I Want SAP 4.7 for download

Hi experts
I lost software, when I unfortunately formated my system b'cos of blody virus attack. So I am in need of software, at least if I get EXPORT 2 DVD that is fine.
Otherwise where can I get ECC 6 for download. Please give me information ASAP.
Thank you.

You can use the downloads here to practice development. To get the business software (means R/3/, ERP, CRM and thus FI, SD etc.) you will need to get a license or work in a company that has one.
Depending on your country there may also be universites or schools who can provide you with access to a system. I know, it's not what you want to hear but that's the policy - and this is not reduced to SAP alone. Oracle Applications e. g. are also not available as "evaluation", neither are others.
And: evaluation means just that - 30 days until your license expires.

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    trainedmind wrote:
    No one would be paying for the file itself that's part of the membership. I don't want to get into any copyright problems.
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    <b>New platforms:</b>
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    Best regards

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    Try providing some specifics about what is going on and others might be able to provide a resolution.

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    The beta release of SAP Data Source for OmniPortlet.
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    This data source is available through the Portal Integration Solutions page on Portal Studio. You would be asked to enter your OTN user details to download the data source.
    Portal Integrations Page: http://portalstudio.oracle.com/servlet/page?_pageid=3191&_dad=ops&_schema=OPSTUDIO
    We are keen to service any issues that you might have while using this data source. Please post your feedback/concerns/issues on the "Portal Developer Kit" forum.

    please find the below data source
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    2LIS_03_BF- goods movement.
    2LIS_03_BX- stock initialization.
    please find the below doc, it is helpful to you.

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    What is the best way to get this software for download ?

    Hi! Welcome to the Forums. You can still download Oracle Forms 6i, you just need to know the direct URL. Give this a try: Oracle Forms Developer for Windows.
    Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If a response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

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    It will cost you only $19.99 to upgrade. You can find all the details at the following link...

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