IBook G4 not accepting downloads from any browser

My iBook recently began to not download applications off the internet.
For example, when I go to the Widget Download area of the Apple website, and click "download" on a widget, the browser window refreshes (as if it started a download) but it did not begin a download.
I am able to still download when I "save target link as" but this doesn't usually work, as most downloads are not available that way.
I have tried multiple browsers (safari, firefox, camino), as well as clearing the caches & cookies of each.
Other than this problem my network activity is normal.
Thanks for your help.

okay, i successfully downloaded (by right-click / "download link target") clamscan antivirus software and am currently scanning. so far it's turned up one phishing device, but that's it.
i have been doing a little sniffing, and i checked the console after i tried (unsuccessfully) to download something the normal way (clicking a "download" button). it gave me this error:
/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari: CMSCreateDataProviderOrGetInfo : Invalid colorspace type
And I have no idea what that means/what i should do about it. help?

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    Libellen wrote:
    I updated my Iphone 5s with IOS 7.0.5
    The Update would not have Installed if it was not suitable for your Device.
    Libellen wrote:
    ...  anyhowe the phone is now totaly "dead" and will not turn on
    First try a Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least Ten seconds... (But can take Longer)... until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons
    If no joy... Try a Restore...
    1: Connect the device to Your computer and open iTunes.
    2: If the device appears in iTunes, select and click Restore on the Summary pane.
    Restoring  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1414
    3: If the device doesn't appear in iTunes, try using the Steps in this article to force the device into Recovery Mode.
    Note on Recovery Mode.
    You may need to try this More than Once... Be sure to Follow ALL the Steps...
    Once you have Recovered your Device...
    Re-Sync your Content or Restore from the most Recent Backup...
    Restore from Backup  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1766

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    GFI Have a solution for this problem. It is to do with iOS implementation of reading the message headers when SPF compliance modifications are made by GFI.
    http://kb.gfi.com/articles/SkyNet_Article/Error-This-message-has-not-been-downlo aded-from-the-server-when-downloading-messages-to-an-iOS-device?retURL=%2Fapex%2 FSupportHome&popup=true

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    Thank you so much for your help!This matter is certainly closed.
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    Thank you again!
    Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 23:43:25 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Horizontal Spry Menus are not showing up in ANY browser HELP!
    You have forgotten to upload the support files - SpryMenuBar.js and SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css - to the server.

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    Hello, slide to setup
    Select language, UK selected
    Select Your Country or Region, UK selected
    Choose a Wi-Fi Network, correct network selected and authenticated
    Location Services: Enabled
    Configuration, "<organisation> can automatically configure your iPad". Apply Configuration or Skip Configuration. Apply selected.
    Configuration, "The configuration for your iPad could not be downloaded from <organisation>. Invalid Profile.
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    Have skipped configuration and erased iPad before trying again, same problem.
    Any suggestions would be really appreciated.

    FYI - This is an iPad user to user forum. Apple doesn't read the forum posts.
    iPad: Basic troubleshooting
    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
     Cheers, Tom

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    Wow.. I'm almost sorry that you spent so much time writing that post.
    Unfortunately, it would have much more impact if it were true.
    Just because you don't know how to do something... that doesn't mean it can't be done.
    I do what you say can't be done every day.
    You just need to put your iPod into manual update mode, and everything will be fine. You songs won't be greyed out, and you can play them with no trouble at all.
    So, next time you need help with something, just ask for help and we'll help you. It'll certainly make yourself look less foolish this way.
    Ranting and bashing Apple for no reason isn't going to win many people over.

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    we just keep getting "relay access denied" errors
    here is postconf -n
    running tiger server 10.4.7
    command_directory = /usr/sbin
    config_directory = /etc/postfix
    content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024
    daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
    debugpeerlevel = 2
    enableserveroptions = yes
    html_directory = no
    inet_interfaces = all
    localrecipientmaps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps
    luser_relay =
    mail_owner = postfix
    mailboxsizelimit = 0
    mailbox_transport = cyrus
    mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq
    manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
    messagesizelimit = 0
    mydomain = memphisdns.com
    mydomain_fallback = localhost
    myhostname = memphisdns.com
    mynetworks =,,
    mynetworks_style = host
    newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases
    queue_directory = /private/var/spool/postfix
    readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
    relayhost =
    sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/examples
    sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail
    setgid_group = postdrop
    smtpdtls_keyfile =
    unknownlocal_recipient_rejectcode = 550
    Any ideas?

    here is postconf WITH authentication turned on
    which didnt work
    command_directory = /usr/sbin
    config_directory = /etc/postfix
    content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024
    daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
    debugpeerlevel = 2
    enableserveroptions = yes
    html_directory = no
    inet_interfaces = all
    localrecipientmaps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps
    luser_relay =
    mail_owner = postfix
    mailboxsizelimit = 0
    mailbox_transport = cyrus
    mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq
    manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
    messagesizelimit = 0
    mydomain = memphisdns.com
    mydomain_fallback = localhost
    myhostname = memphisdns.com
    mynetworks =,,
    mynetworks_style = host
    newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases
    queue_directory = /private/var/spool/postfix
    readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
    relayhost =
    sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/examples
    sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail
    setgid_group = postdrop
    smtpdpw_server_securityoptions = login,plain,cram-md5
    smtpdrecipientrestrictions = permitsasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauthdestination,permit
    smtpdsasl_authenable = yes
    smtpdtls_keyfile =
    smtpduse_pwserver = yes
    unknownlocal_recipient_rejectcode = 550

  • Searched email showing "The message has not been downloading from the server."

    I have Exchange email setup on my iPad. When I search for an email that has a large attachment (15mb PDF) the results show two identical emails. If I click on the first one it says "This message has not been downloaded from the server." The second email seems to open correctly. Closing the Mail app and opening back up doesn't fix the issue. Neither does rebooting iPad. Anyone have any idea why the search is showing multiple emails and why they won't download correctly?

    I am the IT department. Seems to be an issue with the search showing the email locally and server side, so it shows up twice. If I open the email that is server side, it has an issue opening the email again unless I try several times. I'm working with Apple now so hopefully they can help.

  • Mail not being downloaded from server?

    Hi I've been having an issue with my iPhone 4S (iOS8), where the mail pops up and you can see the preview, but when you go to open it it says "this message has not been downloaded from server" Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks

    Hi there Ella,
    If your mail have yet to view your email on your phone, I wld start by quitting the mail app, and trying again:
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Double-click the Home button.
    Swipe left or right until you have located the app you wish to close.
    Swipe the app up to close it.
    Then use the troubleshooting in this article to help resolve the issue if it persists:
    Get help with Mail on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
    To make sure that you're connected to the Internet, open Safari and go to www.apple.com.
    Log in to your email provider's website to make sure that the account is active and the password is correct.
    Make sure your settings are correct using Mail Settings Lookup.
    Restart your iOS device.
    Delete the affected email account from your device.
    Tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
    Tap the affected email account.
    Tap Delete Account.
    Add your account again.
    Follow these steps for specific alerts.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

  • Message not being downloaded from server

    When I download mt emails from my SBS2011 server (Exchange 2010) I can see the first four line of the message, but when I click on the message to read the whole text, I am getting a message : The message has not been downloaded from the server.
    can anyonme tell me what needs to be done to get the messages down

    I have the same problem when downloading emails from an exchange server connected using activesync.  I figured if the symbol "&" is anywhere in the Subject line, the email content does not get downloaded to the iphone or iPad.  The interesting point is that on Android handsets the same issue exists except the body of the message is downloaded to the handset but any attachements dissapear.  So, this problem must be related to MS Exchange.

  • "mail has not been downloaded from the server" messages......

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    The message from "---" <[email protected]> concerning “RE: S8-04 pps sample package” has not been downloaded from the server. You need to take this account online in order to download it.
    I know that the program is running online because it continues to show me new e-mails that come in.
    What should I do?

    Your OS detail provided indicates you are running 10.4.7 and Sasso's OS detail provided is 10.3.9.
    The MBOX Breaker script does not work with Tiger mailboxes which are different from the mailbox structure used with previous Mail.app versions and the link you provided includes instructions for Jaguar or Panther Mail, not Tiger Mail. And depending on the size of the mailbox with Jaguar or Panther Mail, the MBOX Breaker Script may not be required.
    If you are getting this message with Tiger Mail, this indicates you upgraded to Tiger from Jaguar or Panther on this Mac.
    If so and if this Sent mailbox is for a POP type account, using the Finder go to Home > Library > Mail > this POP account named folder (named by the user name and incoming mail server for the account) > Sent Messages.mbox.
    List all file and folder names available within the Sent Messages.mbox folder.

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    and I have writed but not accepted
    iam from saudi arabia
    my mobile is 966504850992
    pls answer
    dfr aldossary

    Wow, Karan Taneja, you've just embarrassed yourself on a worldwide support forum.  Not only is your post ridiculous and completely inappropriate for a technical support forum, but it also shows your ignorance as to whom you think the audience is.  Apple is not here.  It's users, like you. 
    If you would have spent half the time actually reading the Terms of Use of this forum that YOU agreed to by signing up to post, as you did composing that usesless, inappropriate post, you (and the rest of us on this forum) would have been much better off.

Maybe you are looking for

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