I cant change my user image!

Ive recently bought a brand new mac book pro. I want to change my user accounts image from a default image already installed on the mac to my own personal image. I cant see any option to do this, it will only let me use a default image or take a new photo with the camera web cam.

If you go to preferences, you can find Users & groups, and if u see the little image there, you can drag a photo onto that image, to add it.

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    To change to iCloud ID on your phone you have to go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account, provide the password for the old ID then sign in with the new ID.  If you don't know the password for the old ID, and if the old ID is an earlier version of your current ID, go to https://appleid.apple.com, click Manage my Apple ID and sign in with your current iCloud ID.  Click edit next to the primary email account, change it back to your old email address and save the change.  Then edit the name of the account to change it back to your old email address.  You can now use your current password to turn off Find My iPhone on your device, even though it prompts you for the password for your old account ID. Then go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account and choose Delete from My iDevice when prompted (your iCloud data will still be in iCloud).  Next, go back to https://appleid.apple.com and change your primary email address and iCloud ID name back to the way it was.  Now you can go to Settings>iCloud and sign in with your current iCloud ID and password.

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    To change the iCloud ID you have to go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account, provide the password for the old ID when prompted to turn off Find My iPhone, then sign back in with the ID you wish to use.  If you don't know the password for your old ID, or if it isn't accepted, go to https://appleid.apple.com, click Manage my Apple ID and sign in with your current iCloud ID.  Click edit next to the primary email account, change it back to your old email address and save the change.  Then edit the name of the account to change it back to your old email address.  You can now use your current password to turn off Find My iPhone on your device, even though it prompts you for the password for your old account ID. Then save any photo stream photos that you wish to keep to your camera roll.  When finished go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account and choose Delete from My iDevice when prompted (your iCloud data will still be in iCloud).  Next, go back to https://appleid.apple.com and change your primary email address and iCloud ID name back to the way it was.  Now you can go to Settings>iCloud and sign in with your current iCloud ID and password.

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    Please follow the below blog which will help you in solving this issue
    Note: Be careful while modifying the registry settings.
    Please mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question.That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.

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    ozstar wrote:
    > Hi,
    > A friend wants to change his product images and pricing
    etc., on his static
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    > At the moment each product is within a cell in a table
    and the cell below is
    > where the text for details and pricing is. This is the
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    > He does not know anything about web design, Dreamweaver
    etc., but wants to do
    > update himself.
    > I would like to know the best way for me to go about
    this using DW CS3. Maybe
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    > Thanks
    > oz
    You could use....
    An easy CMS like -
    Contentseed -
    Contribute -
    chin chin

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    Your Desktop Picture settings and Dock items are stored in the files
    /Users/your short user name/Library/Preferences/com.apple.desktop.plist and
    /Users/your short user name/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock.plist
    in the "Preferences" folder in your user library. This looks like the system has trouble to write to these files. Check the permissions on your user library and remove the above files from your user library, then log off and on again.
    Your user library is hidden in Lion and Mt. Lion. To reveal it, use the Finder's "Go" menu. Select "Go" in the Finder's main menu bar and hold down the alt/option key, until you see the "Library"  in the drop-down menu. Double click it to open a Finder window, so you can browse the files inside.

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    Binding a string variable and using the show() event instead
    of the activate event will work. See Below
    private var mystring:String = new String();
    private function dispAssocIMG(f3rd:String):void {
    mystring = f3rd;
    <mx:HBox backgroundImage="{mystring}" id="first3rd"
    width="567" height="336" y="209"></mx:HBox>
    <mx:HBox id="mid3rd" width="457" height="336" y="209"
    x="567" backgroundColor="#956944">
    <!-- Tab Navigator -->
    <mx:TabNavigator height="336" width="457" >
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    <mx:VBox label="test2"

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    You can use this information to help. Mac OS X: How to change user short name or home directory name
    Or you can use this software to do it. ChangeShortName 1.3

  • Cant change narrative in CAT2

    HI ALL,
    << Moderator message - Everyone's problem is important >>
    I have a user getting an error sayin cant change narrative even though she has all the permissions.
    not authorised to maintain datta for personel number xxxxxxxxxx using profile zxxxxxxx
    I searched in suim in authorization object values and it  came up with different roles that are not meant to be assigned for that location( we have master and derived role(as per location) concept) !!!! thats where im stuck up with.
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Oct 26, 2010 3:32 PM

    Hello ,
    As you have mentioned that you have child roles in your landscape and in HR environment child roles are different in terms of org levels and HR org levels are mostly based on Personnel areas.
    This might be case where your user administrator was having access to different Personnel areas and user belongs to other personnel areas.
    Administrator personnel areas you can check in the Role org level and users personnel areas you can check in PA20
    Another problem from HR prospective can be in case where user is not coming under that Administrator  to check this you can go in Tcode OOSB--->select the administrator name and hit display objects if you are able to find your user in that list it means that administrator can maintain the user .
    But from the problem which you have mentioned that authorization object is itself not present then please add that authorization object in the child role and assign to the administrator.
    Please let us know if the role assigned to the administrator have this authorization object or not ?

  • Cannot change Desktop Background image

    When I go to change my Desktop Background, it will try and load up the pictures in my Pictures folder (but no subfolders). I can switch my background to one of these images, even though the "Loading" progress bar is still visible.
    Here is the odd thing, however. If I click on any of the other types of images (Apple Images, nature, Plants, Black & White, Abstract, and Solid Colors), nothing appears. I jumped over to another user on the same computer, and those images populated properly. Any ideas on what is going wrong? Why can't I change my background image? I've had this problem with both Mac OS 10.5.0 and 10.5.1.

    I managed to fix this problem.
    I did verify and repair permissions just for kicks. Not sure if that helped or not, but I did it anyway.
    Then I went back into the System Pref pane, and clicked on Apple Images, then clicked on the Change Picture checkbox. While none of the images appear in the white box, my background did change to one of the Apple Images (such as the black and purple Leopard-only background). I then closed System Preferences, opened it back up, and the images loaded up properly this time!

  • Help changing my user photo

    im trying to change my user photo when i log into my MacBook air. I tagged faces into everyone one of my photos, but when I go to change my photo none of the pictures will show up under faces. It just says that I can go tag faces into my photos? Any help figuring out why they won't show up or how I can change my photo?

    Hi Carissalong98,
    Happy Holidays!  Is the photo you want to use for your User account on your MacBook in iPhoto or Aperture?  One thing you can try is to drag the photo to your desktop and then drag it from the Finder application to your account settings.  The article below explains to add a picture to your User settings.
    OS X Yosemite: Add a user picture
    Your user picture appears next to your name in the login window, and is used by apps such as Mail, Messages, and Contacts. You can choose your own picture. 
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Users & Groups.
    Click the lock icon  to unlock it, then enter an administrator name and password. 
    Select your user, then click the picture.
    Do one of the following:
    Use an existing picture: Click a category, then select a picture. 
    Defaults: Pictures that are included with OS X. 
    Recents: Pictures that were recently used as user pictures. 
    My Photo Stream: Pictures from your iPhoto photo stream. 
    Faces: Faces recognized in iPhoto. 
    Linked: Picture from Contacts. 
    You can also drag and drop an image file from the Finder onto the user picture.
    Click Done.

  • I cannot change any user account icons

    I cannot change any user account icons. Under the Default icons it says "No Items". Any new users are set up with a tennis ball with no other options. In the initial set up, there were a lot of choices. Now they're gone. It there a missing file?

    Yes the missing user icons is unexplained and nothing I've tried has resolved it.
    It seems to have occurred as part of the 10.8.2 update for me.
    No user shows any of the default or custom user icons available in the users system preference. All the Apple icons are present in the /Library/User Icons folder as well as custom icons but they do not appear within the system's panel period. No icons appear there. You are able to add icons to it -per user. Any done in this manner are saved in that user's preferences so this does not affect the system level. I have tried removing preferences. I have tried removing the icons and adding them back including as root but all changes are applied to the user only. I have run Diskwarrior, repaired permissions, etc. And nothing changes this.
    I cloned the image to another laptop, deleted all preferences from main library, restarted, logged in expecting it to be a preference issue. Still no user pictures shown for default user. In case the original users were corrupt, I created a new user and logged in with it. It was given one of the OSX pictures randomly chosen by the system. I logged in as user and still no pictures are shown. Tried to do a reinstall of 10.8.2 combo update and system refuses saying I cannot be done. Booted from recovery partition and it  allowed an internet recovery.
    No change. Took a brand new laptop and used user migration to copy the users over to it with all settings. Broke that system as well. Repeated creating new users, etc and no change. This is really annoying. I can repeat migrating users only and then partial settings to try to narrow it down but its time consuming.

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