ICal multiple entrys

I have tried everything and can't get rid of multiple entrys of the same thing. Like for day shift I have 3 or four of the the same.

same problem. From a monthly calendar display, at top left go to "Calendars". For me, I have two calendars displayed: "From my Mac" and "Mobile Me". I was displaying "All calendars" at the very top of the calendars screen, so the from my mac and mobile me ones were both displayed, even though for me they are actually identical. When I chose "All my-mobile-me-address", the duplication went away.
Now I want to know if I can get the "From my Mac" calendar off my phone entirely and just sync the mobile me one.

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    I can offer no help, but sympathize with your dilemma. I love that you can set up several calendars on iCal and view only what you want. I have set up calendars for b-days, bills, school, work, my wife's school..... and I love how uncluttered the separate views are.
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    yup, me too. in fact, when i create a new event on ical, then deleted it. after the sync to gmail and iphone, the new event still shows up.
    apple really messed up ical this time. you think the QA group was sleeping the whole time?

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    Timed events (as opposed to all day ones) only show on the first day in Month view in iCal. They show in Week and Day views for all the days they span.
    This has been the way iCal operates for several versions (if not from the beginning) and if you look here you'll find many comments about it.
    This is a user to user forum. By posting here you are not guaranteed someone from Apple will read it. If you'd like Apple to know you don't like this I suggest you send them feedback.
    Best wishes
    John M

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    That is the limitation with it, only able to choose one calendar for association.
    You might want to give Apple feedback on this limit, especially for enterprise users and their needs:

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    This will be fun to play with... multiple windows definitely helps.
    Kind of a crappy band-aid, but at least it's a band-aid

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    I am not sure, but check the Material Master data Views, In Warehouse management Tab.
    Check the field "Loading equipment quantity 1: LE quantity"
    parameter in this field may cause such system behaviour

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    regards Harald

    Best way to cure this is to go into iTunes, highlight that artist and/or songs, right click on them and select "get info". 

This brings up the multiple song info window. In the artist or song box retype the name, as you would like it, and then click ok. Do this even if no mistakes are immediately visible.

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    Your calendar can only synchronized though the .Mac Sync framework—or, alternatively, through the use of Sync Together—or, be published through .Mac or a private WebDAV server.
    It is not accessible on—or viewable on—your .Mac account itself.
    It is, in fact, published for all the world to see (or, at least those who know its URL) and is not password protected but, it is write-protected to everyone, including you. This means that it can only be edited by you on your machine, or using another synchronized machine with which that machine is synchronized through a .Mac account.

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    This is how I do it when it works, I only show you the constructor:
      public Controller() {
        // Get the GSM application reference
        gsmFile = SIMSystem.getTheSIMView();
        // Get the reference of the applet ToolkitRegistry object
        reg = ToolkitRegistry.getEntry();
       menuId = reg.initMenuEntry(menu, (short) 0, (short) menu.length,
                                   false, (byte) 0, (short) 0);
      }But when I want two entrys, like this:
      public Controller() {
        // Get the GSM application reference
        gsmFile = SIMSystem.getTheSIMView();
        // Get the reference of the applet ToolkitRegistry object
        reg = ToolkitRegistry.getEntry();
       menuId = reg.initMenuEntry(menu, (short) 0, (short) menu.length,
                                   false, (byte) 0, (short) 0);
       menuId2 = reg.initMenuEntry(menu2, (short) 0, (short) menu2.length,
                                   false, (byte) 0, (short) 0);
      }I retrueve this exceton in the startup of the applet when using my simulation tool:
    - The applet "Install" method has generated an exception: "sim.toolkit.ToolkitException"I will also give you the initiation code for variables menu and menu2:
      private byte menu[] =  {(byte)'F', (byte)'o, (byte)'o',
          (byte)' ', (byte)' ', (byte)' ', (byte)' '};
      private byte menu2[] =  {(byte)'B', (byte)'a', (byte)'r',
          (byte)' ', (byte)' ', (byte)' ', (byte)' '};What is it that I'm doing wrong?

    In the GP install command, did you specify two menu items in the application specific parameters? Do you have a trace of the installation command that failed?

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    Can I have two computers (macbook and emac) running the same calendar? Both to be able to read and write? Does only one have to be read write and the other read only? How do you use your laptop to make changes "on the road" if the desktop is the publisher?

    To do so, you must synchronize your calendars using .Mac Sync and a .Mac account, or the alternative MySync application which does not require that you establish a .Mac account.
    Calendar synchronization is an all-or-nothing proposition: you must synchronize all of your calendars if you synchronize any. This is unlike the process of publishing read-only calendars, where you can choose which of your iCal calendars to publish via .Mac or a WebDAV server.

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    Does anyone know how to allow my office staff to add to my work calendar ONLY through my mobileMe Account?

    To do so, you must synchronize your calendars using .Mac Sync and a .Mac account, or the alternative MySync application which does not require that you establish a .Mac account.
    Calendar synchronization is an all-or-nothing proposition: you must synchronize all of your calendars if you synchronize any. This is unlike the process of publishing read-only calendars, where you can choose which of your iCal calendars to publish via .Mac or a WebDAV server.

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