I am using LV5.1 and a DAQ-card Computerbo​ards "CIO-DO96H​" (DO-card) since years.

Is it possible to readback the outputstatus in LV 5.1?

The answer to this question depends on the hardware you are using and also the driver software that LV is interfacing(supplied by Computerboards). The best thing is to check with them to see if the hardware and device driver supports readback functionality on the output ports.

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    You absolutely can use an ARM LM3S8962 like a DAQ card, the only restraints you have are how fast the microprocessor can run and the limited amounts of AI you have available on the Luminary board. you can simply add an AI elemental I/O node to your project and wire your transducer to the luminary board. You then can take the data from the microcontroller and send it to the Host PC through a network published shared variable. There are a couple of tricks to this that may not be completely evident. I have included two links that I think will help you get to where you want to be. The first is setp by step how to connect an accelerometer to teh ARM board, but you can modify it for your own transducer.
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    Hi what,
    If your AC drive uses the Modbus protocol over RS-485 then you will probably want to use the serial port or an RS-485 port to communicate with your AC drive from LabVIEW. I believe Lookout also comes with an OPC server which can communicate Modbus. Anyway, I suppose you could use the digital lines of the DAQ card to control your drive but it sounds like an RS-485 port (serial) would be more effective and easier than programming the DAQ board.
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    DAQ - Copy.zip ‏574 KB

    There's nothing I can do to help.  I don't have your hardware to be able to modify your code and to set it up to make sure it runs properly.  Most people on the forum probably don't either.  This is where you'll have to put your programming and LabVIEW skills to work to solve your problem and make it run the way you want to.  If you run into a specific problem and get stuck, then please post back.

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    No, you can't see a list of card redemptions, nor how items were billed - all you can do is view your account's purchase history via your computer's iTunes : log into your account on your computer's iTunes via the Store > View Account menu option, you should then see a Purchase History section with a 'see all' link to the right of it. Click on that and you should then see a list of your purchases.

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    I have some questions:
    What OS are you using?
    What driver versions?. You can find the driver versions in the Windows Add/Remove programs utility. DAQ driver is NI-DAQ anmd GPIB driver is NI-488.2.
    Is there any error code?
    I haven't found any known issues between these two drivers. How are the board's resources configured? Base address, IRQ, DMA.
    Let see if with this information we can clear out what is going on.

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    Best and regards
    3druecke_temp.vi ‏165 KB

    ok the problem is your " time has elapsed " vi . Try the attached vi . remove the case structure and you can see the difference . it will give you an idea ............
    difference.vi ‏68 KB

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    Hello Hjs,
    AT-MIO-16X DAQ board will not work with Win2000. You find the following link useful in your search.
    Shruti T
    National Instruments

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    Thanks for the help!
    Go to Solution.

    Hello ACE_Lab,
    The steps you should take in order to configure your setup in the LabVIEW project window is as follows:
    Step 1...
    Step 2...This step should auto-populate with the existing PXI-7813R if it is connected. If you want to setup the target without the card connected, the you can just add a new target as follows.
    Step 3...This is the point at which you will be adding the NI-9151 expansion chassis:
    Step 4...
    Step 5...
    Step 6...If you have the module connected to the chassis, you should be able to see the module in the list:
    Step 7...If the module is not connected, you can just select "New Target or Device" from the menu in step 6 and add a new target as follows:
    An example from the Example Finder called "Digital Line Input.vi" should be a good place to start. Below is a screenshot of roughly where you need to start:
    Jeff L.
    Applications Engineer | National Instruments

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    MATT BANEY wrote:
    No my DSL modem is not a dumb one, its a DSL modem router, "qwest Actiontec dsl modem wireless gateway", GT701.
    To avoid confusion in future support threads, you should refer to that as a "router" or "modem/router", rather than simply as a modem.
    This configuration works fine, both computers are on the network, get assigned different IP addresses by the DSL Modem, and most of the time can see each other and the internet just fine, as long as the iMac keeps the Network settings that I set, for the IP address of the DSL-Modem router ("xxx.xx.0.1"), but occassionally after a restart it will revert back to using "xxx.xx.1.1" for the router IP address which is not a valid IP address on my LAN.
    Why would the iMac try and use the old settings when I specifically set and LOCKED the correct settings?
    If the "modem router" is configured to be a DHCP server and if your computers are configured to get their network settings via DHCP (Network panel of System Preferences, "Configure IPv4" set to "Using DHCP"), then in theory you shouldn't have that problem.

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    Okay thanks, what happens if the apple id on the phone is an old itunes account in which you no longer have access to the email adress associated with it and you've forgetten the password? And lets say for instance you never used a credit card on the account and you filled out the details like the date of birth wrong when making the id? There would be no possible way to sign in to activate it and no possible way to recover the apple id. So what would happen?

  • HT1918 Someone is using my account and charging my card that I have not agreed to

    I have 6 charges to my credit card in the past week, that I Did not agree too and I would like, the monies returned to my bank account.
    1) 138050473014
    2)  120050283367
    3)  127050285928
    4). 136050264270
    5). 183050125586
    6). 115050619256
    7). 127050230748
                                            Thank you.   Burt Gunn
    <Email Edited by Host>

    These are user-to-user forums, you are not talking to Apple here - I've asked the hosts to remove your email address from your post.
    You can contact iTunes support via this page : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/ - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

  • Problems using well-configured ADLINK PCI9111 DAQ card

    I don't know why but my ADLINK PCI9111 don't work with LabView 6.0. It is recognized in Windows2000, and I have installed the PCIS-LVIEW driver from Adlink. When I run a VI taken from the exemples of this driver to generate a waveform, I have an error message. Can you help me ?"

    Hello Pierro,
    Unfortunately I do not have a lot of experience working with ADLINK boards. Is the error you are getting generated by LabVIEW or ADLINK driver software. If it is generated by ADLINK's driver software, please contact ADLINK support Engineers. However, if the problem keeps occuring after you have taken out the ADLINK board, please post the question with the LabVIEW error code and we will be more than happy to help you.
    Thanks for calling National Instruments
    Serges Lemo
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Mac mini 2.1 Intel core 2 duo 1.83ghz
    Mac OSX 10.6.8
    FIreFox 9.0.1

    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    See "Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile":
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile, but be careful not to copy corrupted files.

  • How to generate a pulse waveform 90 deg phas shifted with respect to a pulse generated using a counter in PXI 6070E daq card ?

    I ma using 6070E daq. I am generating a infinite pulse train using one of the counters. I want to generate another pulse train which should 90 degress phase shifted with respect to the previsously generated pulse. How to implement this using the counters in the DAQ card.

    Hi Gopal,
    1) yes the frequency generator is programmable. You have 2 timbebases (10MHz and 100kHz) and you can divide down by any integer between 1-16. Those are the only frequencies you can use.
    2) The way counters work is that you can apply a gate signal to the counter which will cutoff the output. Therefore, you can have a second counter generating a pulse train of an equivalent frequency to the frequency generator (fout) but you don't want it to start immediately. You want it to start only after a short delay (equivalent to a 90d phase). Therefore, you need to "gate" or prevent the output on this counter for that small delay period of time. The way you can do this is by using a second counter to create a delayed pulse. You would
    connect the output of that counter to the gate of your pulse train function. That way, during the delay period of the pulse, you won't be outputing your pulse train yet. When the pulse (high-time) of your pulse reaches the gate, then your pulse train will start generating its pulse train (which is consequently delayed by the amount of delay used in the single delayed pulse counter). Since you don't want your pulse to go back low, you will have to turn off or clear your pulse counter while it is high. That way the signal on the gate will remain high forever.
    Your better solution is to use a PCI-660x card to perform this action. You will have more counters which will give you a greater range of frequencies to choose from and you will have more accurate timing of the signals.
    Anyway, hope that clears things up. Have a good day.

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