HT4539 redownload

How do I re-download my previous purchases from iTunes?

Take a look at this link,

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  • HT4539 I downloaded a song but then my computer froze so i went back and it said i had already purchased the song. How do I authorize my computer for automatic redownloads?

    It says I need to authorize my computer?

    That sounds like the track might be damaged (rather than there being an authorisation issue on the PC).
    If your country's iTunes Store allows you to redownload purchased tracks, I'd delete your current copy of the track and try redownloading a fresh one. See the following document for instructions:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Otherwise, I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store.
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
    Find the item that is not playing properly. If you can't see "Report a Problem" next to the item, click the "Report a problem" button. Now click the "Report a Problem" link next to the item.

  • HT4539 I "updated" my ios software this morning and it forced me to reset my phone to the manufacturers settings.  I would at least like to redownload the recent books I have purchased.  Is there a way to do that without having to pay for them again??

    I "updated" my ios software this morning and it forced me to reset my phone to the manufacturers settings.  I would at least like to redownload the recent books I have purchased.  Is there a way to do that without having to pay for them again??

  • Cant open itunes. get error message 7 followed by error message windows error 127.     i have redownloaded new updates with luck.   window xp

    cant open itunes. get error message 7 followed by error message windows error 127.     i have redownloaded new updates with luck.   window xp

    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it, which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.

  • Why Isight is missing?, how to fix boot camp on 2008 iMAC using windows 8.1? can't redownload Lion.

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    So in short 2 problems Webcam, Boot Camp need to work but are currently having issues.
    Also I can't redownload 'Lion' since it's been saying 'item not available', which is rather frustrating since I originally paid for it, I'm forced to stick to Snow Leopard, I'm baffled to why I can't redownload from my history like I do with Xbox or Steam.

    Couldn't edit the question so thought add that the Imac camera light is turned on while using Windows, the Mac OS so it should be connected but it isn't.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud Crashed/ then deleted/ need to REdownload

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    Hi Ed@IMN ,
    Welcome to Adobe Support .
    We would hate to see you go , you can contact us using the below mentioned link and our Suport Team will help you in resolving your concern.

  • HT201272 If I already downloaded my songs then accidentally deleted them from my computer, how can I redownload them? Itunes store shows them as downloaded and unless I go through and try and repurchase each song individually, it wont let me redownload. h

    How ccan I redownload my music to the same computer. Downloaded, then deleted, now i tunes won't let me redownload, because I already downloaded. If I go through and try and repurchase the songs it will download them for me but I don't want to have to do that 250 times.

    You need to delete the broken entries first, then the tracks will show up with the iCloud download symbols in your purchased histroy and IIRC you can download them all in one go.

  • ITunes says the music i purchased is downloaded, won't show up on my computer anywhere, won't let me redownload?

    I just restore my ipod touch following the version 5 update...and now all the music and half of the apps are gone.  I restored the backup, redownloaded music...but the music is nowhere on my computer, and now the download button in the store won't let me try again because it said I download it already. What can I do to get to these downloads since the button to download is grayed out?

    iTunes never displays the iPod in the left pane?
    iTunes is shipped with a "helper application" called the "iPod Service" that runs and is used by iTunes to communicate with the iPod device. This service may be disabled.
    If your system is Microsoft Windows XP and you are logged in as an Administrator:
    1. Quit iTunes and, if your iPod is currently connected to your computer, safely remove it using the system tray application to manage removable devices.
    2. Right click on "My Computer"
    3. Select "Manage"
    4. In the "Computer Management" window, left pane (tree view), follow this path:
    +Computer Management (local) > Services and Applications > Services+.
    5. In the right pane, scroll down to "iPod Service" and double click it.
    6. If the service is listed as "Disabled" and "Stopped," change to "Manual" and "Start" it. ("Manual" will cause it to start when iTunes starts and "Start" starts the service right now.)
    7. Close "Computer Management"
    8. Restart iTunes and wait for it to completely come up.
    9. Reconnect your iPod.
    Does your iPod show up in iTunes?

  • How do you redownload purchased songs from iTunes?

    iTunes Match has completely bollocked up my iTunes linrary.  Many of the albums have double entries—one that is in iCloud to be downloaded (a little cloud with a downward pointing arrow) and a duplicate that is on my computer but not in iCloud (a little cloud with an 'x' in it.)  I've found that the only way to 'fix' this and not have every song play twice is to delete the one that isn't in iCloud.  To delete the one in iCloud would prevent it from appearing on my other devices.
    iI have hundreds of songs im my library, so this has been an enormous task. There are several albums that I've purchased in the iTunes Store that have either missing songs or duplicates.  I decided that, rather than futz around with them, I'd delete the entire album from both my library and iCloud and the redownload the purchased album.
    I've tried to follow the instructions provided by Apple.  I go to the iTunes store and click on purchased items, it displays the albums I've purchased.  However, in one case, when I click on download all songs, it only download 3 out of a dozen.  How do I get the entire album to download?

    Just follow the steps in this article:

  • Defective Song Tracks Since iTunes 10.5 (also, recently purchased songs/albums are not showing up in purchased area for redownload purposes)

    Last night I purchased the new Coldplay album from the iTunes store on my PC (as opposed to the iPad or iPhone). 2 of the 14 song files are defective (my bad ones are tracks 2 and 3). Those two play music for about the first 20 or 30 seconds of the track and then skip immediately to the next track. I had the same problem last week with two other albums I purchased from the iTunes store (also on my PC like last night). In those cases, I simply went to the "Purchased" quick link area and found everything I had just purchased. I deleted the defective files and then redownloaded them without a hitch. The replaced files now play fine.
    However, the Coldplay album does not show up in my "Purchased" section (not last night or this morning when I rechecked). I am unable to redownload the defective files. I am doubly disturbed by this. For one, I have never had defective music downloads up until iTunes 10.5 and now I've had them on the three albums I've downloaded since. Two, now the "redownload music from the iCloud" function is not working for the most recent purchases. Perhaps this is true of all music purchased from iTunes over the past few days for everybody? Most people are probably mentioning Coldplay here on the boards because it's the hot new album. Note that this apparently is not affecting iOS apps, because my recent (within 24 hours) apps do show up in the purchased area.
    It's very frustrating, because I want to sync this new Coldplay album with my iPhone so I can listen to it and I hate to have to transfer an incomplete album to it. My OCD-like nature gets to me sometimes. Part of me wants to just repurchase the two defective song files and hope that Apple won't charge me twice.

    LOL!!! I had checked iTunes before writing this and the music was not there. I check after writing and now it has shown up. It took iTunes about 12 hours to do it though.
    Last week, the music I purchased showed up immediately.
    I guess iTunes is just not working as effeciently as it did last week. Could still be a bug or maybe just swamped servers? However, the problem that is most annoying to me right now is that all the music I have downloaded since iTunes 10.5 has contained defective tracks that needed to be redownloaded. I do not recall that ever occuring before.

  • I bought a song off Itunes and it says it has been dowloaded and is already on my phone. However it is not. It will only play off of WIFI and will not let me delete it so I can redownload it again.

    So I bought the song 'Gold' by Britt Nicole the other day because I heard it on the radio and liked it.
    It downloaded normally except I accidentally clicked the little 'stop' button that displays while it is still downloading to my Iphone. It would not play, and it was greyed out so I couldn't even select it. No biggie, I thought, I'll just delete the song and download it again.
    Wrong, I couldn't delete it, and I couldn't plaly the song either. So I deleted my entire music library from my storage thinking it would solve the issue. It didn't. Every song was deleted from my phone EXCEPT 'Gold.' It was still saying it was already on my phone, already downloaded. But it isn't there.
    I can only play the song when I am on wifi in my house. Other than that it says I have the song downloaded already but I don't really have it. It's annoying and I've googled for an answer but can't find one. Please help! I don't really want to have to reset my phone just to solve the issue.

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Download the song on your syncing computer and sync via iTunes.
    Then delete/redownload as necessary.

  • I just bought a new album in itunes and accidently deleted the first track. when i go to redownload it from my cloud or purchases it tells me that the item cant be redownloaded on this device for 90 days?

    i have two itunes accounts but i only use one to buy music. while on the account that i use for music, i bought a new album last night. i bought the album with my 5th gen ipod. after the album was done downloading i accidently side swiped over the first track and deleted it. when i went back to redownload the track the message "this computer is already associated with an apple id. you can download past purchases on this computer with just one apple id every 90 days. this computer can be used with a different apple id in 81 days." i do not understand why i cant redownload something i just purchased. please help.

    Unfrotunately, this sounds like a dead TC.
    - also, the picture does NOT pick up the 2 airport expressess in the house that I used to extend the wirelass network on the previous TC
    - there is no option to extend the wireless network
    You need to reconfigure the Expresses to rejoin the TC's network via a factory reset.

  • Itunes is constantly downloading podcasts, deleting them, and redownloading them. How can i stop this?

    Itunes downloaded 122gb in a single day last month, which pushed me well over my internet data cap. My podcasts are set to keep all unplayed podcasts, and to automatically download the most recent ones. These settings are what I've used successfully for close to two years now.
    Today I installed Windows 8 RP, hoping to resolve the issue (and of course play more with W8RP). Started it up, subscribed to a podcast, the newest episode was downloaded (i had watched it on their website previously), i right clicked it and selected 'mark as played', it disappeared and was not redownloaded. As intended. So then i subscribed to my other 30ish podcasts and observed the downloads page in itunes for a bit. One completed, disappeared and never reappeared anywhere. It wasnt in podcasts at all. I waited for another one to complete, same thing happened. But when it disappeared from the downloads queue, the first one reappeared at the bottom of the downloads queue.
    Any idea what's going on? googling didnt help in the slightest.

    Your post creates more questions than I could imagine possible.
    JustSuds wrote:
    Itunes downloaded 122gb in a single day last month, which pushed me well over my internet data cap. My podcasts are set to keep all unplayed podcasts, and to automatically download the most recent ones. These settings are what I've used successfully for close to two years now.
    Today I installed Windows 8 RP, hoping to resolve the issue.
    So, you are trying to use Windows 8 to resolve the issue of going over your data cap, is that correct? (Surely not!) But, watching, so it's a video - and then letting iTunes download the same video as a Podcast is the reason you're going over your data cap, isn't it?
    But frankly, I'm confused about the nature of your issue. Is it that you go over your data cap, or that iTunes (and I have to assume you mean iTunes and not Windows 8 [RP]) is downloading the same Podcast twice?
    Why do you need to manually set a Podcast to "mark as played", iTunes will do that for you when the Podcast ends? What has Windows 8 got to do with any of this?
    And why are you subscribing to your other 30ish Podcasts after downloading Windows 8 (yet more of your data usage allowance)? You imply that you regularly listen (or watch) these Podcasts, so presumably you are already subscribed to them, so why subscribe again? Are you doing this in Windows 8 as well as iTunes?
    Sorry if I sound negative; perhaps it's me, but I really don't understand what exactly you are doing, which suggests that whatever it is, is the reason for your issues. Maybe someone else will see the light and add to this post and sort out your problems, but if not, then perhaps it's because they are as confused as I am and can offer no useful advice.

  • Is there any way to redownload iOS 5 my iPod touch 4 th generation white 32 gig is not working right?

    My iPod is not working right. It's slow and lags and just doesn't work and always exits apps. I was if there was any way to redownload ios5 because it does the same things after I've reset about 4 times. Please help! It's even lagging why I am typing this. The thing that I checked below are all of the things that are not working on my iPod.

    You cannot reinstall iOS without doing a restore. But you might first try a software update. If you have iOS 5.0 or 5.0.1, you can update to iOS 5.1 by going to Settings > General > Software Update.

  • I can't get itunes to acknowledge that I need to redownload a DRM-FREE version of the music I already paid for.

    What it says in the subject line. I have a huge number of songs that I'm just now realizing are "Protected AAC audio files," which is a load of complete crock, but whatever. I've tried following the incredibly convoluted and asinine directions about deleting the DRM version first, then going to the itunes store and clicking on purchased songs and re-downloading each one, individually, by hand. This is an unbelievably stupid and time-wasting method, but if it worked, I'd only be moderately peeved.
    However, it doesn't work. Itunes refuses to acknowledge that the DRM version is no longer on my computer; as far as they're concerned, it's downloaded, so there's no way to redownload the non-protected version. Never mind that I've now been scammed into signing up for that stupid Match program, which I fully intend to discontinue as soon as I resolve this idiocy - apparently ITunes just flat-out doesn't have the ability to tell which songs they should just automatically replace because DRM is no longer a thing.
    If the solution is obvious and I'm missing it, I'd be really happy to hear it - reply to this and mock me for not getting the issue. That's totally cool! But please don't tell me that I'm going to have to literally re-purchase almost 2K songs just because Apple can't do its job.

    Have you tried using the Applications DVD that came with your MBP. It will work just fine. It CAME with your computer it is yours to use on that computer.
    Give it a try.

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