I think ive crack iTunes match

Good afternoon,
After many days and hours of messing around with itunes match i think ive worked it out,
Basicaly out of 8000 songs i had 200 errors and some stuck on waiting status even after repeatin the steps over and over again.
so what i did was change the imported file type within iTunes from ACC to AIFF and added that copied files to Imatch then deleted the orignal from my
pc and from iCloud, rescan and all but a couple match or uploaded.
Happy days and im finally happy as its taken nearly a week.
Hope this helps

What do you mean? Please be more specific.

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    I just just bought iTunes Match and begun to use it on my Mac Book Pro, mac Mini, iPhone and i Pads.
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    I think its something related to the iTunes/Apple passwords stored in Keychain Access.
    Ive had iTunes Match since it first came out way back when (in 2011 I think?).  I had this issue up until a few months ago on two of my Macs when all of a sudden the problems disappeared. 
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    I think its something related to the iTunes/Apple passwords stored in Keychain Access.
    Ive had iTunes Match since it first came out way back when (in 2011 I think?).  I had this issue up until a few months ago on two of my Macs when all of a sudden the problems disappeared. 
    Then yesterday I decided to go through the Keychains on one of my macs and because I am OCD i started deleted saved passwords/logins/etc that I thought I didnt use anymore.  I deleted so many logins, local items, system items, and system roots....
    I have now gotten this error message three times on this mac.
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    You can change your apple id at appleid.apple.com to a different, non-apple id email.
    But for what your after, this wont help.  You can't transfer purchases from one apple id to another.  You may just have to purchase it again on the right id.  You could try for a refund at expresslane.apple.com but doubt you'll get it.

  • How does iTunes Match work - do I keep the music?

    Hey guys! With iOS 7, I can finally stream my music that I downloaded/bought on iTunes directly from iCloud, which is really amazing because I can finally free up my storage on my iPhone. Now, the only songs I have to store are the ones that I bought from places other than iTunes and I'm actually thinking about subscribing iTunes Match for several reasons:
    1. I don't just download music from iTunes, I sometimes also buy music on Amazon and Google Play.
    2. The music I bought on Amazon somehow  has lower volume(intensity level, i.e. not loud) sometimes.
    3. I did rip and still rip some music from CDs and it would be great if iTune can match it and then I can just stream them from iCloud.
    4. The quality of some of the music I ripped was not the highest quality and I would love to upgrade them without having to rip them all over again.
    Now, here is my question. Will the songs stay if I only subscribe iTunes Match for a year only and then cancel the service? That means if I cancel the service a year later, can I still stream my music from iCloud? So the music I bought elsewhere is equivalent to the music I bought on iTunes (the music stays with my Apple ID). One more question, I heard that sometimes iTunes can't match your songs because the artist name or album name in your library are spelled or showed differently (',' rather than '/', "The" rather than "the"). If iTunes can find the right album artwork for my music, can I also assume it will match my songs without any problem? So all I have to do *if* iTunes can't find the music is to modify the artist name or/and album name?
    That's it! Thank you in advance!

    jerryroundel wrote:
    Do you know how iTunes match the music? For example, I ripped the CD "Rent [Film Soundtrack]" and there are actually two discs, so I have two album names Disc 1 and Disc 2 while iTunes version only has one album and with different name of course ("Rent (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)"). In this case, will iTunes Match work?If not, is there anyway that I can make it work?
    As I mentioned, ID3 tags are not a factor in whether a track will match or not. The service uses a small "sonic fingerprint" of the file which it compares against an online database. So your ripped album having a slightly different Album name than what is is in the iTunes Store actually will not have any effect on the tracks matching or not.
    jerryroundel wrote:
    Another thing is that I know I get to keep my music as long as it is in my HDD, but can I still stream my songs directly from iCloud after I cancel the subscription as if I bought them on iTunes?

  • ICloud Drive vs iTunes Match questions

    So I have been looking into different ways of having my music accessible throughout all of my OS devices. From what I have seen, I can either purchase a subscription to iTunes Match, or I can just purchase additional iCloud storage. Now just for the sake of my music, I would need to purchase a 200 GB plan, costing me about $50 a year, therefore the iTunes Match subscription would be the cheaper alternative at $24.99 a year. However I do have a couple of questions regarding both options.
    Ideally, what I would like to do, is to be able to open iTunes on either my MacBook Air or my iMac, or the Music app on my iPhone or iPad, and be able to access and play any song in my entire collection. Also, syncing of playlists throughout my devices is something I desire greatly.
    Now that OS X Yosemite is out (all my devices are either running OS X Yosemite or iOS 8), I understand that file sharing is made much easier. So this led me to think that maybe I should purchase additional storage and store my music in the iCloud Drive. But here is where I start needing some clarity. Suppose I open iTunes or the Music app on a device. Will my entire collection be visible through the app(s), or would I have to access iCloud Drive and play the files from there? Also, assuming that my entire collection can be seen via the app(s), will any playlists that I create be synced? Also concerning the iPhone, if I choose to play a song, will it get downloaded from the Drive onto the device, taking up internal storage, or will it get streamed? Is there, perhaps, a way to have these app(s) continuously sync their libraries with a specific "Music" folder on iCloud Drive (with playlists being synced)?
    From what I understand from iTunes Match, all of my songs that are matched with songs from the iTunes Store will immediately be made available to me in my iTunes Library for playing. Now the songs that do not get matched: do they get uploaded to the storage that is provided by iTunes Match (25,000 songs), or do they get uploaded to my iCloud Drive? Are the songs that matched included in this 25,000 song limit, or does it only count the songs that didn't match? Will iTunes Match sync my playlists across all devices, regardless of which device the playlist was created on? Also, on the iPhone, same question as before, will songs be streamed from the storage that iTunes Match provides or will they have to be downloaded to play?
    Based on how I want to be able to access and play my music, I'm inclined to think that maybe iTunes Match is the better (and cheaper) alternative? If simply using the iCloud Drive is good enough, then I wouldn't mind paying the extra amount for storage because I'm sure I'll be taking advantage of file sharing even outside of music. iTunes Match also has the ad-free iTunes Radio which might be cool too.
    I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about this or if you have any better methods of keeping all music files organized and synced across all devices, then I'm all ears.
    P.S this is my first post so sorry if it's lengthy.

    ITunes match does not use iCloud Drive to store music. if you want to share music with all your devices, you should purchase iTunes Match. ICloud Drive provides storage for other non music data and you have 5gb free - you can purchase more if required.

  • Is there a way to not show iTunes Match songs?

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    So to recapitulate what would you suggest to share music without having other peoples library's messing mine up?
    P.S. I use Homesharing when I can but I'm a student so I'm not always home and my father works abroad and it would be nice to have all time access to everybody's music.

    iTunes Match is associated with one Apple ID and regional iTunes Store. There is no sharing of the service across Apple IDs. So if you purchase the service for one Apple ID everyone who wants to use it must then use that Apple ID.
    As to your question about ID3 tags, iTunes Match does not "clean up" ID3 tags. The tags in the library are untouched.

  • Itunes match no longer downloads on cellular

    i have iPad air running iOS 8.1.2 and iPhone 6 plus running iOS 8.1.2
    they both have t-mobile sim cards
    i've noticed that whenever wifi is turned off, the download arrow disappears now on itunes match. and reappears when you connect to wifi
    i was planning on testing t-mobile download speeds / usage, and found out that i can no longer download my music over cellular
    is this a new feature???
    use cellular data for
    everything is checked YES except for "roku" and "98.5 Kfox"
    itunes and app store
    itunes match ON
    use Cellular Data ON
    settings music
    itunes match ON
    i think downloading from itunes match over cellular was either removed in 8.1.2, or my sim card s blocking it

    f iTunes match is turned off then music only shows purchased music , and that can be downloaded over cellular
    if ttunes match is turned on, then no music can be downloaded over cellular

  • ITunes match wont locate my music?

    Ive had iTunes match for a while now. today i decided to tidy up my macbook and delete all my music (as its in the cloud). so when i done this i went into itunes and most of my music has a little locate icon next to it i tried to play it and i asked me to locate the file (which i deleted) so i pressed cancel and it started playing. (through the cloud i assume). my query is do i have to do this individually for each song? as i have thousands it would be very annoying and time consuming.
    Any one have any ideas??

    Yes, this was the wrong way to delete music. You should have deleted it from your iTunes library. Have you backed up your music files to an external drive? itunes is looking for the original file but is not finding it because the file is not there.
    If you had deleted the tracks using iTunes, you would have received a pop up asking if you wanted to remove file from cloud or not, then another asking if you wish to keep file or move to trash.
    What you need to do is now delete the track from iTunes library. You will get option to remove from cloud or not - you should leave this uncheck. As the file has already been delete, you will not get the next pop up. You will now see each track with a download cloud icon. You will now be able to stream or redownload if required.
    By the way read this user tip Do not install MacKeeper

  • Itunes Match upload keeps failing

    Hey there,
    I signed up for iTunes Match yesterday and it's matched up most of my library but it's just started running the Step 3 "Uploading Artwork And Remaning Songs" FOR THE THIRD TIME - it gets all the way through the process then I turn around ten minutes later and the **** thing has started the whole process again. Any ideas?

    I posted on a similar topic, you are lucky if it takes 10 minutes to get to the point where it crashes, due to the size of my library mine takes around 2 hours, and I have had to restart it hundreds of time and been at it for 4 months now I think. Each time an update for itunes is available I hopefully install it, problem not fixed as yet, I live in hope. itunes 11 was in my opinion a downgrade, features removed, can't see where apple are going with this, downhill mostly.
    Only solution I have found so far is sheer persistence, just keep on restarting it, until eventually you get all your songs uploaded. There are some songs at the top of the list which dont have an itunes match/cloud status but I will deal with those once uploads have finished.
    From what I've read elsewhere the crashing *may* be related to the size of the files (seems iTunes match doesn't like large files). If you have lossless or WAV files, consider converting to AAC 256kb which I think is what iTunes match wants to put into the cloud, so might help. The conspiracy theorists would probably say the bug intentional and in order to get you to purchase apple hardware.
    Last time I asked iTunes about a refund a very partronising lady replied and in essence told me that iTunes store policy is "All sales are final", in other words, no refunds. I guess if it happened on the internet then it didn't really happen, not same as the store where you can get no questions asked refund.
    Hope you get it sort, good luck

  • ITunes Match - Sync with iOS device

    I am thinking about buying iTunes Match, but i first wanna make clear some things up...
    here are my questions:
    1. Will I ever have to sync my iPhone again with my computer (over WIFI or Cable) or will my iPhone automatically download the music! Or will i have to individually download the music on to my phone? Because now if I load a new CD in my iTunes i just plug my phone into my MacBook and after that all my selected playlists will be updated and ready to listen to (without any internet conection obviousely), how will this be with iTunes Match?
    e.g.: I have this new cool tune that I import and put into my list "my favorite songs"! Will this song immediately be on the same list on my phone? online or offline?
    2. What do I have to do if i wanna delete an album on my computer? But I mean delete it forever, also out of the cloud! how do i do this, and will these tunes also dissapear on my iPhone (like they do now as soon as I sync my iOS device with my Mac)? Will I have this music present in my cloud forever?
    Thank you for your help!
    Yannick B.

    Hello Yannick B.
    Once you have enabled iTunes Match and then add music from a CD, it will automatically add those to iTunes Match for you or you can go to a drop down menu Store > Update iTunes Match to add the tracks. If you have iTunes Match enabled on your iPhone, you will see the changes rather quickly once uploaded. 
    If you want to delete music from iTunes Match, just delete the tracks and a prompt will ask if you want to delete from iCloud. That should answer those questions for you.
    iTunes Store: Subscribing to iTunes Match
    iTunes Store: How to delete songs from iCloud
    -Norm G.

  • When does iTunes Match charge you

    im thinking of getting itunes match and when does it charge you for money, and do i need to use a credit card for itunes match or can i use an itunes card. one more thing, when i add unrealesed music to my itunes library will it be added to itunes match? Thank You

    You're charged immediately when you sign up, and then automatically every year for the renewal. As to your other questions, see

  • How could iTunes Match help me?

    I'm thinking about getting iTunes Match, but i'm not really sure how it would help me? I have thousands of downloaded songs without their complete information and I think this is the most importante thing for me rigth now. Can anybody help me deciding wha to do?

    The iTunes Match service is really very good with an ability to match a significant proportion of tracks provided that they are currently listed in the iTunes Store.  If many of your tracks are previous store purchases or CD rips from good quality sources it is worth serious consideration.
    If many of your tracks are much older (several decades) and sourced from a range of media including analogue (records / tapes) it is likely that the match rates will be very low.
    The decision on value to you must be yours alone, for me c82% of my library has successful matched and is now maintained consistently across several computers and IOS devices - fantastic!

  • Using iTunes Match even though I never subscribed?

    So I have a bit of a problem.
    On the computer I'm using right now, my laptop, I have access to iTunes Match, a service I never subscribed for. At least, I think I have. I can see all of my purchases even though I haven't downloaded most.
    However, on my desktop computer, I cannot see anything in the cloud unless I go to the iTunes Store and look at my Purchased songs.
    Is there any way for me to see my purchases on my desktop computer's library or will I eventually have to subscribe to iTunes Match.

    I don't think you have iTunes Match unless you have subscribed to it. What you are seeing will be itunes in the cloud. You go to menu >store > tick show purchases in the cloud.
    You don't need to subscribe to iTunes Match unless you want your non itunes purchased music to be available in the cloud.

  • Will I lose my ratings if I got Itunes match?

    Hi i'm thinking about getting Itunes match. Problem is, I've got about 25000 songs on my itunes all played through my external hard drive and i've given ratings to about 15000 songs. I'm just worried that if I transfer my music to Itunes cloud I will lose all my ratings. Does this happen? Or is there a way that I could keep my ratings and use Itunes cloud?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You'll retain your ratings.

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