Icalendar: event times disappearing when I first enter in a new event

Every time I add a new event to ical, the time I type in does not appear on the ical itself. I can enter it in a second time and then it appears, but would like to not have to enter every event twice. I am using a 2012 MacBook Pro.

You can not add events to the birthday's calendar. To add birthday's to the birthday calendar you need to add the birthday to a contact in the Contacts app.
You can set your default calendar here:
iCal > Preferences > General  > Default Calendar and chose the calendar you want to default to.

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    You are welcome. I'm glad you got it back up.
    (1) You say you did the symbolic link. I will assume this is set correctly; it's very important that it is.
    (2) I don't know what you mean by "Been feeding the [email protected] for several weeks now, 700 emails each day at least." After the initial training period, SpamAssassin doesn't learn from mail it has already processed correctly. At this point, you only need to teach SpamAssassin when it is wrong. [email protected] should only be getting spam that is being passed as clean. Likewise, [email protected] should only be getting legitimate mail that is being flagged as junk. You are redirecting mail to both [email protected] and [email protected] ... right? SpamAssassin needs both.
    (3) Next, as I said before, you need to implement those "Frontline spam defense for Mac OS X Server." Once you have that done and issue "postfix reload" you can look at your SMTP log in Server Admin and watch as Postfix blocks one piece of junk mail after another. It's kind of cool.
    (4) Add some SARE rules:
    Visit http://www.rulesemporium.com/rules.htm and download the following rules:
    Visit http://www.rulesemporium.com/other-rules.htm and download the following rules:
    Copy these rules to /etc/mail/spamassassin/
    Then stop and restart mail services.
    There are other things you can do, and you'll find differing opinions about such things. In general, I think implementing the "Frontline spam defense for Mac OS X Server" and adding the SARE rules will help a lot. Good luck!

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    Hi, it sounds like you are running into a known issue with a mobile app using the spark textinput (assuming its mobile as you are referring to piping and pushing views)
    The kind folks over at Flexicious have provided a solution to this problem
    http://blog.flexicious.com/post/Scrolling-Issues-With-TextInput-for-Flex-Air-Mobile-Native -StageText.aspx

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    Go to Settings>General>Passcode Lock>tap Turn Passcode Lock Off, enter your "pin".
    Edit:  Are you saying you are getting a prompt for your email pin, or are you talking about the passcode lock that appears when you turn the phone on?

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    I was having the same problem and spent some time on the phone with apple today.(new computer is under apple care). Tried a ton of stuff with different folks and ultimately I (well, me and 3 apple specialists) was able to solve this issue.
    Here's the break down:
    1. Quit Mail, Calendar and Messages.
    2. Open: System Preference -> Mail, Contacts & Calendars
    3. Delete all your google accounts (using the little minus button below your account list)
    4. Restart your computer.
    5. Re-add your google accounts. (Obviously, keep the calendar box checked).
    6. Open calendar and wait for your google info to populate.
    7. Attempt to add an event with correct time zone.
    Events I created while I was having the problem still had the problem.
    I simply deleted those broken events and recreated them with refreshed settings.
    I've only had this working for a few hours so I'm not certain it will stay working forever.
    But for now it is a relief.
    I realize deleting and re-adding the accounts is annoying but it's a lot less frustrating than seeing UTC every time you add an event.
    Hope that helps everyone else having this problem.

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    It appears that you have apps that need updating that were pruchased from more than one account
    - Go to settings>Store and sign out and sign into your account.
    - Apps are locked to the account that purchased them.
    - To update apps you have to sign into the account that purchased the apps. If you have apps that need updating purchased from more than one account you have to update them one at a time until the remaining apps were purchased from one account.

  • How do I stop a notify icon appearing multiple times... then disappear when mouse hovers over them

    from Outlook Dev Forum]
    I have an Outlook addin which makes use of a System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon to display update message without requiring the user to click Okay to dismiss them...etc.
    I declare and create it in the addin class (so not in start up or any other event) as:
    Public WithEvents notifyIcon As New System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
    Then throughout in my code if I need to display a message I use notifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip.  This works great, and I run it off the main thread as well as a syncing background worker thread.  The problem is that when I go down and expand the
    system tray, there are often many clones of the icon I use, which then disappear when I hover my mouse over them.
    I understand this isn't an uncommon problem, and it happens also with new email icons in the system tray.  However, is there any way I can prevent this from happening, or best practices I need to abide by?
    In the Shutdown event I use:
    If notifyIcon IsNot Nothing Then
    notifyIcon.Visible = False
    End If
    Any help would be much appreciated, since I can't seem to find any definitive info elsewhere online.
    Note: I don't actually use a windows form with the notifyIcon, I just declare it as above... not sure if that affects anything?

    Would this be the same as using the Application_Quit event for the Outlook addin?  Since I've
    seen that in Outlook 2010 onwards it doesn't call the Shutdown event now anymore, so you need to use the Quit event of the application to do any tidy up.  Maybe that is why the icons are remaining.
    Wyck has shared a nice example with a form event, and for outlook 2010, we could deal with that notifyIcon inside application quit event.
    Based on the document below you shared, it seems that you have found the reason, if that issue still exists, please feel free to let us know.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • When I try entering a new event in iCal on my MacBook Air, I get an error message popping up on my screen that says: The request for account "iCloud" failed.  The server responded with "502" to operation CalDAVSetPropertyQueueableOperation. Help!!??

    When I try entering a new event in iCal on my MacBook Air, I get an error message popping up on my screen that says:
    The server responded with “502”
    The request for account “iCloud” failed. 
    The server responded with “502” to operation CalDAVSetPropertyQueueableOperation.
    The request for account “iCloud” failed.
    I am then given the option of staying Online or going Offline.
    Can anyone help me?

    Hello b.krushel,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities
    Any number of things could cause this issue, so I would recommend this article named iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Calendar found here http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3999.
    These sections in particular:
    General Troubleshooting
    Make sure there are no current issues listed on the System Status that affect iCloud Calendar. The System Status is located on the iCloud Support webpage.
    Make sure you have fully enabled iCloud Calendar for the client you are using (for more setup and troubleshooting information on iOS, OS X, Windows and iCloud.com, see the additional details below).
    Check to see if the issue you are seeing is covered in iCloud Help. To search iCloud Help, visit help.apple.com/icloud.
    Check your settings and preferences as something may not be set up correctly. For example, having incorrect date and time settings can cause issues which are easily resolved by entering the appropriate settings.
    Troubleshooting Calendar on OS X Mountain Lion (iCal on OS X Lion)Note: For instructions on setting up iCloud Calendar with Calendar or iCal on your Mac, see iCloud Setup.If you are having trouble with Calendar or iCal on a Mac and you are using iCloud Calendar, try each of these steps, testing after each to see if the issue is resolved:
    Make sure you are using OS X Lion v10.7.2 or later. Click here for help verifying the version of OS X you are using.
    Make sure your computer is online. Attempt to view www.apple.com and iCloud.com. If you can't connect to the Internet, your iCloud calendars and events will not update in iCal. Click here for more information about troubleshooting your Internet connection.
    Verify that your iCloud member name is entered into the iCloud Preference pane in System Preferences. See iCloud Setup for more information about setting up iCloud on a Mac.
    Make sure you enter and update calendar information in the iCloud section of Calendar or iCal. Only calendars and events in the iCloud section of the Calendar or iCal Calendar list will be pushed to iCloud. Both Calendar and iCal for the Mac support the display of and interaction with multiple accounts and datastores, for example, iCloud, On My Mac, Exchange, Google, and so on. This makes it easy to create or modify events or calendars in a section of  Calendar or iCal that may not be updating iCloud. Learn more about moving local calendars to iCloud.
    In some cases, you may find that you have data duplicated in both the local On My Mac and the iCloud sections of Calendar or iCal. Learn more about resolving this issue.
    You can make the iCloud calendar your default calendar for all new events. In Calendar on OS X Mountain Lion, choose Calendar > Preferences > General, or in OS X Lion, choose iCal > Preferences > Generaland under the Default Calendar heading, select one of the Calendars under the iCloud heading. Close the Preferences window to save this change.
    If recent changes simply don't appear, try forcing Calendar or iCal to refresh by selecting Refresh All from theCalendar menu.
    Make sure your account was successfully created in Calendar on your Mac (or iCal). After upgrading to iCloud Calendar, you may need to quit and reopen Calendar (or iCal). To confirm your account is configured correctly in iCal:
    Open Calendar (or iCal).
    Open Calendar (or iCal) Preferences.
    Click Accounts. You should see an account with your iCloud member name entered.
    Turn iCloud Calendars off and back on
    Quit Calendar (or iCal).
    Choose Apple () menu > System Preferences > iCloud.
    Remove the checkmark in the checkbox next to Calendars.
    Close System Preferences and wait about a minute.
    Open System Preferences and choose iCloud.
    Replace the checkmark next to Calendars.
    Close System Preferences.
    Open Calendar (or iCal) and test to see if the issue has been resolved.
    Restart your computer. This may sound simple, but it does reinitialize your network and application settings and can frequently resolve issues.
    Take care,

  • How can I trigger an automated event in iCal, when I first start it in the morning, but not if I fire it up later again?

    I'm trying to fix an issue I had for a while with a automator script I want to use. I added several things it should do, test it, and it works fine. I use it usually as an workflow. But I tried to implement it through an iCal event! Which does not work. (and I checked already in preferences if the turn off all iCal alarms is unchecked) I the workflow basically to open when I first fire up the MacBook, but only once, not when I start it up again later n the day. So I thought about adding the workflow to the startup, but that would open it every time I start my MacBook. How can I get around that? By a iCal event? If yes, how can I fix it, that it starts not at a specific time ( I don't start my computer at the same time every day) but when I first open it.
    Thanks for any help.

    I'd write an AppleScript, save it as an app, and have it run as a login item. The script would look for a text file saved in, say, <~/Library/Preferences>. If the file didn't exist, it would create it. Each line in the file would contain a date. The script would look for the last line in the file and it would compare it to the current date. If it was older than the current date, the script would execute the workflow, then it would write the current date in the file, and then quit. If it was the current date, it would just quit. This way, the workflow would be executed at login, but only once in every 24 hours.

Maybe you are looking for