HT1848 recover lost audio book

I purchased an iphone 5 and immediately began to use it.  I purchased an audio book directly from the phone, before I had the chance to set up and sync the phone with the imac for the first time.  Later when I set the phone up and attempted to sync the phone with the mac - the book disappeared. I first saw it in the itunes library - then later it was gone on both the computer and the phone.  Is there a way to recover the audio book?

If it is really gone, Itunes can grant it back. But you will have to call apple care to get it done.

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    Audiobooks are stored under Books, Audiobooks in your library.
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    RickTexas wrote:
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    Sorry Rick but that's incorrect,
    Here's a shot of the folder it lives in and the path to it, Time Machine backs it up.

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    Message was edited by: V.K.

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    If you haven't been keeping a backup of your downloads (none of your iTunes downloads are included in an iCloud backup, apps, music etc are only redownloadable whilst they remain in your country's store) then you can try contacting iTunes support and see if they will grant you a redownload : click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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