HT5706 Apple TV Issues

Apple tv will not update. Says can not connect to apple at this time. Been trying for 4 days. All my other devices have been updated and the apple tv keeps cutting out. this is really annoying.

Welcome to the Apple Community.
If your problem persists get yourself a micro USB cable (sold separately), you can restore your Apple TV from iTunes:
Remove ALL cables from Apple TV. (if you don't you will not see Apple TV in the iTunes Source list)
Connect the micro USB cable to the Apple TV and to your computer.
Reconnect the power cable (only for Apple TV 3)
Open iTunes.
Select your Apple TV in the Devices list, and then click Restore.
(You may already have a micro USB cable if you have a camera or other digital device)

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    Apple doesn’t routinely monitor the discussions. These are mostly user to user discussions.
    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Mail Feedback
    Or you can use your Apple ID to register with this site and go the Apple BugReporter. Supposedly you will get an answer if you submit feedback.
    Feedback via Apple Developer

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    Whatever the rep told you, it is complete nonsense. There is clearly a problem at your end, the Apple TV 3 is capable of more than the Apple TV 2, and you clearly have the Apple TV 2 working perfectly. Since the Apple TV 2 is able to download from the Internet properly, then my suspicion would be your problem lies on your local network. Interference is a common problem on local networks.
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    You can download and install iStumbler (NetStumbler for windows users) to help you see which channels are used by neighbouring networks so that you can avoid them, but iStumbler will not see household items.
    Refer to your router manual for instructions on changing your wifi channel or adjusting your multicast rate.
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    You're not addressing Apple here, only other users just like yourself.  You're just wasting your time and breath on this forum.  You need to post here:

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    Re: Cant verify Apple ID
    created by kelly218 in iTunes Store - View the full discussion
    I just spoke with a technician at Apple.  I hsven't been able to verify because the wife has the phone.  but he said all that you need to do is:
    1) Go to Settings --> iTunes Store and login with your Apple ID and pwd
    2) Go to Settings --> iCloud and login with your Apple ID and pwd
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    Milan, Italy, March 11

    Hi valelorandi,
    I understand that you are seeing an issue with your connection to the iTunes Store and Mac App Store. I have an article for you that will help you address this issue, and it can be found below:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store - Apple Support
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

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    I know its alittle confusing but I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks you! 

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    If you have issues with it loading the store slowly and you know you have an adequate broadband connection, it would suggest you have a poor network connection, which may well account for the other problems you encounter.
    Have you tried changing wifi channels to try to eliminate interference,

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    this is a bit annoying, could it be that it isn't working because i updated it in canada?
    either way it doesn't work and when i try and play a song it gives an error
    'a required component is not installed -42401'
    i've been advised by apple to back everything up and reload it, which gives me the heeby jeebies but shouldn't be too much of a biggy asides from it being a complete waste of my time
    but one thing i have done is load up my apple TV with loads of films, and then physically deleted them from my laptop - for obvious space issues
    so will this wipe the appleTV
    or can anyone think of a fix?
    as i haven't kept back ups of a lot of the films

    ok so i just downloaded it again, seems to work fine now!

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