I have elements 9

I have elements 9.  I received directions and unloaded the Inspiration Browser.  Now I cannot download the new browser.

Try downloading and installing outside of the Organizer or Welcome Screen. Uninstall AIR and IB via the control panel. Then do ctrl+alt+delete and open the  processes tab in task manager. Highlight any running Adobe application or process and end it. Use the link below and it will install both IB and AIR.
N.B. when using with Premiere Elements on Windows 64 bit systems, the inspiration browser needs to be installed in both locations C: Program Files/Adobe and C: Program Files (x86)/Adobe
Inspiration Browser Get Update Now

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    Yes you can store images on an external hard dive and have them referenced in Organizer. It’s best to export copies to separate folders/subfolders and that will ensure iPhoto does not get corrupted.
    Alternatively you could continue to use iPhoto with the Elements Editor set up in the iPhoto prefs as your external editing app. Then there is no need to use Organizer and no need to duplicate your images.
    You can then call up photos directly from iPhoto as normal with the additional option e.g.
    Double-click on a thumbnail to edit in iPhoto editor.
    Control (right) - click on a thumbnail to edit in the elements app.

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    The D7100 requires camera raw 7.4 which is not compatible with Photoshop Elements 10.
    Your two main options are
    1) Buy a newer version of Photoshop Elements
    2) Use the Adobe DNG converter to convert the NEF files to DNG files which can then be used by Photoshop Elements 10.
    DNG  Converter 8.8
    Win – http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5888
    Mac – http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5887
    Useful Tutorial

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    Me again,
    A friend suggested that I do a system restore.
    I did a search for system restore in Windows 7 and got a very intuitive menu.
    I selected an earlier system restore point and executed the restore.
    After the computer restart I reloaded Firefox 5.0 and the Ask.com problem was corrected.
    My friend says this approach may work about 25% of the time to fix this kind of problem. In my case it worked and I am happy.
    Thanks all.
    Richard Ryer

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    Exit Code: 6, Exit Code: 7 Installation Errors - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/errors-exit-code-6-exit.html
    Troubleshoot with install logs | CS5, CS5.5, CS6 - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/troubleshoot-install-logs-cs5-cs5.html for information on how to review your installation logs

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    Is your laptop running Windows XP, windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1?  If so then I suggest download a tool that will retrieve the serial number from the old laptop which you can use it on your new machine.  The tool is called:
    Belarc Advisor
    It can be downloaded from here:
    Install this and then run it by double clicking on its icon and then wait for about 5 minutes while it generates all the info about your machine and software keys.

  • I have Elements 10 when I select a thumbnail from organizer it will not open in editor what do I do?

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    I deleted the photoshop settings file. I can't get the welcome screen back now.
    Ted Neis
    "Rise above principal and do what's right."
                                Joseph Heller  (1923 - 1999)
                          " He wrote Catch-22"
    Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 09:28:20 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: I have Elements 10 when I select a thumbnail from organizer it will not open in editor what do I do?
        Re: I have Elements 10 when I select a thumbnail from organizer it will not open in editor what do I do?
        created by 99jon in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
      You need to keep the keys pressed for several seconds. Close down Elements. Hold down the CtrlShiftAlt keys and simultaneously click on the Edit button on the welcome screen. Release the three keys and look behind the welcome screen by closing it. Or hold down the keys whilst clicking on the desktop icon for the Editor or PhotoshopElementsEditor.exe in the Programs folder. Keep holding down all three keys until you get the settings option. You should see a pop up box with the words: Delete Adobe Photoshop Elements Settings File?Click on YesThen wait whilst Elements rebuilds the preferences.  You should see something like this (example PSE9)  http://forums.adobe.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-4880527-258346/320-111/Setting s-pop-upPSE9.png
         Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at http://forums.adobe.com/message/4880527#4880527
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4880527#4880527
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at http://forums.adobe.com/message/4880527#4880527. In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Photoshop Elements by email or at Adobe Community
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

  • I have elements on both my iMac and mac book. On my mac book i can't hold down left click on the pad and on the right hand side move tools i.e. clone, erase tools etc

    i have elements on both my iMac and mac book. On my mac book i can't hold down left click on the pad and on the right hand side move tools i.e. clone, erase tools etc

    Please post Photoshop Elements related queries over at

  • SP 2010 upgrade fails Error C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\config\WEBCONFIG.ACCSRV.XML, does not have element "configuration/configSections/sectionGroup[@name='SharePoint']"

    I was upgrading my SP 2010 server to SP1 but at step 8 i get this error. I cleared configuration cache, moved the file out of the folder, got the same file from other farm where upgrade went smooth, but no success yet. I am at loss.
    So i have another farm in SP1. As a fall back option i was thinking to move content database on that server and start hosting site there but now i find out pre sp1 content databse cannot be moved to sp1 farm just through content database migration. 
    Do only choice i have is to build dummy sp 2010 environment, move content database there and do upgrade there and move it to final production environment? 
    Is there anything else i can do for either upgradeing the current sp 2010 or moving it to new 2010 already on SP1? 
    Can pre sp1 2010 content db be moved to sp2013 sp1 directly?

    Hi ,
    How many SharePoint servers do you have? If you have more than one SharePoint server, you need to install SP1 on all servers in the farm.
    Make sure you run SharePoint 2010 configuration wizard using “Run As administrator”.
    Please check the log to find more information about this issue.
    In addition, here is a similar post, please take a look at:
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • I'm switching from PC to Mac. I'm using my one time switch for Lightroom. I have elements 7. Can I upgrade or do I née to just buy outright?

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    If you use the organizer, you need to buy the boxed version of PSE 12. You can usually find it at big box stores and online retailers for less than adobe's upgrade price, if you shop around. You need the boxed version because you get a serial  number that works on both platforms, and you will need to install PSE 12 in windows first, upgrade your catalog, then make a full backup to a removable drive and restore from that to the mac, after installing PSE 12 there.
    If you don't use organizer, it doesn't matter.

  • I have Elements 10 and every time I go to open a file in the editor it shows its thinking and then it just shuts down the entire program. I have a big wedding I am working on and lots of other sessions. Please PLEASE help!!!!

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    And you are quite persistent, Menu Boy, in offering pernickety and pointless prattle, in response to a "support page" on iPad's buggy Pages App.
    Let's summarise, for those reviewing this threadless thread for app support..
    Mobile pages works reliably for simple docs, especially creating letters and Menus for Microsoft's Kindy canteen (even on special days with nice big pictures).
    When importing more complex docs and/or working with larger creations, it is prone to randomly corrupting files upon re-opening, along similar lines as Word (running on a PC).
    So, Menu Boy, do they let you sneak into classes every now and then? What is the secret to their training? "Say after me, if any I.T. product works just some of the time, that's a job well done, and if something randomly stops working, we call that the user's fault... And if they complain, we call them names."

  • I have elements 10, the organizer wont stay open for more that a minute, i open it closes.

    Hi all, I have elements 10 and the darn organizer will not stay open for more than a minute, which makes useing the program a pain in the butt. does anyone else have this problem and how did you fix it. Im running XP on an older machine in which the edit part works fine.HELP

    Hold down your Shift key while launching the Organizer to get to the Catalog Manager.  Highlight your catalog at the bottom of the window, and choose "Repair".  Repeat, using "Optimize".
    If that doesn't solve it, from the Catalog Manager, create a new catalog (with a different name).

  • Question. I have Elements 10. My photos have a questions mark in the upper left hand corner.What is

    Question. I have elements 10 My photos have a question mark in the upper left hand corner of the photo. Why? What do i do to get rid of it?

    No, you will have to replace the switch or do an out-of-warranty replacement at an Apple Store.

  • I have elements 8. It opens in editor, I cannot see the organizer button.

    I have elements 8. It opens in editor, I cannot see the organizer button or the little house icon.How do I get it back so I can get into organizer. Thks

    Mac or windows? The mac version of PSE 8 comes with Adobe Bridge, not organizer.

  • Have Elements 11 and I get a Run Time Error when going into editor?

    I have Elements 11 and I am getting a run time error when I select editor.  It worked 2 weeks ago and now I get the message. I use Windows 7 and it nothing has changed in the past two weeks that I know of. The error is Microsoft Visual C ++ runtime Library

    Windows was installed in 2013, so it is whatever that dumb version was with
    no 'off'...
    I have Photoshop Elements 10.0
    I have no idea what an optimized computer means.
    When I say 'either editor' I mean I can't use the Full or Quick editor,
    they both produce the same message stream.
    As follows:
       Box pops up that is Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtime Library  with the
        Runtime Error
        Program : C:\Program files
        THis application has requested the Runtime to terminate it is an
    unusual way....
       PLease contact the application support team for more information
    If I click the OK button then I get an Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 box that
    pops up which says
    "Elements 10 has stopped working"
    I have no problem downloading images into the program or renaming files or
    pulling images back out I just can't edit.
    Hope that helps.
    On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:27 AM, A.T. Romano <[email protected]>

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