I've tried to reset my password 7 times and it still doesn't work!

I finally had to enter an alternate email address and create a new account before I could sign in to ask my main question.
After upgrading to 33.03, I get an error message whenever I try to quit or restart saying "Cancel All Downloads? If you quit now, 72 downloads will be canceled. Are you sure you want to quit?" with buttons saying "Don't Quit" and "Cancel 72 Downloads"
I absolutely do NOT want to cancel ANY downloads, but I seem to be stuck. And there is some urgency because my area in Maryland has frequent power failures, and the least short-term power fluctuation will cause my iMac to restart, causing me to lose hours of choosing and downloading graphics files. What can I do?

The store thing might be a good option, although at the risk of sounding too doom-and-gloom, I imagine that stores will be mobbed with this type of thing.
And I am completely with you about the password consequences. The more password changes, the harder it is to remember them (maybe it's a "benign plot" to get people to create stronger passwords)
I regret "jumping on this" before they worked out the kinks. It feels very beta.

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