ICal 2.02 printing

I recently upgraded to Tiger and the new iCal. I print my calendar each month to hang by my desk and I noticed that the print experience has changed in the new version. The new printing interface is great but its coming up short for me. Here is what's going on.
First of all the Print Setup menu command and dialog is gone. Unfortunately this leaves you no way to choose a printer prior to entering the print dialog. Since one of my printers is tabloid size, and this is what I use to print my calendar, I find that I can enter the print dialog with my letter size printer choosen as default from the last app I printed from, and then not be able to choose the tabloid page size because that page size is not offered by my letter size printer. I have to go into another application to choose my tabloid printer so that when I return to the print dialog the larger page size is offered. You need to include a printer menu so I can choose my printer and its page size options.
The next item I noticed is that when I print out on a larger sheet of paper like tabloid I want to choose Large for the size of text. This option increases the size of all my calendar entries, but none of the calendar text: the days of the week, day numbers, mini calendars all remain in very small text and is hard to read from any distance. This was not so in the earlier version of iCal where all text elements grew larger.

I am using iCal 2.03 but observed a similar problem ...no Page Setup option. As a result, I could not choose USA letter (borderless) on my Canon i960. This is needed in order to avoid cutoff of the Month name and the right border. From other posts, I found a way to do this that might help you somewhat. From iCal print to a PDF, open the PDF (in Preview), and use the Page Setup to set tabloid on your printer, then print from Preview, rather than go back to iCal.
Regarding the Large text issue, I observed the same behavior, but with a letter-size calendar that gets put up on the fridge, this is not an issue for me. Try upgrading iCal ...maybe they've re-installed the feature you used in earlier versions. I agree with you, however.... Apple needs to follow their usual interface standards and include Page Setup in iCal.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Quit iCal, find the com.apple.iCal.plist file in your Macintosh HD/Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences Folder, drag it to your Desktop, log out/in or restart and try again.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    It appears to me that "Help" is incorrect. The calendar selection for printing is ultimately made in the "Print" window using the "Calendars" pane.
    I suggest that you provide iCal Feedback.

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    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Or you can use your Apple ID to register with this site and go the Apple BugReporter. Supposedly you will get an answer if you submit feedback.
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