I don't understand this time machine warning

I recently got a new logic board for my 2006 macbookpro.  When I connected my 500Gb seagate drive to which I back up my mac I got this warning.  The wording confused me. I'm nervous more so because I have my work, wife, and personal macs backed up using this drive same. I'm concenred whether or not I should reuse backup or create new back up. I fear messing something up with the other backups.  Should I just get another drive? Why doesn't it just do what it usually does and never asks me.  Thanks, Matt

As you have the Reuse Backup button I believe you no longer need to go through the steps outlined in the links twtwtw posted.
Take a look at  Backup fails after Logic Board replacement It appears if you have that Reuse Backup button you're running 10.6 or 10.7 and can click it.
If you're really on 10.4 as your profile says you'll need to go through the steps twtwtw posted.

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    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Enter the word "Starting" (without the quotes) in the String Matching text field. You should now see log messages with the words "Starting * backup," where * represents any of the words "automatic," "manual," or "standard." Note the timestamp of the last such message that corresponds to an abnormal backup. Now
    so that all messages are showing, and scroll back in the log to the time you noted. Select the messages timestamped from then until the end of the backup, or the end of the log if that's not clear. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste (command-V) into a reply to this message.
    If all you see are messages that contain the word "Starting," you didn't clear the text field.
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don't post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Some personal information, such as the names of your files, may be included — anonymize before posting.

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    You will need to be much more specific about what you problem is. That is how TM works. That is how you find things to restore from TM, by using a Finder window so that you can browse through the Mac's hierarchy of folders and files.
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    AFP - Apple Filing Protocol
    The Network Attached Storage (NAS) that you are pointing Time Machine at does not have the features needed by Time Machine in order to do its Thing.  Time Machine needs some specific features that are not typically available on generic networked storage devices.
    There are manufactures that support the Mac OS X HFS+ file system formats and implement all the needed AFP protocol packets necessary so that they can be used with Time Machine, but apparently yours does not.
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    Bummer. That's often the reason I plug it in- just to stop the warning messages. The only other time I plug it in is if I add media or anything else I want to have backed up. Our Mac Mini runs 24/7 as our DVR (eyeTV) and media center feeding our appleTV's and ipod's and iphone's. I control everything with a Harmony remote. It's a pain (especially for the wife or mother-in-law) to have to pull the keyboard out and acknowledge the warning message when they're just trying to watch TV. The warning message keeps coming back until I finally back it up. If I don't add any media or forget to plug the drive in again before the 10 days are up, the whole thing starts all over again.

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    Is this possible?
    Thanks in advance!

    W92 wrote:
    Now does Time Machine give a warning if you haven't made a backup in 10 days. However, I would like to change these number of days from 10 to 2, just to be sure I won't lose any data.
    Is this possible?
    No, unfortunately. Many of us have asked for that, to no avail so far.
    By all means, add your voice here:  http://www.apple.com/feedback/timemachine.html

  • I photo don't work with Time Machine

    I just have 2 weeks using this macbook, and i made a Time Machine just before sell my other macbook. Both have Lions because both are same 2.4 Ghz
    Intel core i5 (the only difference is HD Disk). So i made all the time Time Machine, so i bring on all my information from my Time Machine disk... and everithing works fine BUT not my pictures. 
    I lose all the pictures that i put in that Iphoto from day 1 that i use the other computer (6 months ago).
    Its like Iphoto doesn't work with Time Machine.
    To me is very important to someone from apple to explains me since, if that don't work as it suppose to be, then i have to look for a better bacjup program than this garbage.

    1 - TimeMachine does work with iPhoto - except if iPhoto is running then the iPhoto database is not backup up until a backup cycle runs while iPhoto is not running
    2 - Never "assume" that a backup is good - you must test it
    3 - teh simple solution is to Connect the two Macs together (network, firewire target mode, etc) and drag the iPhoto library intact as a single entity from the old Mac to the pictures folder of the new Mac - launch iPhoto on the new mac and it will open the library and convert it as needed and you will be ready move forward.
    4 - no one from Apple will explain anything to you here since this is strictlhy a user to user forum
    5 - as to which backup program you use - totally your choice - no one here cares at all - we are willing to help you with iPhoto issues but could care less about if you use Apple software or not - since you obvviously have not bothered to learn how to use Time Machine you will have the same or similer problems with any software that you use incorrectly

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