HT201262 macbook fails to boot

macbook fails to boot. I tried safe mode. it starts showing progress bar then display gets too dim.

Yes Esquared, I left it for more than 20 minutes. It shows the Apple logo screen, followed by rotating circle, thereafter the screen turns to sea-blue colour for less than 1 seconds and after that the screen becomes extremely dark, though on closer look I can see some window coming up but it's too dark to see.

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    Hi All,
    This is my first post here after owning a mac for about 2 weeks and then having a serious problem that needed a good dose of Unix know how to fix!
    Symptoms are:
    1. If you try an boot the Macbook you get a blue screen with a working mouse pointer but nothing else and none of the shortcut keys work
    2. If you try and boot in to Safe Boot it won't accept a user name and password (not even root) and gets into an infinite loop.
    Something called ypbind is trying to contact a Domain that doesn't exist so it gets into a loop and fails. This problem seems to be fairly easy to achieve by playing with the Directory Utility (I was trying to connect to a Windows work group).
    Boot the macbook into Single User mode (by holding Command-S during start-up). You may need to do a hard reboot by holding down the power button to get it to restart.
    At the command prompt locate /etc/defaultdomain and clear its contents using Vi or Pico. Some people have suggested that you can delete the file but clearing it works as well. Then reboot (type exit). The machine should reboot fine. Other things I did to be on the safe side were to check the hard disk and check the permissions using the diagnostic tools on the OSX install CD (it's bootable).
    This took me ages to sort out so I hope this helps someone else in the same position.

    I have just managed to get duped into getting re-infected with that same PC Optimizer Pro virus.
    Ordinarily, System Restore does not remove all the damage from a virus.
    Now that you're able to back up your important files, it seems best to to restore the hard disk to its original out-of-the-box contents and reload the applications.
       Settings > Change PC settings > Update and recovery tab > Recovery tab > Remove everything and reinstall Windows
    If that doesn't work, you can obtain recovery media from Toshiba. Scroll down to Get Recovery Media here. For instructions, see the section Restoring from recovery media, which begins on p. 57 of the User's Guide.
       Satellite/Satellite Pro C800/L800/S800 Series User’s Guide
    If you restore to Windows 8, be sure to follow the instructions when you upgrade to Windows 8.1.
       How to Update from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1

  • Macbook Fails to Boot, no Apple Logo, any ideas?

    Hi all,
    I'm not sure if this might be a hardware or OS problem or this is in the right category, but I'm hoping someone can help me out with a problem I'm having with a friend's Macbook.
    When I hit the power button, the chime plays, and the screen turns light gray or white, and then stays there. No apple logo, or spinning gear, no other icons, just gray. I've left it like this for a while and nothing happens.
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    If I try to reset the PRAM it does reboot correctly and chime again, but no other change.
    It seems like these options are functioning, but nothing is working after that.
    I've read that the missing logo might mean a problem with firmware, but I can't see any way to fix that without OS X installed.
    Is it possible the HD has failed? Would that also explain the missing logo?
    Any ideas from anyone with a similar problem? I've Google'd different variations of the problem, but can't find anything except problems with the Apple logo present.

    it is possible that is had been dropped. an easy fix you can try is to reseat the ram. to do this is very easy. you may already know how but if you dont here is some instructions. just make sure you take them out as if you were replacing them to inspect them of obvious damage (such as it being cracked) also while you are in there reseat the HDD. who know this may fix it but it is so simple and quick that if it does not work it is not a waste of your time.
    hope i am helping Dean

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    The DVD may simply be dirty. Or scratched. Only a small part is read when you insert it while running Tiger. For instance the boot area may be damaged, so it runs in Tiger but cannot boot a system.
    Remove the DVD and visually inspect it carefully. If there appears to be a filmy coating on it, wipe the disk carefully with a damp soft cloth from the center out, radially. Never wipe a cd or dvd circularly.
    I would see if the DVD boots in any other machine you can get hold of.
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    Erase the drive and reinstall Snow Leopard, then restore the Home folder, third-party applications, etc. from your TM backup. For more help with TM I suggest reading the user tips: User Tips for Time Machine. You can also select Mac Help from the Finder's Help menu and search for "time machine" to get the online help.
    Message was edited by: Kappy

  • HELP! macbook fails to boot

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    This is the same thing several are getting (myself included.) The most recent update seems to be the culprit...
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    Message was edited by: Jbruce75

  • MacBook Pro failing to boot up despite disk utility repair and PRAM

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    Solutions attempted: disk repair via custom recovery- disk utility, PRAM
    Device: MacBook Pro 15" (early 2010) running 10.9
    Additional info-
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    Had the same issue but this time around MBP failed to boot up.
    Any possible suggestions?

    Ranban wrote:
    Are you suggesting reinstalling the os?
    Furthermore, is there a way to keep the data intact using this method? Or retrieve it at the least?
    Repairing a disk should have no affect on the data, nor would an OSX installation.  However if the data has value, there always should be a backup, preferably two.
    In your original post you said "attempted: disk repair via custom recovery- disk utility".  The term 'custom recovery' to me is alien and thus confusing.
    What I am suggesting is a repair of the HDD using the original installation disk, not an OSX installation.
    You insert the disk holding down the C key at startup.  Proceed with the process until you see on the top of the display a menu bar.  Select UTILITIES and from the drop down menu select Disk Utility.  Then select Disk Utility>First Aid and then run Verify and repair.  Exit from the installation process.
    That way I know that the attempted repair was properly executed.  You may have in essence done that, but there is an element of doubt in my mind. 

  • Im having trouble getting my macbook pro to boot up after a fail safe boot, im getting as far as the grey screen with the apple loggo. so im trying to run a disk repair but is saying the disk is locked, how do i unlock disk??

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    Some clarification may help.
    You say you cannot boot normally.  It shows a gray screen with the Apple logo.
    Did you say it will boot successfully in Safe Mode (boot, then hold down the Shift key)?
    How did you boot the machine to run Disk Utility?  (Which keyboard combinations)?

  • Macbook Pro Fails to Boot on Operating System

    After Restarting My Macbook Pro 13" 2012 it repeatedly fails to boot up to Mac OSX but instead to OSX utilities. I tried to reinstall Mountain lion but it shows me that Macintosh HD is locked and when erasing it , it tells me couldn't umamount Disc. Any solution!!! Thank you

    Found a solution. As expected, I needed to restore the firmware. However by just downloading the firmware update, OSX didn't want to write the firmware as it was already up-to-date. OSX has no way to know up-to-date but defective.
    Found this thread:
    which lead to acbook-51/
    that explains how to FORCE a firmware to be written.
    I had to download this free software
    to unpack the EFI udpate downloaded at
    I would say that a good command line knowledge is needed to process the above steps.
    Hopefully I was able to find a solution before admitting that the logic board was defective and pay the 600$ for its replacement, as instructed by the genius at the Apple store. They are not allowed to process firmware restoration, but they should at least suggest it before proposing an expensive logic board replacement.
    Good luck.

  • Macbook won't  boot up blue screen, volume check failed

    Yesterday, my friend's Macbook wouldn't boot up properly. First it came up in terminal mode with the following message displayed:
    disk0s2: 0xe0030005 (UNDEFINED)
    Today did a re-start. Could not get into Safe Mode. White apple logo screen ran for 3 minutes with progress indicator (circle of sticks) followed by blue screen with progress indicator for 7 minutes, followed by blank blue screen.
    Started up in single user mode and ran fsck
    Results were:
    fsck -f
    ** Checking HFS Plus Volume.
    ** Checking Extents Overflow file.
    ** Checking Catalog file.
    disk0s2: 0xe0030005 (UNDEFINED)
    Invalid node structure
    (4, 34)
    **Volume check failed.
    This Macbook was purchase approximately 60 days ago. Is there a simple fix to this before going back to Apple?

    Hello Joe.
    Although similar to running fsck, boot from the Tiger install disc #1 that shipped with this MacBook and run Disk First Air repair on the hard drive.
    If there is a hard drive directory problem that cannot be successfully repaired after running DFA repair several times, the directory problem is substantial and the options are using a more substantial disk repair utility such as Disk Warrior (not sure if DW has been updated for a Mac with an Intel processor or not) but if so, there is no guarantee but DW has been known to work miracles or reformat the hard drive HFS+ (or extended) with Journaling enabled and then reinstall OS X and all included software.
    You can call AppleCare but they will have you or your friend run DFA repair and do the same. Unless there is hard drive damage that is covered under warranty, there isn't much else AppleCare can do and hopefully your friend has/maintains a backup since this is a good example for why maintaining a backup is so important.

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    Two Macbook pros circa 2009 in our temporary household in Turkey suddenly failed to boot and got stuck on the grey screen. They were able to boot at the Apple store, but not when we brought them back to our apartment. Could this be a coincidence?   A

    THank you Ogelthorpe. When my wife's computer I went on line to the site that you sent and tried everything But nothing worked. When my son came to visit and his MacBook Pro did exactly the same thing we became suspicious - too much of a coincidence. We took both computers somewhere else, out of our apartment, and they both booted. We ran disk utility on both, but the report in both cases was that there are no issues with the hard drive.  Back in our apartment neither will boot up. My MacBook Pro is a later model with a solid state drive and it seems to work fine here.. I tried an external drive and it works fine. We think that this has something to do with some kind of magnetic interference in our apartment to which the 2009  drives are susceptible.  It is indeed a mystery!

  • Hard disk in mums macbook failed, bought a new one, formatted it first. Have tried starting it with every possible key and I either get flashing question mark folder or a cursor.

    Hard disk in mums macbook failed, bought a new one, used sata adapter cable to format it for mac first. Connected it and have tried starting it with every possible key combination and I either get flashing question mark folder or a cursor. A disk is stuck in it so I can't boot from OSX, and yes I have tried every option of starting to try and eject disk but none work. HELP ME!

    Five ways to eject a stuck CD or DVD from the optical drive
    Ejecting the stuck disc can usually be done in one of the following ways:
      1. Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the
          left mouse button until the disc ejects.
      2. Press the Eject button on your keyboard.
      3. Click on the Eject button in the menubar.
      4. Press COMMAND-E.
      5. If none of the above work try this: Open the Terminal application in
          your Utilities folder. At the prompt enter or paste the following:
            /usr/bin/drutil eject
    If this fails then try this:
    Boot the computer into Single-user Mode. At the prompt enter the same command as used above. To restart the computer enter "reboot" at the prompt without quotes.
    If you have a 2010 MBP or later, then you can use Internet Recovery. Start by rebooting the computer. At the chime press and hold down the COMMAND-OPTION-R keys until a Globe appears in the upper part of the screen. This process can take upwards of 15 minutes to get connected to the Apple network servers. You should eventually see the utility screen of the Recovery HD. You may now go about the process to install Mountain Lion:
    Install Lion/Mountain Lion on a New HDD/SDD
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Internet Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND-OPTION- R keys until a globe appears on the screen. Wait patiently - 15-20 minutes - until the Recovery main menu appears.
    Partition and Format the hard drive:
    1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
    2. After DU loads select your external hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Install button. Be sure to select the correct drive to use if you have more than one.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • Macbook Pro 2011 boots to Recovery disc or bootcamp only after successfully installing bootcamp on Mt Lion 10.8, the 3 harddiscs are there, but selectin Mac HD will boot to recovery disc

    On my Macbook Pro 13.3" mid 2011 model, with Lion and bootcamp, upgrading to Mountain lion 10.8 hung for the whole night. It failed to boot up, I was panic, reinstall the OS in the hope it will repair the boot disc, but it locked up the macintosh HD.
    I rebuilt OS without bootcamp from backed up image (Lion) then upgraded to Mountain lion, no problem at all. Used it for a couple of days, then installed bootcamp and restored the Windows 7 image from the backup. It's completed without any problem. It can boot up in Windows 7 and I changed startup disc in control panel to Mac HD, it can only boot from the recovery disc. Holding down the option key will show the 3 hard discs: Macintosh HD, Windows and Recovery 10.8, but selecting Mac HD always boots up by recovery disc. I have use disk utility from recovery disc to verify and repair Macintosh HD to no avail.
    If I use only mountain lion, it will be OK.
    Has anyone experience the same problem? Thank you.

  • Macbook will not boot OS X

    This is my first post around here, so I'm a bit of a newbie (obviously).
    I have a black Macbook which dual boots XP and Leopard. I was using the Basilisk II emulator this morning to run System 7.5.5. I changed the resolution of the screen and then the mouse stopped working. I managed to quit to the desktop then went to the Terminal to kill off the process. It told me that I wasn't allowed due to the admin changing my shell permissions. I decided to log out to try and resolve the problem and it went to Welcome Assistant. I quit that and the Mac shut down. On rebooting, I got the OS X boot screen for about 2 minutes then the computer clicked and rebooted. I retried this about 3 times then after calling Apple and reading some sites on another computer, I decided to boot Windows. That booted fine and I am now using it to post this. I installed Mediafour Macdrive and all my files are still there. I do not yet have Applecare but I am still within the year warranty. What's happened and what can I do?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi neonsonicboy,
    I don't know if I'd consider you a newbie if you're trying to run Basilisk II and System 7.5.5 and you're navigating Terminal.
    With that being said, I don't know much about how Basilisk II works... other than I'm familiar with what it is:
    It sounds like, the Mac OS X side got out of whack but I'm unsure if something you were doing in Terminal or via the emulation tool is what caused it. When you stated that you got the OS X boot screen, were you getting just the Apple logo or were you getting a spinning gear underneath it?
    A couple of things we can try...
    1.) Boot off the Installation disc and attempt to verify directory integrity on the Mac OS X side.
    1a.) If unsuccessful, attempt to repair.
    1b.) If successful, attempt to boot the unit into Safe Mode
    2.) If directory integrity has failed, we may find ourselves in a situation where we need to reinstall the Mac OS X operating system.
    But let's try that first step and see what happens, before proceeding with something more invasive like an OS reinstall.

  • MacBook won't boot when iPod is connected

    I have the same problem as described here :
    My MacBook won't boot if my iPod 5G is connected to the USB port.
    If I unplug it, it will boot normally.
    Does anyone know what could cause that ?

    <When iPod is plugged in at startup, the MacBook does not startup; unplugging iPod lets it startup.
    yes, it seems that the kernel is not loading
    <After resetting the iPod and BEFORE synching it, there is no problem. Any type of synching seems <to make this problem recur.
    only syncing music make the problem occur.
    the other syncing works ok
    <Even if iPod is connected directly to Mac and it is the only USB device connected, the problem still <occurs.
    <The iPod and MacBook work fine if iPod is connected after startup.
    <If the iPod is set to NOT mount to the desktop, the problem with startup does not occur.
    Yes, but there are some problems in the boot/halt process.
    something like "killing all" fails and unmounting /home fails (45) blabla...
    and the stopping process takes very very long, about 2 minutes.
    thx robert

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