
  i am doing to idoc-soap and i am facing this error
<SAP:AdditionalText> Connection timed out: connect: Connection timed out: connect</SAP:AdditionalText>
plz help me out of this error.
            thank u.

Refer this blogs
The specified item was not found.
How to serialize IDoc XML messages fed into XI
The specified item was not found.
Error Handling Framework XI(Out-of the box)-Episode 2
Simulating XI Messages-Proto
Aspirant to learn SAP XI...You won the Jackpot if you read this!-Part III

Similar Messages

  • How to handle Asynch Synch (IDoc - SOAP) interfce without using BPM

    Hi Experts,
    I have a Idoc to SOAP scenario and where I need to hadle SOAP response but for this how it can be handle without BPM I am unable to figure out. Specificaly it is a interfacce with SFDC (sales CRM and need to handle IDoc - SOAP interface and response needs to be captured with another idoc which can be sent back to SAP.
    Any suggestion will be helpful.
    Nitin Patil

    you cannot do it with IDOC adapter unless you have PI 7.3 without a BPM
    you need to use a different adapter like ABAP proxy (on java) or RFC
    hope it's clear,
    Michal Krawczyk

  • IDOC - SOAP scenario

    Hi Guys,
    I have configured the IDOC-SOAP scenario and i am sending to the target business partner with the soap receiver adapter.
    I did not get any wsdl from the business partner instead i got the xml structure, target url and soap action. I have created a xsd for the given xml and send the data to the business partner.
    The data is reacing the target system but the xml document has error saying "invalid at the top level of the document" and no xml is seen. I also get an acknowldegment error in sxmb_moni as
    OUTBINDING  CO_TXT_Routing_Back_Error
    Error occured during back routing, error in communication channel
    any help would be appreciated

    I think this comes because XI requests Acknowledgement-IDocs by default. In many cases nobody processes these IDocs and so you get this error. Have a look at OSS-note 777175:
    You are using Exchange Infrastructure 3.0 and receive IDocs using the IDoc
    adapter. You want to be able to request acknowledgments separately in the
    XI for each sending system and interface. In the IDXNOALE exception table,
    you can deactivate acknowledgments for certain systems or interfaces.
    Previously, you could only maintain the table with transaction SE16.
    Report IDX_NOALE is delivered with Support Package 10. With the report, you
    can add, delete and display table entries.
    Report IDX_NOALE is extended with additional functionality as of Support
    Package 11. This allows a sender system to request or deny acknowledgements
    for all message types centrally. You can set exceptions to this central
    setting by message type. Generic exceptions (for example, message type
    'ORD*') are not supported. Entries that are already present in the table
    are unchanged.
    To perform these activities, you need the authorization to maintain IDoc
    metadata (Object 'S_IDOCMETA' ID 'ACTVT' FIELD '02').
    Hope this helps.

  • Sample scenario for IDOC-soap-IDOC

    Please provide me a sample scenario for
    1.IDOC-Soap-IDOC using webservice (Is it possible without BPM?)
    thanks and regards,

    For SOAP adapter configuration you need to first generate the WSDL from the ID and import that WSDl into the external definition.
    Use that WSDL as a strucutre.
    How to use webservices in XI
    SOAP configuration will be:
    Yes please look at following weblogs
    How to Develop a Webservice Using NWDS and SAP XI.30

  • Async/Sync scenario idocs- soap

    Greetings All,
             I have a scenario (on PI 7.1) where i needs to send a ZIDOC data from ECC to external web service. The web service returns response back on successfully processing the data. There is no need to update anything received from the response back to ECC (response is just a record no).
         Is it possible to achieve this without using BPM?
    (Note: I am using Java mapping to develop SOAP envelope after message mapping, as I need to add some parameter to soap header of request structure)
        I am ready with scenario (without BPM), the operation Mapping is having idoc at sender side and service interface which soap wsdl on receiver side. I did not have any mapping from response to ECC. I am not sure if it going to be work for me or not.
    I am waiting for your inputs/help and will be appreciated.
    Many Thanks,

    >>>Is it possible to achieve this without using BPM?
    Yes. It is possible to do idoc to soap without using BPM. You basically want asynchronous scenario.
    >>> I am not sure if it going to be work for me or not.
    >>>I am waiting for your inputs/help and will be appreciated.
    Theoratically you can ignore the response from webservice by not doing response mapping. You might see some errors  that message got interrupted in Integration Engine. I guess

  • Idoc- soap  adapter

    I have one scenary with de sender are idoc - xi- soap , but the problems is that not be sure if can use idoc for this interfase because the idocs are asynchronous
    my questions we can change idocs of asynchronous to synchronous?
    how can do this change?
    and then define the interface like sinchronous in the IR?

    hi Lizbeth,
    yes u can use RFC as a sender....u have to create a RFC with similer attributes in ur IDOc .
    see RFC<->XI<->SOAP..part 1
    RFC<->XI<->SOAP..part 2
    <i>**reward with points if it helps u!!!</i>

  • Stop generating the IDOC, soap-xi-idoc

    Dear SDN,
    I have a interface SOAP(HTTP) -> XI -> R/3.
    In this interface, 3rd party sending 4 fields and are getting updated in R/3.
    Now, I need to change in this interface.
    There are 4 fields in sender side and one field is like (PersonNumber)primary field. while updating this fields, I have to check whather the primary field is exist in R/3 then only update remaining fields else do not update the record/IDOC in R/3.
    And we are using XSLT mapping.
    The intension of the chage in interface is when the PersonNumber doesnot exist then do not generate the IDOC. whenever the PersonNumber is not there the system is generating the IDOC details with status 51.
    So I need to stop generating IDOC when  the PersonNumber is not there in R/3 system .
    In this scenario, how can I procede further.
    Please need your help and help me.
    Bala Prasad

    In XI you can stop an interface (without generating error) only in receiver determination.
    In your case you can use receiver determination condition which checks if PersonNumber is coming blank etc. If blank then choose a non existing receiver and choose the option "Terminate Message Processing without any error"
    In case if you have any complaex condition then you will have to go for enhanced receiver determination.
    Let me know in case you need any further help.
    Anurag Mahendru.

  • Synchronous IDoc - SOAP scenario

    Hi all,
    Our current scenario is like this: SAP (Idoc) -> XI -> SOAP (Idoc). The receiver system will reply with an ALEAUD Idoc as in: legacy (IDoc over SOAP) -> XI -> SAP IDoc).
    We have a requirement to wait with sending the next IDoc from XI to receiver Web Service on legacy side until we get an ALEAUD IDoc back for the previous IDoc sent to the Web Service.
    How can we implement this?
    Is BPM necessary?
    As far as I know you can only set the QoS for sender adapters, and the SAP Idoc scenarios are always asynchronous. But we can implement a synchronous send step in a BPM with ALEAUD as response message. This will solve our problem, correct?
    Any other way? We would like to avoid using BPM.
    Any help with this is highly appreciated!

    Thanks for your reply, Udo:)
    I am currently building the BPM now.
    So, you are saying that I cannot create an inbound sync MI with input message IDOC and response message ALEAUD?
    We want to send ACC_GL_POSTING IDoc (or identical structure) to a Web Service and receive the ALEAUD from the legacy system through a Web Service published on XI. We want to relate these two so that the BPM finishes when it receives the ALEAUD, and can then send the next ACC_GL_POSTING IDoc.
    I have created the following objects in repository:
    MI_ACCGLPOSTING_ASY_ABS (in receive step in BPM)
    MI_ACCGLPOSTING_ALEAUD_SYN_IN (used for receiver interface towards legacy SOAP adapter)
    MI_ALEAUD_ASY_ABS (used for send step in BPM)
    I believe no mappings are necessary since we are not doing any conversions.
    Can you please confirm that this looks correct, and also provide what settings I need in Directory?
    Thanks a bunch!

  • Idoc to soap sync without bpm. is it possible? Helping me..

    Hi Experts,
    i have a small clarification Idoc to soap sync interface in sap pi 7.0. i created IDoc to Soap sync using BPM but some times the signals are stuck due to load issue in swpr, while reprocess those signals all going successfully to the receiver. So We are trying to eliminate BPM.
    I just wanted to know Idoc to Soap sync scenario without BPM is possible or not in SAP PI 7.0?
    if it is possible kindly send me the links
    Kiran polani

    Hi Kiran,
    Could you please let us know the exact requirement. How do you want to send the response back to IDOC?
    ASync - Sync Bridge with IDOC sender is not possible in PI 7.0.
    If It is something like IDOC --> SOAP --> IDOC , And If the SOAP request is small then you can use SOAP Lookup in IDOC to IDOC Scenario.
    In The mapping You can do a lookup and get the response from SOAP(Webservice) and map that to your Target IDOC.
    This is one possible way for you without BPM in PI7.0.
    Please let me know if you need more details about this.
    Jyothi A

  • IDOC to SOAP - Asynchronous message

    Dear friends,
    We are working on IDOC-SOAP scenario using Asynchronous communication. The Receiver has SSL Authentication as well. When we are sending requests, the Adapter Engine is showing below details in the Audit log:
    2009-01-13 07:11:40 Success MP: Processing local module localejbs/
    2009-01-13 07:11:40 Success SOAP: request message entering the adapter with user J2EE_GUEST
    2009-01-13 07:11:40 Success SOAP: Web Services Security processing...
    2009-01-13 07:11:40 Success SOAP: Web Services Security processing skiped. Empty body...
    2009-01-13 07:11:44 Success SOAP: completed the processing
    2009-01-13 07:11:44 Success SOAP: sending a delivery ack ...
    2009-01-13 07:11:44 Success SOAP: sent a delivery ack
    2009-01-13 07:11:44 Success MP: Leaving module processor
    2009-01-13 07:11:44 Success The message was successfully delivered to the application using connection SOAP_
    2009-01-13 07:11:44 Success The message status set to DLVD
    Why is it skipping the security settings ?
    Other issue : Webservices is giving some response ( Success in case of succesful processing else SOAP XML based Fault message when there is any error at receiver end).
    PI should be notified when there is a fault message from receiver. but we dont want that message sent back to SAP system. Its PI support person should be notified about this. How can I solve this without using BPM.
    highly appreciate for any inputs on this.

    You can not do that without BPM. You need wheels to move in a car. You can ask for a car that moves but does not have wheels. Wheels are meant for the movement. Similarly is BPM. May be few of the times you can skip the BPM, but not always.

  • SOAP to IDoc scenario without BPM

    I have 2 scenario's
    1) IDoc-SOAP - -response -- IDoc scenario -- (have found some links  to do it without BPM)
    2) SOAP -- RFC request -- RFC response -- e-mail (no links found)
    how can i achive both these scenario's without BPM. Currently i have these 2 scenarios in our 7.1 version with BPM. but our requirement is to migrate this scenario into 7.4 without BPM(No PO).
    please help us to achive this scenario without BPM.
    Your help is highly appreciated.

    Hi Kiran,
    Could you please let us know the exact requirement. How do you want to send the response back to IDOC?
    ASync - Sync Bridge with IDOC sender is not possible in PI 7.0.
    If It is something like IDOC --> SOAP --> IDOC , And If the SOAP request is small then you can use SOAP Lookup in IDOC to IDOC Scenario.
    In The mapping You can do a lookup and get the response from SOAP(Webservice) and map that to your Target IDOC.
    This is one possible way for you without BPM in PI7.0.
    Please let me know if you need more details about this.
    Jyothi A

  • IDOC to Soap  Webservice (Async/Sync scenario)

    is any can provide somesteps please

    Refer this thread
    Synchronous IDoc -> SOAP scenario
    Aashish Sinha
    PS : reward points if helpful

  • Failure in the SOAP Runtime: Employee Master Data Replication Using IDoc OTM_EMPL

    During employee master data replication from ECC to CfTE, we encountered the following error:
    Unexpected element -el=OTM_EMPL ns=urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:soap:messages
    We are using the 1402 WSDL for Replication of Employee Master Data with Employment Details (humancapitalmanagementmasterd2). The payload was not received in CfTE.
    Can anybody please advise how to resolve this issue?
    Thank you.

    Dear Joselito,
    This issue need deeper investigation in customer system.
    Kindly report an incident for SAP Support for further help.
    Rahul Mishra

  • How to update the Sent Idoc Status based on the Response From Webservice

    Hi All,
    I have to develop Idoc--SOAP Sync Process Scenario Using BPM .
    I have configured every thing using BPM and mapped
    MATMAS----SOAP Request
    In R/3  the Main Idoc Number(MATMAS) Status needs to be update , but it is creating the new Idoc with STATUS.SYSTAT01.
    I have used STATUS.SYSTAT01 Idoc to Update the status of the Original idoc based on the Response that is coming from webservice .
    I was posted the same thread a days ago and there Bhavesh suggested me some sugessions.
    How can we make the status of the Idoc based on some response Text
    iam unable to follow OR not able to clear my self on this.
    Please suggest me or give some over view kind of thing on this

    Hi Suman,
    It is clearly mentioned in SAP help that "SAP Intermediate Documents (IDOCS) are EDI like documents that are asynchronous in nature."
    So Your Scenario is Asynch(receive) - Synch(WS call) -Transformation (Multimapping)- Asynch(Send to R/3).
    now go in this way:
    you can develop all the message Interfaces  of  Abstract catagory (not manditory )
    MI_AA_MATMAS   -> Abstract Asynchronous message    interface for your Matmas IDOC
    MI_AS_SOAP_ReqandResp  -> Abstarct Syncronous MI for SOAP request and response.
    MI_AA_STATUS ->Abstract Asyncronous MI for Status Idoc
    MI_AA_SOAP_Req ->  Abstarct Asyncronous MI for SOAP request .
    MI_AA_SOAP_Res ->  Abstarct Asyncronous MI for SOAP response .
    Thats all in Message interface.
    your first reciever :
    (This will receive the message asynchronously from R/3)
    create a conatainer varaiable (say preceive) and assign it message interface MI_AA_MATMAS
    Now in thw Propert TAB of this step: give this message name.
    Step2: Synchronous call :
    create container Variable psoaprequest and psoapresponse  give abstract message interface MI_AA_SOAP_Req and MI_AA_SOAP_Req  resp.
    Now in thw Propert TAB of this step:
    Synchronous Interface : MI_AS_SOAP_ReqandResp
    Request Message : psoaprequest
    Response Message: psoapresponse
    Transformation Step :
    Here you will specify Interface Mapping that will conatain Multimapping between Synch Response - MATMAs and STATUS
    Let's name it as IM_ResandMatmasToStatus
    create a container variable as pstatus and assign it abstract interface MI_AA_STATUS.
    In Property pan of this step :
    Interface mapping :IM_ResandMatmasToStatus
    Source Message :psoapresponse
    (IT will ask you for two source messages as IM selected in this transformation has 2 source messages)
    Target Message :pstatus
    Send step:
    Select a message as pstatus.
    thats all in IR.
    If have doubt in ID just let me know.
    Sunil Singh

  • Inbound IDOC using  XML

    I need to create an Inbound IDOC using Function modules using an XML file as Input.
    I am using mySAP ERP 2004(WAS 6.4).
    IDOC type : HRMD_A05
    Message Type : HRMD.
    I am using the FM's in an ABAP report for testing, reading the data from the XML File using the FM GUI_UPLOAD .
    I tried using the FM <b>IDOC_INBOUND_XML_VIA_HTTP</b>,with import parameters XML_STREAM, CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_TYPE, REMOTE_ADDR.(ALL Type Strings)
    This FM creates the IDOC successfully but i do not get the status record for the IDOC as there are no export parameters or tables where i can get the value.
    I am trying using the FM <b>IDOC_INBOUND_XML_SOAP_HTTP</b>,with import Parameters as <b>XML_STREAM type XSTRING</b>,and there is the export parameter ASSIGN ,type IDOC_ASSIGN_TAB and i was wondering if this could return the status.
    I used the same XML and used the FM "SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING", to convert the file input string into XSTRING.
    On executing this i get the exception,"NO DATA RECEIVED" .
    Can anybody Please Tell me
    1)How to get the status of an IDOC if i use the FM IDOC_INBOUND_XML_VIA_HTTP ?
    2)How to use the FM IDOC_INBOUND_XML_SOAP_HTTP ?
    3)Is there any other way to create an IDOC with XML input?
    Siddhartha Jain

    HI Nagarajan,
    I had checked the first link mentioned by you and activated the required service from Transacttion SICF,but still it didn't help.
    The second link points to the IDOC Adaptor for XI,guess it won't help as i'm not using XI.
    I want to pass XML data read from file and call a FM which creates and posts and IDOC into R/3 and returns the IDOC Number and Status.
    The FM IDOC_INBOUND_XML_VIA_HTTP accepts xml as string and posts IDOC succesully,but i do not get the status and IDOC Number.
    The IDOC_INBOUND_XML_SOAP_HTTP accepts xml as xstring,so i used the FM SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING to convert the same xml string to xstring and pass it to the FM.But it gives an error 'NO DATA RECEIVED'.
    If i make few changes to the XML doc,to include SOAP envelope ,like
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><HRMD_A05>.......</HRMD_A05>
    <soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env=""><soap-env:Body><IDOC BEGIN="1">.......</IDOC></soap-env:Body></soap-env:Envelope>
    I get the error,the tag <IDOC BEGIN="1"> not found ,the IDOC XML should be of format <IDOC BEGIN="1"> <IDOC>.
    Can anybody please help on what to do/how to proceed.

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