ICal Recurring Invite Problem

I received an invitation to an event and replied. Now, every time I close and open up my calendar again, I get the same invitation and must respond again. I have tried deleting the event without notifying and that does not work. What can I do to get rid of this invitation once and for all so I don't have to keep replying to it?

Welcome to Apple Discussions,
Sounds like something is stuck in iCal's memory.
First make an iCal backup, File > Export > Archive.
Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
Home > Library > Caches
Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache)
Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.ical (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
__NOTE: Removing these files will remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
Once the computer is back up and running open iCal and test (You may have to delete the event again at this point).
Hope that helps.

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    My problem is that I have users that did this for years ago, and we are not able to invite them after mid august.It will not help to delete the repeting event.
    Anyone have a solution?

    Please delete this post

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    -- Jamlot

    YOu can do this threw iCloud

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    YOu can do this threw iCloud

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    I use my Mac for business, so having iCal broken is a serious problem. I hope someone can help.
    The problem has crept up on me, so I can't pinpoint when I started to have issues. It seems to be progressive in some way.
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    I think the problem lies in icalx.com. It doesn't seem the server there gets a lot of real administrative attention. I'm not complaining at all! He's nice enough to offer this free to almost 100,000 calendars. But--it does make the recurring events problem a bit annoying.
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    Thanks in advance.

    Nathan Miah wrote:
    Is there absolutely anything else I could do to sort this such as phone Apple Support
    If you want.
    or maybe install Snow Leopard using the disc it came on with my Mac and just set it up from a Time Machine Backup on my external hard drive (since it works under SL)?
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    I just really don't understand how this happened. Could it not be an issue with WD because they haven't issued firmware to support Lion yet?
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    Thanks for the help,

    Hi Guys,
    I was able solve this problem by going into my addressbook, selecting preferences then "Template" and finally adding an extra email field to the template and setting the first email field to "home" and the second one to "work". Then closed the preferences and tested an iCal meeting invite. The reply accept email address now used my home email address.
    Hope this helps.
    Citizen G'kar

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    Artichoke25 wrote:
    I already did that. The Russian keyboard is not listed anymore. But it's still coming up when I hit the keyboard button to switch.
    What keyboards exactly are still on your list?
    Have you tried Resetting your device?

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    Hello helprequired123,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iCal meeting invitations are sent using default Mail account
    Best of luck,

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    Hello mcdannej,
    While a Verizon employee may occasionally post here, this community is meant mainly for peer-to-peer support. If you need to talk to a Verizon representative, you should contact customer service directly through our Support Page or Contact Us.

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    How are you dialing these calls?

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    Recurring PropertyNotFoundException Problem
    Window 2003 Server
    Netbean 5.5 with Visual web 5.5
    Not a novice
    IDE log says:
    Caused by: javax.el.ELException: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: javax.el.ELException: javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: addressFormBean at javax.faces.component.ValueExpressionValueBindingAdapter.getValue(ValueExpressionValueBindingAdapter.java:76) at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.isRendered(UIComponentBase.java:402)
    This is rubbish! �addressFormBean� is in my backing bean as it has been for the last two days. Yesterday, it was in the �Outline� under the root of the page but not any more, although it is still in the backing bean with get/setter methods. I return to it today to find the aforementioned error.
    My question is whether there is a meta or hidden file interfering with the pages and/or backing bean or is this a bug? How frustrating to spend a whole day trying to find the real cause to no avail. Last time it happened, I deleted and recreated the page and backing bean. Now I know why one needs lots of coffee (java logo) to work with java.

    Thanks Roman,
    I tried your recommendation to no avail, but I found the problem elsewhere. Let me explain in case anyone is interested:
    Original Problem:
    IDE log says:
    Caused by: javax.el.ELException: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: javax.el.ELException: javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: addressFormBean at javax.faces.component.ValueExpressionValueBindingAdapter.getValue(ValueExpressi onValueBindingAdapter.java:76) at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.isRendered(UIComponentBase.java:402)
    The actual cause was found in the super class AddressEntity of AddressFormBean where
    class AddressFormBean extends AddressEntity{}
    There was an error in AddressEntity, and after correcting the error, the problem with addressFormBean PropertyNotFoundException was solved. Weird world of software development!!

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    1 - I can't send invitations out to external email addresses. Or perhaps I just don't get the responses
    2 - My Page calendar never loads (used to work)
    3 - CalDAV calendars on the iPhone constantly asking for authentication on iPhone network change
    4 - iPhone created events don't sync back to client iCal. vice versa.
    I see lots of recommendations to create an iCal server user in Workgroup Manager so you can create an email account and see the invites go out.
    When try to create a new user, say "iCal Server" and add the shortname "com.apple.calendarserver", it tells me "The name you have chosen conflicts with a name assigned to another user".
    I have not previously created this user, it doesn't show in my list, and I've checked the hidden system user accounts and I don't see it.
    I'm not sure what I'm missing. There are lots of people out there that know exactly how to set this account up as I don't see any complaints. Perhaps I'm over-thinking it.
    If someone could break down what I need to do, that would be great.

    Error Log:
    [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadFactory#debug] Scheduling next IMAP4 poll
    2010-11-28 21:55:06-0500 [-] [caldav_task] 2010-11-28 21:55:06-0500 [-] [calendarserver.sidecar.task#debug] Checking for tasks
    2010-11-28 21:55:06-0500 [-] [notifications] 2010-11-28 21:55:06-0500 [-] [twistedcaldav.notify.XMPPNotificationFactory#debug] SEND: <presence/>
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * OK Dovecot ready.
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] IMAP servergreeting
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: 0001 CAPABILITY
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 SASL-IR SORT THREAD=REFERENCES MULTIAPPEND UNSELECT LITERAL+ ID IDLE CHILDREN NAMESPACE LOGIN-REFERRALS UIDPLUS LIST-EXTENDED I18NLEVEL=1 QUOTA AUTH=GSSAPI AUTH=CRAM-MD5
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: 0001 OK Capability completed.
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: 0002 AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: + PDU2MDQzMjEyOTU5MzczMTQuMTI5MDk5OTMxMkBzZXJ2ZXIuYnJpbmt3b3J0aGNvbnN1bHRpbmcuY29 tPg==
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: Y29tLmFwcGxlLmNhbGVuZGFyc2VydmVyIDY1MWRkNTE5YTIwNmNiN2U5MTZjYzVjYjFmMDEyYThj
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: 0002 OK Logged in.
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] IMAP logged in [unauth]
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: 0003 SELECT Inbox
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft)
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft \*)] Flags permitted.
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * 0 EXISTS
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * 0 RECENT
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1287276494] UIDs valid
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * OK [UIDNEXT 5] Predicted next UID
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: 0003 OK [READ-WRITE] Select completed.
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] IMAP Inbox selected [unauth]
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: 0004 UID FETCH 1:* (UID)
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: 0004 OK Fetch completed.
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] IMAP got uids [unauth]
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] IMAP Inbox has 0 messages
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: 0005 CLOSE
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: 0005 OK Close completed.
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] IMAP in cbClosed [unauth]
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] Mailbox closed
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: 0006 LOGOUT
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * BYE Logging out
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: 0006 OK Logout completed.
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadFactory#debug] IMAP factory connection lost
    2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:12-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadFactory#debug] Scheduling next IMAP4 poll
    2010-11-28 21:55:36-0500 [-] [caldav_task] 2010-11-28 21:55:36-0500 [-] [calendarserver.sidecar.task#debug] Checking for tasks
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * OK Dovecot ready.
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] IMAP servergreeting
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: 0001 CAPABILITY
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 SASL-IR SORT THREAD=REFERENCES MULTIAPPEND UNSELECT LITERAL+ ID IDLE CHILDREN NAMESPACE LOGIN-REFERRALS UIDPLUS LIST-EXTENDED I18NLEVEL=1 QUOTA AUTH=GSSAPI AUTH=CRAM-MD5
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: 0001 OK Capability completed.
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: 0002 AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: + PDI0OTE0Njg5MTk3MTU3NzAuMTI5MDk5OTM0MkBzZXJ2ZXIuYnJpbmt3b3J0aGNvbnN1bHRpbmcuY29 tPg==
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: Y29tLmFwcGxlLmNhbGVuZGFyc2VydmVyIDU1MThiNmE3ZTcwZTc0YWQ0ZDc3OGRkMWVhNWVmYTVj
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: 0002 OK Logged in.
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] IMAP logged in [unauth]
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] SENDING: 0003 SELECT Inbox
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft)
    2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2010-11-28 21:55:42-0500 [IMAP4DownloadProtocol,client] [twistedcaldav.mail.IMAP4DownloadProtocol#debug] RECEIVED: * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft \*)] Flags permitted.

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    You could take it to a Nokia Service centre and they will be able to help you for free under the 2 year warranty( doesn't need any documents).
    Or you could update the software for free on the Nokia Software Updater.
    Nokia N95
    V 20.0.015

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