my commands where integrated a 1:28 am in my R3 system, and that my process chain start at 1.38am didn't brought any of those new data.
    But if we relaunch the process chain a 3am, then I got the new data.
    rvc, I didn't understood what you meant by the 'dataflow after', couldn't find it or I did not understand what you meant...
    And you link
    doesn't work
    Thanks for you answers.

  • ECC 6.0 (backend) upgrade

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    We have recently upgraded to BI 7.0 and using only 3.x datasource .   We are in the process of upgrading our backend R/3 4.6c to ECC6.0.
    Question:  Is there anything that we should be looking out for when we switched to ECC 6.0 on the backend? Examples are deltas not working, comm. Structure / transfer structure out of sync. Etc?
    We are not going to re-replicate any meta structure from BI side.

    Some Insights
    1)clear the Delta loads before upgrading your R/3 System as you could lose some delta's if you don't .
    Emptying the Delta queue means stoping the update jobs (V3, for example) and executing the Deltas in BW until there are 0 records on them. Normally it takes a couple of loads in BW to make them "0" in R/3.
    The update mode doesn't affect the Delta Queues or the extraction to BW. It's just the way new or changes records are allocated in the queues. Only a change in the structure of your Datasource would impact your Delta queue and extractions .
    2)GL - check with if the NEW GL is configured as in that case you might have to use FAGLFLEXT table related extractors and new cubes
    3)Make sure you have the latest kernel, for the support pack you will get the
    standared notes availale in the SAP support market place.
    - As a prerequisite you need to upgrade your DB and OS as suggested in the
    standard upgrade manual
    - follow the ASAP methdology for upgrade, first upgrade the development system
    followed by Quality and Production.
    Refer the following links to get more details
    Hope it Helps

  • SAP HR Interface Testing

    Dear all -
    I am a newbie to SAP HR module. I am going to work on a project where the areas concentrated in HR are - Organizational Management/Personnel Administration; ESS/MSS and Interface Testing.
    Could anyone please advise me as to what would Interface Testing involve? What would be the third party tools used?
    Also, please let me know what could be the scenarios that would be tested in Organization Management/Personnel Adm and ESS/MSS?
    Thanks very much -
    Shilpa Reddy

    Hi Shilpa,
    You have asked a question which is totally customer specific. Until unless some one knows the details of your customer it is very difficult to answer the question. Anyway here is the common guidelines.
    For Interface...
    1) First you have to identify the third party tolls which your customer will use.
    2) If the third part tolls are identified, then you check the sap standard and custom interface which are using in your sysytem.
    3) Check whether the interfaces are inbound or outbound and what type of data are send/received by the interfaces.
    4) Execute the interface and check whether you are getting the correct data or not.
    For org management..
    1) Check the org structure are correct or not.
    2) Test the scenarios related to org structure.
    3) Check whether PA OM synchronization is on or not.
    4) Test your customer specific scenarios.
    For ESS/MSS..
    1) Check the bank/address/own data change scenario from portal.
    2) Check the portal Forms.
    3) Check the ECM related thing to ESS/MSS.
    I think you should have test scripts for that.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sandip Biswas.

  • What is meant by return tables?

    what is meant by return table?
    with one example

    Return tables are used in cases where one record from the transaction translates into multiple records - something like cost allocations - you book an expense to the company for $1000 and that $1000 has to be translated into
    $200 for your cost center
    $500 for the general cost center
    $300 to the project
    this data ofcourse need not come from the transaction where you will have one line saying $1000 - you could have these weights maintained in a separate table in BW and do the cost allocation while receiving the data.
    You can find a lot of information about the same in the FI related extractors / Update rules - or even more specific - the CO area..
    hope it helps..

  • Cook book for business package:compensation specialist and HR connectivity

    Hi all,
    Have any of you configured Business packages compensation specialist and Hr connectivity, do you any cook books or Documents about how to configure it.
    If so please send it to my ID:[email protected]
    Helpful docs will be much appreciated.
    thanks in advance.

    Siddharth Rajora wrote:
    > Yes these are the only versions available, no changes have been done
    > so you can use it for ehp4
    >  'BP Compensation Specialist 60.2'
    > there was no plans to release a new version of Business
    > Package for Compensation Specialist for ERP 6.0 (ECC 600)
    > PA-EC is the successor product in ECC 600 and as you have
    > seen this BSP works from PA-EC menu (or as a standalone URL)
    > MSS ECM is the corresponding delivered
    > functionality from the Portal side but provides
    > specifically manager/employee ECM related actvities and as you have seen
    > may not include exactly the same functionality as BP Comp Specialist
    > - this is because product area PA-EC has
    > original ownership of this BSP, we at EP-PCT-MGR-HR support
    > provide support primarily for problems encountered using
    > Business Package (BP) for Manager Self Services (MSS) and the
    > ECM workset delivered with this BP
    > you can refer for more information here
    HIi Siddharth, thx for confirming, this was my guess.
    It also appears that much of the new ECM analytics integrated with BW in EP5 is being moved under the TMS 1.51 (Talent Management Specialist) Application. 
    If they are moving ECM reports there, I don't understand why you would not just incorporate all the BSP links / folder structures so that  'BP Compensation Specialist 60.2' could be officially retired.

  • Statistical setup info sturctures frm purchasing documents

    Hi all,
    Im stuck with a problem LO data extraction
    I customized Lo cockpit LBWE 2lis_02_scl and extract structure MC02M_0SCL
    while doing restructured the tables and to fill again setup tables Im getting an error "time of termination lies in past" what could be the reason can any one help me out pls..
    thanx ,

    the statistical setup will setup all PO-related extractors (2LIS_02_*) - so you only need one setup. =)
    at this point all you need to do is to replicate the datasource in your BW system, create and activate (or transport) transfer rules, assign update rules for this infosource in whichever infoproviders, create an infopackage, and load away. =)

  • Rmceneua - statistical setup of info structures from purchasing documents

    Hi all,
    I run the program rmceneua for a specific purchasing document number. The line on this PO has been selected for deletion. LOEKZ = 'L'. When S011 and S012 are populated, will this line be taken into consideration when calculating the effective order value, etc.
    I am new to SAP, so any help will be welcome.
    Thank you in advance,

    the statistical setup will setup all PO-related extractors (2LIS_02_*) - so you only need one setup. =)
    at this point all you need to do is to replicate the datasource in your BW system, create and activate (or transport) transfer rules, assign update rules for this infosource in whichever infoproviders, create an infopackage, and load away. =)

  • Delta mechanism for 0fi_gl_14

    We are using 0fi_gl_14 DS for extracting leading ledger's line item data.
    But when I checked table BWOM2_TIMEST, there is no entry for the above data source.
    Could someone help me understand delta mechanism for 0fi_gl_14?
    Is it not similar to 0fi_gl_4 delta?
    What is the difference between 0fi_gl_4 and 0fi_gl_14?

    Most of the extractors (specially one in question 0FI_GL_14) in FI related extractors work on pull mechanism via Extraction method: F1 (function module (complete interface))
    Extractor: FAGL_GET_SI_DATA
    1. 0FI_GL_14 extractor, considers all data from the tables FAGLFLEXA (or similar customer tables), BKPF, BSEG, and BSEG_ADD. we use this extractor if New GL configuration done in ECC or otherwise 0FI_GL_4 still holds good.
    2.Coming to Delta are picked from BWFI_AEDAT table where all the changed documents/new are maintained as part of changed status.
    Hope i have addressed your question!
    Karunakar P

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