HttpUrlConnection not disconnecting

Hi All
I used HttpUrlConnection to open a connection to another server
but when I use disconnect() it doesn't seem to close the connection
does anyone know why, and how do I close the connection?
if anyone can point me to some Url/document/archive it'll be greatly
Thanx in advance.

From the API:
Each HttpURLConnection instance is used to make a single request but the underlying network connection to the HTTP server may be transparently shared by other instances. Calling the close() methods on the InputStream or OutputStream of an HttpURLConnection after a request may free network resources associated with this instance but has no effect on any shared persistent connection. Calling the disconnect() method may close the underlying socket if a persistent connection is otherwise idle at that time.

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Per obtenir ajuda sobre com establir connexió, seleccioneu el menú Apple > Preferències del Sistema i feu clic a Xarxa i, després, a Assistent.\nSi esteu connectat a Internet però el contingut no apareix, proveu-ho de nou més endavant.","%@ Search Results":"%@ resultats","Apple applications":"Aplicacions d'Apple",Cancel:"Cancel·lar","Change Language":"Canviar idioma",Close:"Tancar","Featured application help":"Ajuda de l'aplicació destacada","Go to the homepage":"Vés a la pà gina inicial","Help for:":"Ajuda de:",Hide:"Ocultar",Home:"Inici","Loading latest help...":"Carregant l'ajuda més actualitzada…","Other applications":"Altres aplicacions","Recent applications":"Aplicacions recents",Search:"Buscar","Send feedback.":"Enviar opinió.","Show all":"Mostrar-ho tot","Show less":"Mostrar menys","Show the previous page":"Mostra la pà gina anterior","Show the next page":"Mostra la pà gina següent",Show:"Mostrar","Was this page helpful?":"Us ha resultat útil aquesta pà gina?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["cs"],isoName:"Czech",name:"ÄŒeÅ¡tina"},ui:{TOPIC_UNA VAILABLE:"Vybrané téma nenà k dispozici",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"UjistÄ›te se, že jste pÅ™ipojeni k Internetu. Chcete-li nápovÄ›du pro pÅ™ipojenÃ, použijte pÅ™Ãkaz PÅ™edvolby systému z nabÃdky Apple, kliknÄ›te na SÃÅ¥ a poté na „Průvodce“.\nJste-li pÅ™ipojeni k Internetu, avÅ¡ak obsah se pÅ™esto nezobrazuje, zkuste to znovu pozdÄ›ji.","%@ Search Results":"Výsledky hledánÃ: %@","Apple applications":"Aplikace Apple",Cancel:"ZruÅ¡it","Change Language":"ZmÄ›nit jazyk",Close:"ZavÅ™Ãt","Featured application help":"NápovÄ›da pro doporuÄ&#141;ené aplikace","Go to the homepage":"OtevÅ™Ãt domovskou stránku","Help for:":"NápovÄ›da pro:",Hide:"Skrýt",Home:"Plocha","Loading latest help...":"NaÄ&#141;Ãtánà nejnovÄ›jÅ¡Ã nápovÄ›dy…","Other applications":"Jiné aplikace","Recent applications":"Poslednà aplikace",Search:"Hledat","Send feedback.":"SdÄ›lte nám svůj názor.","Show all":"Zobrazit vÅ¡e","Show less":"Zobrazit ménÄ›","Show the previous page":"Zobrazit pÅ™edchozà stránku","Show the next page":"Zobrazit dalÅ¡Ã stránku",Show:"Zobrazit","Was this page helpful?":"Pomohla vám tato stránka?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["da"],isoName:"Danish",name:"Dansk"},ui:{TOPIC_UN AVAILABLE:"Det valgte emne er utilgængeligt",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"Sørg for, at der er oprettet forbindelse til internettet. Vælg Apple > Systemindstillinger, klik pÃ¥ Netværk, og klik derefter pÃ¥ “Hjælp migâ€&#157; for at fÃ¥ hjælp med at oprette forbindelse.\nHvis der er forbindelse til internettet, og indholdet stadig ikke vises, kan du prøve igen senere.","%@ Search Results":"%@ søgeresultater","Apple applications":"Apple-programmer",Cancel:"Annuller","Change Language":"Skift sprog",Close:"Luk","Featured application help":"Viste program","Go to the homepage":"GÃ¥ til hjemmesiden","Help for:":"Hjælp til:",Hide:"Skjul",Home:"Hjem","Loading latest help...":"Indlæser den nyeste hjælp…","Other applications":"Andre programmer","Recent applications":"Seneste programmer",Search:"Søg","Send feedback.":"Send feedback.","Show all":"Vis alle","Show less":"Vis færre","Show the previous page":"Vis forrige side","Show the next page":"Vis næste side",Show:"Vis","Was this page helpful?":"Var denne side nyttig?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["de"],isoName:"German",name:"Deutsch"},ui:{TOPIC_UN AVAILABLE:"Das gewählte Thema ist derzeit nicht verfügbar",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"Vergewissern Sie sich, dass eine Verbindung zum Internet besteht. Wählen Sie „Apple“ > „Systemeinstellungen“, klicken Sie auf „Netzwerk“ und dann auf „Assistent“, wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen.\nWenn Sie mit dem Internet verbunden sind, den Inhalt aber dennoch nicht sehen können, versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut.","%@ Search Results":"%@ Suchergebnisse","Apple applications":"Apple-Programme",Cancel:"Abbrechen","Change Language":"Sprache wechseln",Close:"Schließen","Featured application help":"Empfohlenes Programm-Hilfe","Go to the homepage":"Zur Homepage","Help for:":"Hilfe für:",Hide:"Ausblenden",Home:"Startseite","Loading latest help...":"Die neuste Hilfe wird geladen ...","Other applications":"Andere Programme","Recent applications":"Benutzte Programme",Search:"Suchen","Send feedback.":"Feedback senden.","Show all":"Alle einblenden","Show less":"Weniger einblenden","Show the previous page":"Nächste Seite einblenden","Show the next page":"Vorherige Seite einblenden",Show:"Einblenden","Was this page helpful?":"War diese Seite nützlich?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["el"],isoName:"Greek",name:"Ελληνικά"},u i:{TOPIC_UNAVAILABLE:"Αυτήν τη στιγμή, το επιλεγμÎνο θÎμα δεν είναι διαθÎσιμο",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"Βεβαιωθείτε ότι είστε συνδεδεμÎνοι στο Διαδίκτυο. Για βοήθεια με τη σÏ&#141;νδεση, επιλÎξτε το μενοÏ&#141; Apple > «ΠÏ&#129;οτιμήσεις συστήματος», κάντε κλικ στο «Δίκτυο» και μετά στο «ΘÎλω βοήθεια».\nΕάν συνδεθείτε στο Διαδίκτυο και το πεÏ&#129;ιεχόμενο δεν εμφανίζεται ακόμη, δοκιμάστε ξανά αÏ&#129;γότεÏ&#129;α.","%@ Search Results":"%@ αποτελÎσματα αναζήτησης","Apple applications":"ΕφαÏ&#129;μογÎÏ‚ Apple",Cancel:"ΑκÏ&#141;Ï&#129;ωση","Change Language":"Αλλαγή γλώσσας",Close:"Κλείσιμο","Featured application help":"Βοήθεια Ï€Ï&#129;οτεινόμενων εφαÏ&#129;μογών","Go to the homepage":"Μετάβαση στην αÏ&#129;χική σελίδα","Help for:":"Βοήθεια για:",Hide:"ΑπόκÏ&#129;υψη",Home:"ΑφετηÏ&#129;ία","Loading latest help...":"Γίνεται φόÏ&#129;τωση της πιο Ï€Ï&#129;όσφατης Βοήθειας…","Other applications":"Άλλες εφαÏ&#129;μογÎÏ‚","Recent applications":"Î Ï&#129;όσφατη εφαÏ&#129;μογή",Search:"Αναζήτηση","Send feedback.":"Στείλετε σχόλια.","Show all":"Εμφάνιση όλων","Show less":"Εμφάνιση λιγότεÏ&#129;ων","Show the previous page":"Εμφάνιση της Ï€Ï&#129;οηγοÏ&#141;μενης σελίδας","Show the next page":"Εμφάνιση της επόμενης σελίδας",Show:"Εμφάνιση","Was this page helpful?":"Ήταν χÏ&#129;ήσιμη αυτή η σελίδα;"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["en-us","en-gb","en-ca","en-ie","en"],isoName :"English",name:"English"},ui:{TOPIC_UNAVAILABLE:"The selected topic is currently unavailable",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"Make sure you’re connected to the Internet. 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Si necesita ayuda para conectarse, seleccione menú Apple > Preferencias del Sistema, haga clic en Red y, a continuación, haga clic en Asistente.\nSi ya está conectado a Internet pero no se muestra el contenido del tema, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.","%@ Search Results":"%@ resultados","Apple applications":"Aplicaciones de Apple",Cancel:"Cancelar","Change Language":"Cambiar idioma",Close:"Cerrar","Featured application help":"Ayuda de la aplicación destacada","Go to the homepage":"Ir a la página de inicio","Help for:":"Ayuda de:",Hide:"Ocultar",Home:"Inicio","Loading latest help...":"Cargando la ayuda más reciente…","Other applications":"Otras aplicaciones","Recent applications":"Aplicaciones recientes",Search:"Buscar","Send feedback.":"Enviar opinión.","Show all":"Mostrar todo","Show less":"Mostrar menos","Show the previous page":"Mostrar la página anterior","Show the next page":"Mostrar la página siguiente",Show:"Mostrar","Was this page helpful?":"¿Le ha resultado útil esta página?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["fi"],isoName:"Finnish",name:"Suomi"},ui:{TOPIC_UN AVAILABLE:"Valittu aihe ei ole tällä hetkellä käytettävissä",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"Varmista, että olet yhteydessä internetiin. Jos tarvitset apua yhteyden muodostamisessa, valitse Omenavalikko > Järjestelmäasetukset, osoita Verkko ja osoita Avusta.\nJos olet yhteydessä internetiin, mutta sisältö ei silti tule näkyviin, yritä myöhemmin uudelleen.","%@ Search Results":"%@ - hakutulokset","Apple applications":"Applen ohjelmat",Cancel:"Kumoa","Change Language":"Vaihda kieltä",Close:"Sulje","Featured application help":"Esittelyssä olevan ohjelman ohje","Go to the homepage":"Siirry kotisivulle","Help for:":"Ohje:",Hide:"Kätke",Home:"Koti","Loading latest help...":"Ladataan uusinta ohjetta…","Other applications":"Muut ohjelmat","Recent applications":"Äskeiset ohjelmat",Search:"Etsi","Send feedback.":"Lähetä palautetta.","Show all":"Näytä kaikki","Show less":"Näytä vähemmän","Show the previous page":"Näytä edellinen sivu","Show the next page":"Näytä seuraava sivu",Show:"Näytä","Was this page helpful?":"Oliko tästä sivusta apua?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["fr"],isoName:"French",name:"Français"},ui:{TOPIC_UN AVAILABLE:"La rubrique sélectionnée est actuellement indisponible.",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"Assurez-vous d’être connecté à Internet. Pour obtenir de l’aide pour vous connecter, choisissez le menu Pomme > Préférences Système, cliquez sur Réseau puis sur Assistant.\nSi vous êtes connecté à Internet, mais que le contenu ne s’affiche toujours pas, réessayez ultérieurement.","%@ Search Results":"%@ résultats","Apple applications":"Applications Apple",Cancel:"Annuler","Change Language":"Changer de langue",Close:"Fermer","Featured application help":"Aide de l’application actuelle","Go to the homepage":"Aller à la page d'accueil","Help for:":"Aide pour :",Hide:"Masquer",Home:"Accueil","Loading latest help...":"Chargement de l’Aide la plus récente… ","Other applications":"Autres applications","Recent applications":"Applications récentes",Search:"Rechercher","Send feedback.":"Envoyer des commentaires.","Show all":"Affichage total","Show less":"Affichage partiel","Show the previous page":"Afficher la page précédente","Show the next page":"Afficher la page suivante",Show:"Afficher","Was this page helpful?":"Avez-vous trouvé cette page utile ?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["he"],isoName:"Hebrew",name:"עברית"},ui:{TOPIC_UNAVA ILABLE:"×”× ×•×©×&#144; ×©× ×‘×—×¨ ×&#144;×™× ×• זמין כעת.",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"וד×&#144;/×™ ×©×”×™× ×š מחובר/ת ל×&#144;×™× ×˜×¨× ×˜. לעזרה ×‘× ×•×©×&#144; התחברות, בחר/×™ תפריט Apple > ״העדפות המערכת״, לחץ/×™ על ״רשת״ ובחרי ״עזור לי״.\n×&#144;×&#157; ×”×™× ×š מחובר/ת ל×&#144;×™× ×˜×¨× ×˜, ובכל ×–×&#144;ת התוכן ×&#144;×™× ×• מופיע, × ×¡×”/×™ שוב מ×&#144;וחר יותר.","%@ Search Results":"%@ תוצ×&#144;ות","Apple applications":"יישומי Apple",Cancel:"ביטול","Change Language":"החלף/×™ שפה",Close:"סגור","Featured application help":"עזרה ×‘× ×•×©×&#144; היישומי×&#157; המומלצי×&#157;","Go to the homepage":"עבור ×&#144;ל דף הבית","Help for:":"עזרה ×‘× ×•×©×&#144;:",Hide:"הסתר",Home:"בית","Loading latest help...":"טוען ×&#144;ת קבצי העזרה החדשי×&#157; ביותר…","Other applications":"יישומי×&#157; ×&#144;חרי×&#157;","Recent applications":"יישומי×&#157; ×&#144;×—×¨×•× ×™×&#157;",Search:"חיפוש","Send feedback.":"שלח/×™ משוב.","Show all":"הצג הכול","Show less":"הצג פחות","Show the previous page":"הצג ×&#144;ת העמוד הקוד×&#157;","Show the next page":"הצג ×&#144;ת העמוד הב×&#144;",Show:"הצג","Was this page helpful?":"×”×&#144;×&#157; עמוד ×–×” עזר לך?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["hr"],isoName:"Croatian",name:"Hrvatski"},ui:{TOPIC_U NAVAILABLE:"Odabrana tema trenutno nije dostupna",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:'Provjerite jeste li spojeni na internet. Za pomoć pri spajanju odaberite Apple izbornik > Postavke sustava, kliknite na Mreža i zatim na "Pomoć".\nAko ste spojeni na internet i sadržaj se svejedno ne pojavljuje, pokuÅ¡ajte ponovno kasnije.',"%@ Search Results":"Rezultata pretraživanja: %@","Apple applications":"Appleove aplikacije",Cancel:"Odustani","Change Language":"Promijeni jezik",Close:"Zatvori","Featured application help":"Pomoć za ponuÄ‘ene aplikacije","Go to the homepage":"Prijelaz na poÄ&#141;etnu stranicu","Help for:":"Pomoć za:",Hide:"Sakrij",Home:"PoÄ&#141;etna stranica","Loading latest help...":"UÄ&#141;itavanje najnovijih datoteka pomoći…","Other applications":"Ostale aplikacije","Recent applications":"Novije aplikacije",Search:"Pretraži","Send feedback.":"PoÅ¡alji povratne informacije.","Show all":"Prikaži sve","Show less":"Prikaži manje","Show the previous page":"Prikaži prethodnu stranicu","Show the next page":"Prikaži sljedeću stranicu",Show:"Prikaži","Was this page helpful?":"Je li vam ova stranica pomogla?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["hu"],isoName:"Hungarian",name:"Magyar"},ui:{TOPIC _UNAVAILABLE:"A kijelölt témakör jelenleg nem érhetÅ‘ el.",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"GyÅ‘zÅ‘djön meg róla, hogy csatlakozik az internethez. Ha segÃtségre van szüksége, válassza az Apple menü > RendszerbeállÃtások menüpontot, kattintson a Hálózat, majd a „SegÃtség kéréseâ€&#157; elemre.\nHa csatlakozik az internethez, és a tartalom továbbra sem jelenik meg, próbálja meg késÅ‘bb.","%@ Search Results":"%@ keresési eredmény","Apple applications":"Apple alkalmazások",Cancel:"Mégsem","Change Language":"Nyelv módosÃtása",Close:"Bezárás","Featured application help":"Kiemelt alkalmazássúgó","Go to the homepage":"Ugrás a kezÅ‘dlapra","Help for:":"Súgó a következÅ‘höz:",Hide:"Elrejtés",Home:"FÅ‘gomb","Loading latest help...":"Legújabb súgó betöltése…","Other applications":"Egyéb alkalmazások","Recent applications":"Legutóbbi alkalmazások",Search:"Keresés","Send feedback.":"Visszajelzés küldése","Show all":"Az összes megjelenÃtése","Show less":"Kevesebb megjelenÃtése","Show the previous page":"ElÅ‘zÅ‘ oldal megjelenÃtése","Show the next page":"KövetkezÅ‘ oldal megjelenÃtése",Show:"MegjelenÃtés","Was this page helpful?":"Hasznosnak találta ezt az oldalt?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["id"],isoName:"Indonesian",name:"Bahasa Indonesia"},ui:{TOPIC_UNAVAILABLE:"Topik yang dipilih saat ini tidak tersedia",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"Pastikan Anda terhubung ke Internet. Untuk bantuan dalam menghubungkan, pilih menu Apple > Preferensi Sistem, klik Jaringan, dan klik “Bantu saya.â€&#157;\nJika Anda terhubung ke Internet, dan konten masih tidak muncul, coba lagi nanti.","%@ Search Results":"%@ Hasil Pencarian","Apple applications":"Aplikasi Apple",Cancel:"Batal","Change Language":"Ubah Bahasa",Close:"Tutup","Featured application help":"Fitur bantuan aplikasi","Go to the homepage":"Kunjungi halaman rumah","Help for:":"Bantuan untuk:",Hide:"Sembunyikan",Home:"Rumah","Loading latest help...":"Memuat bantuan terbaru…","Other applications":"Aplikasi lain","Recent applications":"Aplikasi terbaru",Search:"Cari","Send feedback.":"Kirim umpan balik.","Show all":"Tampilkan semua","Show less":"Tampilkan sebagian","Show the previous page":"Tampilkan halaman sebelumnya","Show the next page":"Tampilkan halaman berikutnya",Show:"Tampilkan","Was this page helpful?":"Apakah halaman ini membantu?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["it"],isoName:"Italian",name:"Italiano"},ui:{TOPI C_UNAVAILABLE:"L'argomento selezionato non è al momento disponibile.",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"Assicurati di essere connesso a Internet. Per assistenza su come configurare la connessione a Internet, scegli menu Apple > Preferenze di Sistema, fai clic su Network, quindi su “Aiutamiâ€&#157;.\nSe sei connesso a Internet, ma non puoi visualizzare il contenuto, riprova più tardi.","%@ Search Results":"%@ risultati di ricerca","Apple applications":"Applicazioni Apple",Cancel:"Annulla","Change Language":"Cambia lingua",Close:"Chiudi","Featured application help":"Aiuto applicazione in primo piano","Go to the homepage":"Vai alla pagina iniziale","Help for:":"Aiuto per:",Hide:"Nascondi",Home:"Inizio","Loading latest help...":"Carico argomento dell'aiuto più recente…","Other applications":"Altre applicazioni","Recent applications":"Applicazioni recenti",Search:"Cerca","Send feedback.":"Invia commenti.","Show all":"Mostra tutto","Show less":"Mostra meno","Show the previous page":"Mostra pagina precedente","Show the next page":"Mostra pagina successiva",Show:"Mostra","Was this page helpful?":"Hai trovato utile questa pagina?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["ja"],isoName:"Japanese",name:"日本語"},ui:{TOPI C_UNAVAILABLE:"é&#129;¸æŠžã&#129;—ã&#129;Ÿãƒˆãƒ”ックã&#129;¯ç&#143;¾åœ¨åˆ©ç”¨ã &#129;§ã&#129;&#141;ã&#129;¾ã&#129;›ã‚“",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"インターãƒ&#14 1;ットã&#129;«æŽ¥ç¶šã&#129;—ã&#129;¦ã&#129;„ã‚‹ã&#129;“ã&#129;¨ã‚’確èª&#141;ã &#129;—ã&#129;¦ã&#129;&#143;ã&#129; ã&#129;•ã&#129;„。接続ã&#129;«ã&#129;¤ã&#129;„ã&#129;¦èª¿ã&#129;¹ã&#129;Ÿã&# 129;„ã&#129;¨ã&#129;&#141;ã&#129;¯ã€&#129;アップルメニュー>「シスム†ãƒ 環境è¨å®šã€&#141;ã&#129;¨é&#129;¸æŠžã&#129;—ã€&#129;「ãƒ&#141;ットワー㠂¯ã€&#141;をクリックã&#129;—ã&#129;¦ã&#129;‹ã‚‰ã€Œã‚¢ã‚·ã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒ³ãƒˆã€&#141 ;をクリックã&#129;—ã&#129;¾ã&#129;™ã€‚\nインターãƒ&#141;ットã&#129;«æ Ž¥ç¶šã&#129;—ã&#129;¦ã&#129;„ã‚‹ã&#129;®ã&#129;«ã‚³ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒ³ãƒ„ã&#129;Œè¡¨ç¤ºã&# 129;•ã‚Œã&#129;ªã&#129;„å ´å&#144;ˆã&#129;¯ã€&#129;後ã&#129;§ã‚„ã‚Šç›´ã&#129;—ã&#129;¦ã&#129;&#143;ã&#12 9; ã&#129;•ã&#129;„。","%@ Search Results":"%@ 件ã&#129;®æ¤œç´¢çµ&#144;æžœ","Apple applications":"Apple アプリケーション",Cancel:"ã‚ャンセル","Change Language":"言語を変更",Close:"é–‰ã&#129;˜ã‚‹","Featured application help":"ã&#129;Šå‹§ã‚&#129;ã&#129;®ã‚¢ãƒ—リケーションヘルプ","Go to the homepage":"ホームページã&#129;«ç§»å‹•","Help for:":"表示ä¸ã&#129;®ãƒ˜ãƒ«ãƒ—:",Hide:"éš ã&#129;™",Home:"ホーム","Loading latest help...":"最新ã&#129;®ãƒ˜ãƒ«ãƒ—ã‚’èªã&#129;¿è¾¼ã&#129;¿ä¸...","Other applications":"ã&#129;»ã&#129;‹ã&#129;®ã‚¢ãƒ—リケーション","Recent applications":"最近使ã&#129;£ã&#129;Ÿã‚¢ãƒ—リケーション",Search:"æ¤œç´ ¢","Send feedback.":"フィードãƒ&#144;ックをé€&#129;ä¿¡","Show all":"ã&#129;™ã&#129;¹ã&#129;¦ã‚’表示","Show less":"一部を表示","Show the previous page":"å‰&#141;ã&#129;®ãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ã‚’表示","Show the next page":"次ã&#129;®ãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ã‚’表示",Show:"表示","Was this page helpful?":"ã&#129;“ã&#129;®ãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸ã&#129;¯å½¹ç«‹ã&#129;¡ã&#129;¾ã&#129;—ã&#12 9;Ÿã&#129;‹ï¼Ÿ"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["ko"],isoName:"Korean",name:"한글"},ui:{TOP IC_UNAVAILABLE:"ì„ íƒ&#157;í•œ ì£¼ì œëŠ” 현재 사용할 수 없습니다.",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"ì&#157;¸í„°ë„·ì—&#144; ì—°ê²°ë&#144;˜ì–´ 있는지 확ì&#157;¸í•˜ì‹ì‹œì˜¤. ì—°ê²°ì—&#144; 대한 ë&#143;„움ë§&#144;ì&#157;€ Apple 메뉴 > 시스템 í™˜ê²½ì„¤ì •ì&#157;„ ì„ íƒ&#157;하고 네트워í&#129;¬ë¥¼ í&#129;´ë¦í•œ 다ì&#157;Œ “ë&#143;„와주세요â€&#157;를 í&#129;´ë¦í•˜ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.\nì&#157;¸í„°ë„·ì—&#144; ì—°ê²°ë&#144;˜ì–´ 있지만 해당 콘í…&#144;ì¸ ê°€ ì—¬ì „ížˆ 나타나지 않는 경우 나중ì—&#144; 다시 ì‹œë&#143;„í•´ë³´ì‹ì‹œì˜¤.","%@ Search Results":"%@ê°œì&#157;˜ 검색 ê²°ê³¼","Apple applications":"Apple ì&#157;‘ìš© 프로그램",Cancel:"취소","Change Language":"언어 변경",Close:"닫기","Featured application help":"추천 ì&#157;‘ìš© 프로그램 ë&#143;„움ë§&#144;","Go to the homepage":"홈페ì&#157;´ì§€ë¡œ ì&#157;´ë&#143;™","Help for:":"ë&#143;„움ë§&#144;:",Hide:"가리기",Home:"홈","Loading latest help...":"최신 ë&#143;„움ë§&#144; 불러오는 중...","Other applications":"기타 ì&#157;‘ìš© 프로그램","Recent applications":"최근 사용 ì&#157;‘ìš© 프로그램",Search:"검색","Send feedback.":"피드백 보내기.","Show all":"모ë‘&#144; 보기","Show less":"간단히 보기",Show:"보기","Show the previous page":"ì&#157;´ì „ 페ì&#157;´ì§€ 보기","Show the next page":"다ì&#157;Œ 페ì&#157;´ì§€ 보기","Was this page helpful?":"ì&#157;´ 페ì&#157;´ì§€ê°€ ë&#143;„움ì&#157;´ ë&#144;˜ì…¨ìŠµë‹ˆê¹Œ?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["ms"],isoName:"Malaysian",name:"Bahas a Malaysia"},ui:{TOPIC_UNAVAILABLE:"Topik yang dipilih tidak tersedia sekarang",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"Pastikan anda disambungkan ke Internet. Untuk bantuan sambungan, pilih menu Apple > Keutamaan Sistem, klik Rangkaian, dan klik “Bantu saya.â€&#157;\nJika anda disambungkan ke Internet, dan kandungan masih tidak muncul, cuba lagi nanti.","%@ Search Results":"%@ Hasil Carian","Apple applications":"Aplikasi Apple",Cancel:"Batal","Change Language":"Tukar Bahasa",Close:"Tutup","Featured application help":"Bantuan untuk aplikasi yang ditampilkan","Go to the homepage":"Pergi ke laman utama","Help for:":"Bantuan untuk:",Hide:"Sembunyikan",Home:"Utama","Loading latest help...":"Memuatkan bantuan terbaru...","Other applications":"Aplikasi lain","Recent applications":"Aplikasi terbaru",Search:"Cari","Send feedback.":"Hantar maklum balas.","Show all":"Tunjukkan semua","Show less":"Tunjukkan sedikit","Show the previous page":"Tunjukkan halaman sebelumnya","Show the next page":"Tunjukkan halaman seterusnya",Show:"Tunjukkan","Was this page helpful?":"Adakah halaman ini membantu?"}},{meta:{isoCodes:["nl"],isoName:"Dutch",name:"Nederlands"},ui:{TOPI C_UNAVAILABLE:"Het geselecteerde onderwerp is momenteel niet beschikbaar",CONNECT_TO_INTERNET:"Controleer of er verbinding is met het internet. Als u hulp nodig hebt, kiest u Apple-menu > 'Systeemvoorkeuren' en klikt u vervolgens op 'Netwerk' en 'Assistentie'.\nAls u verbinding hebt met het internet en de inhoud nog steeds niet wordt weergegeven, probeert u het later nog

    Hi Mac Attack,
    My computer will not disconnect from the internet.  It seems to find a clone router and continues even when I shut down and unplug my my own home iy
    Your main question was 'chopped' in the title. Please reply in the body of a reply box with the full question and anything you have tried. And no, the long report was not helpful .
    If the same website is opening each time you launch a browser (Safari?) hold down the shift key as you launch to prevent previous pages from opening.
    Have a look at your settings in Safari > Preferences. Especially General and Privacy.
    Reset Safari to remove cookies and other stored data.
    System Preferences > General
    Have a look at your settings in System Preferences >  Security & Privacy.
    Call back with more questions.

  • TS1496 How does this work for a Mac Pro?  Just did an update and my iPod video click is no longer recognized by iTunes or in finder but shows do not disconnect.  What do I do?

    I downloaded the latest update of iTunes 11.4 today - Columbus Day.  Went on to purchase songs.  Then attached classic iPod to sync.  upon attached usb to iPod, the "Do Not Disconnect" message appeared.  Waited a long time and iTunes would not recognize my iPod.  (10 minutes minimum.  Gave up counting)  Shut down iTunes and restarted.  Still no recognition.  Restarted computer - Wouldn't start.  Unplugged USB and then it started.  The only way to get computer to start up again was to unplug - now I'm worried that I've just screwed up my iPod.  Upon starting back up - plugged iPod back in - sell no recognition.  Am I up a creek with no paddle now?  My iPod- touch is recognized and I was able to update it successfully.  With that being said, it took a heck of a lot longer than it normally does post update.  Was this the update that no longer likes classic iPods? 
    I have a brain injury and the classic is helpful at night when I can't fall asleep and I can play soothing stuff to help calm my brain down.  The touch is way to bright and can cause lots of bad reactions due to light sensitivity - way too much blue light to trigger issues.  The click wheel doesn't take so many moves to get to what I need. 
    Thank you to anyone that can help save my classic.  medical bills are high and I can't afford to buy a new one.  Two hours later, my classic still says do not disconnect and my computer does not recognize.
    Thank you to any one for the ability to provide insight and troubleshooting.
    pooped out.

    1. Try Resetting the iPod. Hold Select and Menu for 6-10 seconds - until you see the Apple Symbol.
    2. Use iPod Updater to restore your iPod to factory settings.
    See if those two steps clear up your problem.

  • Do not disconnect show continually.  Error message is files on the ipod are being used by another program

    I get the "Do not disconnect" message all the time.  When I try to eject the ipod the error message is that the ipod can not be disconnected because it is in use with an other application.  I turn off all antivirus protection and the same result.  I can not find what other application is accessing the ipod.  The only way I can disconnect is to go to the drive that it is assigned to, and do an eject.  The unit will sync properly but will not eject for itunes.

    Forgot to say the mananging files manually and disk usage are not checked

  • IPod not recognized by iTunes. Also iPod seems disabled/locked showing  "do not disconnect". Not responding to anything. Any help please.

    My iPod is not being recognized by iTunes. iPod seems disabled and not responding to anything. Permanently on "do not disconnect". Not sure what to do.

    My iPod is not being recognized by iTunes or internet
    explorer. It used to, but not anymore. It just
    dosent show up when I connect it to my computer.
    Also, the "do no disconnect" sign does not appear on
    my iPod when I connect it. It is still able to
    recharge, though.
    have u tried a different usb port?
    I read that I have to restore it. I have tons of
    songs in my iPod that I do NOT want erased! How can
    I back these songs up? I have some songs on my iPod
    that are from another person's computer, so if they
    get erased, the songs are gone forever.
    try this
    Nano 4GB black|Moto RAZR V3 black| PSP| all kinds of cases for nano|radio/remote   Windows XP   <img src="" ="right"

  • Won't show up on mac and say "do not disconnect"

    Hi, I've had my 60 GB iPod for about a year now and suddenly now it won't show up on my desktop when I plug it in. The iPod screen says "do not disconnect" though, and after I just pull it out the message doesn't go away and I have to wait for the power to die before I can use it again. Is it starting to break down?

    Homer...this very same thing has happened to me today. Have you found a solution yet?

  • Ipod won't change from 'do not disconnect message', won't show up in itunes

    My aunt has asked me to figure out how to get her ipod nano to work. So this is my story:
    When I plug it into the usb port is says 'Do not disconnect'. The menu and other buttons are unresponsive. If I reset it, it will say do not disconnect again. It will show up in windows explorer but not itunes.
    1. I checked out itunes, and it is itunes 4. ( So I downloaded itunes 7 (you need itunes version 6 or better I think). I tried to install it but that was unsuccessful. I could not get past the 'stopping service' portion of the install. I got this message:
    'error 1921. Service Ipod Serivce (iPodService) could not be stopped. Verify that you have sufficient priveleges to stop system serices.
    I got that error twice, once when my ipod was connected to the computer and without it connected.
    2. I tried to reinstall from the cd. It said to connect the ipod to see if it needs formatting. I did and it was apparently formatting. Although it never finished after about 30 minutes I gave up and closed it down.
    3. It appears to be charging because I get the battery with a lightning bolt when it is connected to the computer.
    4. Periodically I will get this message:
    The selected port, COM1, is not available at this time. HotSyncManager will open the port when it becomes available.
    So how can I get the latest itunes installed correctly and how do I get the ipod to work? (right now it never says anything other than 'do not disconnect' and it doesn't show up in itunes)
      Windows XP  

    I have found a solution.
    The cd I was trying to format the ipod nano for was for a different ipod mini. So that is why I had problems formatting.
    As for installing the itunes software: I found a troubleshooting page for it. There was a section that described uninstalling quicktime, ipod, and itunes programs and manually deleting files and restarting. That worked for me, after that I was able to install itunes 7 and I could use the ipod nano.

  • IPod Not syncing in iTunes. 7.6 - stuck on do not disconnect as below

    Re-posting as a separate message as it may not have been noticed as a reply. I'm having a similar problem to the one noted in 7.5 but it appears I have iTunes 7.6 and a 5th generation 80g iPod. Been syncing it to my new MacBook with OS 10.5.2. Originally iPod was configured for PC but I had no problems after the change to the Mac. Seems like the problem syncing has started after downloading the latest update software for Leopard (to the 10.5.2) which included other things in the download (perhaps also Quicktime and iTunes?) This problem with not being recognized in iTunes happened twice in one week - only way to get it going was to do a reset while it was still plugged into the computer (cause it said do not disconnect) but the second time it took many tries and holding down the menu & select for a very long time. It finally was recognized and the sync started. This has me very worried and I don't think the 5Rs and other troubleshooting suggestions are the issue (it was fully charged & I've used the USB ports for other devices with no problems, etc.) Please advise. Can't give it up to service for over a week 'cause going on a trip and sure hope it will continue to work.
    MacBook 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac OS X (10.5.2)

    I'm answering my own question for the benefit of others who are having a similar problem. As no one answered here, I finally called Apple support. The tech walked me through resetting my MacBook - not the iPod and it worked! To reset it, shut down. After completely shut down power back on and when you hear the on chime immediately, really simultaneously press option, command, and the P & R keys all at once (one needs some manual dexterity for this). Keep all the keys pressed down until you hear the chime a second time and release. The computer should then start up. After all booted up I opened iTunes, connected my iPod and it synced fine.
    Of course, now I'm afraid to download any new updates.

  • My iPod frozen on "Do not disconnect" yet it does not appear in iTunes on my computer ?

    My iPod seems to be frozen on "Do not disconnect" yet it does not appear in iTunes on my computer ? Eventually I did disconnect. It's remains frozen and shows almost full charge.

    I'm having similar problems. Here is exactly what happens to me:
    I dock the iPod (I believe it is the 5th gen model, one of the first to play videos). Sometimes it syncs properly sometimes not. It will add songs not on my iPod, but it won't update the play count, last played, etc. The problem was fixed when I updated to a new version of iTunes (I believe it was 7.2 at the time, I could be wrong). So I played it off just being an iTunes issue. Well, with 2 updates since then, it has done it yet again. I've tried to restart the iPod using the menu+select key. It will work to remove the iPod, but it won't help in the future. The only way I can remove the iPod is to click on "Safely Remove Hardware." I know this isn't good for the iPod, but this is the only way that I can get the "Do not disconnect" icon off my iPod. Also, I tried to click "Eject iPod" (I've used this several times in emergency cases and worked wonders) but I get a message saying "iPod is in use by another windows program." I couldn't imagine what program is using my iPod. As far as I know, iTunes is the only program that can use the iPod on my computer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • "do not disconnect" and not recognized by iTunes

    I have read these discussios and I can see I am not the only one who has these same problems, but I have not gotten any answer that would have helped me.
    I just bought a new iPod Nano 4Gb, I had a 2Gb version and it worked just fine, not even one problem with it. But stupid of me I wanted a bigger one. When I plugged it in it wanted to update itself, but somehow in the middle of the process my computer booted itself. So when it had rebooted, iTunes did not recognize my Nano and updater kind of freezed.
    And now I have tried every single thing in the list that could help. But my Nano just shows this "do not disconnect" thing.
    I do not know what to do. Should I just return my lovely Nano to the shop I bought it from or is there some trick that could bring it back to life?
    Oh yes, I have not been able to restore the software because updater does not work, it just freezes everytime, I have reinstalled it a dozen of times, even with different languages but not even that helps. Nano's Icon shows in My computer but I can not touch it because it just goes "does not respond". If I take my Nano away from my comp it works just fine, even if there is no music or anything in it, but as soon as I connect it, it just does this "do not disconnect" thing.
    Help me, I don't know what to do
    iPod Nano 4Gb Windows XP Pro

    I answer to myself
    So I took my nano to the store and they gave me a new one, just saying that they had had a couple of those same problems with iPods. So I got the new one and wisely enough I reinstalled first iTunes and updater so that nothing would remind of the player that didn't work.
    But when I plugged it in the same text appeared "do not disconnect" I could have cried. I thought it would go away if I just waited. Well it didn't. But different from the last time I was able to use Updater and I did see what was inside my iPod in My Computer. So now I just cleaned my temp folder and used the Windows Install Clean Up and reinstalled iTunes.
    And after rebooting my comp a miracle happened, iTunes recognized my nano and I was able to transfer music to it. I am so happy!

  • IPod connected to MacBook, getting nothing but "do not disconnect"....

    I've been searching the forum, manuals, troubleshooting, etc., and haven't come across any solution yet. Or even this particular problem described or experienced. I wonder if anyone might have an answer, or steer me the right direction. I am new to this stuff, please bear with me.
    My iPod nano has power, the screen lights up, battery icon shows fully charged, but one second, or maybe less, after it's connected to the computer, the only thing I get is the 'do not disconnect' warning message. No action, not even a pulsating battery icon. (It does that, right, when it's charging?) Even after 20 minutes, with the battery icon on the 'pod screen showing a fully charged battery, I don't get anything on the iPod screen, just the 'do not disconnect'.
    I did many resets with the hold and menu and center buttons, and even a restore for the iPod, losing the little music I had on it, and still, the 'do not disconnect' is all I get. I have been closing iTunes and ejecting safely (I believe) via the finder. Remotely, it turns on, though I have nothing on it to listen to now. A few more tries at connecting to the computer, but still all that shows is the 'do not disconnect' message, and I can't do anything.
    I've had the computer and iPod a little over two weeks. A few days ago, I did update the latest iTunes software, and today was the first time to connect the iPod since then, if that might have something to do with this and maybe solving it. Everything was fine up till today. Now, I'm kind of stuck here.
    Any ideas?
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    "but one second, or maybe less, after it's connected to the computer, the only thing I get is the 'do not disconnect' warning message. No action, not even a pulsating battery icon. (It does that, right, when it's charging?) Even after 20 minutes, with the battery icon on the 'pod screen showing a fully charged battery, I don't get anything on the iPod screen, just the 'do not disconnect'."
    It's perfectly normal behaviour. When the iPod is connected to the computer you will always see the "do not disconnect" screen.
    If you have your iPod set to transfer your music manually, then that “do not disconnect” message will continue to be displayed on your iPod until you manually eject it.
    You can do this by clicking on the iPod 'eject' icon in the lower right hand corner of iTunes or the eject icon to the right of the iPod in iTunes. With a Mac, you can also drag the iPod into the trash.
    If you have your iPod set to automatically sync with iTunes version 7 or later, connect the iPod and when you see the summary screen, uncheck the box marked "enable disk use".
    If you are using an earlier version of iTunes, right click on the iPod in the source list, select options and uncheck the same box.
    In future your iPod should automatically disconnect after it’s finished transferring music.

  • Ipod is frozen on do not disconnect screen....

    i seriously don't know what to do with m ipod anymore. it's a 5 gen ipod video that i've had for less than a year. today i tried to sync it to my computer which is a sony vaio with windows xp and it got stuck on the do not disconnect screen. i plugged the ipod in and waited for itunes to open, which it didn't(i waited a long long time). so i then shut down my pc thinking the do not disconnect screen would go away after the pc was shut down...but it didn't. i tried rebooting my ipod MANY times and that didn't work. I tried plugging it in different usb ports on my pc and it doesn't show up in itunes. it shows up in my computer as a 'removeable disk' not an ipod as well. i don't know what to do...all i wanna do is format it back to factory settings so i can use it on my new pc(a brand new imac..<3) does anyone have any ideas? thanks.<br>
    Imac   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Even when its not connected..I went through the same thing my Ipod freezes alot(5thgen) nor will it show vidoe or pics not even podcast. What I did was got a programm call TUNE TRANSFER FOR ipod. With this you can backup anything on your ipod so you can then restore it. During a freeze your computer doesnt recognize the ipod at all.No connection. You need to reset your Ipod but not traditionall. 1- toggle hold switch 10 times each direction.(left/right)immediatly after your last toggle(be sure the toggle isnt on hold)
    2-hold menu and select buttons for 15 seconds toggle periodically. I hopes that helped if not messege me back. make sure you have the latest Itunes.

  • After iPod Update - how long does "do not disconnect" appear?

    I've just updated my older iPod (20GB, iPod version 3.02
    Model No. M9282LL) using updater 2006-03-23, and the "Do Not Disconnect" notice has appeared, and stayed for about an hour so far. Can I assume the updater is working it's way through the 1,500 song library, and that it may take a while longer? Or... have I broken the thing?
    (I just completed an upgrade to Tiger from 10.3.9; iPod worked/connected fine before the upgrade, but not since then. Mounted on desktop okay, and launched iTunes, but never appeared in iTunes. The updater was an attempt to fix this problem, although I first downgraded iTunes to version 6.05, to no avail.)

    To close the loop: I wound up having to "restore" (using the latest iPod updater) this iPod. Problem solved.

  • "do not disconnect" does not disappear, computer does not recognize ipod

    Hi, if someone can help me, I will be eternally grateful, as I have been struggling to fix this this for a while now.
    The problem began when, one day, iTunes decided to not recognize the ipod and would not update any songs. (By the way I use windows xp on a dell laptop.)
    I tried resetting the ipod, and using a different usb port and both did not work.
    Then, I uninstalled Quicktime, iTunes, and the ipod software, then reinstalled everything again (all the newest versions). This didn't do anything.
    After that I went to start > all programs > ipod > ipod updater 3.23.2006, in the attempt to restore the ipod and just erase everything. However, when the screen shows "plug in an ipod to update it," the update and restore options never become available. This is the main problem - I need to get that restore option available.
    I changed the ipod drive letter as well. And if this helps at all, the ipod still works when I unplug it from the computer. But when I plug it back in to the port, again all I get is "do not disconnect."
    I am trying to give as much information as possible, so, if this is important too - when I go to Manage under My Computer, and then Device Manager, anything regarding an ipod does not show up.
    If anyone can take a moment and help me out, I would really, really appreciate it. Thank you for your time.
      Windows XP  

    I'm having almost the same problem. I get USB device is not recognized. I have a mini, using XP Pro SP2, IBM Thinkpad.
    Here's the thing. This mini used to work just fine on my computer. As a matter of fact it will work on every other computer I plug it into except this one. In fact I tried two other ipods that work just fine on other puters but not mine. Obviously there's a prob with the config of the puter. There must be a silver bullet here I just don't know what it is.
    Here's what I tried.
    1. Uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes and ipod updater
    2. Ran my spyware tool per advice here ... caught some spyware, but nothing that helped me
    3. Unchecked the power management in Root Hub of device manager
    4. This is one that got me somewhere for a moment ... I went into device manager and disabled anything that said high speed, advanced, or 2.0 under USB Devices ... after that my ipod was recognized, but I received the warning that it was a high speed device connected to a non-high speed port ... per instructions on this forum I then put the latest iTunes and used the most recent ipod updater ... after that I re-enabled the high speed and now it won't recognize again
    I'm sure I did a bunch of other crap that did not work, but I think the fact that it recognizes when I disable the enhanced/2.0 hub should point to something specific. I'm going to compare settings with the countless computers my pod works on, but until then if anyone has any insight I'd love to hear it.

  • Did not listen to 'do not disconnect' and now there's a noise and a sad ipo

    It all started when I was in a hurry and ejected my ipod from itunes. As usual, it was removed from the Source list but my ipod still said 'do not disconnect.' I unplugged it and left. Hours later I was at my friends house and plugged it into her laptop to get some of her songs. It wasn't recognized in her Source list and it started to make weird, loud, grinding noises. I reset it and the sad ipod face guy came up. I went to the support page and it said to fully charge it before anything else. So, all last night I charged it and it continued to make that horrible noise all night. I went back to the 5 R's and tried all of them. I finally went to restore it but it's showing that icon that means that it isn't charged enough for the computer to recognize it. Similarily, the ipod updater keeps asking me to plug in an ipod, even though it's plugged in. Now, every couple of minutes, as my ipod is plugged in to my comp via USB, the apple icon shows up, it makes that noise and then the sad guy pops up. What should I do? (I apologize for the length but there's just so much going on with this.)
    Compaq Presario   Windows XP Pro  

    Strange noises are a telltale sign of hardware failure. If you want to be totally sure that your iPod is a baddie, reset your iPod, and when the apple logo is showing, press and hold the rewind and clicker buttons for several seconds. When you do this, the iPod should "chirp" and the apple will reverse. Now it's in diagnostic mode. After doing this, try to run the automatic tests. (note that when in this mode, the trackpad doesn't work, you have to use the rewind and fast forward buttons to go back and forth). Have iPod plugged in when doing this. If you end up with a sad iPod icon, then it needs to be sent in...

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