Ichat weirdness.  my buddy list no longer 'shuffles' statuses

hi all,
My ichat buddy list is a bit odd the lst few days, it used to shuffle the online buddies so that all the online people were at the top, then idle beneath then away then everyone else in alphabetical order underneath all of the above. Now it just doesnt. Everyone stays in their respective - non alphabetical - order and shows their respective status icon (i use shapes) but no-one ever moves anymore. I think this may be indicative of a deeper issue, my ibook is running real slow lately (have posted elsewhere)
Any thoughts?
Best apple community type regards,
14 ibook G4, 512RAM, APxcard   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   1x250GB external, ipod20

Hi Suzan,
My use of a capital letter for options may have been confusing,
Pic to show what I mean.
The Buddy list has to be the front window.
12:09 PM Tuesday; March 21, 2006

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    My buddy list appears, but whenever I try to click on a buddy to chat, IChat won't let me. Nothing appears. It won't let me chat regularly via text, or by video/audio chat. Even when I click on File -> New Chat, still nothing shows up! But, when I look at how many chats I have open, it says I have "X" amount of chats open! But nothing is there.........
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    Somebody please help me I've tried so many things and nothing is working!!!!! :/

    This sounds like it is about Window positions.
    iChat has Default places for Incoming Invites.
    Video is always top Center of your Screen
    Audio and Text chats are Upper right with the Audio slightly lower than Text Chats.
    Secondary invites are sort of Stacked like when you open multiple files from the same App.
    Your outgoing Windows are "Remembered" as to where the last one was when you used it.
    This can be an issue if you use your Mac with a second display and turn Off Mirroring.
    You windows can get "left" on the other screen.
    Go to System Preferences > Displays and turn On Mirroring and the windows should come back to one Screen/display.
    If this does not help go to your Home Folder/Library/Preferences and delete (Drag to Trash) com.apple.ichat.plist and restart iChat.
    Unfortunately you will need to reset any iChat Preferences you have changed from defaults.
    10:42 PM      Tuesday; April 26, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
    , Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Ichat opens but no buddy list

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    Hey, thanks for replying.
    I'm going to take this bit by bit.
    -So iChat Launches and appears in the Menu bar.
    -The Buddy List does not Appear.
    -The Window menu in the Menu bar does not list the Screen name and a KeyStroke option.
    Yes to all of these, this is exactly the case.
    -Going to iChat menu and the Accounts option there does not show any Buddy List ?
    -Not even Bonjour ?
    Yes, there is no Buddy List, not even Bonjour.
    -In that case is the iChat > Preferences > Accounts showing any Screen Names/Accounts set up ?
    -(I see on second reading you say this option appears greyed out)
    Indeed, preferences will not open. I even tried using the hot key :'(.
    -Ok go to your Home Folder
    -Open the Library/Prefernces
    -Set the view option in the FINDER to Columns and then Use the Quick Look option on
    - com.apple.ichat.plist
    -Near the top does this show any Account Sort Order ?
    -Does it list the correct number of Accounts ? (you will only see code for them not names)
    Wow, handy feature. Yes, three lines after account sort order it has a chain of about 15 numbers, and then after that is a list of my available and away messages. There is only one chain - and that makes sense, I only have one account. Appearently I can set my available message under ichat > My Status, but I can't set it to an away message.
    -Repeat the Quick Look on the com.apple.ichat.AIM.plist
    -Does this show one account at least ?
    Yes, it shows one account (or at least I assume so - it's another much longer chain of letters and numbers).
    -Make sure you Own the files still be doing a Get Info on them (Apple Key and I together)
    I'm afraid I don't catch your meaning here. I have one of those new keyboards and there's no apple key - but there is a command key which I assume is the same. Anywho, I did the command-i thing and I can't find a place where it says if I 'Own'. It does mention that I can read and write on both though.
    -I would also check the Users Folder and check you have not had more Mac User Accounts added.
    The things in my users folder is my Account and the shared folder.
    -I would also check System Preferences > Accounts and make sure you are still an Admin account -and no-one has set Parental controls on your account.
    I appear to still be admin and I don't see any parental controls.
    Hope that helps. I feel like I've tried everything. I always seem to have bad luck with electronics . I'll keep trying to see what I can find out.

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    Surely there must be a way for the Buddy List to always appear on the Desktop when logging into his computer... Can anyone help out?

    Interesting one.
    If I were telling you how to create this it would be like this:-
    1) Go to System Preferences > Accounts > Your account and enter iChat in the Login items. (Makes iChat launch at Computer Start Up)
    2) to Hide the Window (Buddy List(s) ) at Start Up click the Red Button to close the Window/Buddy List before Quitting.
    This will cause the next Start Up to not show th Buddy List.
    How you make the Buddy List appear after that depends on how you bring it in to View.
    Some Windows in iChat from Buddy List to the Preferences to th Actual Chat Windows will appear in the places you left them for the most part.
    The Exceptions are Incoming Invites.
    This means the Buddy List will be were you left it, your Outgoing Invite/Preview whilst waiting for Connection will always be where the last outgoing Video Chat window was.
    Using the Red Button on a Open Chat Window will end the Chat (All types).
    However doing it to a Buddy List only Hides it.
    In addition to this using the Item (or the Keystrokes) from the Window Menu of iChat for a Buddy list when it is On view will Hide it (or Bring it back if Hidden)
    The Show AIM option in the Menu Bar icon's drop down is a two edge thing as it shows All Buddies (Available ones) from all AIM Buddy lists if you have more than one (Apple names are also AIM Names in this case).
    Does he want to change this Behaviour ?
    He would be better off using the iChat Window menu (or Keystrokes) after he has clicked the icon in the Dock to bring the app to the Front so he can access the Menu bar with ichat in it.
    He could also click and Hold the icon for iChat in the DOCK and select the Account Name there. This, if I remember correctly, will have the same effect as presenting the Buddy List from the Menu Bar icon (it will be hidden at Next Start Up)
    9:58 PM Saturday; November 13, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • Logged into iChat, but buddy list isnt showing up.

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    Welcome to the    Discussions
    Before we list everything you have already tried can you list what that actually is please ?
    Have you checked the iChat Block List ?
    Have you changed the setting from what it is to something else and back again to write it to the .plist ?
    Have you tried deleting the .plist
    Have you tried the one where you delete your Screen Name from the iChat Accounts section and then re-add it ?
    8:46 PM Wednesday; March 11, 2009

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    9:54 PM Wednesday; November 21, 2007

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    With iChat in the menu bar click on view and the make sure you have a tick by "show buddy pictures"

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    The Original Poster said they were using Snow Leopard and therefore iChat 5.
    For some reason this does seem to happen to AIM names.
    There tends to be two fixes.
    1) deleting the Account/Screen Name in iChat and then re-adding it.  (the refreshes trhe Login at a very deep level)
    2) In iChat > Preferences >Accounts untick the box  "Use this "Account"  (Log out)
    In the server setting tab disable the SSL option
    Log back in again.  Sometimes AIM have issues with there SSL server and you need to manual reset iChat.
    8:08 PM      Tuesday; March 27, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Saving buddy lists?

    I want to switch my screen name, as well as use .Mac for iChat, but I have overe 400 buddies and I don't want to spend the time retyping my ENTIRE buddy list. Is there a way to save my buddy list and import it into the new account(s)? thanks!!!

    I tried this in AIM 4.7 on my G4
    I checked the Options to the save and had everything selected and it saved the list and details as a whole.
    The Buddy List appeared in total separated into groups (including Off-line ones).
    I saved mine to the Desktop and then Double Clicked on it and it offered the option to View it (I had AIM open at the time)
    You are talking about Groups as in the third picture here http://www.ralphjohnsuk.dsl.pipex.com/page8.html ?
    You are not trying to amalgamate several iChat Screen name Buddy Lists into one Buddy List ?
    8:21 PM Tuesday; June 5, 2007

  • One other user & I can no longer see each other in the buddy list

    My friend & I, who have used iChat for years, and also recently, and neither of us has changed anything, can no longer see each other in either one of our buddy lists.
    We've checked:
    - That neither of us is blocking the other
    - That other people can see us - they can
    - That we can see other people - we can - we can even see the same people as each other, just not each other
    We've tried blocking & unblocking each other, in case that would reset something, and both rebooted our Mac's several times.
    Any ideas???

    Ralph Johns (UK) wrote:
    I can see that Accounts/Screen Names can get messed up on the various flags set by an App to and therefore On the AIM servers.
    What I can not see in this case is why it seems to be limited to just one Buddy on each computer.
    As the Block list (And therefore presumably Allow Lists) are not actually shown in the .p0list I ma hoping that deleting it and restarting ichat at one end at least will reset that iChat form the Defaults haled in the app when you do this.
    (you could delete that Account Screen Name from iChat ? Preferences > Accounts to achieve the same things in a more destructive way as it would tend to rewrite all the .plists which may included Jabber ones that are OK
    We both did delete our screen names in iChat, and also deleted ALL the prefs manually.
    Also, we've tried using entirely different computers to log-in to those same accounts, with the same results - somehow we're blocked from each other.
    I think we're both giving up at this stage. We have additional accounts we can use to see each other. But it would be really nice to get to the bottom of it, because if it happens once it can happen again. Who knows? Maybe there are other people in my buddy list that this is happening with right now, but we don't know it. This person just happens to be someone I chat with a lot, and we noticed we weren't seeing each other.

  • Ichat buddy list will not open.

    I have a brand new macbook and have used ichat successfully. Today my buddy list will not load when i open the application. to the best of my knowledge, my buddylist is not set to hide or anything. I restarted my computer, and turned it off, but the problem continues.
    So the application appears to be open on my top menu bar... but not buddy list? help?

    You need this FAQ http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1486891
    For this you needs at least your Install Disk and a download of the Combo Version of the last OS Level Update you did.
    You may need Pacifist but the FAQ has a Link.
    8:27 PM Monday; July 7, 2008

  • How do I add a googlemail user onto my buddy list on my ichat?

    I bought my macbook a few weeks ago and, while I adore it to bits so far, I seem to have a bit of a problem with ichat (version 4.0.6). I tried to add my friend who uses a googlemail account (with jabber) onto my buddy list in ichat but, according to ichat, it seems that it only accepts mac.com, aim and mobile me account holders. So that was no good so I tried it on adium and I got it ok but for some reason, I cant see him online nor can he see me online. I logged out of adium and logged back into ichat and there it was his username there with googlemail.com but still cant reach him even though I said a couple of lines to check. Im stuck! Any idea how to add googlemail users onto buddy list on ichat?


  • Duplicate entries in iChat AIM Buddy List

    Just got a new Mini, set it up and opened iChat - for some reason all of the Buddy entries in my Buddy List are listed twice.  If I try deleting one of the entres it deletes both; logging directly into AIM has each listing presented only once.  How do/can I fix this and get the list properly displayed?

    I use iChat 6 with separated Buddy Lists (See the iChat Menu > Preferences > General section)
    This is because I have several Buddy lists that Login to AIM and I did not want some Buddies being Duplicated where I have them in different lists.
    Having said that I just linked them and they did not seem to be duplicated.
    I have heard of people getting this Doppelganger type thing if they have linked either Facebook or GoogleTalk chat accounts to AIM Buddies in which case they seem to be "reflected" back via Google or Facebook to iChat if you list your Facebook/Google account as well as your AIM one.
    It may also pay to check your Address Book if your are seeing people via their "real names' as shown in the Address Book.
    11:07 PM      Tuesday; December 27, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • IChat AV 4 Menu Bar Buddy List Ordering

    On Leopard with iChat AV4, in the windowed Buddy List you can change the ordering under the View->Sort Buddies->(By Availability, By First Name, By Last Name, Manually). However, it appears that the menu bar Buddy List is always sorted by First Name. I don't understand why they don't use the same sort setting, or if it's intentional for that to be distinct, how does one change the sorting on the menu bar list?
    Message was edited by: mpw6

    This list in the Menu bar can not be changed.
    It would be nice if it sorted by Group as well as by Name.
    Time for http://www.apple.com/feedback/ichat.html
    11:08 PM Friday; December 14, 2007

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    Is there a way I can have one buddy list opened for both AIM and Jabber (Google Chat)? I would prefer one, as opposed to cluttering my desktop with two separate buddy lists. I do use the Spaces program to clear clutter, but for some reason it just bothers me that their are two separate buddy lists.

    Try posting in the iChat Forum

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