I think my i-pods gone into disk mode and nothing i do makes it reset

i plugged my i-pod in a usual and it went into disk mode. Now it is not even recognised by my computer. Also i try to restore/reset it and it says please attach i-pod even though it's already attached.

Open iTunes on computer. Connect iPhone to computer. If the iPhone is recognized in Recovery Mode, then Restore the Firmware. If not recognized, then hold both Home and Power Buttons until the iPhone is recognized in Recovery Mode. Usually takes about 20 seconds of holding both buttons. Restore the iPhone Firmware.

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    Update Server
    - Powering off and then back on your router.
    - iTunes for Windows: iTunes cannot contact the iPhone, iPad, or iPod software update server
    - Change the DNS to either Google's or Open DNS servers
    Public DNS — Google Developers
    OpenDNS IP Addresses
    - For one user uninstalling/reinstalling iTunes resolved the problem
    - Try on another computer/network
    - Wait if it is an Apple problem

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    The first step in the upgrade process is a backup.
    Did iTunes not create a new backup when you first connected it?
    You really should be syncing your device and copying pictures off of it on a regular basis.
    Starting an upgrade without first syncing and copying the pictures off is not a bright idea.
    At this point, you only option is to restore.
    Also, in the future, ensure your laptop is plugged into external power before starting upgrades.

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    1. Update iTunes to the latest version. Plug in your iPod. If iTunes still can't recognize it, then in iTunes in the top left corner click help> run diagnostics. On the box that comes up, check the last two things. Click next and it should identify your iPod.
    2. Click on your windows start menu. Type in "services". Click on it and when it pops up, on the bottom of it click on "standard". Now Scroll down to find "Apple Mobile Device" Right click it when you see it and click on "Start". When it has started, close iTunes and replug in your iPod and it should show up.
    3. Check the USB cable
    4 Verify that Apple Mobile Device Support is installed
    5. Restart the Apple Mobile Device Service and verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed.
    6. If you just want to add some photos, songs and movies from computer to your devices, you can use an iTunes alternative to do the job
    7. Check for third-party software conflicts.
    <Link Edited By Host>

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    you can't update or restore your iOS device
    If that does not work, take in for service
    Genius reservation http://www.apple.com/retail/geniusbar/

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    Birdman01 wrote:
    My iphone has gone into restore mode .... How to i get back into the phone and not lose my datea
    It is all too late...
    Once you have Recovered your Device...
    Re-Sync your Content or Restore from the most recent Backup...
    Restore from Backup  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1766

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    If the Zen Micro is clicking at the point you are describing, then it sounds like the Hard Dri've has been damaged and you are physically hearing the clicking of the dri've. I would suggest contacting support for repair options.

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    Hey Justinrulz108,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    Your issue sounds similar to the device not being recognized in iTunes while in recovery mode. It may be good to attempt the troubleshooting in the following article:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Refer to Step 5 "Verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed" and the sub-section titled "If the device is not recognized while in Recovery Mode". Here is an excerpt to get you started (see article for full information, including important additional steps):
    Your device may not be recognized while in recovery mode. This can happen during an update or restore of your device. Typically when your device is in recovery mode, it will show the "Connect to iTunes" logo on its display. If iTunes does not recognize the device when in this state, try the following:
    1. Open the Device Manager:
    Windows XP: Click Start > Run. In the resulting dialog, type devmgmt.msc and press Return.
    Windows Vista or Windows 7: Click Start. In the dialog, type devmgmt.msc and press Return on the keyboard. If Windows needs your permission to continue, click "Continue".
    Windows 8: Move the cursor to the upper right corner, click the magnifying glass, type devmgmt.msc, and press Return.
    2. Click the plus ( + ) icon (Windows XP and Vista) or the disclosure triangle () (for Windows 7 and 8) next to Imaging Devices, Other Devices, Portable Devices, and Universal Serial Bus Controllers to expand these sections.
    3. Check these sections for one or more entries called Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode). These entries may or may not have exclamation marks on them similar to the following:
    [continue with steps]
    Matt M.

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    See Here  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1808
    You may need to try this More than Once...  Be sure to Follow ALL the Steps...
    Take your time... Pay particular attention to Steps 3 and 4.
    After you have Recovered your Device...
    Re-Sync your Content or Restore from the most recent Backup...
    Restore from Backup  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1766
    Make sure you have the Latest Version of iTunes (v11.1.5) Installed on your computer
    iTunes free download from www.itunes.com/download
    Note.  Once the Device is asking to be Restored with iTunes... it is too late to save anything... and you must continue with the Recovery...

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    I tried holding down T key as it reboots
    and i get a message. Start up disk full empty it how can one emptie it if you cant get past the blue screen?
    to make matters worse we bought the IMAC of amazon uk on the 4/07/011 so what can we do?
    please remember how frustrating it is when asking for help when the helper telling you to type something on the screen when its frozen
    Tell us when you can type some instuctions to the software how do you get to the doss prompt so to speak to do this

    i tried all this thanks
    i can not get past blue screen and message Your disk is full it needs to be emptied Please not I cant proceed past this message.
    no matter what you tell me
    Am i right ok in thinking that
    when i went into disk utilities and chose to clean my free space i left it over one hour to do its stuff
    i came back and there was no progress bar just the box so i quit the program and when i opened  mac mail the system just froze  i forced quit mail rebooted and blue screen death
    Now when free space is being cleaned is it the same as windows dose the utility write lots of 0 on the hard drive then rebbot its self to free the space
    basicly is my hard drive full of 00000  is this why im getting this message  because the process was interupted
    I need to know if i need outside help i bought the computer on line on  amazon uk  what dose one do next

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    with your iPod connecting with an ac charger or a computer, press "select"+"menu" keys until you see the apple logo, it may takes a minute and also try to do a few attempts.

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    also it sounds as though the drive is stuck in a loop; a weird repetitive whirring sound when i hold it up to my ear.

    If you can't get it into disk mode and restore the iPod it most likely needs service, especially with that noise it's making.
    Service request.

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    If you can't get it into disk mode and restore the iPod it most likely needs service, especially with that noise it's making.
    Service request.

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