HT3477 Can I remotely (via app) disconnect or throttle the speed of my guest network?

I have family and friends that use a lot of bandwidth that interferes with my viewing of netflix and other task,   Can I disconnect or throttle the speed of my guest network on a 5th or 6th generation Airport Extreme?

If your AirPort Extreme is set up as the network router with a public WAN side IP address, you should be able to access the settings on the AirPort Extreme from virtually anywhere.
Open AirPort Utility
Click the File Menu
Select Configure Other
Enter the WAN side IP address of the AirPort Extreme
Enter the device password
That will bring up all of the settings in AirPort Utility, which will allow you to enable or disable the guest network feature, save the changes and restart the AirPort Extreme.

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    Apple tend to provide regular updates with access to more content, they have added PBS and Yahoo in the last few days.
    Nobody here will have any information about future updates since the community is only made up of users like you or I. Anything else is mere speculation and speculation is not permitted here under the Terms of Use for these communities.
    Any responses you may receive may well be removed and would be wholly unreliable in any case.
    If you believe that Apple's product may be enhanced in anyway you can leave feedback here.

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    Hi skippy2012trev,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand that you updated your Apple Id and password but now you are being prompted for the old information in iCloud. You are on the right track by changing the Apple ID back to the previous email address temporarily so that you can sign out. You should not need to verify the email address. After you edit the Apple ID back to the old email address and then sign out of iCloud on your iPhone, edit the Apple ID back to the address you would currently like to use. There is no need to change the password again, only the email address, unless you prefer to update the password again.
    If you're asked for the password to your previous Apple ID when signing out of iCloud - Apple Support
    Change your Apple ID temporarily
    If signing out and back in to iMessage or FaceTime didn't help, try these steps:
    Change your Apple ID to the Apple ID you used previously. You shouldn't need to verify the email address.
    Tap Settings > iCloud. Complete these steps only if the Find My [Device] setting is turned on:
    Scroll down and tap Sign Out, then tap Sign Out to confirm. If you're using iOS 7 or earlier, tap Delete Account, then tap Delete to confirm.
    Tap Keep on My [Device] or Delete from My [Device]. In either case, your data remains in iCloud and will be updated on your device when you sign in to iCloud again.
    Enter the password for your previous Apple ID.
    Change your Apple ID to the new email address that you want to use. You'll need to verify the email address.
    Return to Settings > iCloud and sign in with your new Apple ID.

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    Try a System Reset:
    Hold down the on/off switch and the Home button simultaneously until you see the Apple logo. Ignore the "Slide to power off" text if it appears.
    A System Reset does not remove any apps, music, movies, etc. nor does it cause any settings to revert back to default.
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    The ipads are in use, and I'd like to update them without have to get them to install it myself. Hope I have explained it better this time. Thank you for your help.

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