IBooks: always display remaining pages in chapter?

I read a lot in iBooks.
A nice feature is the number of pages remaining in the current chapter.
Problem is, it's shown only when reading whith all options displayed (buttons, cursor, bookmarks, font options, etc...)
I like the book to be as clean as possible so I usually tap once on a page to get rid off all the distractions and have only the text, the title and the page number.
But then, the remaining pages info disappears while I'd love to still see it.
Any way to customize this option?
Thanks for any help.

Too bad.
I'll send this as a suggestion

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    Alex's link is by far the best one but this is an alternative if you wanted to read a bit more widely
    Steven Andrews
    SharePoint Business Analyst: LiveNation Entertainment
    Blog: baron72.wordpress.com
    Twitter: Follow @backpackerd00d
    My Wiki Articles:
    CodePlex Corner Series
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    apache 2.2.4
    oracle client XE
    win xp
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    apache 2.2.4
    oracle client 9i
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    - execution time : 0,2 sec
    - rows number : 4238
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    Edited by: crazykangourou on Oct 24, 2008 1:08 AM : Indications on php code

    Make sure to check the return code from each OCI call. If an error occurs, try to
    resolve the problem.
    The version of the OCI8 extension with PHP 4.4 is unstable. If possible, upgrade
    at least OCI8. See the section "Installing PHP 4 on Linux" on the bottom of page 81
    of the current version (1.4) The Underground PHP and Oracle Manual

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