ICloud down since midnight Monday, September 10th

I'm in Chesapeake, VA and our iCloud service has been compromised since midnight on Monday, September 10th (that is when we last received an email). We seem to be able to send email (or it appears to send).

I'm been a paying mac.com customer for years.  Nice of them to convert to a free service but 'service' has gone down the tubes.
Getting right to it:
- Mail went bye bye on Saturday night
- Spent 8 hours yesterday researching trying solutions
- 6:30pm last evening got appt at Genius bar at my local Apple store
- Full hour there (45 mins of which was on the phone with specialist after specialist)
- Ultimately, they said it is being escalated to a super-dooper specialist and they will call me today at noon Eastern (umm... an hour ago)  NOTHING
Would be nice if:
a) acknowledge that they have a problem; instead it's "we never saw this problem before"
b) system status was updated and accurate
c) a way to get back in touch with Apple, no ticket #, no phone number nothing
[the part you can take from this] I've tried everything and CAN get onto iCloud just fine, can view calendary and phonebook just fine (in the iCloud).  The problem is obviously that their Mailserver is offline.
I work in IT and deal with DR situations, scheduling migrations, etc. constantly so understand the difficulties; If it was indeed system maintenance, notice would have been handy; if it was a failure, I would think that the service would be back by now; if this is actually a cloud, they ought to be able to bring the workload up elsewhere.
I will update this with the Apple response once resolved, hopefully it will help others but based on what I've read it will just magically start working at some point in the future.

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    Is there any information, anywhere about this icloud problelm? it's really costing me money now!

    heres the website for the problem..

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    Mail doesn't load on web site either & like others I am using it for work.
    It is already an issue & I am at the verge of setting up a new email
    account that is more reliable. Please let us know when to expect it back up for the 1%

    heres the website for the problem..

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    Definitely unhappy I'm paying Apple for premium experience and getting no answers from support.
    Hoping they figure it out today.  This is now affecting my income.

    I've noticed this as well since about 10:30 EST.  I used to have emails forwarding from another address and when I switched that off the other address is receiving emails instantly so it's definitely a problem on Apple's end.  It's good to see that at least one other person is reporting the problem here, but it would be even better if Apple would update the status page.  I can be very patient if I know it's a known issue for them, but hate seeing that all is up and running normally from their point of view when it isn't. 

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    Yes, poor service from Apple on this one. This time yesterday % withput Mail was 0.17 Now it is 1.1%.  That must be quite a number of users. Why are not more people kicking up a fuss? Mail out for over 24 hours is bad.
    I am having to use other email providers.

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    So, what's up apple? Who else is having this issue? I can understand that this issue happend in San Fransico on the 8th this month. Are they slowly doing updates without informing anyone about it or what?
    Please apple, help!

    Down since 13:15BST here in Scotland.  iCloud is really great at helping me focus  - prevents me from getting email so I can get real work done..!
    Apple - a little biz of Zappo's awesome Customer service would be nice.  Just letting us know what's going on and your on the case would be a start..

  • R190 System Update - Scheduled to go live September 10th, 2013

    We are announcing a new Business Catalyst release, scheduled to go live on Tuesday, September 10th.
    Please refer to our blog post for an overview of all major changes.
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    Here's a code snippet:
      <meta content="{tag_productmetadescription}" name="description" />
      <meta content="{tag_productmetatitle}" property="og:title" />
      <meta content="{tag_productmetadescription}" property="og:description" />
    ...... rest of the product template code..........
    To populate the Meta description for your products, you can use the product import - we've updated the export and the import files with a Product Meta Description column, it's the last column in the import template file.
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    Hi Liam, I was using that new dropdown section but the Meta Description wasn't saving. I did 10 yesterday and today some were missing which I'd definitely done yesterday. (Maybe it's something to do with onesaas which exports and reimports the products to sync with our accounting and inventory system?)
    To be on the safe side I'm now copying the data from meta description into a custom 1 field in case it vanished again i can recopy and paste it back and not loose hours of rewriting etc.
    Plus I found the tag to show the more options-keywords on the pages too.
    So what i've learnt (in case anyone else is as lost as me..)
    Don't touch product page properties. (I'm going to go through and delete all mine)
    On the product large layout page have:
            <meta content="{tag_productmetadescription}" name="description" />
            <meta content="{tag_tags}" name="keywords" />
            <meta content="{tag_productmetatitle}" property="og:title" />
            <meta content="{tag_productmetadescription}" property="og:description" />
    (Does that sound good Liam?)

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    If you have purchased additional space that will have over-ridden the complimentary storage you had and will run until renewal a year from when you purchased it. You've received an automated email which hasn't recognized that you have purchased the storage: ignore it.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    iCloud System Status seems to show no issues at this time.

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    Have your company IT department get proof that the company was the
    original purchaser of the iPhone and visit a physical Apple store with
    proof of original purchase, proof that person is company representative,
    and the iPhone - Apple may be able to help. If no physical Apple store,
    contact Apple - you will still need the same items of proof.

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    Hi raulraghav,
    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you. Please go to your profile page for the forum and look at the top of the middle column where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under "My Support Cases" you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis, as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe". Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

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    Did you go to iCloud.com to see if they are on the server?

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